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Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
Year 7 curriculum aims: To build on the skills and capabilities the students have acquired in primary school. Students will be working with a range of texts and be
required to produce a variety of written tasks. They will be working in groups and individually on these written tasks and on speaking and listening activities. This
will help them to develop their reading skills and their response to the text. Students will be encouraged to develop analytical skills and critical thinking.
Literary Timeline
Beowulf: Dragonslayer by Rosemary Sutcliffe
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Boy by Roald Dahl
Treasure Island by R. L. Stevenson
Resources/equipment: Moodle
Term 1 - June to October
Study of a range of texts from the literary timeline booklet
beginning with an excerpt from Beowulf and working
through the centuries up to the present day. Students will
develop their analytical skills and appreciation of how
language has developed through history.
Students will study a whole text as a class reader.
Term 2 - November to February
Students will study a whole text with a focus on Dickens’
style and development of character. They will also study
other techniques such as creating tension and
atmosphere in the Novel.
Reading of a whole non-fiction text with study of style and
presentation of character. A variety of activities is
provided to cover a range of writing styles.
Term 3 - February to May
Students will study a whole text from the canon of literary
heritage. In addition to this, there is a choice of units to be
covered which enhance the learning of the whole text and
which develop their analytical skills further.
Enrichment: The reading skills that students
develop through their Accelerated Reader lessons
will support the units of work.
Gifted and Talented: Parents/carers can help their child by encouraging students to read regularly and to
identify any key spelling strategies. Ensuring that home learning is completed on time and encourage
students to proof read.
Assessment/HEAT task
One reading, writing and speaking and listening
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Reading assessment showing awareness of author’s craft
and literary context.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Reading assessment testing analytical skills of how a
character is conveyed.
Writing assessment showing autobiographical style.
Assessment/HEAT task
Speaking and listening task
Writing assessment
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Staff: Mrs Scarff-Hurst:
Head of English
Miss N Fellows:
Acting Head of KS3
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
Year 7 curriculum aims: to build on the topics the students studied in primary school. Students will be working with familiar subjects but the work will be more advanced.
They will be working in classrooms and the aim of this year is to deepen students’ understanding of number work and ensure that a firm foundation is built. Communication
skills and functional mathematics will form an important part of this year’s learning.
Whole Numbers
Reflection and translation
Solving equations
Negative numbers
Term 1 - September to October
Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
Types of angles, measuring and drawing, basic angle relationships
Definition of a multiple. inding the lowest common multiple.
Replacing letters with numbers, BIDMAS
Term 2 - November to February
Working with fractions, decimals and percentages
Collecting like terms. Expanding single brackets. Forming algebraic expressions.
Defining the mean. Calculating the mean. Interpreting the mean in context.
Finding the Nth term. Generate sequences from a practical context.
Understand lines of symmetry, rotational symmetry.
Term 3 - February to May
Reflect shapes horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Translate shapes using vectors.
Solve linear equations with variables on one side.
Understand the probability scale. Create sample space diagrams. Calculate probabilities.
Calculate the area of 2D shapes.
Ordering. Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with negative numbers.
Assessment/HEAT task
Baseline tests and HEAT tasks
Completemaths mini assessments
End of term exam
Mini mocks every six weeks
Assessment/HEAT task
HEAT tasks – mathematical puzzles to
encourage thinking skills
Completemaths mini assessments
End of term exam
Mini mocks every six weeks
Assessment/HEAT task
HEAT tasks – mathematical puzzles to
encourage thinking skills
Completemaths mini assessments
End of year exam
Mini mocks every six weeks
Resources/equipment: Pen, Pencil, Ruler, Calculator
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Enrichment: Attend catchup sessions on Thursday after school to sort out any issues
arising in lessons. Enter the puzzle of the week competition.
Gifted and Talented
Extension activities offer depth of learning. These encourage the student to work
with either more complex tasks (i.e. which combine or apply learning objectives in
less familiar contexts) or provide them with a greater degree of complexity or
Parents/carers can help their child by encouraging students to learn the
meanings of keywords for each topic and ensuring that home learning is
completed on time.
Staff: Mr J Noblett. Head of Mathematics
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
Year 7 curriculum aims: To build on the topics the students studied in primary school and encourage the students to work safely and develop inquisitive minds. They will be
working in laboratories, carrying out experiments and recording and analysing their results. This will help them develop the critical skills needed to be an effective learner in
the field of science.
Parents/carers can help their child by encouraging
students to learn the meanings of keywords for each topic
and ensuring that home learning is completed on time
Be Scientific
Term 1 – September to October
Scientific laboratory skills, safety and data recording.
Assessment/HEAT task
3D structure of either plant or animal cell and explain the
function of the different organelles
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
Chemical Reactions
Motion and Forces
Acids and Alkalis
Animals, plants and specialised cells. The use of
Components of a circuit. Parallel and series circuits.
Term 2 - November to February
Renewable energy, energy transfers, the National Grid.
States of matter, kinetic theory and diffusion.
Physical and chemical reactions, reversible and
irreversible reactions, reactions of metals with acid and
Sex cells, fertilisation, pregnancy, contraception and IVF.
Balanced diet, alcohol, drugs and smoking.
Term 3 - February to May
Contact and non-contact forces, mass and weight, speed
and time.
pH scale, indicators and neutralisation.
Variation of species, genes and DNA structure.
Plant organs and photosynthesis.
Habitats, interdependence, food webs and insect
Alfie Cloud assessment
End of module test
Year 7 exam week Mini mocks every six weeks
Assessment/HEAT task
Research into a new wind farm which is going to be built at
Alfie Cloud assessment
End of module test
Year 7 exam week
Mini mocks every six weeks
Assessment/HEAT task
Select a creature that lives in the rainforest habitat. You
need to explain how it is adapted to live in its natural
Alfie Cloud assessment
End of module test
Year 7 exam week
Mini mocks every six weeks
Resources/equipment: Pen, pencil, ruler,
Enrichment: attend Science Club Tuesday
and Talented: Extension activities encourage thelunchtime-carry
student to work out
more complex
experiments and
investigations. Join the Science Scholars.
programme and study BTEC Level 3 Applied
Showmyhomework. Help resources library.
Art & Design
Year 7 curriculum aims: students will be introduced to the formal elements of art and create a range of work, exploring a wide range of media. Students will be encouraged
to engage and respond to the work of other artists, gaining invaluable knowledge, skills and understanding about how works are produced and the meaning behind them.
The formal elements
Term 1 - September to November
Students will learn about Line, Tone, Texture and Pattern. They will experience a wide range of
media, including drawing, painting, mixed media and clay. They will learn techniques such as
Assessment/HEAT task
Every 6 hours (fortnightly). Students
receive a grade A-F and effort rating.
Staff: Mrs S.McFall, Head of
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
shading, blending, colour mixing, carving and applied decoration. They will study artists such as
Rachel Wilson and Pablo Picasso.
Term 2 - November to February
This project allows the students to learn about the proportions of the face, human figure and
identity. They will study a range of contextual references including Julian Opie and Michael
Craig Martin, discovering how other artists portray the human figure and how objects have
different values and can be representational of us as people.
Term 3 - February to May
This project is all about collage. The students will learn the various collage techniques such as
assemblage, digital and Photomontage. They will study artists such as Richard Hamilton, David
Hockney and Joseph Cornell.
Extended writing homework (HEAT
tasks) following the theme of the project.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Every 6 hours (fortnightly). Students
receive a grade A-F and effort rating.
Extended writing homework (HEAT
tasks) following the theme of the project.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Every 6 hours (fortnightly). Students
receive a grade A-F and effort rating.
Extended writing homework (HEAT
tasks) following the theme of the project.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Resources/equipment: Pen, pencil, ruler, pencil colours, rubber, sharpener.
Enrichment: Art club every Wednesday, 3.10 - 4.10pm. All Welcome! Different activity
every week.
Gifted and Talented:
Extension activities offer depth of learning. These encourage the student to work
with either more complex tasks (i.e. which combine or apply learning objectives in
less familiar contexts) or provide them with a greater degree of complexity or
Parents/carers can help their child by encouraging students to learn the
meanings of keywords for each topic and ensuring that home learning is
completed on time.
Staff: Mrs S. Campbell
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
Year 7 curriculum aims: The Year 7 Computing curriculum aims to give students a balance of experience across the three strands of Computer Science, Information Technology and
Digital Literacy. Students will be developing their skills in terms of problem solving and computational thinking. They will understand and be able to apply fundamental computing concepts
such as variables, conditionals, algorithms and logic (Units 7d and 7e); they will be able to analyse and solve problems by applying these concepts. They will be able to evaluate and apply
information technology analytically to solve problems (7c, 7b and 7f). Students will also learn how to stay safe online and use hardware/software responsibly (7a).
7a – e-Safety Project
7b - Spreadsheets and Modeling
c - Morecambe Carnival (Digital
7d - Control Systems
7e - Game Development using
7f – Website Development
Term 1 - June to October
Using the school network and file management.
Staying safe on the Internet – Identify possible threats/dangers and discuss appropriate
ways of staying safe.
Use appropriate software to produce a leaflet/presentation/animation to inform and
advise other students how to stay safe online.
Battleships game to introduce cell references. Making use of spreadsheet functions.
Formatting cell values. Creating graphs from data.
Term 2 - November to February
Work to a brief to create a variety of digital products including a logo, leaflet and a
spreadsheet model. Investigate how audience and purpose can affect a design and how
to tailor solutions to a given scenario.
Investigating algorithms. Using flowcharts to represent an algorithm. Investigating the
use of inputs/outputs
Controlling an appropriate model (eg. traffic light system) using an algorithm.
Using procedures/subroutines
Term 3 - February to May
Using the built-in editing tools to design a character/background. Using variables.
Using loops and conditionals to control the flow of a program.
Investigating the WWW. Design a web page for a specified audience/purpose.
Investigating HTML and CSS – What is a stylesheet and how/why is it used?
Assessment/HEAT task
Baseline assessment
Create an animation on an aspect of e-Safety.
Complete online assessment on Moodle.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Practical modelling task mini project/assessment.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Written task to evaluate the effectiveness of the finished product
referring back to the original brief.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Create a suitable flowchart to control the operation of a mimic (model).
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Create a game using the online Scratch editor that includes some
elements of looping, conditional statements and variables.
Mini mocks every six weeks
Peer Review task using Moodle workshop
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Resources/equipment: all resources will be available on
Moodle from September 2015. Mindstorms robots for use with
the Control unit.
Enrichment: Attend KS3 programming club. Access resources on
Moodle. Make use of coding websites such as Codecademy and
the Scratch online editor.
Gifted and Talented: extension activities available on Moodle
to stretch and challenge higher ability students. These activities
will aim to develop their skills in computational thinking and
Parents/carers can help their child by encouraging their child to
work through some of the many resources available that are
designed to teach students programming and computational
thinking skills. Scratch is available for free online and is an
excellent resource for developing skills within programming.
Staff: Mr. K. Moore
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
Design and Technology
Year 7 curriculum aims: students will be given an introduction into the various aspects of Design and Technology at Heysham High School. This first year will be given over
to learning basic skills in all DT subject areas. At the beginning of the year students will sit a baseline test allowing us to identify areas of need and ability across the year
Food Technology
Term 1 - September to November
Students will learn basic hand sewing skills to produce a pencil case. They will print their
own fabric using dye sublimation technology. When hand sewing skills are mastered
students will learn how to use the sewing machine to create their zip opening pencil case.
All work is supported with a written and drawn portfolio.
Term 2 - November to February
Students are introduced to the food room, looking at safety and hygiene. Basic skills are
taught, starting with how to use the knives safely. Recipes are then taught to develop and
demonstrate these skills. Students then learn how to use the hob, grill and oven safely
whilst applying these skills following a recipe. Washing up and clearing away are also
useful skills that are taught during this time.
Term 3 - February to May
CAD/CAM will introduce students to the CAD package, Techsoft 2d Design; this will enable
them to design and make a product. For example, students will produce a wearable badge
which they have designed, drawn (on 2d) and assembled themselves. Once students
understand the fundamentals of 2d Design they will work independently on 2d design to
create their product.
Assessment/HEAT task
Gold book tasks are set half termly to show
students’ progression in the subject.
Extended writing homework (HEAT tasks)
include redesigning school uniform.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
A year 7 food written exam will be completed.
HEAT tasks include such things as restaurant
reviews and are set as per timetable to allow
students to complete extended writing.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Gold book tasks are set half termly.
HEAT tasks are based on research about
designers and their work. The outcome will
be levelled and an OEGSIP grade given.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Resources/equipment: Pen, pencil, ruler, pencil colours, rubber, sharpener.
Enrichment: A Textiles and Engineering Scholars group takes place every Tuesday
and Friday at 8am; students need to apply in writing to be a part of the programme.
Gifted and Talented
Extension activities offer depth of learning. These encourage the student to
work with either more complex tasks (i.e. which combine or apply learning
objectives in less familiar contexts) or provide them with a greater degree of
complexity or abstraction.
Parents/carers can help their child by encouraging students to learn
the meanings of keywords for each topic and ensuring that home learning
is completed on time.
Staff: Mrs S Williams, Head of Design -
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
Year 7 curriculum aims: Students will be experiencing Geography as an explicit subject for the first time and so the aim of the Year 7 curriculum is to introduce students to
an understanding of what Geography is, the range of topics encompassed and to establish some basic geographical skills. All year 7 students are taught to confidently use
and interpret maps at a variety of scales, from world and continent maps in atlases, to large scale Ordnance Survey maps. They develop their descriptive and analytical
skills through a variety of interesting and relevant topics.
Term 1 - June to October
OS Map Skills
Global Map and Atlas Skills
Rivers and Flooding
Students will first develop an understanding of what Geography as a subject is, and be able to
differentiate between human, physical and environmental Geography.
The focus will then move to types of maps and some basic OS map skills including direction,
distance, map symbols and grid references.
Term 2 - November to February
Students will develop a further understanding of the globe, being able to differentiate between
a capital, a country and a continent and being able to label all continents, oceans and several
countries on a world map.
There will be a focus on using an atlas to find out information including recognition of the
different types of political, relief and thematic maps found.
Term 3 - February to May
Looking at national and regional recent events, students will study the physical processes which
take place in a river basin and using this knowledge will develop an understanding of how
flooding events occur and can be exaggerated by human activity.
A case study of Boscastle in Cornwall and flooding in Bangladesh will be delivered.
Assessment/HEAT task
To create a treasure island map
incorporating all of the map features
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Students to undertake an independent
research task of a country of their
choice and produce an appropriate
profile presentation.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Research a recent river flood event and
present as a newspaper or magazine
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Resources/equipment: Pen, pencil, ruler, calculator
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Enrichment: A walk along the promenade in Morecambe looking at coastal flooding and sea
defences is incorporated into the curriculum in the summer term.
Gifted and Talented:
Extension activities offer depth of learning. These encourage the student to work with either
more complex tasks (i.e. which combine or apply learning objectives in less familiar
contexts) or provide them with a greater degree of complexity or abstraction.
Parents/carers can help their child by encouraging students to learn the meanings
of keywords for each topic and ensuring that home learning is completed on time.
Staff: Mrs Spooner, Head of Geography
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
Year 7 curriculum aims: to allow the students the opportunities to expand on previous learning at primary school but also engage them with the past whilst developing key
historical skills. The aim of the staff is to give students a better insight into the history of Britain as well as opening their minds to how Britain has been affected by other
countries and cultures.
Term 1 - June to October
The Norman conquest of England
The reigns of King Richard and King John
The Tudors
Students will look at the original problems that arose in 1066 in regards to
the succession in England and the possible candidates to the throne.
The students will follow a chronological timeline that covers a number of
important events and terms in History, including: The Battle of Hastings,
Feudalism, The Domesday Book and the developments of Castles.
Term 2 - November to February
Students will look at a number of different sources and interpretations of the
different monarchs. They will use sources to analyse their impact on society
and compare their different legacies.
The students will question the reliability of sources and look at important
historical events like the signing of the Magna Carta and the Crusades.
Term 3 - February to May
Students will look at the developments of the monarchy through the
example of the Tudors. Students will look at the strengths and weaknesses
of each of the monarchs: Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I and
Elizabeth I.
Content will focus on the change in religions, marriage, war and stability
across the entire period.
Resources/equipment: One year old textbooks that cover the
period across all the year 7 topics.
Enrichment: Students will be given the
opportunity to visit Lancaster castle to cover
the strategic importance of castles.
Gifted and Talented:
Students will be given several opportunities to extend their writing
The students will be able to complete extension tasks in homework
and class activities with access to IT rooms and a set of class
Parents/carers can help their child by
encouraging further reading into each topic.
There are several excellent KS3 books that are
relevant to the above topics.
As well as encouraging reading, parents/carers
should focus on improving homework through
Assessment/HEAT task
How could 10,000 Normans conquer and maintain power in
England after 1066? (Knowledge based)
HEAT Task- A project on castles developing from Motte and
Bailey to stone walled castles.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Which King was the most successful at leading and why? (Source
HEAT Task- Students will be asked to undertake a research
project on the Crusades, focussing on what consequences were
there to Britain because of them.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Does ‘Bloody Mary’ deserve to be remembered as Bloody Mary?
(Historical interpretations)
HEAT Task- Which monarch was the most successful and why?
(fact finding and explanation task).
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Staff: Mr. K. Doyle and Mrs S. McVernon
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
MFL: French, German and Spanish
Year 7 curriculum aims: To experience a language taster year in three languages: French, German and Spanish. To start developing a sound grammatical
awareness in the three languages.
French Topic
Talking about my leisure activities and my
German Topic
Talking about my school
Spanish Topic
Talking about my friends and family
Term 1 - June to October
This is a grammar based content scheme of work:
. Phonics
. Question words
. Alphabet
. Modals
. All pronouns
. Numbers
. The present tense
. Giving opinions and justifications
Term 2 - November to February
This is a grammar based content scheme of work:
. Phonics
. Question words
. Alphabet
. Modals
. All pronouns
. Numbers
. The present tense
. Giving opinions and justifications
Term 3 - February to May
This is a grammar based content scheme of work:
. Phonics
. Question words
. Alphabet
. Modals
. All pronouns
. Numbers
. The present tense
. Giving opinions and justifications
Studio, Stimmt, Viva Activelearn softwares.
Moodle, Show my homework
Enrichment: French, German, Spanish penpals, Skype.
Trips abroad. Link with Uni of Cumbria.
Lunchtime and after-school homework clubs.
Gifted and Talented: Extension activities. Reading of
semi-authentic and authentic materials (poems, songs,
magazine articles).
Parents/carers can help their child by helping and
testing their child on the vocabulary taught in lessons.
Assessment/HEAT task
Heat task: writing a Level 3/4 paragraph about my passion.
Listening, reading, speaking and writing assessment on the
topic Leisure Activities and Hobbies.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Heat task: writing a Level 3/4 paragraph about my ideal
Listening, reading, speaking and writing assessment on the
topic School.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Heat task: writing a Level 3/4 paragraph about my family.
Listening, reading, speaking and writing assessment on the
topic Friends and Family.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Staff: I Mauboussin, Head of MFL
E. Shirley, Head of German
C. Wells, Teacher of French and Spanish
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
Year 7 curriculum aims: Students will complete a range of units of work which should give them a solid knowledge and understanding on the basic principles of music
making. They will explore these concepts through practical music making, listening to a variety of music styles and composition.
Group Performing & Taster Sessions
Elements of Music
Notation & Composing Melodies
Keyboard Skills
Instruments of the Orchestra
Term 1 - June to October
Students will immediately be taking part in group and whole
class performances; singing, performing on keyboards, ukuleles
and percussion instruments. As well as enabling all students to
make music as soon as they start the subject, this will also give
students the opportunity to discover the extra-curricular music
groups the department offers.
Term 2 - November to February
In groups, students explore the Elements of Music by composing
and performing a Graphic Score.
Students will learn basic traditional staff notation (both rhythm &
pitch), then compose a melody using the computer software.
Term 3 - February to May
Students will learn to perform simple melodies on the keyboard,
with the possible extension work of more complex pieces
introducing sharps (#) and flats (b).
Students will explore the traditional instruments of the orchestra
through different listening exercises.
Assessment/HEAT task
Students will be assessed on their practical performing
HEAT – Evaluation on group performing
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Students will be assessed on their performance of their
graphic score.
HEAT – To learn the elements of music.
Students will be assessed on their melodic composition.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
Students will be assessed on their keyboard performances.
Students will be assessed on different listening exercises.
HEAT – Create an information sheet about a family from
the instruments of the orchestra.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Resources/equipment: Pen, pencil, ruler
Show my homework
Optional resource: computer software musescore (a free & safe
software programme).
Enrichment: Instrumental lessons are offered to all students
on various instruments. These lessons are £45 per term (10
lessons). Other weekly extra-curricular groups are also offered
(singers, ukulele group & samba band). Students are also
given the opportunity to take part in the many concerts and
Gifted and Talented: More complex tasks can be offered for all
students in all units of work, eg. Keyboard performance
demanding a greater level of dexterity and technique.
Parents/carers can help their child by encouraging students
to listen to a wide range of music (especially any relevant to
the above) and to complete HEAT tasks.
Staff - Mrs. R. Spence, Head of Music
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
Performing Arts
Year 7 curriculum aims: To build on the topics the students studied in primary school. Students will be working with familiar subjects but the work will be more advanced in
preparation for year 8. They will be exploring both practical and theoretical topics related to dance and drama. This will help students to develop particular skills in a variety
of dance and drama disciplines. Choreographing, creating, performing and responding skills will be built on throughout the year.
Rock N Roll/Bollywood/Still Life at the
Penguin Cafe
Robin Hood/Mini Scripts/Soap opera
Rock N Roll/Bollywood/Still Life at the
Penguin Cafe
Robin Hood/Mini Scripts/Soap opera
Rock N Roll/Bollywood/Still Life at the
Penguin Cafe
Robin Hood/Mini Scripts/Soap opera
Term 1 - June to October
Students will learn the key skills and terminology related to the
different topics including lift and partner work. These skills will be
used to choreograph duets, quartets and groups.
Students will learn skills relating script, voice, pitch, tone,
characterisation, body language, projection and stage presence.
Term 2 - November to February
Students will learn the key skills and terminology related to the
different topics including lift and partner work. These skills will
be used to choreograph duets, quartets and groups.
Students will learn skills relating script, voice, pitch, tone,
characterisation, body language, projection and stage presence.
Term 3 - February to May
Students will learn the key skills and terminology related to the
different topics including lift and partner work. These skills will be
used to choreograph duets, quartets and groups.
Students will learn skills relating script, voice, pitch, tone,
characterisation, body language, projection and stage presence.
Resources/equipment: Interactive white board,
CD player, DVD player, music, YouTube, props etc.
Gifted and Talented: Teach younger students in
after school and lunch clubs. Lead year 7 sessions
during warm-ups and choreography tasks.
Enrichment - Lunchtime club
Assessment/HEAT task
July- Duet/Quartet/Group assessment.
Heat task: Power point on each dance style.
October-Group performance.
Heat task: Power point on each piece studied.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
July- Duet/Quartet/Group assessment.
Heat task: Power point on each dance style.
October-Group performance.
Heat task: Power point on each piece studied.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Assessment/HEAT task
July- Duet/Quartet/Group assessment.
Heat task: Power point on each dance style.
October-Group performance.
Heat task: Power point on each piece studied.
Mini mocks every six weeks.
Staff: Mrs. T. Winters, Head of Performing Arts
Parents/carers can help their child by providing students
with kit and appropriate clothing to move in. There will
be trips throughout the year which we would always
like all students to attend.
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
Physical Education
Year 7 curriculum aims: Depending upon the students’ prior learning and ability level, the basic skills are taught in each sport, progressing to more advanced skills
as and where appropriate. Tactics and leadership skills will also be starting to develop. Students are also encouraged to acquire evaluating and analysing skills, to
improve their own and others’ performance.
Baseline Assessment
Football & Fitness
Hockey & Gymnastics
Netball & Badminton
Rounders & Athletics
Cricket & Tennis
Term 1 - September to December
In the first half term at high school the Year 7s are all baseline assessed in a variety of different sports to
determine which group they will be in for PE lessons.
Football – basic passing, dribbling, shooting and ball control skills. Basic rules and regulations involved
in football.
Fitness - In Year 7 the focus is distance and the students are introduced to the cardiovascular machines
in the fitness suite; they are taught how to read the machines in order to determine how far they have
Rugby – Running with the ball, passing, receiving, tackling, rules, scoring and game play.
Term 2 – January to March
Hockey – basic ball carrying, passing and receiving, basic defending and small sided games.
Gymnastics – In Year 7 the focus in gymnastics is basic skills which includes; balance, travel and routine
Netball – basic ball familiarisation, passing, receiving, shooting, attacking and defending techniques.
Badminton – Racket and court familiarisation, basic shots and tactics involved in badminton.
Basketball – Dribbling, passing, catching, shooting, tackling, rules and game play.
Term 3 – April to July
Rounders – Throwing and catching, bowling, batting and basic fielding techniques.
Athletics - Students will cover all athletics events including track and field, and will develop
understanding of the rules and regulations involved in athletics events.
Cricket – Batting grip and stance, bowling, throwing, catching, fielding, rules and game play.
Tennis – Forehand and backhand groundstrokes, volleys, serves, rules, scoring and game play.
Resources/equipment: Full PE kit including: skort/shorts, shirt,
rugby shirt, socks, trainers, football boots and a hair bobble for
long hair.
Gifted and Talented: Extension activities to offer depth of
learning. Coaching and leadership opportunities both inside and
outside of school. Opportunities to represent school in fixtures,
matches and competitions.
Enrichment: Gymnastics, rugby, netball, athletics,
tenanis, football, trampolining, cheerleading, hockey,
cricket, basketball clubs. Competing for school in
various fixtures, tournaments and competitions.
Assessment/HEAT task
Final assessment of performance in lesson 6. Peer
and self-assessment tasks throughout the topic.
Assessment/HEAT task
Final assessment of performance in lesson 6. Peer
and self-assessment tasks throughout the topic.
For Gymnastics there is an individual performance at
the end of the topic to assess their progress.
Assessment/HEAT task
Final assessment of performance in lesson 6. Peer
and self-assessment tasks throughout the topic.
For Athletics we award points for each event and
each student will receive a certificate based upon
their point score.
Staff: Mrs. S. Roberts
Parents/carers can help their child by ensuring their
child has full PE kit for every PE lesson and
encouraging their child to take up at least one
enrichment activity.
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.
Year 7 Curriculum Information Booklet
Sports Scholars
Year 7 curriculum aims: This course aims to provide the students with an opportunity to participate in a number of activities which may not be available during normal PE
curriculum time. It will contribute to the development of a range of skills, including those which are sport-specific and those which can be transferred to other areas.
Students will be encouraged to support and coach each other, as well as developing their own ability.
Introduction to the course and familiarisation.
Sports Skills and Leadership
Sports Skills and Leadership
Term 1 - September to December
Fun activities which will allow the students to meet each other and
increase their confidence.
Activities to develop teamwork, communication and leadership skills.
An introduction to the safe and effective use of the fitness suite will take
place. Other activities such as trampolining and volleyball.
Term 2 - January to March
Team games, tag rugby, gym, ultimate frisbee, lacrosse. There will also
be the opportunity to do some coaching and leadership of other students
in the group.
Term 3 - April to July
Danish longball, softball, kwik cricket and further enhancement of the
athletics work in core PE.
Leadership skills will be further developed.
Full school PE kit – shirt, shorts/skort, socks.
Trainers with laces NOT pumps.
Gifted and Talented:
Participation in school sports clubs, leadership
festivals. Involvement in sporting activities outside
Extra-curricular sports clubs, trips.
Assessment/HEAT task
Ongoing teacher assessment each lesson
with summative assessment at the end of
each activity.
Self and peer assessment.
Assessment/HEAT task
Ongoing teacher assessment each lesson
with summative assessment at the end of
each activity.
Self and peer assessment.
Assessment/HEAT task
Ongoing teacher assessment each lesson
with summative assessment at the end of
each activity.
Self and peer assessment.
Staff: Mr. T. Fletcher
Parents/carers can help their child by ensuring
the student brings correct, full kit to every lesson
and encouraging them to apply themselves fully to
all activities. Encouragement of a healthy and
active lifestyle through a balanced diet and
opportunities to be as active as possible. See
Change4Life for ideas:
With courage, determination, scholarship and compassion, anything is possible.