VIVA Steering Committee Thursday, September 23, 2010 George Mason University Fairfax, VA MINUTES Attendance: Present: Ralph Alberico, Virginia Cherry, Gene Damon, Bea Hardy, Eileen Hitchingham, Carol Hunter, Sharon Gasser, Mary Mayer-Hennelly, Virginia O’Herron, Kathy Perry, Elsie Weatherington, and John Zenelis. Also Present: John Duke (VCU) and Andrew Pearson (Bridgewater). Absent: John Jaffe and John Ulmschneider. I. MINUTES The June 10-11, 2010, Steering Committee meeting minutes were reviewed. ACTION: The June 10-11, 2010, Steering Committee meeting minutes were approved. II. PROJECT UPDATE A. CHAIR’S REPORT (Gene Damon) 1. Gene reported that Carol Hunter is leaving UVA and will step down as Chair of the VIVA Resource Sharing Committee, effective immediately. Carol reported that Carla Lee (Director of the Charles L. Brown Science & Engineering Library and cochair of the UVA Collections Committee) will be the UVA representative to the VIVA Steering Committee, effective immediately. ACTION: The Steering Committee thanked Carol Hunter for her years of service to VIVA and Gene appointed Ralph Alberico to serve as Chair of the Resource Sharing Committee, for the term September 24, 2010 - June 30, 2011. 2. Gene reported that two proposals were received in response to the call for proposals for concrete pilot projects relating to the Task Force Reports. a. Sharon presented the proposal prepared by the Collections Task Force on Patron Driven Acquisition EBook Project. This project will allow VIVA librarians working with one or more vendors to determine criteria for selecting titles to be included in the project. Participating member libraries will load MARC records for the selected titles into their local catalog. All VIVA libraries will launch the project on the same date. Use of the titles up to a specific limit established by the vendor will be free to all, but reaching the limit will trigger the purchase of the book with VIVA central funds and the ebook will then be available to all participating VIVA members in perpetuity. ACTION: The VIVA Steering Committee approved further research on this proposal. b. Virginia Cherry presented a proposal for a Discovery Tools. ACTION: Discussion was tabled until the December meeting to allow members time to review the proposal. 3. Gene reported he, John Ulmschneider, and Kathy Perry had talked with several people in Richmond in August, briefing new appointees and learning more about the Commission on Higher Education. B. DIRECTOR’S REPORT (Kathy Perry) 1. Kathy reported that the RFP for the APA products was successfully completed and the award was made to the American Psychological Association. Contract details and training were all completed in July and August and the transition has been very successful. Kathy thanked Sharon and the APA RFP Committee again for their excellent work, reducing costs and increasing the availability and affordability of a number of important research materials for our members. 2. Kathy provided an update on the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Full Text product. This product was investigated because the Dissertations Abstract product will no longer be available through FirstSearch and many schools were investigating the full text option separately. ProQuest honored the price quoted in 1 the RFP process 2 years earlier. Leveraging a limited amount of central VIVA money, and through a combination of existing VIVA subscribers getting a reduced price and additional contributions by all VIVA members, the complete ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Full Text product is now available to all VIVA members (public and private nonprofit), providing enhanced access to important research materials. ACTION: The Steering Committee approved the RUC recommendation to license the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Full Text product by an electronic vote on June 28, 2010. Access began for all VIVA members on September 1. 3. Kathy shared the resolution honoring Iris Moubray upon her retirement from JMU and awarded her the VIVA’s Distinguished Service Award. 4. Tansy Matthews has been working on the transition of the VIVA general website to Network Solutions. This work is expected to be completed on or before January 1, 2011. The VIVA journal locator will remain at VCU. 5. Publicity: a. Tansy spoke on an ALCTS-CRS panel on E-Resource IG Program at ALA on June 26, in Washington, DC. Her topic was “Figuring Cost per Use: Fiscal Year, Calendar Year, and What Falls Between”. b. Tansy gave 4 Webinar training sessions during July and August for ICOLC members. She covered working with usage data, storing and presenting use data, retrieving COUNTER reports for consortia using MISO (an Open Source SUSHI client), working with COUNTER reports, and more. c. On September 20, Tansy and Kathy participated in an all day workshop in Washington, D.C., convened by the Professional Scholarly Publishing Division of the American Association of Publishers on “Usage Statistics and Publishers: Implementation and new Insights”. d. Kathy reminded the VIVA Steering Committee members that the VIVA Users Group meeting will again be held in conjunction with the Virginia Library Association Annual Conference. The session is scheduled for Thursday, October 21, 4-6pm, at the Renaissance Hotel in Portsmouth, VA. In addition to meeting with vendors and the VIVA update, the Outreach Committee is presenting a panel on social media. III. COMMITTEES A. RESOURCES FOR USERS (Sharon Gasser) Sharon reported that the committee met in person on August 13 and met via conference call on September 17. 1. Renewals (ACTION) a. AMS Journals and MathSciNet b. CIAO c. HarpWeek Maintenance d. HighWire (5 journals) i. American Journal of Psychiatry ii. Journal of Applied Physiology iii. Journal of Biological Chemistry iv. Journal of Cell Biology v. Molecular Biology of the Cell e. IEEE f. OUP Oxford Reference Online g. Project Muse h. ProQuest CSA i. ProQuest Sociological Abstracts ACTION: The Steering Committee approved the following renewals: a. AMS Journals and MathSciNet b. CIAO c. HarpWeek Maintenance d. HighWire (5 journals) i. American Journal of Psychiatry ii. Journal of Applied Physiology 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. iii. Journal of Biological Chemistry iv. Journal of Cell Biology v. Molecular Biology of the Cell e. IEEE f. OUP Oxford Reference Online g. Project Muse h. ProQuest CSA i. ProQuest Sociological Abstracts IOP Journals and Archive a. Renewal: Sharon reviewed the renewal information about the IOP Journals and Archive. ACTION: The VIVA Steering Committee approved the renewal of the IOP Journals and Archive. b. Renewal Cost Sharing: Sharon reviewed the history of cost sharing for the IOP Journals. The renewal is in the third year of the cost sharing plan, with the goal of having half of the costs for the publics’ portion of the IOP Journals subscription covered by those public colleges and universities with the historical spend and the highest use. The Committee recommended that the 2010-11 cost sharing be 30% in 2011 and the cost sharing goals for the next two years be 40% in fy2012 and 50% in fy2013. ACTION: The Steering Committee approved the 3rd year (2010-11) of the cost sharing plan for the IOP journals at the 30% level so that for the 2010-11 year, 30% of total cost of subscription for the public colleges for the IOP journals will be paid by those schools with the highest use and the largest historical print collections. ACS Journals Renewal Sharon presented the details of the ACS Journals renewal. VIVA managed to escape moving to the “Value-Based Pricing Model” 3 years ago, but must do so now. RUC recommends a 5-year migration plan, with a test plan for the smallest schools with lowest usage at a separate rate. The package includes a total of 38 titles for the 2011 year. ACTION: The Steering Committee approved the renewal of the ACS Journals Web Editions under the 5-year migration plan and the maintenance fee for the ACS Archives. The Steering Committee approved the cancellation of the Chemical and Engineering News Online. Upgrade to OCLC WorldCat Unlimited Sharon presented the proposal for the upgrade to the unlimited access to WorldCat. This will eliminate administrative costs of monitoring turnaways on the WorldCat platform and will enable all interested libraries to implement WorldCat local without facing any additional port charges or contention issues. ACTION: The VIVA Steering Committee approved the upgrade to the OCLC WorldCat Unlimited. Wiley-Blackwell Sharon reported that the public VIVA members were surveyed about opening negotiations with Wiley. Sharon and Kathy worked with Madelyn Wessel, Associate General Counsel at the University of Virginia, to clarify issues and Madelyn conveyed a counter offer to Christopher McKenzie. At the time of this meeting, no further information was available. Training a. APA: APA provided 4 regional training sessions for our members during July and August and followed up with several webinar training sessions. Enrollments at all “train-the-trainer” sessions totaled 135 and they were well received. Sharon thanked APA for providing the training and refreshments and thanked the 4 host sites: Hollins University, University of Richmond, Tidewater Community College, and George Mason University. b. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Online: ProQuest provided 3 webinar training sessions for this product in early September and 38 VIVA librarians participated. 3 7. Alexander Street Press Sharon reported that the Resources for Users Committee is following up on the recommendations from the Collection Development Expansion Task Force, including investigating an opportunity to acquire the American History video collection. B. RESOURCE SHARING (Carol Hunter) 1. 110 people attended the 12th Annual ILL Community Forum at Sweet Briar College on July 16, 2010. Carol noted that the welcoming remarks by the SBC President, Dr. Ellen Parker, were most interesting and informative about the critical importance of institutional collaboration for higher education’s sustainability. Carol noted that the presentations were all excellent and thanked Meagan Newman (VMI), Jessica Bowdoin and Lara Bushallow (GMU). Breakout sessions were held on the topics of Overview of ILLIAD, Odyssey Standalone, VIVA ILL for Newbies, and the Copyright Clearance Center. Carol thanked both the outgoing ILL Subcommittee Chair Jim Verdini (Averett) and incoming Chair Elizabeth Teaff (W&L), as well as Joe Malloy (SBC) and Tansy Matthews (VIVA) for their assistance in developing the excellent program. 2. Under the leadership of Shirley Thomas (VCU), the Interlibrary Loan Subcommittee distributed a survey on August 19, 2010 to VIVA members of lending practices. The purpose of the survey is to collection information on the current loan and renewal periods for ILL. This information should be very useful to the ILL Subcommittee as they review the VIVA ILL guidelines and continue working to improve the ILL procedures throughout Virginia. 3. Ralph gave a brief overview of the results of the two surveys he conducted in the spring of 2010, one to the practitioners and one to the directors. The information gathered will be useful for understanding resource sharing practices and priorities. Ralph will follow up later with some action items. C. OUTREACH COMMITTEE (John Duke for John Ulmschneider) 1. Chandra Gigliotti-Guridi has taken a job outside of the state. ACTION: Kathy will ask the VICULA group to identify a representative from the private colleges and universities to replace Chandra. 2. The Outreach Committee has worked closely with Tansy to develop a panel discussion program on “Social Media and Virginia Libraries” for the VIVA Users Group meeting. Kathy encouraged members to attend. 3. The bookmarks and brochures were designed in the spring of 2010 and 5,000 of each were printed courtesy of EBSCO publishing. These were distributed at the ILL Forum in July. EBSCO publishing will print another 2,000 at no additional cost and VIVA’s central budget will pay a very low price to get an additional 8,000 copies of the 2 fold brochure. Each institution will get approximately double the number of brochures they received in Phase I. The Committee will continue to work on redesigning the larger brochure to provide supporters with VIVA’s background and history, and a summary of VIVA’s impacts and benefits. John extended thanks to EBSCO for their generous support in designing and printing the materials. 4. The Committee is working on press releases for both the APA RFP and the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. IV. OTHER BUSINESS A. Software Summit: Ralph reported on the Software Summit held at VCU on the subject of licensing software and the technology by which software is distributed in Virginia higher education. B. Gene reported that he and Kathy will attend the Lyrasis Consortia Summit in Atlanta, November 9-10. C. Next Meetings: 1. December 9, 2010, at Bridgewater College in Bridgewater 2. March 17, 2011, at Virginia State University in Petersburg 4