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BUS 663

Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Students learn to conduct market analysis through the use of research, historical performance, analysis, and theory. Marketingrelated decisions are made, using the study of target markets, feasibility analysis, and media mix options. Students learn to identify new entrepreneurial opportunities and develop plans for new ventures or existing business acquisitions.

OUR MISSION ...................................................................................................................................................................3

COURSE OVERVIEW ...........................................................................................................................................................3

MBA P ROGRAM O BJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................... 3

C OURSE L EARNING O BJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................. 3

L EARNING R ESOURCES ........................................................................................................................................ 4

COURSE POLICIES ..............................................................................................................................................................4

T ECHNOLOGY R EQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 4

W RITING S TANDARDS AND R ESOURCES .................................................................................................................. 5

C LASS P ARTICIPATION AND L ATE P OLICY ................................................................................................................. 6

A CADEMIC R ECYCLING P OLICY .............................................................................................................................. 6

C OURSE C OMMUNICATION .................................................................................................................................. 6

I NSTRUCTOR Q UESTIONS AND G RADING ................................................................................................................. 6

C OURSE AND U NIVERSITY E VALUATION .................................................................................................................. 6

STUDENT ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................................................................................7

D ISCUSSION F ORUMS ....................................................................................................................................... 7

W EEKLY Q UIZZES .............................................................................................................................................. 7

G ROUP A SSIGNMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 7

F INAL E XAM ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

C OURSE G RADING ........................................................................................................................................... 7

ASSIGNMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 10

W EEK O NE – S CARCITY AND E CONOMICS .............................................................................................................. 10

W EEK T WO – D EMAND , S UPPLY , AND E LASTICITY ................................................................................................... 10

W EEK T HREE – F IRM P RODUCTION , C OSTS , AND P ERFECT C OMPETITION ...................................................................... 12

W EEK F OUR – M ONOPOLY AND I MPERFECT C OMPETITION ....................................................................................... 13

W EEK F I V E F INANCIAL M ARKETS AND THE E CONOMY ........................................................................................... 14

W EEK S IX – T HE R ELATIONSHIP B ETWEEN U NEMPLOYMENT AND I NFLATION ................................................................. 15

W EEK S EVEN – T HE R OLE OF M ONEY AND M ONETARY P OLICY ................................................................................... 16

W EEK E I G H T – F I SC AL P O L I C Y A N D T H E E C O NO M Y ...................................................................................... 17

COURSE MAP ................................................................................................................................................................ 19


Our Mission

Executive Academy of Scottsdale is committed to providing high-quality distance learning graduate business education to a diverse group of learners in a flexible, affordable, and student-centered academic environment.

Our programs empower students to achieve career advancement and personal enrichment, and become expert global leaders committed to the application of sound business practices in corporate governance, entrepreneurship, and service to the community.

Course Overview

MBA Program Objectives

Students who successfully complete the Master of Business Administration degree program will be able to:

 Critical Thinking: solve managerial problems using critical thinking skills and quantitative analysis;

 Ethical Reasoning: evaluate the moral and ethical principles practiced in the organizational setting;

 Team Development: analyze the use of managerial and leadership skills to develop productive teams;

 Decision Making and Execution: research business information to support the decision making process and execute decisions;

 Effective Communication: assess internal and external communication practices used in business; and

 Global Thinking: analyze business opportunities and challenges from a global perspective.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Analyze and show how and why it’s necessary to attract and/or retain consumers by creating a value chain throughout the retail process from product creation to placement and post-purchase experiences.

 Assess why consumers make buy decisions based on socio-economic situations.

 Identify how marketing research helps to identify which consumers may or will be likely to purchase what is being sold.

 Recognize how communication changes such as Social Media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter or Instagram effect of market structure on firm behavior and market outcomes, creating demand for a product or service.

 Describe how sales professionals influence purchase decisions and what ethical considerations must be accounted for.


 Analyze how customer loyalty and satisfaction relate to both marketing and economic conditions relative to the consumer and/or retailer.

 Identify how prices plays a role in purchase decisions what do consumers expect in return for their money

Learning Resources

Required Text

Tanner, John F. Jr. & Raymond, Mary Anne. (2014). Principles of Marketing, v. 2.0 (Flatworldknowledge Study

Pass). Retrieved from

Course Policies

Student rights and responsibilities and detailed EAS academic information and policies can be found in the EAS University Catalog. The catalog can be accessed, electronically, through EAS web-site

. Specific student responsibilities, policies, requirements, and standards applicable to online coursework are provided below. All university policies apply to students taking this course.

Technology Requirements


Students must have the following competencies:

 Ability to access course and program material on the Internet;

 Ability to correspond with University staff, faculty, and students through email and the Internet.

System Requirements

The following system configuration and software are recommended:

Platforms: Mac OS X 10.2 or higher or Windows XP or higher;

 Hardware: 256 Mb RAM, CD-ROM, and 1 Gb free disk space;

Productivity Software: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel 2003 or higher; Adobe Reader 8.0 or higher;

Web Browser: Firefox 3.0 or higher, Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher, Safari 4.0 or higher, or Chrome;

Networking: 56k dialup modem, DSL, or Cable modem;

 Email: Outlook, Outlook Express, Mac Mail, Eudora, Entourage, or Yahoo/Hotmail/Gmail.

The following are recommended for optimal performance

 Productivity Software: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel 2007 or higher;

 Networking: Broadband Internet connection (DSL, cable, or other).


Writing Standards and Resources

General Guidelines

The following writing standards apply to assignments as part of this course.

 All individual and group papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or

Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.

 All papers must be formatted according to APA Guidelines listed below. Cited sources must be given appropriate credit through inclusion in a reference list at the end of the paper, as well as an appropriately formatted in-text citation must be used.

 Paper size guidelines are provided so that students can appropriately focus their writing within a specified scope. Students should consider these guidelines as approximations, although a significant deviation on either side of the guideline may be subject to grade penalties.

APA Guidelines

EAS has adopted the use of APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines for use in written assignments, including papers and discussion posts. These guidelines govern document formatting, organization, style, and citations. The use of APA guidelines for discussion posts is limited to the development of in-text citations and reference lists. A more informal writing style is otherwise acceptable for discussion posts.

Below are some sources of additional information about APA style, which are publicly available information.

1. APA Style website from the American Psychological Association

2. The OWL (Online Writing Lab) from Purdue University

3. The BibMe website to automatically generate APA citations for paper bibliographies.


EAS takes academic honesty very seriously. Students are expected to always submit original work, and outside sources should be appropriately credited whenever used. Works that require citation include, but are not limited to, hard copy or electronic publications (copyrighted or not), communication (verbal or otherwise) originating from identifiable sources. Academic dishonesty occurs when: students use words or ideas that are not their original work in assignments, citations are not included for all used outside sources, work is recycled from another course taken by the same student (unless agreed with the instructor in advance), documents, such as transcripts or diplomas are forged, etc. (EAS University Catalog, 2012)

Faculty members are trained and encouraged to try and prevent plagiarism in their classes. Some steps in that direction are for a faculty member to make it very clear, through announcements or assignment instructions, what constitutes plagiarism (as well as the potential consequences), and how assignments and citations should be formatted. Both students and faculty members are encouraged to check assignments through a plagiarism checking software. Instances of plagiarism are addressed immediately.

(EAS University Catalog, 2012)

Academic Research


Academic research and papers must meet quality standards recognized by the academic community.

Research should include Primary (original) or Secondary credible sources written by experts in the area of study. Peer-reviewed journal articles are required in major course written assignments.

Educational websites such as Wikipedia, Investopedia or others are not recommended for academic research and referencing in course assignments.

Class Participation and Late Policy

Students are expected to participate and actively contribute to class assignments (including discussions), demonstrating knowledge of the concepts and theories studied, and the ability to apply that knowledge when analyzing current events, assigned case studies, or real business questions from their own organizations and communities. Assignments should be completed timely and within the posted deadlines. Limited extensions of time may only be granted for unexpected business, health, or personal emergencies, whenever those are communicated in advance of missing a due date. All late submissions, otherwise, will result in a late penalty of

10% per day that the assignment is late. In the rare occurrence of a technical issue preventing students from submitting assignments on time, the late penalty will not be applied, provided the technical issue is universitywide and outside of the control of individual students.

Academic Recycling Policy

Re-using of papers submitted for other courses, is generally, not acceptable. Partial recycling may be allowed, provided that the student receives permission from the faculty member, given the individual circumstances for each assignment. Using coursework from a previous class, partially or in its entirety, without explicit prior approval of the faculty member may result in a failing grade for the assignment.

Course Communication

Our MBA programs place a high importance on effective written communication. We encourage you to visit the classroom daily, and to participate in classroom discussions a minimum of 3 days per week. Students are expected to contribute a minimum of 8 substantive posts per week in order to earn participation credit.

Faculty and students will use the in-course messaging system to exchange private communications related to the course. For questions that concern the majority of the students in the class, it is best to post the question in the respective forums assigned for process questions in the virtual classroom.

Instructor Questions and Grading

Questions posted in the course classroom and sent via the course messaging system or email will be answered within 48 hours. Personal information and questions related to grading must be handled via private communications in order to protect students’ privacy rights. Discussion board grades will be posted within 48 hours after the end of each week, i.e. by end of day each Tuesday. Individual and Written

Assignment grades will be posted within 72 hours after the end of each week, i.e. by end of day on

Wednesday after the week they are due. Final grades will be posted within 7 days after the course ends, i.e. by end of Sunday following the end of the course.

Course and University Evaluation

Students are asked to submit a course evaluation at the end of their course. Your feedback is very important to your university and faculty members. Your feedback will allow us to improve the quality of our programs and ensure successful and productive student experience for future cohorts.


Student Assessment

Students have a number of opportunities to demonstrate learning through the measures of evaluation provided below. Please, use the table below to identify the days of the week as referenced in this section. Please, note that each week starts with Monday and ends with Sunday.

Day 1 Monday

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Discussion Forums







Each Week there will be discussion activities, which require critical thinking and responses that are based in theory, readings, current events, and personal experiences. All discussions pertaining to the topics of a particular week must take place within that week. Students should plan to begin participating in discussions early in the week, so as to allow a substantive discussion and exchange of ideas to take place within the week.

Weekly Quizzes

Every week, there will be quizzes offered in the online classroom, which consist of multiple-choice problems. Quizzes are meant for practicing of the concepts and theories studied in class. Quizzes can be taken multiple times and are scored automatically.

Individual Assignment

Students are required to complete the individual written assignments listed in the Assignments section.

Final Exam

There is a final exam, which is administered in the virtual classroom and is open for students throughout

Week 8. The final exam may include a variety of question types, including definitions, calculation problems, or analysis from all topics covered throughout the term.

Course Grading

MBA Program Grading Philosophy

Students should note that the average grade for EAS is a grade of “B”. Students, whose performance is solid and meets expectations consistently, can expect to earn this grade. Our university is very focused on ensuring that classes are not grade inflated and as such, grades of “A” are only provided for those assignments and activities for which a student goes beyond expectations. Please, note that per university policy, grades less than B are not meeting standards of graduate school competency and students whose cumulative GPA falls below B are subject to being placed on Academic Probation or Dismissal, as detailed in the University Catalog .


Course Grading Rubric

The following grading rubric will be used in evaluating student work in discussions and written assignments.





Frequency of

Participation for


Organization and


Above Expectations

(A range)

Student uses relevant, professional or personal experience in a unique and insightful manner that adds substantially to the knowledge on the topic.

Student thoroughly addresses all elements of the question and demonstrates an advanced knowledge of the theory behind the question

Student responds in a substantive manner to

Discussion Questions or colleagues’ responses at least 8 times during the respective week as counted in all discussion forums together.

Writing contains very few, if any, minor errors related to grammar, spelling, sentence structure or clarity. Student properly cites resources, if applicable

Meet Expectations

(B range)

Student uses relevant, professional or personal experience.

Student addresses most of the elements of the discussion question, and demonstrates a basic knowledge of the theory behind it.

Student responds in a substantive manner to

Discussion Questions or colleagues’ responses at

least 5 times during the respective week as counted in all discussion forums together.

Writing contains errors related to grammar, spelling, sentence structure or clarity, but the errors do not impact understanding of the content. Student cites resources, if applicable.

Below Expectations

(C-F range) relevant, professional or personal experience to the topic.

Student poorly applies

Student fails to address a majority of the elements in the discussion question, and does not demonstrate basic knowledge of the topic.

Student responds nonsubstantively to

Discussion Questions or colleagues’ responses and/or responds less than 5 times during the respective week as counted in all discussion forums together.

Writing contains errors related to grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and citations, and the errors impact the clarity of the post.

Course Grading Breakdown

Please note that there are no D grades or plus or minus signs.

Letter Grade









69 and below


Grading Percent Breakdown

Discussion Forums

Individual Quizzes

Individual Assignment

Final Exam






100 %



Week One

– Marketing and its Evolution

Marketing is more of a concept than people buying products or renting services. The ways in which businesses marketed themselves, their products or services was done in a manner to primarily convince consumers to buy a particular product from a particular organization. That generated profit and both the consumer and retailer were satisfied. In our current era, companies spend large sums of money to have organizations research consumers in order to determine what they want to buy and why. There’s also an economic aspect attached to the purchase decision which must be identified and explained.


 Define marketing and outline its components.

 Describe how the various institutions and entities that engage in marketing use marketing to deliver value.

 Explain the role marketing plays in individual firms and society as a whole.

Assignments Overview

Assignment Due Date

Post your Introduction Day 1 (1st post)

General Readings Discussion Day 3 (1st post)

Test Your Understanding Quiz Day 7


Discussion Forum

Discussion Forum




Tanner, John F. Jr. & Raymond, Mary Anne. (2014). Principles of Marketing, v. 2.0 (Flatworldknowledge

Study Pass). Retrieved from Chapters 1-2

Discussion Forums

Participate in the following Discussion Forums:

1. Due by Day 1 . Post your Introduction on the discussion forum titled, "Post Your Introduction." Briefly introduce yourself to your cohort and faculty member. Please provide some basic information about yourself. Tell the class why you are taking this course and what you hope to learn from it. You are free to identify your level of knowledge or experience with marketing and entrepreneurship as part of your introduction. Make sure to read your peers’ postings as well and welcome at least two of them to the class.

2. Initial Post Due by Day 3 . General Readings Discussion. Read the assigned textbook chapters and post an overview of the readings - discuss the concepts and theories presented. Use your personal experience or work examples, to clarify or illustrate the concepts. Respond to some of your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.


Week Two

– Factors Impacting Buy Decisions

This week, we want to examine the reasons why people buy the things they do. Are consumers impacted more by need or emotion when it comes to making a purchase? Do businesses as customer/consumers react differently than individuals when making buy decisions?


 Describe the personal and psychological factors that may influence what consumers buy and when they buy it. Explain what marketing professionals can do to influence consumers’ behavior.

 Explain how looking at lifestyle information helps firms understand what consumers want to purchase.

 Identify ways in which business-to-business (B2B) markets differ from business-to-consumer (B2C) markets. Explain why business buying is acutely affected by the behavior of consumers.

Assignments Overview

Assignment Due Date Format

General Readings Discussion Day 3 (1st post)

Events in Entrepreneurship


Day 5 (1st post)

Test Your Understanding Quiz Day 7

Discussion Forum

Discussion Forum




Tanner, John F. Jr. & Raymond, Mary Anne. (2014). Principles of Marketing, v. 2.0

(Flatworldknowledge Study Pass). Retrieved from Chapters 3-4


Events in Entrepreneurship materials posted on the course web-site.

Discussion Forums

Participate in the following Discussion Forums:

1. Initial Post Due by Day 3 . General Readings Discussion. Read the assigned textbook chapters and post an overview of the readings - discuss the concepts and theories presented. Use your personal experience or work examples, to clarify or illustrate the concepts. Respond to some of your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.

2. Initial Post Due by Day 5 . Events In Entrepreneurship Discussion. Read the information posted under this discussion forum. Summarize the materials and analyze them using concepts and principles learnt in this week’s reading materials. Respond to some of your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.


Week Three

– Understanding Market Segmentation

Consumers are individuals and as individuals, they reflect individual preferences. Marketing officials need to understand who they are going to be supported by and why. That saves on committing resources to attract consumer awareness. The marketing offering has to be assessed in terms of who is being marketed to in order to create an effective plan or strategy.


Distinguish between target marketing and mass marketing and explain what led to the rise of each. Describe how targeted marketing can benefit firms. Explain why companies differentiate among their customers.

Understand and outline the ways in which markets are segmented. Explain why marketers use some segmentation bases versus others.

Understand the people involved in creating and managing offerings. Recognize the differences in organizing product marketing for consumer versus B2B companies.

Assignments Overview

Assignment Due Date Format

General Readings Discussion Day 3 (1st post)

Events in Entrepreneurship


Day 5 (1st post)

Test Your Understanding Quiz Day 7

Discussion Forum

Discussion Forum




Tanner, John F. Jr. & Raymond, Mary Anne. (2014). Principles of Marketing, v. 2.0

(Flatworldknowledge Study Pass). Retrieved from Chapters 5-6


Events in Entrepreneurship materials on the course web-site.

Discussion Forums

Participate in the following Discussion Forums:

1. Initial Post Due by Day 3 . General Readings Discussion. Read the assigned textbook chapters and post an overview of the readings - discuss the concepts and theories presented.

Use your personal experience or work examples, to clarify or illustrate the concepts. Respond to some of your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.

2. Initial Post Due by Day 5 . Events In Entrepreneurship Discussion. Read the information posted under this discussion forum. Summarize the materials and analyze them using concepts and principles learnt in this week’s reading materials. Respond to some of your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.


Week Four

– Bringing New Products to Market

When a marketing campaign is conducted, how should the campaign be constructed; do you look first to individuals, seek out a niche or target demographic? How does the use of resources impact what you do as a marketer? The product always has a life cycle and as marketers, we need to know or predict how long consumer demand for the product should last so we know when to begin reducing our resource commitment to producing the product and allocate them to more profitable areas


 Identify an effective process for creating offerings and bringing them to market. Understand the relative importance of each step in the new-offering development process and the functions within each step. Distinguish between the various forms of testing and analysis that take place before a new offering is brought to the market.

 Explain how organizations manage offerings after introduced to the marketplace. Explain how managing an offering may be different in international markets. Explain the product life cycle and the objectives and strategies for each stage.

 Explain what channel power is and the types of firms that wield it. Describe the types of conflicts that can occur in marketing channels. Describe the ways in which channel members achieve cooperation with one another.

Assignments Overview

Assignme nt

Due Date

General Readings Discussion Day 3 (1st post)


Discussion Forum

Test Your Understanding Quiz Day 7 Quiz

Paper Assignment Day 7 Written Assignment


Tanner, John F. Jr. & Raymond, Mary Anne. (2014). Principles of Marketing, v. 2.0 (Flatworldknowledge

Study Pass). Retrieved from

. Chapters 7-8.

NOTE: No Events in Entrepreneurship discussion this week.

Discussion Forums

Participate in the following Discussion Forums:

Initial Post Due by Day 3 . General Readings Discussion. Read the assigned textbook chapters and post an overview of the readings - discuss the concepts and theories presented. Use your personal experience or work examples, to clarify or illustrate the concepts. Respond to some of your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.

Written Assignments

Individual paper assignment due by Day 7.

We have been focusing on the idea of marketing and entrepreneurship mostly from a conceptual standpoint. This activity is focused on you, the individual. Go to the following website: and take the quiz to see if you


have what it takes to become an entrepreneur. If the link isn't working, you can find similar quizzes on becoming an entrepreneur online and just use one of them. Write an evaluation of the quiz discussing whether or not you found it to be on target or that you disagreed with the results and as always, be specific with your responses. What I’m looking for is to see how well you can present and defend a point of content as evidence of critical thinking. The paper should be at least 500 words.

Week Five

– The Supply Chain and Logistics

Consumers appreciate a fair exchange of product or service for the money they spend. The function of the product or service is to provide the consumer with something they cannot produce on their own or having to do so in an inefficient manner. The supply chain and logistics employed by organizations are relative to marketing as you have to get product into the hands of consumers. The economic aspect is identified as retailers need to procure a sufficient quantity to have on hand to meet consumer needs. Inventory /supply control along with storage and transportation serve to meet that need.


 Explain why sourcing and procurement activities are an important part of supply chain management. Describe the reasons why the use of outsourcing and offshoring has grown. Explain

 some of the drawbacks companies face when they outsource their activities.

Explain why demand planning adds value to products. Describe the role inventory control plays

 when it comes to marketing products. List the reasons why firms collaborate with one another for the purposes of inventory control and demand planning.

Understand the role warehouses and distribution centers play in the supply chain. Outline the transportation modes firms have to choose from and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Assignments Overview

Assignment Due Date Format

General Readings Discussion Day 3 (1st post)

Events in Entrepreneurship


Day 5 (1st post)

Test Your Understanding Quiz Day 7

Discussion Forum

Discussion Forum




Tanner, John F. Jr. & Raymond, Mary Anne. (2014). Principles of Marketing, v. 2.0 (Flatworldknowledge

Study Pass). Retrieved from

. Chapters 9-10.


Events in Entrepreneurship materials posted on the course web-site.

Discussion Forums

Participate in the following Discussion Forums:


Initial Post Due by Day 3 . General Readings Discussion. Read the assigned textbook chapters and post an overview of the readings - discuss the concepts and theories presented. Use your personal experience or work examples, to clarify or illustrate the concepts. Respond to some of


your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.


Initial Post Due by Day 5 . Events In Entrepreneurship Discussion. Read the information posted under this assignment. Summarize the materials and analyze them using concepts and principles learnt in this week’s reading materials. Respond to some of your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.

Week Six – Marketing Communication

Marketers cannot always market a product the same way to a group of consumers, culture and other social or political factors must be accounted for in order to convince the consumer the business is worthy of their support.

You may notice if you travel how a TV commercial uses scenery, people of various ethnic backgrounds or even the overall message being addressed. The purpose is to convince the consumer the business’s product is worthy of buying. Communication in marketing is a crucial element.


 Understand what integrated marketing communications (IMC) are. Understand why organizations may change their promotional strategies to reach different audiences.

 Understand the different components of the promotion (communication) mix and why organizations may consider all components when designing the IMC program.

 Understand the difference between types of communication targeting many people at one time versus targeting individuals.

Assignments Overview


General Readings Discussion

Events in Entrepreneurship


Test Your Understanding Quiz

Due Date

Day 3 (1st post)

Day 5 (1st post)

Day 7


Discussion Forum

Discussion Forum




Tanner, John F. Jr. & Raymond, Mary Anne. 2014). Principles of Marketing, v. 2.0 (Flatworldknowledge

Study Pass). Retrieved from

. Chapters 11-12


Events in Entrepreneurship materials posted on the course web-site.

Discussion Forums

Participate in the following Discussion Forums:


Initial Post Due by Day 3 . General Readings Discussion. Read the assigned textbook chapters and post an overview of the readings - discuss the concepts and theories presented. Use your personal experience or work examples, to clarify or illustrate the concepts. Respond to some of your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.

2. Initial Post Due by Day 5 . Events In Entrepreneurship Discussion. Read the information posted under this assignment. Summarize the materials and analyze them using concepts and principles


learnt in this week’s reading materials. Respond to some of your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.

Week Seven – The Role of the Professional Seller

There are those who enter the field of marketing and find it to be a rewarding profession. It is important that from the start, a marketing firm or business help the sales professional be as good as they can be. Training, marketing support and evaluations can be used to help prepare individuals to know how to sell a product or service. The sales professional needs to be effective and/or informative in giving a sales presentation as a means of persuading the consumer to make the purchase transaction.


Recognize the role professional selling plays in society and the firms’ marketing strategies. Identify the different types of sales positions.

Understand the types of selling relationships firms seek. Be able to select the selling strategy needed to achieve t Understand satisfaction and satisfaction strategies. Design a customer satisfaction measurement system. Describe complaint management strategies.

Apply general ethical principles and concepts to online marketing. Explain the laws that regulate online and other types of marketing.

Assignments Overview


General Readings Discussion

Events in Entrepreneurship


Test Your Understanding Quiz

Due Date

Day 3 (1st post)

Day 5 (1st post)

Day 7


Discussion Forum

Discussion Forum




Tanner, John F. Jr. & Raymond, Mary Anne. 2014). Principles of Marketing, v. 2.0

(Flatworldknowledge Study Pass). Retrieved from

. Chapters 13-



Events in Entrepreneurship materials posted on the course web-site.

Discussion Forums

Participate in the following Discussion Forums:

1. Initial Post Due by Day 3 . General Readings Discussion. Read the assigned textbook chapters and post an overview of the readings - discuss the concepts and theories presented. Use your personal experience or work examples, to clarify or illustrate the concepts. Respond to some of your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.


2. Initial Post Due by Day 5 . Events In Entrepreneurship Discussion. Read the information posted under this assignment. Summarize the materials and analyze them using concepts and principles learnt in this week’s reading materials. Respond to some of your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.

Week Eight – The Importance of Pricing

Marketers must be able to relate the price of a product of a service to the consumer or demographic group’s ability to pay. You will see regular car lots in many suburban areas because the idea is the residents there will buy an affordable car. You may often see upscale car lots in the same area for the same reason. Economically, it makes good marketing sense for the marketing effort be targeted to consumer with the highest demand for the product or service in addition with the ability to afford the product or service.


Understand the factors in the pricing framework. Explain the different pricing objectives organizations have to choose from.

Understand the factors that affect a firm’s pricing decisions.

 Identify the role of the marketing audit.

Assignments Overview

Assignment Due Date Format

General Readings Discussion

Test Your Understanding Quiz

Final Exam

Day 3 (1st post)

Day 7

Day 7

Discussion Forum





Tanner, John F. Jr. & Raymond, Mary Anne. 2014). Principles of Marketing, v. 2.0

(Flatworldknowledge Study Pass). Retrieved from

., Chapters 15-


NOTE: No Events in Entrepreneurship discussion this week.

Discussion Forums

Participate in the following Discussion Forums:

Initial Post Due by Day 3 . General Readings Discussion. Read the assigned textbook chapters and post an overview of the readings - discuss the concepts and theories presented. Use your personal experience or work examples, to clarify or illustrate the concepts. Respond to some of your colleagues’ posts. All responses must be completed by Day 7.


Final Exam

Our course has focused on marketing and its relationship to entrepreneurship. The creator of a new product or service who intends to establish it as a marketable venture has to consider several aspects as they attempt to get the business opportunity going. Your final exam will be in an essay format based on a hypothetical scenario. A grading rubric is provided to help you structure your responses and the more your content adheres to the rubric, the better the score.

THE FINAL EXAM “The Ponce Deleon Drug”:

You are the marketing manager for Ydnar Drugs, a pharmaceutical company that was founded in 1935. In 2000,

Brad Marchand, one of your top chemists and researchers while conducting routine tests on one of lower selling drug products accidentally discovers when combining that drug with another drug your company produces, the resulting compound showed promises of slowing the aging process. Over the past 12 years, Marchand has tested and evaluated the compound and the results conclusively prove that in all cases, the drug does indeed slow/retard the aging process. Testing has been conducted on volunteer human subjects over the past six years with no evidence of side effects. Marchand while pleased with the results is not necessarily convinced the drug going by the name

“Sniurb 13” is totally safe for human consumption and use. He discusses the pros and cons of bring the drug to market with company CEO, David Krejci. Krejci sees an opportunity to make a major financial score with the drug and insists that it be brought to market. Despite his objections, Marchand follows orders and the company announces the drug is in the final stages of testing and when it passes FDA regulations within the next 5 years,

Sniub 13 will come to market. The public initially warms to the idea of an “anti-aging” drug and some even begin to refer to it as the “Ponce Deleon” drug after the explorer who searched for the “Fountain of Youth”.

Successful entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Jennifer Compton expresses interest in investing in the manufacture and sale of the drug for a guaranteed 10% of the gross sales revenue both foreign and domestic.

Your assignment is to discuss the pros and cons of bringing the drug to market and draft a memorandum to

Krejci explaining the position the company should take. This final exam essay should contain 250-500 words and cover issues relative to the launch of this new product and how it should be marketed, if you agree that it should come to market and identify the challenges/rationale, if you disagree. You may wish to use course’s weekly assignment headings as a way to develop your response and again, keep in mind the requirements of the grading rubric. The total value of the exam is 100 points and submission is due by the end of the day Monday.

Final Exam Grading Rubric


THESIS and CONTENT (Development)

The essay has a thesis—a single, central point that is interesting, original, striking and substantial. The central idea is developed in the essay through well-chosen, appropriate, concrete details that show originality and freshness. Author shows rather than merely tells. Generalizations and assertions are defended. Arguments are logical.



24 total maximum



The essay is organized and well structured (there is a beginning, a body, and a conclusion). The essay exhibits a clear strategy for persuasion and pattern of development

(chronological order, spatial order, comparison/contrast, etc.). The organization works with the thesis so that the thesis and the organization contribute to serving the purpose of the essay. Essay does not digress from central point. Transitions help the paper flow smoothly. Introductory paragraph(s) is (are) interesting and appropriate. Concluding paragraph is satisfying.


Paragraphs are organized, unified and coherent. Each supporting paragraph has a controlling idea (which may be expressed in a topic sentence). In supporting paragraphs, topic idea helps further the thesis.


Sentences are mature and parallel. Writer avoids modifier problems. Sentences show variety of pattern and are rhetorically effective. The essay is written in a style and tone appropriate to the audience, topic and purpose. Words are appropriate and well chosen.

Writer avoids jargon and sexist language. Writer seems to be speaking in an authentic voice. Paper is enjoyable and interesting.

6 maximum

6 maximum

6 maximum


24 points

Course Map

The course map illustrates the careful design of the course through which each learning objective is supported by one or more specific learning activities in order to create integrity and pedagogical depth in the learning experience.


Understand and outline the elements of a marketing plan as a planning process.

Examine the consumers’ decision-making process and factors that influence their buying decisions.

Explain why positioning is an important element when it comes to targeting consumers.






 Discussion Forums

 Written Assignments

 Final Exam

 Discussion Forums

 Written Assignments

 Final Exam

 Discussion Forums

 Written Assignments

Discuss what is involved in developing new offerings and how those offerings can be managed effectively.

4-7  Discussion Forums

 Written Assignments


Understand why being able to trace products is important to organizations and their customers.


1-7 Identify the different types of sales positions and understand what the different types of public relations tools are.

Compare and contrast common ethical challenges facing salespeople and their managers.


 Discussion Forums

 Written Assignments

 Final Exam

 Discussion Forums

 Written Assignments

 Discussion Forums

 Written Assignments

 Final Exam


Course Learning


Understand and outline the elements of a marketing plan as a planning process. V

Examine the consumers’ decision-making process and factors that influence their buying decisions.


Explain why positioning is an important element when it comes to targeting consumers.


Discuss what is involved in developing new offerings and how those offerings can be managed effectively.


MBA Program Objectives






Develop- ment


Making and



Communi- cation















Understand why being able to trace products is important to organizations and their customers.


Identify the different types of sales positions and understand what the different types of public relations tools.


Compare and contrast common ethical challenges facing salespeople and their managers.













