M. Gunby English 1 English 1 Essay 1: Identity Many of the essays we’re reading in this section deal with identity and how culture and the media can shape the way we look at ourselves and those around us. For example, Nell Bernstein raises the question in “Goin’ Gangsta, Choosin’ Cholita” whether or not people have the right to claim a racial or ethnic identity to which they weren’t born. I remember this phenomena happening in Woodland when I was in high school, when girls I had previously identified as white began to adopt many of the fashion trends and attitudes of the Latina population. Do they have the right to do so? Why or why not? What may have caused them to want to do that? It was something I shrugged off, but it is an interesting question. Another question comes up in the debate over using the n-word. Why is it okay for some groups to use it and not others? Why do we generally have no issues with people who say “nigga” as opposed to “nigger?” How does the media help shape our perceptions of people who use this language? Your task in this assignment is to, in a 4-6 page essay, using the texts we have looked at in this section, write about how pop culture in America has influenced how you identify yourself, or how others identify you. For example, how does your self-concept of your race differ from that which the media portrays? Or how do you differ from the stereotypically portrayed Californian of shows like Baywatch, or Beverly Hills, 90210? For example, when I was in college I worked at a summer arts camp in Michigan. One of my coworkers (from Ohio) expressly stated that she didn’t believe I was from California until she saw the tattoo on my ankle. I can only assume this is because I’m not a swimsuit model. Your essay should present a solid, interesting thesis statement that sets up the main idea of your essay, and each paragraph should develop an idea to support the thesis. I am looking for you to use at least three of the course readings as evidence to help support your analysis of perception of identity. Essays must be typed and in MLA format. Rough draft due online by midnight on Tuesday Aug. 20. Peer review in class on Weds. Aug 21 Final draft due online Weds. 9/4 Melissa Gunby Fall 2013 Solano College