Brophy-Citrate - Pediatric Continuous Renal Replacement

Citrate Anticoagulation
Patrick Brophy MD, MHCDS
Professor & Director Pediatric
University of Iowa- Children’s Hospital
London 2015
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 Review rationale for anticoagulation
 Options
 Available data
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Relevance to CRRT
 Functional circuit life is imperative to:
 Dose delivery
 Staff statisfaction
 Patient morbidity (changing lines)
 Cost of therapy—multi circuit use
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Optimal Anticoagulation
 Should be:
 Readily available
 Consistently delivered (protocols)
 Safe!!!!
 Easily monitored
 Commercially available
 Be associated with minimal side effects
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 Saline Flushes
 Heparin Peds
 Citrate regional
anticoagulation Peds
 Low molecular weight
 Prostacyclin
 Nafamostat mesilate
 Danaparoid*
 Hirudin/Lepirudin
 Argatroban (thrombin
* No antidote known
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Brophy University of Iowa
Sites of Thrombus Formation
Any blood surface
 Hemofilter
 Bubble trap
 Catheter (Especially
 Areas of turbulence
 Luer lock
connections / 3 way
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Brophy University of Iowa
How does citrate work
 Clotting is a calcium dependent mechanism,
removal of calcium from the blood will inhibit
 Adding citrate to blood will bind the free calcium
(ionized) calcium in the blood thus inhibiting
 Common example of this is blood banked blood
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Brophy University of Iowa
How is citrate used?
 In most protocols citrate is infused post patient but prefilter
often at the “arterial” access of the dual (or triple) lumen
access that is used for hemofiltration (HF)
 Calcium is returned to the patient independent of the dual
lumen HF access or can be infused via the 3rd lumen of the
triple lumen access
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(Citrate = 1.5 x BFR
150 mls/hr)
(Ca = 0.4 x citrate rate
60 mls/hr) (8mg/ml)
Pediatr Neph 2002, 17:150-154
(BFR = 100 mls/min)
Brophy University of Iowa
Calcium can be infused in 3rd
lumen of triple lumen access if
Citrate: Technical Considerations
 Measure patient and system iCa in 2 hours then at
6 hr increments
 Pre-filter infusion of Citrate
 Aim for system iCa of 0.3-0.4 mmol/l
 Adjust for levels
 Systemic calcium infusion
 Aim for patient iCa of 1.1-1.3 mmol/l
 Adjust for levels
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Citrate: Advantages
 No need for heparin
 Commercially available solutions exist (ACDcitrate-Baxter)
 Less bleeding risk
 Simple to monitor
 Many protocols
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Advantages of Citrate
 Has zero effect upon patient bleeding as opposed to heparin
which effects system and patient bleeding
 Easy to monitor with ionized calcium assay
 Activated Clotting Time (ACT) nor PTT needed
 Programs report less clotted circuits = less disposable cost
and less overtime nursing hours
 Bedside surveys demonstrate less work of machinery
allowing more attention to patient
Brophy University of Iowa
Citrate: Problems
 Metabolic alkalosis
 Metabolized in liver / other tissues
 May be associated with post CRRT raclcitrant hypercalcemia
 Electrolyte disorders
 Hypernatremia
 Hypocalcemia
 Hypomagnesemia
 Cardiac toxicity
 Neonatal hearts
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Complications of Citrate:
Metabolic alkalosis
 Metabolic alkalosis due to
 citrate conversion to HCO3
 Solutions with 35 meq/l
 NG losses
 TPN with acetate
 Treatment
 Solutions with 35 meq/l
 Decrease bicarbonate
dialysis rate and
replace at the same
rate with NS (pH 5)
 NG losses
 Replace with ½-2/3 NS
 TPN with acetate
 Use high Cl ratio
Brophy University of Iowa
Complications of Citrate: “Citrate Lock”
 Seen with rising total calcium with dropping/Stable patient
ionized calcium
 Essentially delivery of citrate exceeds hepatic metabolism and
CRRT clearance
 Treatment of “citrate lock”
 Decrease or stop citrate for 1 hr then restart at 70% of prior rate
or Increase D or FRF rate to enhance clearance
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Citrate or Heparin: literature
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Hoffbauer R et al. Kidney Int. 1999;56:1578-1583.
Unfractionated Heparin
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 In adults: Monchi M et al. Int Care Med 2004;30:260-65
 Median filter life was 70 hr Citrate, 40 hr Heparin
 Fewer PRBC transfused in Citrate group (surrogate of
bleeding per study) 0.2 units/day of CVVH Citrate vs 1
units/day of CVVH Heparin
Brophy University of Iowa
Heparin or Citrate?
 single
- 209Nephron
adults Clin Pract. 2004; 97(4):c131-6.
 regional anticoagulation : trisodium citrate vs standard
heparin protocol ( customized calcium-free dialysate)
 CitACG was the sole anticoagulant in 37 patients, 87
patients received low-dose heparin plus citrate, and 85
patients received only hepACG.
 Both groups receiving citACG had prolonged filter life when
compared to the hepACG group.
 significant cost saving due to prolonged filter life when
using citACG.
Brophy University of Iowa
 Seven ppCRRT centers
138 patients/442 circuits
3 centers: hepACG only
2 centers: citACG only
2 centers: switched from hepACG to citACG
HepACG = 230 circuits
CitACG= 158 circuits
NoACG = 54 circuits
Circuit survival censored for
Scheduled change
Unrelated patient issue
Death/witdrawal of support
Regain renal function/switch to intermittent HD
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Brophy University of Iowa
ppCRRT ACG Side Effects
 Heparin
 11 cases of systemic bleeding on heparin
 5 cases no ACG used secondary to bleeding
 1 case of HIT
 Citrate
 19 cases of metabolic alkalosis
 1 change to heparin for hyperglycemia
 1 change to heparin for alkalosis
 3 cases of citrate lock
Brophy University of Iowa
Anticoagulation and CRRT
 Heparin and citrate anticoagulation most commonly
used methods
 Heparin: bleeding risk
 Citrate: alkalosis, citrate lock
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Reference Tools
 site for information on CRRT site for info on Dr Mehta’s meeting Pediatric CRRT with links to other
meetings, protocols, industry
 PCRRT list serve (contact Tim Bunchman)
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 ppCRRT members
 Bedside ICU and Dialysis Nurses
 patients
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