Poster Title * Should include your study subject, independent

Poster Title – Should include your
study subject, independent variable,
dependent variable, and outcome.
Your names, class hour, school, and
Introduction – Background Info
• Add a key facts from a credible source (.gov, .edu
only; maybe .org – check with instructor)
• Summarize the information from this source in
your own words – DO NOT copy and paste!
• This fact should be related to your experiment
(how plants grow, the carbon cycle, how your
treatment might affect plants, etc.)
• It should help the reader understand your work
better by clarifying a concept with solid facts.
• Site the source parenthetically on this slide (Last
name, Year).
Introduction – Background Info
• Add a key facts from a credible source (.gov, .edu
only; maybe .org – check with instructor)
• Summarize the information from this source in
your own words – DO NOT copy and paste!
• This fact should be related to your experiment
(how plants grow, the carbon cycle, how your
treatment might affect plants, etc.)
• It should help the reader understand your work
better by clarifying a concept with solid facts.
• Site the source parenthetically on this slide (Last
name, Year).
Introduction – Background Info
• Add a key facts from a credible source (.gov, .edu
only; maybe .org – check with instructor)
• Summarize the information from this source in
your own words – DO NOT copy and paste!
• This fact should be related to your experiment
(how plants grow, the carbon cycle, how your
treatment might affect plants, etc.)
• It should help the reader understand your work
better by clarifying a concept with solid facts.
• Site the source parenthetically on this slide (Last
name, Year).
Introduction – Question, Hypothesis,
• What was your research question?
– We wondered if…
• What was your hypothesis?
– We predicted that…
• What was your rationale?
– We thought this because…
Intro – Summary Of Methods
• Briefly summarize your methods on this slide
– To test this, we…
• Provide a specific list of all materials used on
this slide.
– “This experiment required the following: … “
• Give a detailed step-by-step overview of all of
your steps on this slide.
– It should be as detailed as a recipe in a cookbook.
• Give a detailed step-by-step overview of all of
your steps on this slide.
– It should be as detailed as a recipe in a cookbook.
• Describe the outcome of your experiment
– Include all data, observations, and important
information collected from your experiment.
Results - Graph
• Include a graph of your experiment here.
• Your graph MUST include:
– Labeled X and Y axes
– Your control and treated averages
– A caption that explains your graph in enough
detail that a blindfolded person could picture it
exactly as it is if they were read the caption.
• Restate your hypothesis.
– We hypothesized that…
• Next, explain why you think your this occurred
– i.e. how does your data support/reject/not impact your
• Third, describe why you think the data
supports/refutes/does not affect your hypothesis
– What general trends have you noticed that have led you
to make this conclusion.
• Fourth, describe if you think your results are
consistent or if there is a possibility that the
results could be different if the experiment were
run again or if it were done by other people.
• Follow up with a discussion about the relevance
of your experiment – who will this help?
– Why is this work beneficial?
– What is the value of this experiment and why was it
Bibliography/Works Cited
• Cite all sources used in this using APA citation:
– Author Last Name, First Name. Year. Title.
Publisher or website.