HUCK FINN SAMPLE TEST/Study Guide Directions: Your Final

Directions: Your Final Huck Finn Test will be similar to the sample test below. Use this
as a study guide and refer to your book to answer the sample questions below. Doing
so should help you review the reading.
1. Huck loves living with the Widow Douglas, as she provides a warm, safe place
for Huck to live, eat, and study.
2. Huck never questions the logic behind Tom Sawyer’s plans, such as those
that pertain to the gang activities.
3. Huck’s Pap uses a hairball to tell Huck’s fortune, all of which comes true.
4. Pap kidnaps Huck and locks him in a cabin, gets drunk, and mistreats Huck.
5. Huck meets Jim on Jackson Island and learns that he has escaped.
6. Huck pretends to be a girl, goes to town, and learns that there is a search
party looking for Jim; the public believes Jim has murdered Huck.
7. While Jim hides in a wigwam on the raft, Huck scares away some slave
hunters by threatening to kill them.
8. Huck and Jim separate and Huck meets the Grangerford family, a wealthy
family who takes Jim in and who are involved in a feud with another family.
9. Huck makes friends with Buck, but Buck gets killed during the feud war. The
Grangerfords’ daughter runs away with a Shepardson.
10. Huck and Jim reunite and meet up with a real Duke and Dauphin, two noble
men who disguise their true royal identities.
11. The Duke and Dauphin prove to be valuable allies to Huck and Jim, protecting
Jim from greedy slave hunters.
12. Huck and Jim save Col. Sherburn from and angry drunk and a malicious mob
and take him on board the raft.
13. The Duke and Dauphin trick the Wilks’ family into believing they are the
daughters’ long-lost uncles, simply for the purpose of robbing them of their
14. Huck hides a sack of the Wilks’ estate-related money in the father’s coffin
because he does not like what the Duke and Dauphin are doing.
15. Huck learns that the Dauphin has sold Jim back into slavery.
16. Silas Phelps is the man who purchases Jim. Silas Phelps is also coincidentally
related to Tom Sawyer.
17. Sally Phelps mistakes Huck for her nephew Tom Sawyer when Huck sets out
to find and free Jim.
18. Huck and Tom are reunited at the Phelps’ place where they set out to invent
a quick and efficient plan to free Jim.
19. Huck and Tom capture several rats and snakes and cause the Phelps
household to get overrun with the unwanted beasts. However, the plan
serves as an effective means to freeing Jim.
20. Tom gets shot when trying to free Jim.
21. Jim risks getting caught again when he saves Tom from death.
22. Huck learns that Jim was free all along and that The Widow left Jim his
freedom in her will when she died.
23. Huck learns from Jim that his Pap is dead, his body being the one found in the
floating house.
24. Huck decides to live with the Sawyer family after he is found.
25. Jim dies in the end.
QUOTE ID: Identify the Speaker of each quote. If it references another
character and is marked with an *, you should also identify which character(s)
is/are involved. Make sure you can explain the significance of each quote or
1. After supper *she got out her book and learned me about Moses and the
Bulrushers and I was in a sweat to find out all about him; but by and by she
let it out that Moses had been dead a considerable long time; so then I didn't
care no more about him, because I don't take no stock in dead people. Ch1.
2. Afterwards [he] said the witches bewitched him* and put him in a trance, and
rode him all over the State, and then set him under the trees again, and hung his
hat on a limb to show who done it. Ch2
3. Shucks, it ain't no use to talk to you, *___. You don't seem to know anything,
somehow -- perfect saphead. Ch3
4. But you is all right. You gwyne to have considable trouble in yo' life, en
considable joy. Sometimes you gwyne to git hurt, en sometimes you gwyne to git
sick; but every time you's gwyne to git well agin. Ch 4
5. I reckon I got to light out for the Territory ahead of the rest. Ch. 43
6. Who told you you might meddle with such hifalut'n foolishness, hey? Ch 5.
7. "Maybe I better not tell." Ch 8
8. He's ben shot in de back… but doan' look at his face -- it's too gashly." Ch 9
9. "What did you say your name was, honey?" Ch 11
10. Dat truck dah is trash; en trash is what people is dat puts dirt on de head er dey
fren's en makes 'em ashamed. Ch 15
11. Well, that's infernal mean. Odd, too. Say, boy, what's the matter with your father?
Ch 16
12. G-e-o-r-g-e J-a-x-o-n -- there now. Ch 17
13. Mars Jawge, if you'll come down into de swamp I'll show you a whole stack o'
water-moccasins. Ch 17
14. …there warn't no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped
up and smothery, but a raft don't. You feel mighty free and easy and
comfortable on a raft. Chapter 18.
15. …after to-night we can run in the daytime if we want to. Whenever we see
anybody coming we can tie Jim hand and foot with a rope, and lay him in the
wigwam and show this handbill and say we captured him up the river…Ch 20
16. They laid him* on the floor and put one large Bible under his head, and opened
another one and spread it on his breast; but they tore open his shirt first, and I seen
where one of the bullets went in. He made about a dozen long gasps, his breast
lifting the Bible up when he drawed in his breath, and letting it down again when
he breathed it out -- and after that he laid still; he was dead. Ch 21
17. The idea of you lynching anybody! It's amusing. The idea of you thinking you had
pluck enough to lynch a man! Because you're brave enough to tar and feather
poor friendless cast-out women that come along here, did that make you think you
had grit enough to lay your hands on a man? Why, a man's safe in the hands of
ten thousand of your kind -- as long as it's daytime and you're not behind him. Ch
18. I do believe *he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for
their'n. Ch 23
19. I see what *he was up to; but I never said nothing, of course…and then they set
down on a log, and [he] told him everything, just like the young fellow had said it
-- every last word of it. And all the time he was a-doing it he tried to talk like an
Englishman; and he done it pretty well, too, for a slouch. Ch. 24
20. "Keep your hands off of me! You talk like an Englishman, don't you? It's the
worst imitation I ever heard. You Peter Wilks's brother! You're a fraud, that's what
you are!" Ch 25
21. Honest injun, now, hain't you been telling me a lot of lies? Ch 26
22. Good-bye. I'm going to do everything just as you've told me; and if I don't ever
see you again, I sha'n't ever forget you. and I'll think of you a many and a many a
time, and I'll pray for you, too! Ch 27
23. I was a-trembling, because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I
knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to
myself: "All right, then, I'll GO to hell." Chapter 30.
24. I know what you'll say. You'll say it's dirty Low-down business; but what if it
is? - I'm low down; and I'm agoing to steal him, and I want you to keep mum
and not let on. Will you? Ch 33.
25. She* grabbed me and hugged me tight ; and then gripped me by both hands and
shook and shook; and the tears come in her eyes, and run down over; and she
couldn't seem to hug and shake enough… Ch 32
26. did you ever hear of a prisoner having picks and shovels, and all the modern
conveniences in his wardrobe to dig himself out with? Ch 35
27. Turn him loose! he ain't no slave; he's as free as any cretur that walks this earth!
Ch 42
28. He ain't a-comin' back no mo. Ch. 43
Identify the following characters. Know what family member
names are associated with each:
Miss Watson & Widow Douglass
Judge Thatcher
Duke & King (Dauphin)
The Phelps
The Wilks
The Grangerfords & The Shepardsons
Col Sherburn, Boggs