Forecasting-2 Forecasting -2 Exponential Smoothing Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Based on Operations management: Stevenson Chapter 7 Operations Management: Jacobs, Chase, and Aquilano Demand Forecasting Supply Chain Management: Chopra and Meindl in a Supply Chain Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 1 Forecasting-2 Time Series Methods Moving Average Discard old records Assign same weight for recent records Assign different weights Weighted moving average Ft 0.4 At 1 0.3 At 2 0.2 Att33 0.1AAtt44 Exponential Smoothing Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 2 Forecasting-2 Exponential Smoothing Ft 1 Ft α( At Ft ) Ft 1 Ft αAt αFt Ft 1 (1 α) Ft αAt Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 3 Forecasting-2 Exponential Smoothing t At Ft 1 100 100 2 150 100 α=0.2 3 110 Since I have no information for F2, I just enter A1 which is 100. Alternatively we may assume the average of all available data as our forecast for period 2. A1 F2 F3 =(1-α)F2 + α A2 F3 =0.8(100) + 0.2(150) F3 =80 + 30 = 110 F3 =(1-α)F2 + α A2 A1 F2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri F2 & A2 F3 A1 & A2 F3 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 4 Forecasting-2 Exponential Smoothing α=0.2 t At Ft 1 100 100 3 2 150 120 100 110 4 112 F4 =(1-α)F3 + α A3 F4 =0.8(110) + 0.2(120) F4 =88 + 24 = 112 F4 =(1-α)F3 + α A3 A3 & F3 F4 A1 & A2 F3 A1& A2 & A3 F4 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 5 Forecasting-2 Example: Forecast for week 9 using a = 0.1 Week Demand 1 200 2 250 3 175 4 186 5 225 6 285 7 305 8 190 Forecast 200 F3 1 a F2 aA2 0.9 * 200 0.1* 250 205 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 6 Forecasting-2 Week 4 Week Demand Forecast 1 200 2 250 200 3 175 205 4 186 5 225 6 285 7 305 8 190 F4 1 a F3 aA3 0.9 * 205 0.1*175 202 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 7 Forecasting-2 Exponential Smoothing Week Demand 1 200 2 250 200 3 175 205 4 186 202 5 225 200 6 285 203 7 305 211 8 190 220 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Forecast Exponential Smoothing 8 Forecasting-2 Two important questions How to choose a? Large a or Small a When does it work? When does it not? What is better exponential smoothing OR moving average? Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 9 Forecasting-2 The Same Example: a = 0.4 Week Demand 1 200 2 250 200 3 175 220 4 186 202 5 225 196 6 285 207 7 305 238 8 190 265 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Forecast Exponential Smoothing 10 Forecasting-2 Comparison 350 300 250 Demand 200 alpha = 0.1 150 alpha = 0.4 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 week Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 11 Forecasting-2 Comparison As a becomes larger, the predicted values exhibit more variation, because they are more responsive to the demand in the previous period. A large a seems to track the series better. Value of stability This parallels our observation regarding MA: there is a trade-off between responsiveness and smoothing out demand fluctuations. Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 12 Forecasting-2 Comparison Forecast for 0.1 alpha AD Forecast for 0.4 alpha AD Week Demand 1 200 2 250 200.00 50.00 200.00 50.00 3 175 205.00 30.00 220.00 45.00 4 186 202.00 16.00 202.00 16.00 5 225 200.40 24.60 195.60 29.40 6 285 202.86 82.14 207.36 77.64 7 305 211.07 93.93 238.42 66.58 8 190 220.47 30.47 265.05 75.05 46.73 51.38 Choose the forecast with lower MAD. Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 13 Forecasting-2 Which a to choose? In general want to calculate MAD for many different values of a and choose the one with the lowest MAD. Same idea to determine if Exponential Smoothing or Moving Average is preferred. Note that one advantage of exponential smoothing requires less data storage to implement. Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 14 Forecasting-2 Pieces of Data and Age of Data in Exponential Smoothing Ft = a At–1 + (1 – a) Ft–1 Ft–1 = a At–2 + (1 – a) Ft–2, etc Ft = aAt–1+(1–a)aAt–2+(1–a)2Ft–2 = aAt–1+(1–a)aAt–2+(1–a)2aAt–3 +(1–a)3aAt–4 +(1–a)4aAt–5+(1–a)5aAt–6 +(1–a)6aAt–7+… A large number of data are taken into account– All data are taken into account in ES. “Age” of data is about 1/a periods . Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 15 Forecasting-2 What is better? Exponential Smoothing or Moving Average If we set a = 2/(N+1), then MA and ES are approximately equivalent. What does it mean that the two systems are equivalent? The variances of the errors are identical. Does it mean that the two systems have the same forecasts? Exponential smoothing requires less data storage to implement. Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 16 Forecasting-2 Compute MAD & TS Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 At 13400 14100 14700 15100 13400 16000 12700 15400 13000 16200 16100 13500 14900 15200 15200 15800 16100 16400 15300 15900 16300 15500 15800 16000 Alpha = 0.50 Ft 13912 13656 13878 14289 14695 14047 15024 13862 14631 13815 15008 15554 14527 14713 14957 15078 15439 15770 16085 15692 15796 16048 15774 15787 Dev -512 444 822 811 -1295 1953 -2324 1538 -1631 2385 1092 -2054 373 487 243 722 661 630 -785 208 504 -548 26 213 AD 512 444 822 811 1295 1953 2324 1538 1631 2385 1092 2054 373 487 243 722 661 630 785 208 504 548 26 213 MAD = 927 MAD 512 478 593 647 777 973 1166 1212 1259 1371 1346 1405 1326 1266 1198 1168 1138 1110 1093 1048 1022 1001 959 927 Sum Dev -512 -68 754 1565 271 2223 -100 1438 -193 2191 3284 1230 1603 2089 2333 3054 3715 4346 3561 3768 4272 3724 3750 3963 TS -1.000 -0.142 1.272 2.418 0.348 2.286 -0.086 1.186 -0.153 1.598 2.440 0.875 1.209 1.651 1.948 2.616 3.265 3.916 3.259 3.594 4.178 3.721 3.912 4.273 Exponential Smoothing 17 Forecasting-2 Data Table Excel Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 At 13400 14100 14700 15100 13400 16000 12700 15400 13000 16200 16100 13500 14900 15200 15200 15800 16100 16400 15300 15900 16300 15500 15800 16000 Alpha = 0.50 Ft 13912 13656 13878 14289 14695 14047 15024 13862 14631 13815 15008 15554 14527 14713 14957 15078 15439 15770 16085 15692 15796 16048 15774 15787 Dev -512 444 822 811 -1295 1953 -2324 1538 -1631 2385 1092 -2054 373 487 243 722 661 630 -785 208 504 -548 26 213 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 AD 512 444 822 811 1295 1953 2324 1538 1631 2385 1092 2054 373 487 243 722 661 630 785 208 504 548 26 213 927 1017 897 886 901 927 960 997 1036 1078 1130 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri MAD = 927 MAD 512 478 593 647 777 973 1166 1212 1259 1371 1346 1405 1326 1266 1198 1168 1138 1110 1093 1048 1022 1001 959 927 Sum Dev -512 -68 754 1565 271 2223 -100 1438 -193 2191 3284 1230 1603 2089 2333 3054 3715 4346 3561 3768 4272 3724 3750 3963 TS -1.000 -0.142 1.272 2.418 0.348 2.286 -0.086 1.186 -0.153 1.598 2.440 0.875 1.209 1.651 1.948 2.616 3.265 3.916 3.259 3.594 4.178 3.721 3.912 4.273 927 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Data, what if, Data table This is a one variable Data Table Min, conditional formatting 6/4/2009 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 927 1017 897 886 901 927 960 997 1036 1078 1130 886 Exponential Smoothing 18 Forecasting-2 Office Buttton Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 19 Forecasting-2 Add-Inns Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 20 Forecasting-2 Not OK, but GO, then Check Mark Solver Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 21 Forecasting-2 Data Tab/ Solver Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 22 Forecasting-2 Target Cell/Changing Cells Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 23 Forecasting-2 Optimal a Minimal MAD Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 24 Forecasting-2 Associative (Causal) Forecasting The primary method for associative forecasting is Regression Analysis. The relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. The independent variables are also referred to as predictor variables. We only discuss linear regression between two variables. We consider the relationship between the dependent variable (demand) and the independent variable (time). Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 25 Forecasting-2 Regression Method Ft b0 b1t Computed relationship 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Least Squares Line minimizes sum of squared deviations around the line Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 26 Forecasting-2 Regression: Chart the Data Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Demand 117 126 210 222 262 310 278 338 379 388 Demand 450 400 350 300 250 Demand 200 150 100 50 0 0 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 2 4 6 8 10 12 Exponential Smoothing 27 Forecasting-2 Regression: The Same as Solver but This Time Data Analysis Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 28 Forecasting-2 Data/Data Analysis/ Regression Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 29 Forecasting-2 Regression: Tools / Data Analysis / Regression Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 30 Forecasting-2 Regression Output SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.98 R Square 0.95 Adjusted R Square 0.95 Standard Error 22.21 Observations 10 ANOVA Regression Residual Total Intercept X Variable 1 df 1 8 9 SS 77771 3945 81716 MS 77771 493 F 158 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value 94.13 15.17 6.21 0.000258 30.70 2.44 12.56 0.000002 Significance F 1.51524E-06 Lower 95% 59.15 25.07 Upper 95% 129.12 36.34 Ft = 94.13 +30.71t Forecast for the next period. F11 = 94.13 +30.71(11) = 431.7 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 31 Assignment . Problem 1. Forecasting-2 Due at the beginning of the next class Based on the data below forecast the demand for September using the listed techniques: Month Sales (1000) Feb 19 Mar 18 Apr 15 May 20 Jun 18 Jul 22 Aug 20 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 • • • • • Linear regression 5 period moving average Exponential smoothing. α=.2 March forecast=19 Naive method Compute MAD for naive method and exponential smoothing. Which one is preferred? NM or ES? Exponential Smoothing 32 Assignment Problem 2 Forecasting-2 Due at the beginning of the next class (a) Exponential smoothing is being used to forecast demand. The previous forecast of 66 turned out to be 5 units larger than actual demand. The next forecast is 65. Compute a? (b) The 5-period moving average in month 6 was 150 units. Actual demand in month 7 is 180 units. What is the 6 period moving average in month 7? Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 33 Forecasting-2 Practice The president of State University wants to forecast student enrollments for this academic year based on the following historical data: 5 years ago 4 years ago 3 years ago 2 years ago Last year 15,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 21,000 What is the forecast for this year using exponential smoothing with α = 0.4, if the forecast for two years ago was 16,000? Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 34 Forecasting-2 Practice t 1 At 15000 2 16000 3 18000 Ft 4 20000 16000 5 21000 17600 Forecast for last year F5 = (1-α)F4+ α(A4) F5 = .6(16000)+.4(20000)=17600 Forecast for this year F6 = (1-α)F5+ α(A5) F6 = .6(17600)+.4(21000)=18960 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009 Exponential Smoothing 35 Forecasting-2 Practice ……… For your own practice Based on the data below forecast the total number of new customers in year 9. Use the listed techniques: Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Customers 35 43 41 46 48 63 67 79 6/4/2009 • • • • • Linear regression (show equation) 4 period moving average Exponential Smoothing. α=.3 Year 3 forecast=43 Naive method Compute MAD for naive method and exponential smoothing. Which one is preferred? NM or ES? Exponential Smoothing 36