Islam Unit 2, SSWH 5 a & c

Unit 2, SSWH 5 a & c
How did the religion Islam expand?
SSWH 5 a & c
Explain the origins of Islam and
the growth of the Islamic
Explain the reasons for the split
between Sunni and Shia
Origins of Islam
• Muhammad (founder), Allah sent
him an angel, Gabriel – Muhammad
was told he is a messenger.
• Islam: “submission to
the will of Allah” in Arabic
• Muslim: “one who has submitted”
• Muhammad: considered the last &
greatest prophet
• 5 Pillars: Faith, Prayer, Alms, Fasting,
& Pilgrimage
• People are responsible
for their own actions
• Qur’an or Koran: Muslim holy book
• People follow the Sunna
(Muhammad’s example) & Shar’ia
Religion Divides
• Muhammad died in 632 A.D. &
didn’t tell how to choose a
successor (caliph)
• Muslims split over the next caliph:
Sunni and Shi’a
• “Rightly Guided Caliphs” 4 were
chosen after Muhammad’s death:
loyal friends of Muhammad
• Believed Muslim rulers should
follow the Sunna, Muhammad’s
• Believed Ali, Muhammad’s son-in-law,
should have succeed Muhammad
• Believed Muslim rulers should descend
from Muhammad
The LAST Word…
Create an ACROSTIC by brainstorming all
the things you remember about ISLAM:
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Contributions To
The World
Unit 2, SSWH 5 b & d
How did the religion Islam expand?
SSWH 5 b & d
Identify the Muslim trade routes to
India, China, Europe, and Africa
and assess the economic impact of
this trade.
Identify the contributions of Islamic
scholars in medicine (Ibn Sina) and
geography (Ibn Battuta).
Trade & Economy
• Major trading network.
• Connected China, Europe, & India
• Muslims only needed to speak
Arabic & one currency, Abbasid dinar
• Muslims created banks for trade &
“sakk” (checks) (prevented travelers
from being robbed)
Impact on Society
• Education:
Encouraged within Muslim Culture
House of Wisdom—preserves knowledge
Schools of philosophy, medicine, language and
large libraries
• Medicine: knowledge of Greece, Syria, Arabic,
Indian sources
Al-Razi: greatest physicians – wrote books on
medicine, Discovered that clean air can help
heal you faster
Impact on Society
• Medicine:
Ibn-Sina: Discovered tuberculosis is contagious, can
spread through water & soil, person’s emotional
health is influenced by the physical health, 1st to
describe: Meningitis, parts of the eye, &valves of
the heart
• Geography:
Ibn-Battuta: Muslim Explorer who traveled over 75,
000 miles and to every Muslim land, detailed map
information and worked for foreign leaders
Impact on Society
• Math:
Al-Jabr: wrote a book on a math technique
today we call Algebra
• Science:
Ibn-Alhazen: wrote a book called Optics
• Art:
The Thousand and One Nights
Using these words create a meaningful
sentence which explains Muslims
contributions to the world.
Silk Road Dinar Sakk Al-Razi
Ibn-Sina Mecca
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Muslim Empires
Unit 2, SSWH 12 a & b
What were the origins and
contributions of the Ottomans, Safavid,
and Mughal empires?
a. Describe the geographical extent of the
Ottoman Empire during the rule of
Suleyman the Magnificent, the Safavid
Empire during the reign of Shah Abbas I,
and the Mughal Empire during the reigns
of Babur and Akbar.
b. Explain the ways in which these Muslim
empires influenced religion, law, and the
arts in their parts of the world.
Ottoman Empire
(Modern Turkey)
• Ruler: Ottos I, Suleyman-Known as the Magnificent for
his court & cultural achievements, created a law code
• Rise to Power: Conquers Constantinople 1453, uses
cannons in warfare
• Law:Simplified taxation & govt., everyone wanted in
the army = rights &education
• ReligiousToleration: Christians & Jews (ppl of Book)
• Art:Cultures (religion, art, architecture, language,
trade) spread
• Decline: Weak leadership…slow decay…ends after
Safavid Empire
(Ancient Persia/Modern Iran)
• Ruler: Shah Abbas I, Golden Age (time of
• Rise to Power: Religious Movement
• Law: based on sharia
• Religion: Began Sufi but gained power as
• Art: Revival of Persian Culture
• Decline: weak leaders
Mughal Empire
(Modern India)
• Leaders: Babur: brilliant general, formed Mughal
Empire & Akbar: means “Greatest One” (grandson of
• Rise to Power: Babur’s military victories
• Law: Govt. run by different foreign officials
• Religion: Muslim but abolished tax on Hindus
• Art: Taj Mahal
• Decline: Weak Economy and defeat by Hindu
Maratha Empire
* Both Safavid and Ottoman declined (poor
What do the Ottomans, Safavid,
and Mughal empires have in
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Unit 2, SSWH 5 e & f
How did the religion Islam expand?
SSWH 5 e
Describe the impact of the Crusades
on both the Islamic World and
Analyze the relationship between
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Crusades, 1093-1204
• Byzantine emperor Alexius Comnenus
called for help against the invading
• Pope Urban II called for a “holy war”, to
regain control of the Holy Land
(Byzantine Empire & Jerusalem)
• At least 9 different Crusades over this
time period (1-4 the most notable)
Impact on Europe
• Christian Europe continues dislike
towards Muslims
• Kings & church were able to have
quarrelling knights sent off
• Second sons & others, who wouldn’t
inherit anything, left home to make
something of themselves
• Economically: trade increased
• Jerusalem stayed within the control of
the Muslims, but agreed that Christians
could visit
• Weakened & lessened the power of the
• Kings power increased, fewer knights &
feudal land lords to go against kings
Impact on Muslim World
• Muslims disliked Christians
• Persecution of Muslims:
• Spanish Inquisition and Reconquista
• Economy weakens from lack of trade
• Culture spreads from interaction
with European knights
1 Word Summary
Write one word that summarizes
the Crusades…
Write 2-3 sentences explaining why
you chose that word.