QUEST WP7 issues

Quality Management
tool for Urban Energy
efficient Sustainable
Project summary
 QUEST has developed a quality
management tool for sustainable urban
mobility policies and plans
 46 cities around Europe have improved
their urban transport system
 QUEST cooperates with starter, climber and
champion cities. Every city can improve!
 Partner cities Gent, Gävle, Bath, Padova
and Donostia San Sebastian + an additional
city Chomutov were active role models for
other cities
 The QUEST Academy ensures the continued
use and quality of the QUEST audit tool and
is present in 20 countries.
 Over 3000 cities committed to improve
energy efficiency in urban transport by
signing up to the Covenant of Mayors
 Are all of them experienced in mobility
 The EU promotes Sustainable Urban Mobility
Plans (SUMPs) (e.g. in Future of Transport
White Paper, Urban Mobility Package)
 Labelling local improvement processes
creates media, public and political support
 QUEST offers total quality management for
SUMPs and urban mobility policies interesting for future funding programmes
Essentials of QUEST
Progress matters! No beauty contest.
A practical tool! No comprehensive research.
Different levels! Step by step improvement.
Different contexts! No instant blueprint for all.
Objectives and main steps
 Development of QUEST audit and certifying
 Set up a pool of experts (QUEST audit team)
 Support cities to actually make progress
(QUEST action plans)
 46 certified cities
 Exchange of experiences with 46 cities by
preparing tailor-made advice on sustainable
urban mobility
 Promotion of QUEST results
Stages of the QUEST audit
Stage 1: Quick Scan Audit
Stage 2: Self Assessment
Stage 3: Action Plan
Stage 4: Certification
 Within these 4 stages, 11 steps to follow
4 stages 11 steps
The QUEST audit helps cities
 Cities go through their mobility policy and
are then able to identify needs for
 Cities form their stakeholder groups,
deepen and enlarge partnerships
 Cities get tailor-made action plan
 Cities are assisted in bringing proposals to
political level and achieving approval of
necessary actions
 During the funding period, cities
participated in QUEST exchange events
Focal areas of QUEST action plans
Auditors approach to cities
 Local auditors know national conditions
and the cities they work with
 They communicate to city staff on process
issues and facilitate discussion with
 They use their expertise and best practice
references to support proposals for
actions in the cities
 Auditors are also the ones who draft the
action plan for audited cities
QUEST tools
QUEST manual
Audit questionnaire
Self-assessment questionnaire
Action Plan template
City reports guidelines
Partners and contact details
Cities and city networks:
Consultants and research institutes:
Donostia – San Sebastian Municipality - ES
Ligtermoet & Partners - NL
Polis - B
Transport & Travel Research (TTR) - UK
Union of Baltic Cities – Commission on
Environment – FIN
Koucky & Partners - SE
City of Gent – B
Municipality of Padova - IT
Municipality of Gävle - SE
Bath and North East Somerset Council – UK
Centrum Dopravniho Vyzkumu (CDV) - CZ
European Institute for Sustainable Transport (EURIST) – DE
Equipo de Técnicos en Transport y Territorio (ETT) - ES
Mobil City Consultancy - HU
University of Maribor - SI
Istituto di Studi per l’Integrazione dei Sistemi (ISIS) - IT
Ligtermoet & Partners - NL
European Expertise in Local Development (EURODITE) - RO
+31(0)182 520 870
Tritel - B