Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy Girl’s Rock 2014-2015 Teachers’ Name: McBride, L. Grade Level: 6 Date Bell Ringer This is the activity that students will be expected to do before class begins. Week of: 20-24 October 2014 Subject: World Cultural Studies TEKS/STUDENT EXPECTATIONS OBJECTIVES What will students know and be able to do? How will you let them know the goals? Write in student friendly language. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES (ANAG) Accessing Prior Knowledge, New Information, Apply Knowledge, Generalization ASSESSMENT How will students show you that they know and can do using a variety of formative assessments? ACCOMMODATIONS FOR SPECIAL NEEDS RESOURCES MATERIALS (What different teaching strategies are used to teach all students including GT, 504,LEP, and Special Ed?) Mon A (1-4) SIN Update Tues B (5-8) Collect HW Discuss Upcoming Home-based Project Introduction to HUB (20) I can ask and answer geographic questions about the location of various regions and countries. I can locate different contemporary societies, physical features and human features of North Africa/Southwest Asia on maps and globes. I can point out and explain the geographic factors responsible for patterns of Introduction to The Setting and History of North Africa/Southwest Asia—Day 1 (7): Learning Targets PreAssessment; Quick write: Thinking about where you live, how does physical geography affect lifestyle, settlement, and events in the region? What activities can you participate in? What are your living conditions? (Think-Pair-Share) New Information (13): Locating Countries, Landforms, & Think-Pair-Share Think-Pair-Share SIN North Africa/Southwest Asia Blank Map Completion Higher-Ordered thinking Questions Internet Resources Graphic Organizers Laptops ESPN Categorization Lesson resources BrainPOP graphic Organizer Completion Relational Geography Activity Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy Girl’s Rock 2014-2015 population in places and regions. I can judge the ESPN contributions of individual and groups from various societies, past and present. I can compare and contrast information about North Africa/Southwest Asia Waterforms in North Africa/Southwest Asia (blank map) Guided and Independent Practice (40): BrainPOP: Deserts—students will view the BrainPOP video and complete a graphic organizer. Independent Practice and Assessment of Mastery (10): Relational Geography Activity; Learning Targets PostAssessment Wed A (1-4) Thurs B (5-8) Discuss student progress— Home-based project DISTRICT SNAPSHOT 2 (50) I can tell how the factors of production influence the economies of modern-day societies. I can recognize problems and issues that may arise when the factors of ESP, cont’d (5): Review Learning Targets Preof concepts discussed Post Assessment during Part I. Quick Write and Response New Information (5): ESP Guided Notes, cont’d ESPN Interview Guided and Independent Practice (25): Complete ESP Do I Really Get It? Turn the Light On SIN Quick Write & Response SMARTBoard Learning Targets SelfAssessment Lesson Documents Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy Girl’s Rock 2014-2015 production are in short supply. I can differentiate between limited and unlimited government. Guided Notes; in pairs, students will conduct ESPN interviews. Internet Independent Practice and Assessment of Mastery (5): Learning Targets Post Assessment/Evidence of Learning I can identify reasons why government power should be limited. SIN Update Fri Kahoot! Pass/Explain Homework Same as Tuesday Introduction to The Setting and History of North Africa/Southwest Asia—Day 2 (10): Question—What do you know about Ancient Egypt? (Pairs to Squares Grouping Strategy) Pairs To Squares Responses New Information (15): Pump Up the Vocab— civilization Learning Targets Guided and Independent Practice (45): Egypt/Mesopotamia video and discussion; Ancient Ancient Egypt/Mesopotamia Venn Diagram Foldable Question and Response (CPE) Graphic Organizers SIN Class Discussion Internet Resources Grouping Strategies Laptops Lesson Resources Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy Girl’s Rock 2014-2015 Egypt/Mesopotamia Venn Diagram foldable. Independent Practice and Assessment of Mastery 10): SAS Website—Ancient Middle East: Mesopotamia Big Question; Learning Targets Post-Assessment