File - Kemp N. Muniz, MBA, MA

Kankakee Community College Syllabus
Course prefix and number: MKTG 1553
Course title: Principles of Marketing
Credit hours: 3.0
Lecture hours: 3.0
Clinical/Lab hours: 0.0
Catalog description : The student will study basic marketing methods and practices including the functions of
planning, pricing, promotion and distribution. Theoretical and practical learning exercises will be incorporated in
the class.
Instructor: Kemp Muñiz, MBA, MA
E-mail address: or
Personal Phone: 815.566.1672
Division Office & Phone: Room W102, 815.802.8650
Division Chairperson: Paul Carlson – 815.802.8858
Office hours
By Appointment: Adjunct Office
On-Line Office Hours: Will be posted on Angel after second week of classes
Essentials of Marketing, 7th Ed., by: Lamb, Hair, and McDaniel. South-Western College Publishing, 2012
Relationship to academic programs and transferability
MKTG 1553 was designed to meet specific student needs either individually or within a program. Transferability
of this course will be determined by each transfer institution. Please see an academic advisor for an explanation
concerning transfer option. Refer to the IAI web page at for more information.
Goals and Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to explain and perform, with assistance or
supervision, the primary marketing functions of::
Analyzing Marketing Opportunities – researching markets and identifying market segments and
target markets for products and services
Developing Product Strategies – determining the appropriate marketing mix for products and services
Developing Distribution Strategies – identifying appropriate marketing channels and logistical
Developing Promotional Strategies – determining an appropriate promotional mix and marketing
communications strategy
Developing Pricing Strategies – determining pricing goals and strategies, and setting appropriate
prices for products and services
The grading for this course will be based on: six (6) quizzes, one (1) mid-term exam, one (1) final exam,
four (4) Case Studies, one (1) positioning project, one (1) marketing plan project, in-class assignments
as assigned, class participation, and attendance.
The point weighting for each one is as follows…
Case Studies, four at 50 points
Semester-long Marketing Plan, 15 at 25 points
Positioning Project
Quizzes, six at 30 points*
Exams, two at 100 points
In-class Assignments, Participation, Attendance
1200 total possible points
*Your lowest quiz will be dropped
Course Policies
Your participation in the course is determined by your attendance and completion of in class exercises and
outside assignments. All class exercises and assignments will be monitored for on time submission,
completeness and quality but will not be graded individually. At the end of the term you will be assigned an
overall participation grade for the course.
Being absent or late for class, failing to turn in assignments or turning them in late will reduce your
participation grade.
Absent for a Quiz or Exam
There will be no make-ups for quizzes unless you arrange with your instructor ahead of time. If you miss a quiz
prior to the mid-term, the grade you receive on the mid-term will be recorded as your missing quiz grade. If you
miss a quiz after the mid-term, the grade you receive on the final will be recorded as your missing quiz grade.
You will only be allowed to miss one quiz. All other missed quizzes will be recorded as zero. Exams taken after
the due date without prior approval will be penalized by a reduction in grade of 10 percent.
Excessive Absences
Your attendance in class is very important. Various exercises will be completed in class, and examinations will
cover material from class lectures and discussions as well as textbook material.
The instructor reserves the right to reduce a student’s final grade by one letter grade for excessive
absences (defined as 20% or more of required class time). If a student misses 25% or more of required
class time, the instructor may record a grade of “F” for the course.
Basically, this course is designed to reward students who conscientiously read the textbook before class,
diligently work through assignments, attend class regularly, and participate in discussion. Students utilizing this
type of preparation should do quite well in the class and obtain a sound foundation in marketing principles and
College Policies
When it is necessary to withdraw from a course or from the college, a student may do so on or before
the withdrawal date stated on the syllabus without receiving a punitive final grade. Change of Schedule
forms (used to add or drop a course) are available in Student Services and the student should obtain
the required signatures prior to submitting the Change of Schedule form to an adviser in Student
Services. Students may submit Change of Schedule forms through the mail, but they must be
postmarked no later than the withdrawal date. No withdrawals are allowed by phone. The last date to
withdraw with a grade of “W” is Friday, March 29, 2012.
Code of Conduct
By participating in this course, the student agrees to adhere to the KCC Code of Conduct, found in each
academic year's catalog, and understands that his or her classroom behavior shall be in compliance with
the Code.
College Resources
Academic Skills Center
Tutorial Assistance – The center offers free tutorial services on a walk-in basis to support students
enrolled at KCC in a wide range of college courses and individual skill development activities. The
Learning Assistance Center, L335/339, is the location of most tutorial services. For a current tutoring
schedule, go to
Learning Laboratory – The Learning Lab, located in Room L329, uses instructional technology to
provide individualized learning for students enrolled at KCC. In the lab, students can review and practice
math, writing, reading, basic sciences, study skills, word processing, and other basic skills. For a current
tutoring schedule, go to
Office of Disability Services – KCC offers advisement and special instructional support for students
who are physically and learning disabled, as well as those with academic deficiencies. Students will
receive appropriate academic instructional support, including preparatory courses, tutorial assistance,
study skills assistance, and self-instructional programs. For disability services, go to room L326, Tel:
Syllabus disclaimer
Course syllabus/calendar is subject to change, and most likely will.
Spring 2013 Schedule
Case Study #1 –
‘Harmonix’, pages 20 – 21
Course overview & objectives
Student introductions
Chapter 1
Lecture Chapter 1
Lecture Chapters 2 & 3
Chapters 2
and 3
Lecture Chapter 5
Chapter 2 Marketing Plan,
page 55
Chapter 3 Marketing Plan,
page 99
Quiz 1, Chapters 1-3,
January 23 (on-line)
No Class Monday, January 21
Dr. Martin Luther King Day
Chapter 4 Marketing Plan,
pages 138-139
Chapter 5 Marketing Plan,
page 183
Lecture Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Marketing Plan,
page 227
Lecture Chapter 6
Lecture Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Quiz 2, Chapters 5-6,
February 6 (on-line)
Chapter 7 Marketing Plan,
page 254
Chapter 7
Case Study #2 – “Coke
Zero”, pages 286-288
Lecture Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Assign Positioning Project
Mid-term Exam Review
Mid-term Exam
Chapter 8 Marketing Plan,
page 286
Quiz 3, Chapters 7-8,
February 20 (on-line)
Mid-term Exam, Chapters 1
– 8, on February 27
No Classes Spring Break
March 4 – March 8
Positioning Project Due
March 13
Lecture Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Marketing Plan,
page 328
Case Study #3 –
“Nintendo”, pages 384-386
Lecture Chapter 10
Guest Lecturer: Albert Muñiz,
PhD – Professor of Marketing at
DePaul University
Lecture Chapter 11
Final Day to withdrawal with a
‘W’ is March 29
Chapter 10
Chapter 10 Marketing Plan,
pages 356-357
Chapter 11 Marketing Plan,
page 384
Chapter 11
Quiz 4, Chapters 9-11,
March 27 (on-line)
Final day to petition for May
graduation is March 29
Chapter 12 Marketing Plan,
page 429
Lecture Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Case Study #4 – “HBO’s
Blood Virus”, pages 521522
Lecture Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 Marketing Plan,
page 466
Quiz 5, Chapters 12-13,
April 10 (on-line)
Chapter 14 Marketing Plan,
pages 520-521
Lecture Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Marketing Plan,
page 555
Lecture Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Marketing Plan,
page 599
Lecture Chapter 16
Review for Final Exam, Chapters
Chapter 16
Quiz 6, Chapter 14-16, May
1 (on-line)
May 6 – 10 Final Exams
Our final is scheduled for…
Wednesday, May 8, 8:00 pm – 9:50 pm
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus
as instructional needs may dictate.