CLASS NEWS from ROOM 703 Week of November 4-8 Writer's Workshop: We finished up our unit of writing small moment stories. We learned how to add speech bubbles to our stories so that our characters can talk. Then we had a Museum Walk in our classroom so that we could read stories that our friends wrote. We began writing pattern books with some pattern stems that we had learned about in our reading. We worked on keeping the same pattern throughout all three pages of our books. Word Study and Literacy Tubs: We continued to sing old and new alphabet songs. We read a new sight word book – “At the Farm.” We learned the new sight words WANT, MOM, DAD. We worked on writing three-letter words for pictures by stretching the words and writing the three sounds we hear. We added letter tiles and picture cards to an ABC tub. We listen for the sounds in the word and then put letter tiles on the card to spell it. Reader's Workshop: We began reading pattern books. These are books that have most of the same words on every page. We made a list of the pattern stems that several different books had. We went shopping for new pattern books for our workshop bags. We learned that some books have more difficult patterns than others. We practiced recognizing and writing numbers 0-20. We began practicing counting up to 50. We worked in our math tubs and reviewed calendar skills each day. We worked on spatial skills with floor puzzles. Math: Centers and Small Groups: We worked in guided reading groups, then reread our books the next day, and then added them to our Readers Workshop bags. Shared Reading: We read the big book Mrs. Wishy-Washy. We read the new poem “Moo Cow”. We reviewed punctuation marks and sight words in our big book. We covered up words in our big book and then tried to figure out what they were. When we thought we knew the missing word, we listed the letters we heard and then checked to see if the word looked like we thought it would. We cut up a sentence from the big book and then worked to put it back together the right way. Science and Social Studies Fun Days: We had a visit from our Career and College Ready teacher. We mixed up our own mud and ate it with animal crackers – just like the animals in the mud in Mrs. Wishy-Washy. We dressed as book characters and shared our costume and our book with the class. Interactive Read Aloud: We read books about farms and farm animals. We focused on asking good questions, retelling the stories, and figuring out what the author really wanted us to know by inferring. We read several books by Doreen Cronin. Special News: Ryan celebrated his 6th birthday on Monday! Ainsley celebrated her 6th birthday on Thursday! NOTES AND REMINDERS: Remember to purchase a yearbook if you’re interested and haven’t already done so! Snacks next week will be provided by Eduardo, Gavin, Hayden, and Isaiah. Monday, November 11, is Veteran’s Day and will be a school holiday. Wednesday, November 27, is an early release day. School will dismiss at 11:30. November 28 and 29 are Thanksgiving holidays.