Assignment 3 final

Heather Holt
Brian Bailie
English 1001
October 21,2015
Research Project Fast Food
We all drive by McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, White Castle, Skyline, and plenty of
other fast food restaurants and can’t pass them up. We always stop by the drive thru and grab
some fries instead of the apples, or a burger instead of a salad; it’s our choice. Yet we pick the
nasty, greasy burger. Living a fast paste life doesn’t help with this. I’m always in a hurry and by
the looks of traffic and everyone else on the road, they are in a hurry too. I’m so busy that it
makes it hard to stop by the store but I make sure I do it. I try and cook instead of going to get
fast food but it’s not as easy as I would like it to be. But then I sit here and blame fast food for
my unhealthy life style and so does everyone else. We all blame fast food for our unhealthy
diets and habits, but in reality it’s our own fault.
So why do we blame fast food and not ourselves? Why don’t we take the blame? We
choose not to go to the gym and not to cook. We choose the burger and not the salad. Yet we
still don’t blame ourselves. In the article “Why healthy eaters fall for fries” tells a lot of eye
opening scenarios on us blaming fast foods instead of ourselves. Stephanie the author of this
article states how fast food restaurants give us healthy options yet we always look past them.
Either due to prices or just because a salad doesn’t sound appetizing to us. Also Stephanie
points out that American’s always have to try the new foods out no matter how healthy you eat
when something new comes out you have to try it. For example, Dunkin Doughnuts came out
with a sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich on a doughnut and everyone has to try it.
One lady mentioned I liked it and I will probably try it again. So we can’t keep blaming fast food.
I would say fast food isn’t healthy and we shouldn’t eat as much as we do but in the end it’s our
I read a few articles on fast food. In the beginning of this project I thought fast food
shouldn’t be around, they shouldn’t be allowed to serve us this. But as I read on I realized
something. Fast food isn’t making us fat it’s our fast lifestyles and our choices. As American’s
we blame everyone but ourselves and that’s not right.
I read an article, “The high price of cheap eats” this article states the calories and
sodium in the dollar menus. It rates the fast food menus from worst to least. The first place
with worst was Jack in the Box with the junior bacon cheeseburger, second worst was Taco
Bells chessy double beef burrito, third worst was Burger King’s breakfast sausage biscuit, the
fourth worst went to McDonald’s mcdouble, and the last worst menu was Wendy’s junior
bacon cheeseburger. The author also stated how the healthier foods on the menu like a salad
with grilled chicken is $4.99 and a fruit cup is $2.29. The article also states being over weight
can increase the risk for diabetes and heat disease, and the American Cancer Society
recommends limiting high-fat foods, which are associated with an increased risk of certain
cancers. One of the nutrition directors suggests “It would be nice if they decided it was better
for their budget to start preparing food at home more often.”
This article fits how I first felt about fast food and how we should cook more at home. I
feel like we do need to cook more at home but fast food does have healthier options. We could
be eating healthy at home and out. If we just made the right choices. My problem is I like the
fried and greasy foods and not a plain, bland salad. A picture of a burger or wings catches my
eye better than a picture of fruit or salad. See figure 1/ image below for comparison.
Figure 1: Comparison of which looks more appetizing.
During my research I originally was just looking at unhealthy sides of fast food but then I
realized there’s so much more to fast food including food production. I read an article on
“McDonald’s decides to only use eggs from uncaged hens” this article taught me a lot. It
showed me that they really do care how their animals are treated. They don’t want steroids in
their eggs and don’t want the hens tortured. If everyone would follow in their footsteps food
processing would be a lot better. I understand why we cage animals and give them steroids. We
need food supply fast. But there has to be another way! Torturing animals for faster food
supply is not the way to go. We need more farms and less cities to grow food and raise cattle
the correct way. We also shouldn’t waste food so much. We think we have an endless supply
and just waste everything. This is a horrible habit to have. We should cherish the food we get
and that we can have it at anytime we want. Most countries can’t make their food supply like
America. Do we really want to eat animals that are treated like this? I sure do not.
Your most likely thinking what does cage animals have to do with fast food? But it has a
lot to do with fast food. I haven’t just been talking about fast food I’ve been talking about our
health, lifestyles, and decisions. Eating healthier meats helps our health. Our lifestyles consist of
being on the go and always needing more and more of everything right now. This is what made
us go to cage animals and they shouldn’t be treated this way. They need more room to grow
and time nourish so their healthy. Our choices have put these animals in this situation. So back
to my thesis statement we blame fast food for our unhealthy diets and lives, but in reality it’s
our own fault. We sit here and blame fast food restaurants on animal cruelty, but we created
this monster. We buy the products, but then blame them. Again it’s our choices. We need to
help stop this. They are trying, and we should help.
I found another article “The push for humane” which talks about how fast food
consumers are switching animals. They are switching over to caged free eggs, gestation cratefree pigs, and free range hens do to consumers interested in knowing where their food is
coming from. This article states how fast food companies are demanding animals to be free or
threatening to switch food suppliers altogether. Within this article a man named Matthew
states how people love animals and will do anything to see them treated well.
This article is great. It gives me hope that America is trying to make are cheap meats
better and let the animals have a better life while we wait for their meat. Be caged together
and attacking each other is not the way to raise animals. It’s killing them off quicker if anything.
Hopefully restaurants can make a difference and hopefully Americans can help.
Tonight at work I decided to do a questionnaire with my coworkers and boss. The ages
vary from 20-27. I also surveyed my boyfriend. I asked all yes or no questions. My first question
I asked was do you eat fast food more than three times a week? All four people answered no.
My second question was does displaying the calorie intake effect your meal choice. Three said
yes and one said no. My third question was do you think fast food is unhealthy? All four
answered yes. My fourth question was If they raise the tax on unhealthy foods will you still buy
the product? Three said yes and one said no. My fifth question was if salads food quality was
improved would you choose them or a burger? Three said yes and one said no. My final
question was do you think fast food should change their food production? For example, their
animals shouldn’t be caged and allowed steroid use. Three answered yes and one said no.
While during this questionnaire I learned that everyone is different and has their
reasons. In this questionnaire you would assume the same person said no for all of them but
actually everyone basically said no to one thing. All different. With this project targeting young
adults I thought my coworkers who work in a fast food industry with me would be the best
people to ask and it turns out I was right. You would think since we work with fast food we
would eat more of it but we try not to. We get tired of skyline and when your off nothing out
sounds good. A home cooked meal is all we want.
So now my answers to my questionnaire. No, I don’t eat fast food more than three
times a week. No, displaying the calories doesn’t help me consider my food choice. I pick what I
like. Yes, I believe fast food is unhealthy. Yes, I would most likely still buy food products once
their taxes are raised. Yes, I would choose a salad over a burger if they made it a little bigger
and more appetizing. Yes, I do believe fast food should change its food production. Now your
probably wondering why I just gave you my own answers considering you probably already
know how I feel about all these things. But I want to say I’m not an angel when it comes to
home cooking only. Don’t get me wrong I like fast food too. I blame them for my unhealthy
eating habits but it’s actually no one’s fault but my own. I need to make more time to exercise
and eat healthier. I need to watch the calorie intake on the menus and choose the salad and
So let’s take a little turn here, in my questionnaire I asked if the calories on the menu
help make a decision. Most answered yes. I would like to talk more about that and how fast
food can be healthy if we eat it right. I found an article called healthy fast food. It states how we
should watch the calorie intake and sodium levels. If we keep our meals at 500 calories at fast
food restaurants we are already doing better. The article states most burger chains sell a
burger, fries, and a drink which easily adds up to over 1000 calories which is more than we
should intake in a day. Also if you want to eat healthier bring your own add on items like your
sides. Portion size is also key when it come to fast food. Order grilled chicken instead of fried,
don’t be afraid to have a special order, and stay away from non fat free dressing and
condiments. We could skip the fries, say no to add-ons like cheese and bacon, and extra
dressing. If we chose the single burger instead of a double patty burger. We don’t have to just
eat salads to eat healthy we just need to pay attention to what we eat and how much we eat of
it. They always say less is more and I’m really starting to see that. The less you take the better
your health.
Fast food isn’t only unhealthy and a convenience to our life styles, but gives jobs to
millions of people. We complain about them being around and making us unhealthy but how
many people would be out of job? I would be out of a job myself if it wasn’t for fast food
industries. They hire young adults which helps a lot because most places are concerned with
age when hiring. I am mentioning this minimum wage “crisis” because it’s our choice. People
can’t ask for higher minimum wage when they chose this a life long career path. These jobs are
suppose to start us out, not be a life time job.
In the article “A $15 minimum wage. But why just for fast food workers?” this article
states how New York has proposed a $15 minimum wage increase to fast food employees only
but only fast food chains that has at least 30 locations. People are worried for the economy
with such a narrow segment. People get angry when they say they are going to raise the fast
food minimum wage which is understandable. But I feel like its despite because now everyone
is being raised which is also true. If we raise minimum wage every ones should be raised not
just fast food with thirty locations.
I believe minimum wage should be increased but not to $15 maybe $10 but not fifteen.
Most high paying jobs don’t even start you out at $15 an hour. Most people who go to school
and graduate start at $15 an hour but fast food employees making that starting out is just a tad
bit ridiculous and needs to be thought about a little longer. Yes it would be nice to make that
kind of money but not for throwing a burger together or making a cheese coney. I feel like fast
food workers don’t do enough to earn that kind of money. Most mechanics only start at $15 an
hour. Also I feel like if they make minimum wage $15 an hour not every one will go to college to
try and make more and be something bug. We won’t have new nurses or doctors and so on.
The higher paying jobs won’t exist anymore. They will but no one will care if they are already
making $15 for doing nothing.
Notice fast food markets towards children more than anybody. They bribe them with
toys and happy meals. They know that this generation can’t say no to their children. When that
commercial comes on that child begs to go to McDonald’s or whoever has the coolest toy.
In the article “Food marketing; using toys to market children’s meals” states that us
Americans spend over two million dollars to market towards children. Children decide on what
meal they want debating on the toy they get. I remember as a child I would want McDonald’s
happy meals just to get the newest my little pony toy or a new furby. Yes, furbies those toys
were the coolest things around! American’s have been paying for years to market towards
children and it honestly will probably never end. The article states this is very persuasive and I
would have to agree. Bribing children for business sounds horrible but they know that’s the
easiest target. Not only do restaurants bribe with toys they make days where kids eat free. I
know skyline use to do this on Mondays and now that they don’t our Mondays are dead and
people are furious. Also at skyline they give the kids “snacks” with their meal. They already just
ate three hot dogs and a pound of cheese and then on top of it get the choice of Oreo’s, animal
crackers, a firecracker popsicle, or two mints. These are not healthy or any better than bribing a
kid with a toy. They should offer heathier things I know kids don’t like healthy but offer a fruit
with the toy. McDonald’s now offers apples in the kid’s meal which is a little better I guess but
it’s still not healthy. Children shouldn’t eat a lot of fast food. They need fruits and vegetables
while their young to help them grow. Fast food should offer healthier options for children
especially for the picky eaters.
With fast food chains targeting children increases the obesity in America. In the article
“The impact of food advertising on childhood obesity” states how within the last quarter
century the obesity in children has tripled! Diseases have doubled in children ages two to five
and ages six to eleven. This is putting children at risk for diabetes, cancer, and to be obese as
adults. In this generation children eight to eighteen consume multiple types of media. So eating
fast food constantly and having no exercise has cause more child obesity than in the past.
This article is right. We spend to much time eating junk and in front of the tv. What
happened to playing outside until the street lights come on? When I was a kid we ate junk but
our metabolism was a lot better due to us always running around and not sitting. We didn’t
binge eat when we were bored. We would go outside play tag or kick the can. We never got
everything we wanted. We got McDonald’s on Friday and that was it. Now when kids say they
want something they get it right then and there. What is this world becoming? We are
becoming even lazier and obese than before. America has always been lazy but we get an lazier
no one will be walking. It’ll be like the movie Wall-E where they have robots do everything and
they sit in their flying chairs and push a button for food or a drink.
Have you seen the Walt Disney movie named Wall-E? If you haven’t you should watch it
sometime. It’s an eye opener on what the future holds for us. Your thinking what does this have
to do with fast food? It has a lot to do with fast food. Fast food is the first step to our lazy
country. What’s next? Technology has become huge! Next thing you know we will have robots
cooking our fast food and delivering it faster than ever. This movie tells a lot of how we don’t
appreciate the things we have and our resources. We should appreciate that we still receive
real meat and not artificial mush. I haven’t seen this movie in a couple years but from what I
remember everyone was into there selves. Didn’t talk to each other. Didn’t even walk on their
own anymore. We don’t need this to happen. We need to step up and take charge of our lives.
We need to get out more and enjoy the earth, the fresh air, and the fresh foods. No more
greasy hamburgers from Wendy’s choose their fresh salad.
Why do we keep considering fast food? Why do we keep letting them bribe us with their
pictures, deals, and toys? Why can’t we say no? All of these things are hard for us. So we all
blame fast food for our unhealthy diets and habits, but in reality it’s our own fault. We should
start to take the blame ourselves. No one forces us to eat it. We chose too. Fast food in
unhealthy and cheap and yes it has some healthier options but it’s still not nearly as healthy as
a home cooked meal. Try and lay off the fast food don’t cut it out completely but cut it down.
Try not to eat fast food more than twice a week. Try to form a budget with healthier foods.
Maybe even try to grow your own garden if money is an issue. It’s time consuming but at least
it’s in your back yard and not at the store. Try and sit down and have a nice family dinner that’s
cooked and not frozen. The next time you go through a drive thru think about the calories,
sodium, and animals. Maybe you’ll make the right choice then.
Works Cited
Adam, Answers to questionnaire. Coworker, Boss. Oct.22.2015
Barro, Josh. "A $15 Minimum Wage. But Why Just for Fast-Food Workers?" The
New York Times. The New York Times, 28 July 2015. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
Clifford, Stephanie. "Why Healthy Eaters Fall for Fries." The New York Times. The
New York Times, 29 June 2013. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.
Emily, Answers to questionnaire. Coworker. Oct.22.2015
H., Building Evidence To, and Prevent Childhood Obesi. "Food Marketing: Using
Toys to Market Children." Food Marketing: Using Toys to Market
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"Healthy Fast Food." : Tips for Making Healthier Fast Food Choices. N.p., n.d.
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Rabin, Roni Caryn. "The High Price of Cheap Eats." The New York Times. The
New York Times, 11 Dec. 2008. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.
Steve, answers to questionnaire. Coworker.Oct.22.2015.
Strom, Stephanie. "McDonald’s Plans a Shift to Eggs From Only Cage-Free Hens."
The New York Times. The New York Times, 09 Sept. 2015. Web. 19 Oct.
"The Impact of Food Advertising on Childhood Obesity." American Psychological
Association, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
"The Push for Humane." Tory. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
Timmy, answers to questionnaire. Boyfriend. Oct.22.2015.
"WALL·E." Disney Movies. N.p., 27 June 2008. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.