Beaver Ridge Elementary School Parent Involvement Policy

Beaver Ridge Elementary School
Revised: August 13, 2014
In support of strengthening student academic achievement, each school that receives Title I, Part A funds must
develop jointly with, agree on with, and distribute to, parents of participating children a written parental involvement
policy, agreed on by such parents, that contains information required by section 1118 (b)(1) of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) (school parental involvement policy). The policy establishes the school’s
expectations for parental involvement and describes how the school will implement a number of specific parental
involvement activities. The policy is incorporated into the school’s plan submitted to the local educational agency
The school will adhere to the following as required by law:
Involve parents, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of
programs under Title I, Part A, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parental
involvement policy and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan under section 1114(b)(2) of
the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA).
Update the school’s parent involvement policy periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and the
school; distribute it to the parents of participating children; and make the parental involvement plan available
to the local community.
Provide full opportunities, to the extent practicable, for the participation of parents with limited English
proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children. Provide information and school
reports required under section 1111 of the ESEA in an understandable and uniform format, including
alternative formats upon request, and to the extent practicable, in a language parents understand.
If the schoolwide program plan under section 1114 (b)(2) of the ESEA is not satisfactory to the parents of
participating children, submit any parent comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to
the local educational agency.
Be governed by the following statutory definition of parental involvement and will carry out programs,
activities, and procedures in accordance with this definition:
Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful
communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring:
(A) that parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning;
(B) that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school;
(C) that parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate,
in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child;
(D) the carrying out of other activities, such as those described in section 1118 of the
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A description of each of the following components below must be included in order to satisfy statutory
1. Beaver Ridge Elementary will take the following actions to involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and
timely manner in the planning, review, and improvement of Title I programs, including involvement in the
decisions regarding how funds for parental involvement will be used.
Parents will be encouraged to attend and share their opinions at the Title I Planning Meeting, Title I Annual
Parent Meetings, Title I Parent Advisory Council meetings, and in the joint development of the Title I
Schoolwide Program Plan, Section 1114(b)(2), or participate in open meetings so they can become
acclimated with school programs and procedures. Parents, community members, school administration,
and staff will meet to review and/or revise the Beaver Ridge Elementary School Title I Parent Involvement
Policy, Schoolwide Plan, School-Parent Compact, Parent Involvement Calendar of Events, and the Title I
Budget, academic and non-academic data, and school performance profile. Parental feedback will be taken
into consideration in revising these documents. Parents are encouraged to take the drafts home and submit
their feedback. Parents unable to attend the meetings will have the opportunity to review the documents in
the Parent Center. Those parents that attend after seeing the advertisement on the marquee, the flyers,
emails, school website, and other forms of notification are able leave their feedback with the Parent Center
The Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) is a living document and as such, parents can help revise its
goals. The LSPI goals are included in our Title I Schoolwide Plan. During Local School Council meetings
parents can help revise the LSPI as well as review the budget through open discussion and input. A printed
agenda shall be presented and each council member shall acknowledge his/her presence by signing an
attendance log. The Title I Office will provide technical assistance and/or advisement in the development of
the local school Parental Involvement Policy, Schoolwide Plan, School-Parent Compact, Parent Involvement
Calendar of Events, and Parent Involvement workshop opportunities. Parents will also be notified on the
school’s website of other options and opportunities to review documents or become involved in schoolwide
events and activities at Beaver Ridge. Parents also have the option to read the Title 1 documents online
and forward their feedback to the Parent Center.
All suggestions for improvement and identified barriers to parental involvement shall be noted. The PISC will
survey parents annually to determine the effectiveness of our Schoolwide Program. Survey results will be
reviewed and will be shared with parents. RBES Perception Survey and annual evaluation survey data will
be used to determine if revisions and improvements to the LSPI and Schoolwide Program are needed.
Beaver Ridge Elementary will take the following actions to conduct an annual meeting, at a convenient
time, and encourage and invite all parents of participating children to attend. Inform parents about the
school’s Title I program, the nature of the Title I program, the parents’ requirements and the school parental
involvement policy, the schoolwide plan, and the school-parent compact.
Beaver Ridge Elementary School will convene a Title I Annual Parent Meeting at the beginning of the school
year for all parents, and again midyear. Parents will be invited and encouraged to attend these meetings on
August 26, 2014 and on September 3, 2014. Parents will be notified of the meetings in the BRES Today
monthly News, the Friday Folders, flyers, bulletin boards, yard signs, door signs, email messages, and in
the school’s marquee. A reminder will go home on a flyer the week of the meeting. At this meeting, parents
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will be told that Beaver Ridge ES is a Title I School and that it receives Title I funds. The purpose of the
meeting will be to inform parents about the guidelines, purpose, goals, and expectations of the Title I
Program. It will inform parents of their important role in their child’s success. Parents will be told about the
Title I School-Parent Compact and the Title I documents which they should have reviewed and signed
together with the student when these were sent home. Parents will be given the opportunity to sign the
documents and return them to school during Parent Conferences on September 24, 2014 and September
25, 2014. New parents registering children after these dates will receive the documents and will return them
to the Parent Center as soon as they are reviewed and signed.
The Title I AP (AP-TI) will work with the BRES principal and the Office of Federal and Special Programs as
the primary contact for the development and implementation of Title I Plan and budget requirements as part
of the Schoolwide Plan. The school’s LSPI goals will be communicated to parents by the AP-TI; in addition
to the Parent Involvement Calendar of Events - information about Title I Instructional and Parent
Involvement Budgets will be shared. In addition, information will be shared about opportunities for parent
involvement throughout the year at the Parent Center, parents’ legal rights (PPRA) and (FERPA) and the
Title I Complaint Process, as well as the right to request teacher status and notification of Highly Qualified
teacher status. Parents will be encouraged to familiarize themselves with the academic materials available
to them at the Parent Center to support their child’s academic needs at home. Parents have the right to be
involved in the revision of the Title I documents: Schoolwide Plan, Parent Involvement Policy, Parent
Involvement Calendar of Events, School-Parent Compact, Title I Budget(s), and Funding Priorities (“Wish
List”). Parents can play important roles in the School Council, and in the Parent Advisory Council, if they
are willing to accept the responsibility. Parents will be able to assist in their child’s classroom, at the Parent
Center, or during meetings and social events throughout the year. Volunteering will be encouraged at
BRES. The PISC will elicit areas in which parents would like more information. This feedback will be used
to plan programs/meetings that will meet the parents’ specific needs. As families enroll they will be provided
with Title Documents at the Registrar’s office; the PISC will meet incoming families to discuss Title I
documents and introduce them to the Parent Center’s academic resources and materials.
Beaver Ridge Elementary will take the following actions to offer a flexible number of meetings, such as
meetings in the morning or evening, and may provide with Title I funds, transportation, child care or home
visits, as such services relate to parental involvement.
Beaver Ridge Elementary School parent meetings will be scheduled at various times of the day such as
mornings and evenings. When possible, childcare will be provided during meetings and workshops.
Bilingual Spanish interpretation will be provided. The Title I Annual Parent Meetings will be offered at other
flexible times as the needs arise so that all parents may obtain the pertinent information about the
guidelines, purpose, goals, and expectations of the Title I Program. Recordings will be available for those
parents that are homebound and cannot attend the school or community meetings.
Beaver Ridge Elementary will take the following actions to provide parents of participating children the
The Title I Schoolwide Program Plan will be explained and discussed during the Title I
Annual Parent Meeting. The Parent Instructional Support Coordinator (PISC) will provide
all Title I documentation to parents and students in August so they will have copies of the
Title I Parent Involvement Policy, the School-Parent Compact, and the Parent
Involvement Calendar of Events. The information explained to parents at the Title I
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Annual Parent Meeting will be signed and returned by parents and students. The
Registrar will distribute this same information to new families for the Parent Instructional
Support Coordinator (PISC) as new families register during the course of the year.
The curriculum taught at Beaver Ridge Elementary School will be shared through the
Gwinnett County Public School System’s Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) brochure
for each grade level. AKS brochures and information are available to each parent and
can be found in the Beaver Ridge Elementary School’s registrar’s office and county’s
website. Beaver Ridge Elementary School measures its students’ progress by means of
GCPS Interim Assessments, State Assessments, and Weekly Mini Assessments. The
AKS brochure communicates the content of the K-12 curriculum in language arts,
mathematics, science, social studies, technology, fine arts, health, and physical
education. AKS are aligned with GCPS and the Common Core Curriculum. The AKS is
aligned with the state-adopted Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS)
in the areas of mathematics (K-9), language arts (K-12), and literacy standards in science,
social studies, and technical education for middle and high school students. All other
program content areas remain aligned to the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS).
This alignment ensures that students are prepared for state tests, including the Georgia
High School Writing Test and state-required End of Course Test for designated high
school courses. Benchmark Assessments used to measure student progress, as well as
the proficiency levels students are expected to meet, will be explained at curriculum night
on August 26, 2014 and reviewed during parent/teacher conferences on September 24 &
25, 2014 and February 25 & 26, 2015.
Title I funds will be used to support direct instruction by offering Extended Learning
Programs in reading, language arts, and math for students in Grades 3-5. The LSPI
objectives call for an increase in academic performance by May 2015 in Math,
Reading/Language Arts, and Science for all students and targeted subgroups. Students
will meet and/or exceed annual targets through implementation of collaborative planning
by classroom teachers, targeted interventions, direct math instruction (math workshop),
and vocabulary development.
Parents will have the opportunity to review their child’s assessment data, academic
progress, and proficiency levels during parent/teacher conferences on September 24 &
25, 2014 and February 25 & 26, 2014. Additionally, parents are encouraged to engage in
other activities at Beaver Ridge Elementary. Such activities include volunteering in the
school and/or classroom, serving on governing teams such as the two Parent Advisory
Council meetings and serving on the Local School Council. These school-based
organizations of parents, educators, and citizens collaborate to set goals for improving
student achievement and evaluate the progress in reaching these goals.
In addition, the parents are encouraged to attend grade level programs and meetings
regarding their child’s progress. Parents may be advised by a Student Support Team, or
may be asked to meet for a Response to Intervention, a three tier process to monitor and
support students who are struggling. Individual Educational Plans are also prepared, and
parents are also asked to participate in decisions relating to their children’s education.
Any questions, concerns, suggestions, and/or responses by parents will be addressed by
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an appropriate faculty and/or staff member at Beaver Ridge Elementary School in a timely
manner by way of telephone calls, notes, and/or conferences. Interpreters will be
provided as needed.
Beaver Ridge Elementary will take the following actions to jointly develop with parents of participating
children a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share
the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and
parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high standards.
The School-Parent Compact for Beaver Ridge Elementary School is jointly developed with parents,
teachers, and administrators in order to meet the needs of all children. The compact will be used to
guide discussions about academic goals between teachers, students, and parents during
conferences. In addition, the BRES faculty and staff will review the compact, sharing in the
responsibility for improving student academic achievement. This year all parents will receive,
review, discuss, and sign the BRES School-Parent Compact. The compact will be sent home with
the student, signed and returned by the student and parent during the month of October.
In addition, any parents who register their children after September at BRES will be provided the
compact for review, discussion, and signatures. The compact will then be forwarded to the
student’s assigned homeroom teacher to be signed and filed. The Title I School-Parent Compact
can be reviewed during parent/teacher conferences in September and February and during
Student Support Team meetings. The compact may be revised for individual students based on
information gathered by staff. This may happen after a parent-teacher conference, a Student
Support Team (SST) meeting, a modification in the schoolwide discipline policy, or an initiative
change from the central office. A Title I Planning meeting(s) will also be held to review and revise
the Title I School-Parent Compact on an annual basis. Translations in other languages will be
available as needed, to a realistic extent.
6. Beaver Ridge Elementary will build the school’s and parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement, in
order to ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school involved,
parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, through the following activities
specifically described below:
A. Beaver Ridge Elementary will provide assistance to parents of participating children, as appropriate, in
understanding topics such as the following, by undertaking the actions described in this paragraph –
 the State’s academic content standards;
 the State’s student academic achievement standards;
 the State and local academic assessments including alternate assessments;
 the requirements of Part A;
 how to monitor their child’s progress, and
 how to work with educators
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Faculty and staff at Beaver Ridge Elementary School will provide assistance to parents in
understanding student performance standards on state assessments. The assessments are used to
measure student progress and proficiency levels that students are expected to meet. The faculty and
staff at BRES are committed to reaching high standards for student achievement and to give every child
a quality education. Parents will be provided opportunities to understand state assessments, monitor
student progress, and support students at home through monthly workshops. In addition, the PISC will
have a sign-up sheet table where all parents will have the opportunity to write their names as future
volunteers during Title 1 Meetings and other school events.
Parents will be informed on how to interpret the results of the Georgia Milestones Assessment
administered in April of 2015. These assessments are used for the state. ACCESS testing will take
place from January through March. The Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT), administered the week of
September 15, 2014, measures the cognitive ability of students in first, third, and fifth grade. The Iowa
Test of Basic Skills, administered October 20-24, 2014 to students in grades 3 and 5, measures the
students’ skill levels in various content areas. The Grade 3 Writing Assessment and Grade 5 Writing
Assessment will be administered and evaluated in March of 2015. GCPS Interim Assessments are also
administered during the first and second semesters.
Parents are always given tips to get the children ready for days of testing – including local, county, and state
assessments. Parents will be encouraged to monitor their children’s progress and assist them in meeting
their academic goals by checking the student’s agenda, by monitoring mid-term reports and report cards,
attending parent-teacher conferences, and by contacting the teachers by phone or email. Another method
for monitoring their children is the website, or ‘Parent Go to Portal’
( We will offer parents support in understanding standardized
tests in the variety of ways we have described. Response to Intervention (RTI) is used by administrators,
teachers, and coaches to share data about the children’s test scores and assessments with parents later on
during the Student Support Team (SST) process. Parents can learn about grade level promotion
requirements by reading the handbook issued to them at the beginning of the year and/or by visiting the
school website.
B. Beaver Ridge Elementary will provide materials and training, such as: literacy training and using
technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement and help parents work with their child to
improve their child’s achievement by;
The Parent Center is staffed with a Parent Instructional Support Coordinator who assists parents to be
catalysts in their children’s educational, social, and emotional growth. The Beaver Ridge Elementary
School PISC, along with other school personnel, will provide opportunities and materials for parents to
become full partners in the educational programs of their children. The national standards for
parent/family involvement reiterate the importance of this by reporting, “Parents develop confidence
when they feel empowered and may go on to further their own education, while becoming active in their
child’s school and community.” The parent meetings will provide parents the opportunity to provide
suggestions and to participate in discussions relating to the education of their children. The PISC,
faculty, and staff at Beaver Ridge Elementary School will coordinate and integrate parent involvement
programs and activities such as: Curriculum, Literacy, Math, and Science Nights, as well as diverse
educational and cultural evenings. Parents will be encouraged to utilize the BRES Title I Calendar of
Events and the online calendars to be constantly aware of parent activities for the entire school year.
The Parent Center will host training opportunities for parents of at-risk students taught by intervention
teachers, classroom teachers, ESOL teachers, and Math and Literacy coaches to learn about the
importance of student homework, school communication, content support, child development, math and
literacy. Interpreters are provided, when needed, for these training sessions. On October 7, 2014,
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parents will participate in a Literacy Workshop in which they will create games and activities that will
help them reinforce at home some of the literacy standards their children need to master in school. On
November 11, 2014, parents will participate in Science/Math Workshops in which they will create
games and activities that will help them reinforce the mathematics & science standards their children
need to master in school.
C. Beaver Ridge Elementary will provide training to educate the teachers, pupil services personnel,
principal, and other staff in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal
partners, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to implement and coordinate
parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school, by:
Beaver Ridge Elementary School will provide professional development opportunities for teachers,
paraprofessionals, administrators and all support staff that will enable them to effectively communicate
and work with parents. This staff development will be initiated by the Parent Instructional Support
Coordinator (PISC). An assistant principal is in charge of the weekly staff development that is held
every Tuesday and also works by grade levels on Thursdays. Teachers will be informed of the
materials that are available in the Parent Center. Teachers at Beaver Ridge are also able to use the
PISC as a resource for building parent involvement capacity.
D. Beaver Ridge Elementary will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parental
involvement programs and activities with Head Start, Even Start, Home Instruction Programs for
Preschool Youngsters, the Parents as Teachers Program, and public preschool and other programs,
and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in
more fully participating in the education of their children, by:
The Beaver Ridge Elementary School Parent Instructional Support Coordinator (PISC) along with other
school personnel will provide parents opportunities and appropriate material to facilitate full parental
partnership in the educational programs of their preschool children. Parents may learn about the
importance of attendance, good study habits, homework assistance, required testing, test preparation
opportunities, literacy, extra-curricular activities, and various other topics that surround education by
availing themselves of information designed to help their other children. Pre-K programs are invited to
bring the students to BRES toward the end of the year. A couple of visits are scheduled every year.
We contact the local Pre-K programs by phone and email them advertisement so parents of rising
kindergarten students can come to our transition workshops and the Kindergarten Registration.
E. Beaver Ridge Elementary will take the following actions to ensure that information related to the school
and parent programs, meetings, and other activities, is sent to the parents of participating children in an
understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent
practicable, in a language the parents can understand:
Beaver Ridge Elementary School will effectively communicate with parents through the use of clear and
concise language as well as minimizing the number of acronyms used. Open communication between
our staff and parents related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities will be
addressed through the BRES Today (Beaver Monthly News), the marquee, notices, Title I literature,
progress reports, phone calls, school web site, and email. This communication will be provided in a
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language that parents can understand, to a realistic extent. Parents with a low level of literacy will be
given personal attention until proper communication is achieved.
Beaver Ridge Elementary School will distribute copies of the Title I Parent Handbook, the Parent
Involvement Policy, the School-Parent Compact, and Parent Involvement Calendar of Events for
Beaver Ridge Elementary School to all families on August 26,2014 wasn’t sure what date to put. Aug
26 is our curriculum night. The documents will be translated into Spanish to comply with federal
regulations due to the high percentage of our school’s population who are Spanish speaking. All
families will sign and return a Parent Receipt of these Title I Documents by August 29, 2014. The
Registrar’s Office will continue to distribute these documents to new families enrolling children at
Beaver Ridge Elementary School throughout the 2014-2015 Academic Year. The Parent Receipt will be
collected by the Parent Instructional Support Coordinator.
F. Beaver Ridge Elementary will provide other reasonable support for parental involvement activities
under section 1118 as parents may request, by;
The school staff will provide reasonable support for parental involvement activities such as: child care,
interpreters and transportation in a case by case basis as deemed necessary according to the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA).
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NOTE: The School Level Parental Involvement Policy may include additional paragraphs listing and describing other
discretionary activities that the school, in consultation with its parents, chooses to undertake to build parents’ capacity
for involvement in the school to support their children’s academic achievement, such as the following discretionary
activities listed under section 1118(e) of the ESEA:
Indicate which of the following discretionary school level parental involvement policy components the school will
implement to improve parental involvement.
☐ Involve parents in the development of training for teachers, principals, and other educators to improve the
effectiveness of that training;
☐ Provide necessary literacy training for parents from Title I, Part A funds, if the school has exhausted all
other reasonably available sources of funding for that training;
☐ Pay reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parental involvement activities, including
transportation and child care costs, to enable parents to participate in school-related meetings and
training sessions;
☐ Train parents to enhance the involvement of other parents;
☐ In order to maximize parental involvement and participation in their child’s education, arrange school
meetings at a variety of times or conduct in-home conferences with teachers or other educators who work
directly with participating children and parents who are unable to attend conferences at school;
☐ Adopt and implement model approaches to improving parental involvement;
☐ Establish a schoolwide parent advisory council to provide advice on all matters related to parental
involvement in Title I, Part A programs;
☐ Develop appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses, including faith-based
organizations, in parental involvement activities.
(If you are implementing any of the discretionary items above, please check the corresponding
box and include a description. Hint: highlighted bullets are the most commonly used
discretionary items.) (Checklist indicators: 18-25)
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