Learn all Unit 3 vocabulary from your exercise book (particularly the

Year 8 Revision Topics
Year 8 pupils don’t get revision topics for English because they are taking skill based papers
which are unseen.
You will be taking the three following exams:
 Reading/ Writing (45 min)
 Listening (30 min)
 Speaking (5 minutes)
You need to revise the following topics:
Unit 3: school timetable, opinions, meal times, what you eat and drink, describing
your school, means of transport.
Learn all Unit 3 vocabulary from your exercise book (particularly the vocabulary
summary pages).
Unit 4: talking about your home, saying where it is, describing your house, rooms in
your house, your bedroom, talking about your daily routine and what you do after
Learn all Unit 4 vocabulary from your exercise book (particularly the vocabulary
summary pages).
Unit 5: talking about places in town and saying where you are going, directions and
Learn all Unit 5 vocabulary from your exercise book (particularly the vocabulary
summary pages).
Unit 6: sports and what you do in your free time.
Learn all Unit 6 vocabulary from your exercise book (particularly the vocabulary
summary pages).
To revise, you also need to go through your workbook and retake exercises to test yourself.
For your speaking exam, you will be asked to answer orally the following questions which you
need to prepare:
¿Dónde estudias?
¿Qué tiene tu instituto?
¿Cómo llegas al instituto? ¿A qué hora llegas?
¿Dónde vives?
¿Cómo es tu casa/ tu piso? ¿Te gusta tu casa? ¿Por qué?
6. ¿Cuántas habitaciones tiene?
7. ¿Qué hay en tu dormitorio?
8. ¿Qué deportes practicas?
9. ¿Qué haces los fines de semana?
10. ¿Qué vas a hacer este fin de semana?
You will be taking the three following exams:
 Reading/ Writing (1 hour)
 Listening (30 min)
 Speaking (5 minutes)
You need to revise the following topics:
Unit 5: talking about your home, saying where it is, describing your house, rooms in
your house, your bedroom, colours, adjectives and activities you do at home.
Learn all vocabulary from your exercise book and in your Equipe 1, WB page 41.
Unit 6: say you are thirsty, what you would like, explain what you eat/drink, name
different meals of the day.
Learn all vocabulary from your exercise book and in your Equipe 1, WB page 49.
Unit 7: name parts of the body, say how you feel, say where it hurts, understand and
give advice on healthy eating, say what sports you do.
Learn all vocabulary from your exercise book and in your Equipe 1, WB page 57.
Unit 8 : talk about activities you do at the weekend, your plans for the weekend (past,
present, future), verbs ‘to go’, ‘to do’, ‘to be’, ‘to have’, ‘to like’ in the present tense.
Learn all vocabulary from your exercise book and in your Equipe 1, WB page 65.
To revise, you also need to go through your workbook and retake exercises to test yourself.
For your speaking exam, you will be asked to answer orally the following questions which you
need to prepare:
Ça va ?
Tu habites où ?
Décris-moi ta maison. (opinions + reasons)
Décris-moi ta chambre. (opinions + reasons)
Qu’est-ce qui est bon pour la santé ?
Qu’est-ce qui est mauvais pour la santé ?
Qu’est-ce que tu fais comme sport ? Pourquoi ?
Qu’est-ce que tu fais le week-end en général ?
Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire le week-end prochain ?
10. Qu’est-ce que tu as fait le week-end dernier ?
Islam including;
Beliefs about death and the afterlife
Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
5 pillars (prayer fasting zakah hajj and shahadah)
Journey of life including;
Beliefs about life after death
Sainthood – life of one Saint
Life of one role model
Role model – life of one person who is a role model to you
Conflict in the UK including;
Henry Viii,
King Edward Vi,
Elizabeth I
Gunpowder plot
Martyrs e.g. Edmund Campion
Anti-Catholic laws
 The reasons for the growth in tourism
 The advantages and disadvantages of tourism
 Eco tourism – what is it and what are the advantages
For one environmental concern of their choice from the following list (global warming and
climate change/coral reefs/endangered species/oil spills/threats to the Antarctic) pupils must
know the causes/effect and responses.
Rivers and flooding:
The water cycle / Label a diagram of a drainage basin
The causes and effects of flooding in Boscastle
How are waterfalls formed?
What is the climate/ vegetation like in tropical rainforests?
What are the local, national and global impacts of deforestation?
Rivers and flooding:
The water cycle
Label a diagram of a drainage basin
The causes and effects of flooding in Boscastle
How are waterfalls formed?
What is the climate/ vegetation like in tropical rainforests?
What are the local, national and global impacts of deforestation?
What is globalisation and what are its advantages and disadvantages?
The reasons for the growth in tourism
The advantages and disadvantages of tourism
Eco tourism – what is it and what are the advantages
For one environmental concern of their choice from the following list (global warming and
climate change/coral reefs/endangered species/oil spills/threats to the Antarctic) pupils must
know the causes/effect and responses.
Label a diagram of a drainage basin
The water cycle
Causes of flooding
 Wills
 Heraldry & jousting
 Primary and Secondary Sources
 Who were the Tudor Kings & Queens?
 Idle & Deserving Poor
 Tudor Games & Fairs
 What was Henry VIII like?
 Who were his children and what happened to them?
 Who were his wives and what happened to them?
 What are the differences between Catholic & Protestant Churches?
 What sorts of symbols did Elizabeth I use in her portraits?
 Why did Henry VIII close the monasteries? Political, social & economic? Was he just
making up excuses to get what he wanted?
 Why did the Spanish Armada attack England?
Why did the Spanish Armada lose?
Please read a detailed email sent to your school account on 27th March 2012.
 The 3 Types of fabric
 Equipment names and safety rules
 Knowledge of how to apply colour to fabric
 Parts of a sewing machine and what they do
 Knowledge of basic hand embroidery and differences between hand sewing and
machine sewing
 Pinning and tacking
 Methods of research
 What is a specification
 Designing juggling balls
Health and Safety in the workshop
Use of tools and equipment
Properties of wood and manmade board
Finishing in wood
Traditional wood joints and ways to join wood
How to produce design by hands and using CAD
Food Technology
Safety: equipment and food stuffs
Hygiene: personal and environmental
Correct storage of food
Eight Government guidelines for a healthy diet
Knowledge of the function(s) of ingredients
Knowledge of ingredients and recipes from around the world e.g. pasta, rice
Basic methods e.g. roux sauce, creaming, short crust pastry.
Adapting recipes.
Sensory testing: rating charts, star diagrams
Technical language and terminology e.g. rubbing in, dicing, simmering
Investigating Science; analysing and evaluating results.
Food & Digestion;
Energy in food, investigating energy in food, food groups, food tests, role of enzymes and
structure and function of digestive system.
Elements & Compounds;
Definitions, symbols, periodic table, uses of elements, metals and non-metals, making
compounds, compound formulae, mixtures and separating mixtures.
Light; structure of eye;
How we see, ray diagrams, reflection, refraction, dispersion and filters
Respiration; process of respiration;
Function of blood, the heart, structure and function of lungs and ventilation
Types of rock and their formation, weathering and erosion, transportation
Magnet & Electromagnets;
Magnetic fields, electromagnets, using electromagnets
Types of microbes, spread of disease; immune system, antibiotics and vaccinations
Heating & Cooling;
Particle Model, temperature and States of Matter, heat and temperature, conduction,
insulation, convection, radiation and changes of State
How sound is caused, structure of the ear, loudness, amplitude, pitch and frequency of
sounds, sound levels, speed of sound and ultrasound