AIM I/II ACRs Bug 171 Summary: User Notifications When Course Section is Modified in CITRIX Product: AIM II There is no transparency between users modifying sections of the course. Any user given the edit privilege can modify the sections they have access to without the other users’ knowledge. 14. Recommendations: Add some kind of notification to other users of the course of the sections that are modified. 15. Impact of Non-implementation: Time lost in reviewing the whole course every time it is accessed to make sure that correct data is still in the course. ------- Comment #1 From Ron Zinnato 2011-04-09 14:34:40 EDT ------Here's some amplification from Orlando Ferase: There have been cases at one site that documents have been updated without the knowledge of the main developers particularly sections that do not get flagged and therefore we don't know who touched them last. The ACR was generated with one purpose: to generate a notification of some sort to all the assigned permissions (users) to a course of what document and section was modified. I believe that the site is anticipating notifications via email. You might have other easier ideas to accomplish the task. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 172 Summary: NEC Requirement and Attainments not recorded Product: AIM I/II Instructor NEC requirements and student/graduate NEC attainments are not recorded in TPP (N2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 173 Summary: IA funding not recorded Product: AIM I/II Individual's Account funding is not recorded in TPP (from N7) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 176 Summary: Add category to RRL Product: AIM I/II Currently when a TPP is developed, items listed fall into a Category. (e.g. Consumables, Equipment, etc). There is NOT a Category to reflect eqipment which is provided for a course that comes from an outside entity at no cost and no costs are associated - less fuel.(e.g. SRG, NFECL, etc). Recommend adding a NEW Category for TPP's that reflect equipment with no cost against the course, and the entity that has ownership over the equipment to include the maintenance lifecycle. Similar to the way Manpower captures Billets of Enlisted/Officer/Civilian Required, Available, Delta -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 177 Summary: Add the ability to modify resources even if they in an approved status Product: AIM I/II Currently, items in the RRL can only be modified if they are “complete” and not “approved”. The current workaround is not adequate long term as it requires a user to not “approve” a course, so the resources remain “complete”. This system only works until you have to perform maintenance and then a course must be approved prior to revision or change. Recommendations: Allow changes to be made to RRL items if there is an update to the title (i.e., Version 8 of XXXX publication vice Version 9) change, or any other pertinent identifier fields within each category. Impact of non-implementation: The inablility to modify a resource, therefore having to create a new one, when there is an update to a manual/ISBN/edition, part number, etc., causes the RRL list within the AIM II system to become unmanageable and cumbersome when searching for the most recent item. Long term, it will cause incorrect resources to potentially be placed into courses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 182 Summary: Add 6th role to Metaframe instances Product: AIM I/II Full FD for roles on Metaframe Add a 6th role, "Contractor" to the AIM/Metaframe instances. See attachment for more details. Role 6: CONTRACTOR - The Contractor shall be assigned to one or more Developing Agencies as well as the specific CIN or CINs they have been assigned. They shall not have the capability to view any other CINs. By default, the Course Select screen will display only the CINs that they have been granted permission to view. The Contractor can only input/edit Courses that Role 2 has assigned to them via the Grant Privilege screen. The Contractor shall be limited to being granted permissions on CINs to those whose Prepared By agency is their Developing Agency. Contractor Lock function: Provides a method for the government and the contractor to toggle editing control of the course material. In TPP, applying Contractor Lock will lock out all roles from editing the TPP with the exception of the Administrator and the Contractor. The removal of the Contractor Lock will lock out the Contractor from editing the TPP. In TCCD, applying the Contractor Lock will lock out all roles from editing the entire course (CTTL through TG) with the exception of the Administrator and the Contractor. The removal of the Contractor Lock will lock out the Contractor from the entire course (CTTL through TG). Each time the Contractor Lock changes states a log entry will be generated indicating who initiated change, state, date and the time. All of the course elements will remain viewable in a read only state for all roles that have been restricted during both states of the Contractor Lock. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 203 Summary: Need to align equations in LP Product: AIM I/II Our customer has requested that we use mathematical formulas within their LPs. Microsoft Word supports equation editor objects within the text but the issue is when inserting the object into the AIM II DP/RIA content window. The objects disappear, are misaligned, or are not recognized by the AIM software. In order to display the object correctly, we have to capture paragraphs within equation editor instead of just the single item. This is an issue when it comes time to maintain content within a course. We recommend allowing the AIM LP to accept objects and align the objects as it functions in Word. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPM/LOM ACRs Bug 169 Summary: SCORM output from LO Module will not import into Elite. Product: LO Module I received the following trouble report from Rick Heffelfinger (LMSSC). "Currently the only option under export in the LOM module is SCORM (see attached screen print document). An export was performed and an attempt was made to register the course in Elite. Elite would not recognize the course. There is currently a grayed out button under export labeled Elite that I suspect may be intended for generating an Elite compatible course." Comments from Jamie Swaim: I verified that Rick has SCORM v1.2 selected under User Preferences in traditional AIM I, so this isn't the problem. I also looked for any place in the LO Module where the user could set the version of SCORM for output, but I couldn't find any. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 170 Summary: Data can be changed in any TPP Product: CPM CPM allows me to go to any active project and change the data in the TPP section. That should not happen. It should only allow those people on the project team to make selected changes. ------- Comment #1 From James Mitchell 2011-04-23 20:35:04 EDT ------This appears to be a conflict with the system role and the project role. If your system status is edit or administor for the project role area then you have the ability to modify any existing project. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 174 Summary: Project assignments not removed from user when project is deleted Product: CPM On a users home page, the assignments are not removed from the summary when a project is deleted. They are removed from the assignment tab. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 175 Summary: Additional milestones added to the TPP show as events Product: CPM When an additional milestone is added to a TPP, those milestones show as events for all users assigned to that project and center admins. This is confusing since only the newly added milestones show and not the baseline milestones that are in the system. Recommend either including all milestones as events or none of them, not just part of them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 178 Summary: Ability to change names of bolded elements Product: LO Module Patrina Durham (LSI) has requested the ability to change the names of all Bolded elements in the sections in the LO Module. The element type and its status as mandatory or optional will not be impacted, just the name. The result will be that any element of a section in LO Module can be renamed. Recommendation: The PPC concurs with her request, and requests that the AIM SSO modify the AIM I software to allow this ability. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 179 Summary: Lesson sequence changes upon saving modifications to sections Product: LO Module I received the following bug report from Mike Lueken (LMSSC). As we’re entering LOM data, we’re encountering issues that could impact our production. 1. As individual section elements are entered and saved, the lesson sequence changes. In our first LDC effort, in Phase 4, the third lesson (as still evidenced by the CPM Project) is titled ‘Monitor Weapons System Operations and Maintenance’. Deb began editing Section 3 (‘General Knowledge of TDENT Program’), and as soon as she saved it, this lesson resequenced to the last one in the Phase. I’m not sure how we can maintain correct instructional flow if the lessons automatically move around. 2. At the Kickoff meeting, we agreed that the Bolded Practice element would be the ‘Practice’ section and that we would use other unbolded Practice elements to contain comp checks. Two issues exist here: a. The new unbolded Practice elements cannot be renamed to more descriptive titles. b. Reqseuencing of unbolded Practice elements results in unexpected behavior. Although you move an unbolded element, it may show as bold after it relocates. After several manipulations, all Practice elements became unbolded! c. I would expect that the bold Practice element should insist on staying after the Section Review, but it moves around. The attached screen shot shows the state of Deb’s AIM screen after the sequence described above. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 183 Summary: Most recently used items Product: CPM In the past, conditions, standards, and task source items displayed in a complete system list containing elements from all Centers. While this type of display is effective, the users would benefit from having a shorter list which displays only the top ten recently used items with an option to ‘see all’ when desired to speed up the selection of such items during the JDTA process. In order to do this effectively: 1. Allow sorting of most recently used conditions, standards, and task source for JDTA process. 2. System will determine which items were most recently entered by the user for display of top 10 most recently used items 3. Create drop-down lists of top 10 most recently used items in the JDTA process (to be displayed in selection screen if the user is only viewing the top 10 most recently used items). 4. Allow user to select multiple items (condition, standard, or task source) from most recently used items list for linking to JDTA elements (ability to highlight one or multiple items for selection). 5. Allow user to select a check box to ‘show all’ to display items in a given area (condition, standard, or task source) to link to JDTA elements where applicable. 6. The most recently used items will display at the top of selection screen, right after the selected entries if the user selects ‘show all’. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 184 Summary: Cannot select TG sheet in RIAs for ILT curricula Product: LO Module Currently, the user can create a TG sheet at the Section level for ILT curricula in the LO Module, but the user cannot select it in an RIA for any sub-level of the DPs--they have to make a reference to it using after text. This is unsat--the user should be able to select this TG sheet in the RIA of any level of the DPs. (I have no problem with being able to create a TG sheet at only the Section level, but it should be selectable at any level.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 185 Summary: Cannot resequence resources at the Section level in the LO Module Product: LO Module Currently, when the user selects resources for a Section in the LO Module, the order of these resources is "set in stone." The user cannot resequence them. There is a workaround, in that you could resequence them by completely deleting and reinserting them, but this is too time-consuming. Please add the ability to resequence resources for a Section in the LO Module. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 186 Summary: DP numbering in LO Module differs from print of Section Product: LO Module I was reviewing a PDF print of a section. I decided to check the actual entry in the LO module, but when I opened the Section to check DP 3 (refer to screen print file "DP numbers when Section is printed.doc"), I found that it was listed in the LO Module as DP 4 (refer to screen print file "DP numbers in LO Module.doc"). If an element in the Section listed will not print as an actual DP, then it shouldn't be numbered as a DP in the LO Module. When the user prints a Section, the DP numbers listed in the LO Module should match the DP numbers in the printed Section. ------- Comment #1 From Jamie Swaim 2011-08-07 22:01:23 EDT ------Created an attachment (id=33) [details] DP numbers in LO Module -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 187 Summary: Can't set DP spacing in LO Module Product: LO Module There does not appear to be any way to modify the DP spacing of a Section in the LO Module. One workaround that I've seen is to add hard returns after the element to increase the DP spacing, but this is an inefficient way of doing this. Please add the same DP spacing functionality to the LO Module that is currently contained in the LP Module. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 188 Summary: Period is not inserted automatically at end of RIA Product: LO Module For RIAs in a Section, the program does not automatically insert a period at the end as it does for RIAs in the LP Module. The user can insert a period at the end of the text in the after text, but this doesn't work unless there is preceding text. If there is no preceding text, the program will insert a space before the period. Please add the same functionality for automatically inserting a period at the end of a Section RIA in the LO Module that currently exists in the LP Module. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 189 Summary: Cannot select superscript or subscript for Section elements Product: LO Module A DP for a Section is listed as CO2. When I accessed this element, I found that I could not make the "2" subscript, which is how it should be listed. Please add the ability to select a superscript or subscript font for Section elements in the LO Module. ------- Comment #1 From Jamie Swaim 2011-08-07 22:33:56 EDT ------This functionality should be added anywhere in a Section where the user can type in text. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 190 Summary: Sheets are not numbered correctly in LO Module Product: LO Module I had to correct a graphic in a diagram sheet in MT Continuum, Phase 6, Module 1, Lesson 8, Section 1. When I finished with my modifications, I previewed the diagram sheet. The preview showed that the diagram sheet was identified as “Diagram Sheet 1.” It is very likely that ILT curricula in the LO Module will be printed to PDF or paper because the curricula would be used in the lab, which doesn't currently have Elite installed in it. If a sheet is subsequently separated from the rest of the curriculum, no one, except perhaps the developer, that looks at the sheet would be able to tell which Course, Module, Lesson, or Section that it belonged to. Instruction sheets in the TG module in traditional AIM I are numbered in a manner that always allows the user to determine where they belong (CIN-Part #-Section #-Topic #-Sequence #). Sheets in the LO Module should be numbered in a similar manner. My suggestion is to number them as follows: Title of Course-Module Number-Lesson Number-Section Number-Sequence Number. Using this numbering scheme, the diagram sheet I modified would be numbered “Diagram Sheet Missile Technician Continuum Phase 6 - Manager CPO Common Core-M1-L8-S1-1.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 191 Summary: Add FAL and ECG to LO Module Product: LO Module The LO Module does not currently have the ability to select faults from the Fault Applicability List (FAL). Since the LO Module will contain Instructor-Led Training (ILT), the ability to add faults to ILT courses is critical; therefore, FAL functionality should be added to the LO Module. Also, when the ECG module becomes operational, users should have the ability to generate exercises in the LO Module and the ability to select existing exercises from the LP/TG side of AIM I in the LO Module. This would also be critical for ILT courses in the LO Module. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 193 Summary: Alphabetize Glossary Product: LO Module The Glossary in the LO Module does not have the ability to alphabetize so in the process of developing a section to input data in the glossary it is very time consuming to manage the entries which shouldn’t take that much effort. This functionality should be added to the LO Module. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 194 Summary: Select attributes in RIA Product: LO Module The LO Module does not currently have the ability to select attributes to build direction for the instructor in the Related Instructor Activity (RIA) column. Since the LO Module will contain Instructor-Led Training (ILT), the ability to add/remove/modify an RIA through a drop-down menu is essential; therefore, this functionality should be added to the LO Module. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 195 Summary: Need two sublevels below an element Product: LO Module The LO Module does not currently have the ability go to at least two sublevels below an element, which is equivalent to the Discussion Point capability in AIM I. Since the LO Module will contain Instructor-Led Training (ILT), it is necessary to have the capability of going to a letter sublevel [Example: a.] and a numerical sublevel [Example: (1)] to ensure the Lesson Plan sufficiently covers the section being taught. ------- Comment #1 From Ron Zinnato 2011-08-19 05:13:42 EDT ------Added by Patrina Durham: I’m not sure if this was directly specified in the change request, but for “PPC AIM I Change Request ACR_BAES-MS11_A1.001”, please ensure the outline follows NAVEDTRA 130 guideline example for numbering subheadings at least to the fourth subheadings: 3. a. (1) (a) Just in case, we may want to put in the 5th and 6th subheadings. Suggest: [1] [a] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 196 Summary: Selecting References for RIA Product: LO Module The LO Module does not currently have the ability go to select a reference from the RRL and place it under the Related Instructor Activity at all levels, including sublevels, as is done in AIM I. Since the LO Module will contain Instructor-Led Training (ILT), it is necessary to have this capability to ensure the Lesson Plan has sufficient references at all levels, including sublevels, to cover the section being taught. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 198 Summary: Add function to replace IETMs (or other RRL items) Product: LO Module The (new) LOM application in AIM I does not contain a function to “Replace” IETMs with updated changes from the Site RRL as in the traditional AIM I application. This is an important function that should be added to update the documentation in the MT Continuum Phases. (Added by Jamie Swaim: The “Replace” function for other types of RRL items should also be added to the LO Module.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 199 Summary: Can't change attributes of elements Product: LO Module Once the initial element or sub-element is created as a fact-image, fact-list fact table, sub-element text, etc., the developer does not have the ability to change the attribute to one of the elements. For example, if a sub-element (text) is initially developed is fine, but later on it is deemed necessary to change it to a fact-list – the developer cannot make a change. Since the LO Module will contain Instructor-Led Training (ILT), the ability to modify the type of element At Will to ILT courses is critical; therefore, this functionality should be added to the LO Module. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug 200 Summary: Bolded elements can't be edited Product: LO Module In the LO Module, elements in black bold letters cannot be edited or deleted like the rest of the elements. This is an important function because during development of instructor-led sections, not all of the elements that are in bold are applicable to knowledge-based enabling objects and need to be edited or deleted. Therefore, this functionality should be added to the LO Module. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 201 Summary: No way to determing why "In Use" is set Product: LO Module In the LO Module, there is an ability to “Reset in-use”, but there is no way to determine why the “InUse” Flag is set (aka, Who is in that Section/Element) to allow the user needing to edit the Section to contact the appropriate person prior to clicking the “Reset in–use”, since two users cannot be in the same Section/ Element at the same time. Therefore, “Show in-use items” and “Show in-use information” functionality should be added to Options in the LO Module to have the same functionality as in AIM I. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 202 Summary: Can't add sub-elements to Self Paced Instruction Product: LO Module In the LO Module, You cannot add sub-elements to the “Self-Paced” Instruction Type. It is necessary for outlining the flow of instruction in the self-paced content, just as it is for Instructor-Led. This subelement functionality should be added to “Self-Paced” Option in the LO Module to the same level as Instructor-led Instruction Type. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 205 Summary: Default names for saving print previews to PDF should be standardized Product: LO Module In the LO Module in Central Site AIM I, I print previewed a Developer’s copy of Course MT Continuum Phase 6 – Manager CPO Common Core, Module 1, Lesson 8, Section 1. When I saved it to PDF, the default name given was: M__TempFiles_~aim0004_~aim0001_External Inspections and.pdf. I then print previewed the LP for this section, and when I saved it to PDF, there was no default name shown. To minimize naming problems (many people just use the default names), there has to be a better way of assigning default names in the LO Module than this. The default names assigned to print previews, exports, and archives in traditional AIM I work quite well, so I suggest that some kind of common naming scheme be developed for the LO Module. (The would also apply to the CPM.) Here’s what I suggest. When any element in the LO Module is print previewed and then saved to PDF, the default name would consist of the following elements: (1) Course name; (2) Module number; (3) Lesson number; (4) Section number; (5) type of print preview (e.g., Web, Developer, Student, Storyboard, LP, Sheets); and (6) Version number. For the section I just print previewed, the default name would be: "Course MT Continuum Phase 6 – Manager CPO Common Core-M1-L8-S1-Developer-V1.pdf." If I print previewed the LP for this section and saved it to PDF, the only thing that would change in the default name would be that “Developer” would change to “LP.” If a Lesson is print previewed and saved to PDF, the default name would be the same, except that the section number would be left off of the default filename. This would work the same for print previewing Modules and Courses—the lower-level portions would be left out of the default filenames. (E.g., Course PDF = MT Continuum Phase 6 – Manager CPO Common Core-Developer-V1.pdf; Module = MT Continuum Phase 6 – Manager CPO Common Core-M1-DeveloperV1.pdf; Lesson = MT Continuum Phase 6 – Manager CPO Common Core-M1-L8-Developer-V1.pdf; Section = MT Continuum Phase 6 – Manager CPO Common Core-M1-L8-S1-Developer-V1.pdf.) This same type of filenaming scheme should also apply to exports in the LO Module. It might not apply to the CPM, though, because it exports directly to the EDE, and no default name is even shown. I’m not sure how this would apply to archives. I also have no idea how an archive would work, and I don’t even know if there is such a function in the LO Module or in the CPM, but there should be. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bug 206 Summary: Thumbnail images of Word or PDF files linked to IMI items do not appear in the LO Module Product: LO Module Word and PDF documents linked to IMI items do not display in the LO Module. (Refer to Figures 1 through 3.) The Word (or PDF) document will display if the user selects View RRL, but it will not display anywhere else in the LO Module. (There is no thumbnail image displayed.) ------- Comment #1 From Jamie Swaim 2011-08-21 23:47:11 EDT ------Created an attachment (id=35) [details] This screen is what appears after “Add Resource” has been selected and IMI “test_sample” has been added ------- Comment #2 From Jamie Swaim 2011-08-21 23:47:38 EDT ------Created an attachment (id=36) [details] A thumbnail image will display when you select View RRL as shown in the above screen print