5 Pillars of Islam - North East Islamic Community Center

word "Islam" is an Arabic word which
means "submission to the will of God". This word
comes from the same root as the Arabic word
"salam” , which means "peace". As such, the
religion of Islam teaches that in order to achieve
true peace of mind and surety of heart, one must
submit to God and live according to His Divinely
revealed Law.
The most important truth that God revealed to
mankind is that there is nothing divine or worthy
of being worshipped except for Almighty God,
thus all human beings should submit to God. The
word "Muslim" means one who submits to the
will of God, regardless of their race, nationality
or ethnic background.
Islam Worldwide
Islam Worldwide
Islam is not a new religion, but a continuation of
the same message and guidance that God revealed
to all previous prophets.
According to the Holy Qur’an
God says, “Say, we believe in God and that which
has been revealed to us, and that which was
revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the
tribes and that which was given to Moses and Jesus
and to other Prophets, from their Lord. We make no
distinction between any of them, and to Him we
submit” (2:136)
• Allah is Arabic word for "God”
• “Allah” is a unique term and it has no plural or gender
• There is only One True God. Judaism, Christianity
and Islam all have roots within the "Abrahamic Faith",
and all of them are also classified as "monotheistic".
• "Allah" is the same word that Arabic-speaking
Christians and Jews use for God.
 There is only One Supreme Being who has
no partners and is not dependent on anyone or
anything. God is the Creator of everything and
the whole universe is in the Creator’s control. God
is the only One worthy of being worshipped.
Muhammed (p.b.u.h.)
 Born 570 A.D. to the tribe of Quraish
 Labeled “Al Ameen” (the honest and
trustworthy) even before the revelation
 The last messenger from God (as
believed by Muslims)
 Role model that all Muslims should
 God says: “We have not sent you except
as a mercy to all creation” (21:107)
Beginning of Revelation
 One day when he was in the Cave of Hira, The Revelation
came down to him unexpectedly and the Angel Gabriel said, to
him: "Read". He said, ‘I cannot read!’ There upon the Angel took
him and hugged him until he could bear it no more. Then Gabriel
released him and said, ‘Read’. He said, ‘I cannot read!’ Gabriel
hugged him a second time until he could bear it no more. Then
Gabriel left him and said: ‘Read’. He again said, ‘I cannot read!’
Gabriel hugged him for the third time until he could bear it no
more. Then Gabriel left him and said, “Read, in the name of your
Lord and Cherisher, Who created- Created man out of a (mere)
clot of congealed blood. Read, for your Lord is Most Bountiful,
He who taught (the use of) pen-Taught man that which he
knew not” (96:1-5)
Beginning of Revelation
• Then he came home and narrated to his wife what had happened, and
said, “I fear for my life'. She said; `No never! Be of good cheer. By
God, never will God debase you: you treat the kindred well, you speak
the truth, you bear the burden of the helpless, you help the poor, you
entertain guests, and you do good works.' Then she took him to Waraqah
bin Naufal, who was her cousin. He had become a Christian in preIslamic days, wrote the Gospel in Arabic and Hebrew. After Waraqah
listened to what happened to him, he said; `This is the same Angel of
Revelation which God had sent down to Moses. Would that I were a
young man during your Prophethood! Would that I were alive when
your tribe would expel you!' The Holy Prophet said: `Will they expel
me?' Waraqah said, `Yes, never has it so happened that a person brought
what you have brought and was not treated as an enemy. If I live till
then I would help you with all the power at my command.' But not very
long after this Waraqah died.”
First Believers
The Messenger Muhammad patiently and quietly started
teaching his friends and family members about Islam. This
period of teaching lasted for three years and the total
number of people who embraced the new religion during
this time was less than thirty.
His Dedication
 The non-believers were more startled and
disturbed. Threatening had failed, hence they tried
to bribe him with wealth, honor, women and even
kingship. The Messenger's simple answer to this
“If they place the sun in my one hand and the
moon on the other, even then I shall not desist from
performing my sacred mission.”
His Patience and Mercy
 On one occasion when our beloved Messenger went
to Taif, a nearby town, to preach the message of
God, he was mercilessly attacked and stoned by the
people. While suffering these tortures, Messenger
Muhammad said:
'O God, show them the right path because they
do not understand.'
Immigration to Medina
• For five years the suffering of the believers
multiplied day by day. In spite of these trials,
however, more persons joined them each day. By
this time the people of the city of Medina, who
used to visit Mecca each year, had heard of the
Messenger's message. Many of them embraced
his teachings and they urged the Messenger to
come to Medina. Although the Meccans decided
to assassinate him and end his mission
permanently, God revealed their evil design to the
Messenger, and he was able to escape unharmed.
When the Messenger and Abu Bakr arrived in
Medina, they were welcomed with great joy by the
• In Medina the mission of the Messenger entered into
its second and final phase, that of an organizer of a
community based on the Divine law. While the
revelations he received in Mecca were primarily
concerned with the matters of faith, the revelations
which were given to the Messenger at Medina cover a
broad range dealing with all aspects of human
conduct. The religion was a way of life for the
individual and for the community, and every aspect of
life is bound by its laws and practices.
A Living Example
• Although toward the end of his life the Messenger was
the head of a large nation, his way of life was
extremely simple and austere. At times he and his
household lacked even basic necessities. In all his
words and deeds, he was a living example of the
teachings of divine decree. Many of his sayings and
actions have been recorded through his companions in
the collections called hadith or the traditions of the
Messenger to serve as a guide to Muslims.
Conqueror of Hearts
 In 628, Muhammad negotiated a truce with the
Meccans and in the following year returned as a
pilgrim to the city's holy sites. But upon the
Meccans’ abuse and assassination of Muslims,
Muhammad was given permission to conquer
Mecca. When he entered the city, Muhammad
acted generously to the Meccans, saying that
'No blame is on you this day. Go to your homes,
for you are all free.'
Completion of the message
 On June 8, 632, at the age of sixty-three, less than a
decade after he had set off from Mecca with his
small band of followers, Muhammad passed away.
 Muslims to this day respect Muhammad as the
embodiment of the believer who is on the path to
perfection and take his actions and sayings as a
model of ideal conduct.
The main scripture and one of the basic sources of
Islamic teachings and laws
 It is considered the literal word of God that was
revealed to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel over a
period of 23 years
 The original and complete text of the Quran is
available to everyone in Arabic, the language in which it
was revealed
 Translations of the meaning
languages are widely used
What does The “Qur’an” cover?
Deals with the foundations of creeds, morality, the
history of humanity, worship, knowledge, wisdom, the
relationship of people to God and God to people, and all
aspects of interpersonal relationships
 Teaches humankind the purpose of one’s life and the
duties and obligations toward oneself, family, relatives,
community, fellow human beings, and The Creator
What does The “Qur’an” cover?
A linguistic miracle
 Accurate scientific facts
 Stories of people and places in the past with vivid
Pillars of Belief
God (Allah)
Revealed Books
Revealed Messengers
Day of the Judgment
Belief in God
 Tawheed (Monotheism)
Unity:1 Say: He is God, the One and Only
Unity:2 God, the Eternal, Absolute;
Belief in Angels
Gabriel (Archangel)
Isra’il (Angel of Death)
Mikhail (Angel of the seasons)
Israfil (Courier of the day of the judgment)
Revealed Books
 Torah (Moses)
 Zaboor (David)
 Gospel (Jesus)
 Qu’ran (Muhammed)
Revealed Prophets
2:213 Mankind was one single nation, and God
sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings;
and with them He sent the Book in truth, to judge
between people in matters wherein they differed;
but the People of the Book, after the clear Signs
came to them, did not differ among themselves,
except through selfish contumacy. God by His
Grace Guided the believers to the Truth,
concerning that wherein they differed. For God
guided whom He will to a path that is straight.
Revealed Prophets
God informed us of twenty-five of them in the Qur’an:
John the Baptist
Day of Judgement
• Belief in the Hereafter
• Accountability of how you lived your life
• Balance of both good and bad deeds
Kader (Predestination)
• Predestination
• Freewill
Pillars of Islam
Shahadah (Declaration of Faith)
Salat (Prayer)
Zakat (Charity)
Sawm (Fast)
Hajj (Pilgrimage)
Shahadah (Declaration of Faith)
• Believe in no god but one God, and
Muhammed (PBUH) is His last messenger.
Salat (Prayer)
• Worship 5 times a day
after sunset
Zakat (Charity)
• Eligible Muslims pay alms, an annual basis
that helps to “purify” their wealth.
• Zekat can be given to the poor, orphans, and
needy in society.
• Zakat consists of giving 2.5% of one’s
accumulated wealth
Zakat (Charity)
• Obligatory charity giving is an act of worship and
spiritual investment. Zakat does not only purify the
property of the contributor but also purifies his heart
from selfishness and greed. It also purifies the heart
of the recipient from envy and jealousy, from hatred
and uneasiness and it fosters instead good-will and
warm wishes for the contributors. It also frees
society from welfare, distrust and corruption. The
contributor should not seek pride or fame but if
disclosing his name and his contribution is likely to
encourage others, it is acceptable to do so.
• Fasting is from sunrise to sunset
• Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan
• Fasting helps Muslims:
build will-power
feel compassion
purify body
strengthen their community relations
2:183 O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to
you as it was prescribed to those before you, that
you may (learn) self-restraint
Hajj (Pilgrimage)
• It is obligatory to make the pilgrimage to Mecca for
Muslims who can afford it physically and financially,
at least once in a lifetime.
• Muslims from all walks of life, from every corner of
the globe assemble in Mecca in response to the call
of God.
• It is to commemorate the Divine rituals observed by
the Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael, who
were the first pilgrims to the Ka'bah.
• It is also to remember the great assembly of
the Day of Judgment when people will stand
equal before God.
Hajj (Pilgrimage)