RESIDENT VISAS FOR RELIGIOUS WORK REQUIREMENTS 1. Application form DESCRIPTION Go to website: . Fill out the application form online and print it out. Make sure the application form shows a bar code on it. Sign the application form. 2.Two Paste on the application form two color passport-size photos with colorpassport-sizephotos a white background taken within 6 months. 3. Passport and one photocopy of The passport must be valid for at least 6 months and there are blank pages left in it. One photocopy of the passport bio-page the passport including the holder’s picture is required. 4.Birth Certificate Issued by NSO 5. Original and one photocopy of health certificate 1.Authenticated by DFA and TECO. 2.The health certificate should be issued within 3 months by one of the local hospitals designated by the Centers for Disease Control of Ministry of Health and Welfareof the R.O.C. (Taiwan) or a foreign hospital. 2. List of accredited hospitals and clinics: a.) Arguelles Medical Clinic, Inc. b.) Good Health Diagnostic Center, Inc. c.) Manila Doctors Hospital d.) Our Lady of Fatima Clinic e.) Philippine Medical Test System f.) Physicians’ Diagnostic Center (Manila and Cebu) g.) Ruben C. Bartolome M.D. Clinic, Inc. h.) San Marcelino Medical Clinic i.) S.M. Lazo Medical Clinic j.) St. Martin Polyclinic, Inc. k.) St. Peter Paul Medical ClinicList of accredited hospitals and clinics 6. (Theology Graduate) Diploma and Transcript of Records Authenticated by DFA and TECO 7. One photocopy of the certificate Religious organizations refer to temples, churches or institutes which are legally registered in the R.O.C. (Taiwan). of registration of the inviting religious organizationor corporation 8. Original and one photocopy of letterof invitation The letter of invitation should be issued by the inviting religious organization, with person-in-charge’s signature and the organization’s seal, and contain the following: 1.proof that the inviting organization is a legally registered, non-profit and properly operational entity; 2.the reason for inviting the visa applicant; 3.the visa applicant’s name, nationality, date of birth, religion, intended period of stay as well as religious activities and activity dates in the R.O.C. (Taiwan); 4.the list of foreign religious personnel who are invited by the same religious organization and still stay in the R.O.C. (Taiwan) as well as the types of visas they hold; 5.Affidavit pertaining to the content of the letter ofinvitation. 1. Authenticated by DFA and TECO. 9. Original and one photocopy of the applicant’s certificate 2. Applicants must posses an official capacity as religious personnel such as Pastor, Father, Brother, Sister, Monk, Nun, in religious work Imam, etc. In the event that according to a religion’s administrative practice, no certificate is issued to its personnel, proof provided by the highest administration where the applicant serves or by the organization to which the applicant belongs is required. 3. The certificate should contain the applicant’s name, nationality, religion, date of induction, and attests to the applicant’s capacity as a religious worker at the time of visa application. 3. Buddhism Monks and Nuns are required to present alsothe original and one photocopy of the certificate of vow. 10. Original and one photocopy of the applicant’s credentials 1. Authenticated by DFA and TECO. 2. The credentials should be issued by the religious organization to which the applicant belongs, signed by the person-in-charge, and contain the following: 1. the applicant’s name, nationality and religion. 2. the chronicle of more than 2 years of religious work prior to the time of visa application. 9. Other supportingdocuments To be decided on a case-by-case basis.