Office of Sponsored Programs - T-Square

Office of Sponsored Programs
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Research Administration Buzz
Jilda Garton, GTRC & OSP
Jim Fortner, Grants & Contracts
Anita McKinney, Sponsored Programs
Garrett Steed, Sponsored Programs
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Grants & Contracts Accounting
Sandy Mason
Jim Childers
Research Admin Buzz meeting
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Sponsored Project Management
Cost Share Accounting and Reporting
Sponsored Project Exceptions
PI Oversight Responsibilities and
Management Tools
Other Topics
Office of Sponsored Programs
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G&C Cost Accounting
FY 2012 Space Survey (and Equipment
Service Center Reviews
Departmental Administration – “Administrative and
supporting services that benefit common or joint
departmental activities or objectives in … academic
departments … and organized research units”
 Indirect Instruction and Departmental Research (290)
 Indirect Research (Sponsored) and Public Svc (400)
Other Topics
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Georgia Tech Research Corp
Jeff Steltzer
Research Admin Buzz meeting
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Legal and Policy Framework Revised Final
HHS Rule
Reduction in the definition of significant financial
interest from $10k to $5k and an equity value of
$0 for non-public companies. Instead of being
forward looking for valuation, the new regulations
look at the value for the previous 12 months.
SBIR/STTRs will now be included (as they are not
specifically excluded) – falls under $5000 rule
Includes consulting (i.e. conflict of commitments)
The institute cannot rely on the PI's judgment of
whether a conflict of interest is related to a given
research project or not.
COI policy must be posted to the website, if our
standard COI policy is stricter than HHS‘s, our
standard prevails as the operating threshold.
Management plans must be posted to a public
website or be available in response to written
COI training before beginning research and every
four years thereafter.
Any reimbursed or sponsored travel is SFI
Part II
Health and Human
Services Department
42 CFR Part 50
45 CFR Part 94
Responsibility of Applicants for
Promoting Objectivity in Research for
Which Public Health Service Funding Is
Sought and Responsible Prospective
Contractors; Proposed Rule
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Georgia Tech Research Corp
Barbara S. Henry
Office of Research Compliance
Office of Sponsored Programs
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IRB made changes to training in human
subject protections.
Training in human subjects protections will need to be repeated
every three years. Everyone involved with human subjects
research, including students who earned ethics credit via specified
Psychology classes, must complete the online CITI refresher
modules every three years.
This change is necessary to comply with new training requirements
imposed by some Federal agencies and will align us with best
practices at comparable institutions. So that faculty and others will
have time to go through refresher modules thoughtfully and without
rushing, the board has established a deadline of next year, June
1st, 2012 for initial completion of refresher courses.
This requirement will not be enforced by the Georgia Tech IRB until
next year, June 1st, 2012.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Office of Sponsored Programs
Garrett Steed
Research Admin Buzz meeting
Office of Sponsored Programs
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ARRA Survey Report
The executive
summary of the
ARRA Survey
Report has been
posted to the FDP
web site.
You can download
your copy from
Subcommittee page
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Don’t forget ARRA reports coming up
They are due to the fed on October 10th
(they were do to OSP on Sept 15th…)
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Office of Sponsored Programs
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Routing Form: Current Location
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Routing Form: Compliance Questions
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Routing Form: Strategic Themes
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Strategic Theme Areas
“Big Data” – High Performance Computing, Computational Science, …
Electronics and Nanotechnology
Energy and Sustainability
Infrastructure – Water, Transportation, Urban Systems, …
Manufacturing and Logistics
Materials – Carbon-based Electronics, Composites, …
National Security
Paper Science and Technology
People and Technology –New Media Enabling New Organizations
Robotics – Test & Evaluation, Training, Military and Commercial Apps
Systems – Aerospace, Mechanical, …
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Budget Wizard Status
This will be
updated with the
updated PDF
Office of Sponsored Programs
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PD/PI Designation
When Georgia Tech accepts a grant or contract from an external sponsor, the Institute
assumes responsibility for the proper performance of the stated project, for the fiscal
management of the funds received, and for accountability to the sponsor. The PD/PI is
responsible for determining the intellectual direction of the research and scholarship, and
for the training of graduate students. In addition, the PD/PI is responsible for the design,
conduct, and reporting – both scientific or technical and fiscal – of the research.
Non-employees are not generally eligible to serve as a PD/PI or Co-PD/PI on
sponsored projects. Adjunct faculty must be employees of Georgia Tech to serve as
PI/PD. Requests for exceptions for a non-employee to serve as PD/PI or Co-PD-PI on a
specific project for a limited time may be directed to the Executive Vice President for
Research and Innovation. A without-compensation appointment and associated
agreements regarding intellectual property, liability insurance, compliance with Institute
polices and procedures, and related matters will be required.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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IP Assignment Form
Office of Sponsored Programs
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IP Assignment Form
Sign in with your GT
Account ID (CAS
Office of Sponsored Programs
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IP Assignment Form
Confirm the correct
Office of Sponsored Programs
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IP Assignment Form
Office of Sponsored Programs
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CRA Congrats
Diane F. Owen
Sandra M. Mason
Michelle J. Powell
Ming Wan
Gail Spatt
Garrett Steed
Office of Sponsored Programs
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CRA: Study Session
Reminder the CRA Kick Off Meeting:
We are planning a kick off meeting
September 28th from 11:30 to 12:30
To attend the kick off meeting place sign
up here:
Office of Sponsored Programs
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New Patent Act signed into law
White House and Universities Tout Programs to Turn Research Into Products
As President Obama signed into law on Friday the new patent act, the White House and several dozen
universities highlighted a series of program—some new, some not—designed to hasten the
commercialization of university research findings.
Among the new: the creation of a center at the National Institutes of Health to assist biotechnology
entrepreneurs to develop new products to diagnose and treat diseases. The National Center for
Advancing Translational Sciences, which has drawn some controversy, will provide scientific resources
to researchers to help speed the time it takes to devise medicines and diagnostic tests.
The White House also promised to produce a plan, dubbed the National Biomedical Blueprint, that will
outline national strategies for, among other things, greater training to "develop the next generation of
scientists and engineers." The plan is due by January 2012.
The White House has been urging universities to improve their research-commercialization practices, as
part of a larger national effort to create jobs. In conjunction with the bill-signing ceremony, the White
House and two higher-education associations said more than 40 institutions had formally committed to
expand their commercialization efforts, although it was hardly clear whether their particular moves—
things like an informational Web site for industry partners at Rutgers University and a streamlined
licensing process for start-up companies at the Georgia Institute of Technology—had come in
response to the White House efforts or as part of universities' longstanding push in that direction.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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New Patent Act signed into law
New Law Changes US Patent System
Into Becoming A First To File Type
The U.S. was the only developed country
on this planet to grant patents to the “firstto-invent.”
Office of Sponsored Programs
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IC3 Organization Chart
Executive Director IC³
Kevin Wozniak
Industry @ Tech and
Marketing and
Administrative Support
Deborah Reid
Office Industry Collaborations
and Affiliated Licenses
Terry Stout
Office of International
Contracts and
Technology Transfer
Kiki Reames
Sophia HerbertPetersen
Chris Guillot
Paul Hart (On-Leave)
Joel Kennedy
Office of Innovation Commercialization
and Translational Research
Lauren MacLanahan
Cindy Jackson
Patrick Reed
Angie Steltzer
Kimberly Dunn
Executive Director
Sponsored Programs
Duane Hutchison
Functional Group
Office of Sponsored Programs
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IC3 New People
Mozette Walters
Chris Guillot
Michael Tanenbaum
Cheryl Junker
Office of Sponsored Programs
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IC3 Georgia Tech Integrated Programs
for Startups
Do you want to create a new startup
company? The Georgia Tech Integrated
Programs for Startups can jump-start the
process. This program provides the training
and support GT entrepreneurs need to launch
companies based on GT intellectual property.
The curriculum covers a diverse range of
In order to “graduate” from the program, the
inventor presents OTL with a vetted business
plan, approved management plan (if required),
detailed management team, conflict of interest
declaration, and a list of potential funding
sources. After graduation, the company can
enter into an express licensing agreement that
requires no negotiation, drastically reducing
the time it takes to finalize a deal.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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NIH: Mandating Use of the Commons to Submit
No-Cost Extension Notifications
Effective October 1, 2011, NIH is
requiring grantees to use the No-Cost Extension
feature in the eRA Commons to notify NIH when
they exercise their one-time authority to extend,
without additional funds, the final budget period
of a grant. NIH will no longer accept these
notifications via other communication channels.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Research Performance Progress Report
The RPPR is a federal‐wide uniform format for
use by agencies and awarding offices that support
research and research‐related activities.
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Research Performance Progress
Report (RPPR)
Accordingly, the RPPR will replace all interim
performance reports used by all NIH grantees to
report on research and research‐related activities, for
programs such as:
Research project grants
Institutional training grants
Research career development awards
Individual fellowship awards
Cooperative agreements
Program project and center grants
Conference grants
Cancer Center Support grants
Biotechnology resources grants
Academic career awards
Academic research enhancement awards
Take the
NIH for
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Research Performance Progress
Report (RPPR)
OSTP/OMB Policy Letter
Agency RPPR Implementation Plans
DHHS/NIH (and Other PHS Agencies)
DoEd/Institute of Education Sciences
Office of Justice Programs
National Institute of Justice/Office of
Justice Programs
Federal Register Notices on
Research Performance
Progress Reporting
Final Notice of a Uniform RPPR
Request for Public Comment on
Standardized RPPR Format
Uniform RPPR Format
RPPR Format as approved by
RPPR Format associated with the
second Federal Register Notice
RPPR Draft Format
Research Business Models
Forest Services
Office of Sponsored Programs
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DOD: Human and Animal
Office of Sponsored Programs
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New Divisions (For now)
Division 1
Dennis Farmer/Manager: Air Force, CIA, Special
Lucy Yarbrough: Army/SENSIAC
Dan Sibble: Air Force (Warner Robbins), Navy,
Other DoD
Division 4
Vanessa Daniels/Manager GA Research Alliance, GA
Cancer Coalition, American Heart Assoc, American Chemical
Lakita Brooks Non-Profits and Foundations
Debbie Hobbs Universities (College of Sciences/Others)
Pamela Brooks Universities (College of Engineering)
Division 2
Janis Goddard/Manager Other Federal, GSA, FAA
Teri Hansen Dept of Labor, Dept of Agriculture, Dept
of Interior, NSF (Other)
Stacey Oliver-Gooden NSF (College of
Engineering), Dept of Education, EPA, NEA/NEH
Chris Doyle DHHS, NSF (College of Computing),
Dept of State
Division 5
Division 3 (Industry under Government Prime)
Jim Berkowitz/Manager*
Roberta Burke*
Sherry Levy*
(*See OSP Website for Assignments)
Chris D’Urbano/Manager NASA, State and Local
Governments, National Institute of Aerospace (NIA)
Serelia Woods Dept of Commerce, Dept of Energy, VA, TVA
Scott Goodwin ARO, AFOSR, ONR (Contracts and Grants)
Open Position FFRDC’s, Dept of Transportation, Homeland
Division 6 (Subawards)
Dana Simpson/Manager*
Julian Stalvey*
Open Position*
(*See OSP Website for Assignments)
Office of Sponsored Programs
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RCR Compliance Policy
Student Level
PURA and
Online Training Req’t
4 Hours:
(90 days or end
of semester
whichever is
- Webinars
- Lab Meetings
- Other Dept Interactive
Program or Seminar
or PhD
(90 days or end
of semester
whichever is
In-Person Training Req’t
(90 days or end
of semester
whichever is
PI certifies
In-Person Training
with Annual
Deliverable Report
NIH* – 8 Hours:
PI certifies
NSF *– 4 Hours:
Training with
- Phil 6000/PST 8000 or
- Dept Class Offering
- Webinars
- Lab Meetings
- Other Dept Interactive
Program or Seminar
NIH* – 8 Hours:
NSF *– 4 Hours:
- Webinars
- Lab Meetings
- Other Dept Interactive
Program or Seminar
PI certifies
Training with
Office of Sponsored Programs
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RCR Compliance Policy
In Person Training Documentation
Class, Seminar, including PST
8000/PHIL 6000
OSP Training Other
Participate in regularly scheduled
laboratory meetings or
discussions that address ethical
issues relevant to the
discipline as well as broader
issues of research integrity
Research methods Course
[Note: PI will need to
keep records of this
in their project file
which would include
an agenda of the
topic discussed and
an attendance list for
each lab meeting or
other discussion.]
OSP/GTRC sponsored Research
Ethics Webinars
GT:IPS (Post-Docs only)
*See GT Policy for RCR applicability (see:, or the award document on the OSP
Contract Information System in the tab entitled Terms & Conditions and the “Is Ethics/RCR Training Required” must be a “Y.”
Office of Sponsored Programs
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RCR Institute-Wide Policy
Student Level
All PhD
s (Fall
Online Training Req’t
(90 days or end
of semester)
In-Person Training Req’t
8 Hours:
- Phil 6000/PST 8000
- Other Dept Course
Approved by RCR
Advisory Committee
- Graduation
- Registrar’s
Office of Sponsored Programs
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Thank You