Exploring the Diversity of Exoplanetary Atmospheres



Atmospheres in the

Super-Earth Era

Heather Knutson

Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences

California Institute of Technology

Artist’s impression of super-Earth Gl

667Cc (Image credit ESO/L. Calcada)

Everything* We Know About Exoplanet Atmospheres

Comes from Observations of Eclipsing Systems

The Kepler Telescope

(2009-2013) searched for new transiting planets in the constellation Cygnus

*Almost everything

– see talk by

Daniel Apai

Kepler Tells Us That Super-Earths are the

Most Common Kind of Planet

Petigura et al. (2013)

What are super-

Earths made of?

Composition as a Clue to Origin of

Close-in Super-Earths

Rocky planets form in situ

Ice line

Water worlds form far out and migrate in.

Premise: small planets grow by accreting solids, so bulk composition reflects that of the solids in the disk at the formation location.

A Mass-Radius Diagram for Exoplanets

Figure courtesy Leslie Rogers


From radial velocity or transit timing measurements

Mass and Radius Alone Don’t Uniquely

Constrain Super-Earth Compositions

The presence of thick atmospheres makes it difficult to determine bulk compositions from mass and radius alone.

Rocky core

Dragomir et al. (2013)

Water-rich envelope

H/He envelope

Good targets for atmosphere studies

Stars too faint

Water world (migrated from beyond ice line) or rocky with a H/He envelope (in situ formation)?

Transmission Spectroscopy as a Probe of

Atmospheric Composition




Wavelength-dependent transit depth tells us about composition of planet’s atmosphere.

Requires a relative precision of 10-100 ppm over several hours

Time From Center of Transit [d]

Hubble STIS transits of HD 209458b from 290-1030 nm (Knutson et al. 2007)

Constraining Atmospheric Mean Molecular

Weight With Transmission Spectroscopy

Compositions: solar

30x solar

50x solar



0 (steam)

50/50 H


0, CO








Scale Height


 kT g

Large scale height

Small scale height

Miller-Ricci & Fortney (2010)


HST Observations of Super-Earth GJ 1214b




WFC3 data

High altitude cloud layers can block absorption from the planet’s atmosphere.

Berta et al. (2012), Kreidberg et al. (2014)

What Might Form Clouds on GJ 1214b?

Condensate clouds like the Earth?

Photochemical hazes like Titan?

Zinc sulfide or potassium chloride (Morley et al. 2013)

Photochemistry converts methane to “soot” (long hydrocarbon chains)

Playing the Super-Earth Weather Lottery

Solar metallicity model

Pure water model

Solar metallicity, 0.1 mbar clouds

HD 97658b, Knutson et al. (2014b)

New frontiers for HST: Precision of 20 ppm with two transits vs 30 ppm with 12 transits for GJ 1214b. Enabled by new scanning mode .

Habitable Planets and the

Small Star Opportunity

Absorption During

Transit (%):

10 R p




Habitable planets are small and cold


 kT p

 g



Signal is largest for

M dwarf primaries mean molecular weight planets transiting bright, nearby M dwarfs. K2

(now) and TESS (2017) will change this.

The Small Star Opportunity I:

Atmosphere of a Low Density Earth

Kepler-138 (Kipping et al. 2014) :

Compact system of three super-Earths with periods of 10, 13, and 23 days

Simulated WFC3 Transmission

Spectrum of Kepler-138d

GO 13665, PI Benneke (6 transits)

Outer planet (d):

1.0 M


1.6 R


0.5 R



Rocky core

Hydrogen-rich or water-rich atmosphere?

Water-rich envelope

H/He envelope

Kepler-138d might be cool enough to host water clouds .

The Small Star Opportunity II:

A Habitable Zone Super-Earth from K2

Simulated HST Transmission Spectrum

8 transits

EPIC 201912552b

(Montet et al. 2015) :

2.3 R

Earth super-

Earth with a 33 day orbital period

50% rock, 50% water core

0.4 R


K=9 primary

Cool enough to have methane and ammonia. Can measure C/N ratio of planet’s atmosphere using WFC3 alone.

The Future of Atmosphere Studies

K2 (now) and TESS (2017) will identify all of the planets transiting bright, nearby M dwarfs.

The James Webb Space Telescope

(2018) will characterize their atmospheres in unprecedented detail, including potentially habitable super-Earths.

Conclusion: How Do Small Planets

Acquire Their Atmospheres?

Gas Giants

Super-Earths Implications for habitability?

Cloud compositions?

free planets to




Outgassed: melting of solids releases gas into atmosphere.

Primordial: hydrogenrich gas accreted directly from protoplanetary disk.

How does atmospheric composition vary with planet mass?

to scale.

Conclusion: What Can We Learn From

Atmosphere Studies of Small Planets?



Cloud compositions?

Can we pick cloudfree planets to study?



Primordial or outgassed atmosphere? Loss of light elements?

Breaking degeneracies in interior composition. Formation in situ or beyond ice line?

Planets drawn to scale.

Possible Condensate Cloud Species for GJ 1214b

50x solar models from

Morley et al. (2013)

Cloudy atmosphere model

Cloud-free atmosphere model

(Relatively) Clear Skies and Water

Vapor on Warm Neptune HAT-P-11b

Hydrogen rich (solar metallicity) model

Hydrogen rich + clouds

200x solar model

Pure water model





Wavelength ( μm)


Detection of water absorption places upper limit on atmospheric metallicity (Fraine et al. 2014)


Can we use emission spectroscopy to see through clouds at infrared wavelengths?

Metal-poor model (CH


/CO = 100)

Metal-rich model (CH


/CO < 0.001)

Can explain data if atmosphere has a metallicity of 300-2000x solar (Moses et al. 2013).

GJ 436b

HD 189733b is a

Models from Madhusudhan & with detectible features in its

Exoplanet Meteorology: Optical Wavelengths

Provide New Clues to Cloud Compositions

Transmission spectroscopy can constrain location and particle sizes for cloud layers.

Measurements of secondary eclipse can constrain cloud albedos.




Wavelength dependence of scattering scales with particle size.

Reflected light “color” constrains composition of cloud particles.

We don’t understand clouds well enough to predict in advance which super-Earths will have cloud-free atmospheres.

Optical Spectroscopy Can Break Degeneracy Between

Clouds and H-Poor Atmosphere for Super-Earths

HD 97658b H-rich + clouds

Cloud-free water

Simulated HST data

(GO 13665, PIs Benneke

& Crossfield)

Models from Benneke et al. (2012, 2013)

Proof of Concept for Albedo Measurements:

Reflected Light Spectrum for a Hot Jupiter

HD 189733b is blue!

Measure secondary eclipse at optical wavelengths for hot Jupiter

HD 189733 with HST/STIS.

Albedo is largest at short wavelengths (Evans et al. 2013).

This may be related to the presence of clouds (silicate?) detected via transmission spectroscopy.




A Hubble Space Telescope Transmission

Spectrum for Warm Neptune GJ 436b

Hydrogen-rich (solar) atmosphere model

Hydrogen-poor (1900x solar) model

Cloudy hydrogen rich (solar) atmosphere


Knutson et al. (2014); also see Ehrenreich et al. (2014) for observations of GJ 3470b
