Nombre Fecha ______ Clase ______ Cultural Icon Biography You

Nombre ________________________
Fecha _________ Clase ________
Cultural Icon Biography
You will be researching and creating an informational text to describe a famous Hispanic person.
You may choose one of the following formats for your project:
 Magazine articles – Write four short articles (6-7 sentences) about your person’s life.
Include visuals relating to each article. Arrange the articles and graphics so that they
resemble a real magazine page (you may use more than one page for the layout) in content
and layout.
 Children’s book or comic strip – Write an adapted story of your person’s life in a format
that is easily understood. The book should be at least 8 pages/the comic should be at least
8 frames; each should include text (2-3 sentences) to describe the person’s life. Each page
or frame should include graphics.
 Essay and Collage – Write an essay (at least 5 paragraphs, with an introduction paragraph, 3
detail/supporting paragraphs, closing paragraph) about your person’s life. On a separate
piece of paper create a collage using magazine clippings or pictures from the computer. On
the back of the collage, briefly explain the significance or reason for each visual.
 PowerPoint – Create a PowerPoint presentation about your person’s life. The presentation
should be at least 6 slides long. Each slide should contain text and visuals. The presentation
should flow like an essay or story.
Requirements: Each project must include the following with in the format of the project.
 At least 12 important informational facts about the person’s life and contributions
 At least 8 visuals relating to your research and report
 A time line of the person’s life, including specific dates and events (on a separate page)
 Correct citation of sources (on a separate page)
Suggested sites for research:
**If you use wikipedia you must have 2 additional sources**
Search the web for 4 potential people for your project and explain why you chose them.
Reason for choice
Miguel de Cervantes
Sor Juana Inés de la
Rubén Darío
Pablo Neruda
Octavio Paz
Isabel Allende
Gabriel García
Pablo Picasso
Salvador Dalí
Diego Rivera
Frida Kahlo
Sammy Sosa
Oscar de la Hoya
Roberto Clemente
Political Figures
Oscar Romero
Rigoberta Menchu
Queen Isabella
Juan Ponce de León
Francisco Pizarro
Miguel Hidalgo
Simón Bolívar
Cesar Chavez
Ernesto “Che”
Francisco Franco
Fidel Castro
Evita Perón
Julio Iglesias
Gloria Estefan
Antonio Banderas
Penélope Cruz
Salma Hayek
Rubric Checklist:
Technology usage:
 Conduct research to answer questions (including a self-generated question) drawing on
several sources that allow for multiple avenues of exploration.
 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing.
 Present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently.
 Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and
information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
 Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and
information into broader categories; include formatting (headlines etc.), graphics (charts,
tables, etc.), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
 Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations,
or other information and examples.
 Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships
among ideas and concepts.
 Use precise language to inform about or explain the topic.
 Establish and maintain a formal style.
 Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or
explanation presented.
 Meet the format of one of the project styles stated in the directions.
 Provide at least 12 important facts with in the project
 Provide at least 8 visuals relating to the topic and the information in the project.
 Create a time line to include with the project, presenting specific dates and events
 Provide correct citation of all sources used in for the project on a resources page
Total: __________/50
Central Questions: As you conduct your research, write the answers to the following questions.
Write the answers in your own words. Create detailed answers. Cite the websites where you
found the information to answer the question.
1. Who were the members of his/her family? What influence did the family members
have on his/her life?
2. What events occurred in his/her childhood? What influence did these events have on
his/her life?
3. What are some challenges he/she dealt with in his/her life time? How did these
challenges shape him/her?
4. What people or events had a large impacted his/her life? Why did they have this
5. What are some interests or hobbies he/she has or had?
6. What are some specific talents or qualities he/she has or had?
7. What are some contributions he/she has made to society?
Self-generated questions:
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
Rough Draft Grade _______/10
12 important facts: summarize the specific facts you will use for your project.
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________________
11. _____________________________________________________________________
12. _____________________________________________________________________
Ideas of 8 visuals to be used (description or sketch):
*If you take a picture from the web, you must cite the website.
Time line with dates and events: give 8-10 dates and describe the event.