Welcome to Third Grade - North Allegheny School District

Look who has been “spotted” in Mrs. Hinkson’s class!
Curriculum Night, September 9, 2014
My presentation will begin at 6:30p.m. Please write a note to your
child on the paper inside the folder on your child’s desk. Kindly put
it in your child’s desk folder for him/her to enjoy tomorrow morning.
Thank you! 
Help yourself to some candy and mints!
Welcome to Third Grade
• Introduction
• November Conference sign-ups
• Wellness Policy
(Due to life threatening student allergies, please
provide non-edible birthday treats.)
• PFA Contact Information
• Daily Schedule
• My website has a lot of useful and helpful
information on it.
1. Go to North Allegheny’s website
2. Go to McKnight’s website
3. Building staff
4. Hinkson, Sherri
Please practice telling time to
reduce anxiety about pull-outs. 
Special Services: Pull Outs
• Students will continue to learn while your
child is out of the classroom.
• All children will receive 60 minutes of
uninterrupted math & CA instruction daily.
• Most pull-outs occur during science and
social studies classes.
• Please help your child to complete the
work missed if he/she did not attend class
that day. (Your child will receive a small note
stating the in class assignment.)
Orchestra Participation
Bring instrument & music book to school on Wednesdays
& Fridays for weekly lessons and whole group practice.
• Orchestra is an elective class. Your child is responsible
to make up any work he/she missed while attending
weekly lessons.
• During whole group orchestra rehearsals on Fridays
(2:25-3:10) students who do not participate in orchestra
will be involved in remediation/enrichment activities.
There is no work to make up on Fridays.
• Contact Mr. Morton dmorton@northallegheny.org for
questions regarding orchestra.
Organizational Tools
Assignment Book-Check daily!
Please sign on Thurs. nights
 Help students get into the habit of checking off work
as it’s done
Binder—travels to each class and home
 Pouch to hold pencils, pens, highlighters, erasers,
and crayon pack
 Tab dividers to separate subjects: Math,
Science, Social Studies, and CA
 Homework Folder-3 hole punched
(Labeled Stay at home/Return to school)
Homework Tips
When returning home, students should open his/her
assignment book & place it in a convenient spot for
parents to review. Parents should not have to “dig”
through their child’s backpack.
Establish a homework routine
Find a quiet place
Make a homework supply box
Review your child’s homework. The student is
responsible for putting it back in the backpack.
• Please sign assignment book on Thursday evenings
• Homework Slip – please sign and have child return
attached to homework
Communication Arts
Harcourt Storytown Themes:
1.School Days
2.Together We Can
3.As We Grow
4.Tales to Tell
5.A Place for All
Reading Skills
• Robust Vocabulary
– Review at home
– Quizzed on matching and using words in context
• Word Analysis/Phonics
• Comprehension
– Literal comprehension (Look back strategy)
– Making inferences (Use your personal experiences
and story clues to infer how characters feel or why they
act in a certain way.)
– Written response (Students use specific details &
examples from the story to write complete
Hamburger Paragraph Format
After that,
After that,
Written Response Expectations
Lesson 1 Weekly Test Written Response: “Ruby the Copycat”
Example of expectations to earn 3/3 points using PSSA Rubric Format
Question: Explain how Angela’s feelings toward Ruby Change during
the story. Use details and information from “Ruby the Copycat” to explain your answer.
This is how Angela’s feelings toward Ruby changed. In the beginning,
Angela liked when Ruby went home at lunch and changed her clothes to copy Angela.
For example, on page 27 Angela whispered, “I like your sweater.” In the middle of the
story, Angela was mad that Ruby copied her so much. For example, on page 33 Angela
wrote a note that said, “YOU COPIED ME! I’M TELLING MISS HART!” At the end of the
story, Angela liked Ruby again because she was being herself and not copying others.
For example, on page 39 they hopped home for lunch together. That is how Angela’s
feelings toward Ruby changed.
Topic Sentence
Supporting Details & Examples
Conclusion Sentence
Oral Reading Fluency…
…is the ability to read text smoothly,
accurately, and with expression. Fluent
readers can read aloud with a pace and
phrasing that are much like speaking.)
• Lesson Tests—Parent Involvement Section
• Fluency log-binder
• Tips for improving
fluency are on the
back of the log.
Fluency Assessment: Lesson Tests
• Instruct your child to read the story aloud
Once upon a time there was a greedy dog. Even
though he had plenty of food and toys, he always desired 21
more. One afternoon he observed a little puppy chewing 30
on a huge bone.
"Give me that bone," the greedy dog growled. The
frightened puppy dropped the bone and scurried away. 51
The greedy dog scooped up the bone and marched on 61
his way.
As the greedy dog crossed a bridge over a creek, he
glanced over the edge of the bridge and noticed another 84
dog staring up at him from the water. That dog also had 96
a huge bone in his mouth. The greedy dog decided he 107
wanted that bone, too.
He bared his teeth and let out a fierce growl. Much
to his disbelief, the dog in the water growled back. The 133
greedy dog snapped at the bone in the other dog's
mouth. Plop! The bone in the greedy dog's mouth fell
into the water, and the other dog vanished.
"That dog has stolen my bone! " thought the greedy
dog. "I must find him!"
Of course, he never did.
Third Grade Storytown Benchmarks
with expression and fluency while
you time him/her for 1 minute. Your
child should stop at periods & pause at
commas. Reading fluency is NOT
speed reading!
• As the child reads, the parent should
circle the omitted, unknown, or
mispronounced words on the second
copy of the story. These words will be
scored as “incorrect.” If he/she goes back
to self correct a mistake, do not count the
word as “incorrect.”
•Count the # of words your child read
correctly in one minute. That is your child’s
WCPM (words correct per minute.)
•Record the WCPM score on the cover
sheet of the lesson test and fluency log
located in your child’s binder.
•Take turns reading aloud with your
child weekly to model and practice
Choosing an Appropriate Book
Five Finger Rule:
• Open the book to a middle page with little
or no pictures.
• While reading the page, put one finger up
each time you can’t pronounce a word, or
if you don’t know the meaning of a word.
• If you have 5 or more fingers up at the end
of the page…STOP…and choose another
book. That book is too difficult for you.
Third Grade Reading Log
• Children are required to read 25 grade
appropriate books during the third grade
school year.
• Books do not have to be chapter books
• Reading Log~ located in your child’s binder
• Books read this summer may be included.
• A variety of genre is encouraged:
~Poetry~Biography~Realistic Fiction~Non-Fiction
Creative Writing
The Writing Process:
1. Pre-writing
2. Drafting
3. Revising/Editing
4. Final Draft
5. Proofreading/Sharing
Types of Writing
Friendly letter
Personal Narrative
Creative writing is not graded until fourth grade. The primary
writing goal in third grade is for students to independently
write a detailed paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting
details, and a conclusion sentence.
English –
Grammar Skills
English lessons are incorporated into the reading
lessons throughout the week. Lessons include:
Types of Sentences
Conventions – includes capitalization, punctuation, and
sentence structure.
You can link to various sites to review the English lessons
from my website.
Daily Oral Language
• The students edit two sentences each morning upon arrival. We
correct these sentences together and discuss spelling, grammar,
and convention rules.
• The skills are taught & reinforced continuously all year.
• Students will complete a 10 point quiz to assess their knowledge
and application of the weekly skills.
• There is a study guide for each week in the DOL booklet. It is
located in your child’s binder behind the “Communication Arts” tab.
• The test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and a paragraph in
which students must identify and correct 5 errors.
• Monday-The students will be given a pretest of 15 words, and
the spelling generalization is introduced. Five challenge word
will be given to students who miss 0 or 1 on the pretest. (Any
student would did not qualify to do the challenge words but
would like to do the challenge words may do so.)Students will
write the word in cursive 3 times to practice.
• Tuesday-Thursday- Reinforcement and practice activities
are completed.
• Friday- The students complete a weekly test.
Spelling correlates with each story in the reading series, so we may
not have spelling lessons/tests every week.
Harcourt Mathematics Program
30 Chapters- Pennsylvania Standards
Very rigorous curriculum- Monitoring homework daily is essential for
your child’s success in the classroom.
Grouping Based Upon Second Grade:
~ ITBS Scores-concepts, problem solving, and computation
~Basic fact speed quizzes (+ and -)
~ Math student attributes
~ End of book test
Academic I Group: Ms. Kauffman
Academic II Group: All other classes are mixed
Missing Homework: An “Incomplete Assignment Slip” will be given to the student. It
must be signed by the student and parent and then stapled to the completed
homework assignment. If this is not returned the next day, the student will stay in
from recess to complete the missing assignment. Students are given points for
homework completion.
That’s a Fact!
Practice, Practice, Practice…
• Reinforcing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and/or
division facts each day will increase confidence so your
child may experience success in the classroom.
• Log onto the McKnight webpage or my webpage for
access to your child’s math book on-line, tutorials, and fun
learning links to support the curriculum.
• Harcourt—Learning Site—“That’s a Fact” orange box at
the top of the page is a great resource.
• Many apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod, and smart phones are
great for practicing facts on the go!
Rocket Math
Students practice a small number of facts in a sequential manner repeatedly. The gradual
accumulation of facts and repeated practice helps to commit facts to long term memory so they
may be recalled quickly.
Third grade begins with subtraction (Letters A-Z) and will move to multiplication (Letters A-Z).
Students who do not master subtraction by November/December, will still progress to multiplication.
• Parent participation is important for your child’s success!
A list of sequential facts to study is located in your child’s assignment book. He/she should write
which letter to study in his assignment book each night.
Flashcards of the facts have been sent home for practice. Students should recite the problem and
the answer.
Upon mastering a level, your child will color the corresponding letter on the rocket.
Students complete a two-minute weekly non-graded quiz to track progress.
Rocket Math Preview
• Students work in
cooperative groups
and participate in
hands-on activities.
• Students use the
inquiry method to
investigate new
science concepts.
Scientific Method of Inquiry:
1. Generate a Question
2. Create a Hypothesis
3. Plan an Investigation
4. Collect and Display Data
5. Analyze the Data to Draw a
6. Think: How could I investigate
this topic further?
Science Units
Mrs. Hinkson is the science
teacher for both 3C and 3B
Social Studies
Ms. Garrett is the teacher (3B)
(Mrs. Arbogast will return in January)
3rd Grade Harcourt Series: Our Communities
• Topics Include:
– Maps & Globes
– Communities
• Geographical features, cultures, citizens, government, and
– State and National History
• Important people, places, and events
On-line Resources
• TYLER Gradebook: Parents may access their child’s grades and
other related information via the
student information
system. (SIS) Directions to access this information is located on the
district website.
Please do not use the e-mail feature of this program, because it
does not connect to the district email.
If a grade is listed as incomplete for your child, please be patient.
He/she may have been absent or making up work from a pull-out.
Click on the assignment to see the point value. The assignment
may read 50%, but the score may be 2/4 on a lesson test skill.
• Students may access their READING, MATH, SCIENCE, & SOCIAL
STUDIES books on-line. Directions are listed on the district
website and my website.
PSSA Testing
• PA Department of Education has established math,
reading, writing, and science standards for all
students in grades K-12.
• The standards provide consistency in education
across the state.
• Assessments are given in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8
(High School---Keystone Exams)
• Third grade testing ~ Math & English Language Arts
Testing Dates: April 13-17 English Language Arts
April 20-24 Math
Usually testing is conducted each morning during these weeks. The testing schedule is
not yet determined, so please do not schedule vacations and appointments during these
two weeks.)
Third Grade PSSA Testing
• Reading Assessments:
~ multiple choice items
~ constructed response in which students
must write specific story examples to
respond to the question. (3 pt. rubric)
• Math Assessments:
~ multiple choice items
~ constructed response in which students must
show work for each step of the problem AND
write sentences to explain his/her thought
process (4 pt. rubric)
PSSA Testing
• North Allegheny curriculum is directly aligned
with the Pennsylvania State Standards.
• The staff at McKnight is dedicated to not only
prepare your child for the state assessment, but
to empower students to be lifelong thinkers and
• The students are well prepared for the exam.
They need to get plenty of rest, eat a healthy
breakfast, and “show what they know.” 
Olweus Bully Prevention
"A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and
over time, to negative actions by one or more persons, and he
or she has difficulty defending himself or herself.”
Class meetings will be conducted to share feelings and experiences, develop a
sense of community within our classroom, and aid students in solving problems.
Important Third Grade Dates
Halloween Party ~ October 31, 2014
Winter Party ~ December 22, 2014
• IOWA Tests of Basic Skills ~ Jan. 12-16, 2015
Valentine’s Day Party ~ February 13, 2015
• PSSA Testing ~ April 13-17 & 20-24, 2015
Memorial Day Program ~ May 22, 2015
• Field Day~ June 5, 2015
Additional dates will be announced later
in the year. The third grade team is
collaborating to plan more meaningful and
authentic activities that correlate with the third
grade curriculum.
Thank you for coming!
Please read the butterfly story located in your
child’s packet. I’m looking forward to working in
partnership with you to help your child gain
independence and establish strong
organizational skills.