Bringing Historic Maps Into GIS

Bringing Historic Maps into GIS
Patrick Florance
Digital Cartographer
Harvard Map Collection
Harvard University
• Demonstrate how historical maps can be
used within a GIS.
• Illustrate the techniques used to bring
historical maps into GIS
• Show types of maps that are useful to bring
into GIS
• Convey research conducted at the Harvard
Map Collection
• A geographic information system (GIS) is a
configuration of computer hardware,
software, and personnel specifically
designed for the acquisition, maintenance,
and use of geographically referenced data.
Modification of Dana Tomlin’s definition
Geographic Information Systems and
Cartographic Modeling (1990)
Why bring historic maps into GIS?
• Use historic maps within GIS as a tool for
understanding the spatial relationships of
past phenomena
– Deforestation
– Shoreline change
– Socio-economic characteristics of a state or a
– Place-names
– Railroads and transportation networks
– Disease
Why bring historic maps into GIS?
• Context: What exists
within one’s study area
at a given point(s) in
– Overlay modern GIS
data over historic maps
– Early 20th century
USGS topographic map
of central Mass.
Why bring historic maps into GIS?
• Context: What exists
within one’s study area
at a given point(s) in
– Overlay modern GIS
data over historic maps
– Early 20th century
USGS topographic map
of central Mass.
– Overlay modern
Quabbin Reservoir in
semi-transparent blue
Why bring historic maps into GIS?
• Context: What exists within one’s study area at a given
point(s) in time?
Close up of
northern Quabbin
over early USGS
topographic map.
Features flooded:
Towns, roads,
railroads, etc.
Why bring historic maps into GIS?
• Feature Extraction (heads-up digitizing) and encoding
– Vectorize: discrete data made up of ordered lists of points
and represented by points, lines, and polygons
– Trace features and encode those graphics with information
– Surface of the earth
 Anthropogenic features
 Places, place-names, roads, railways, trails, buildings,
bridges, etc.
Natural features
 Rivers, lakes, shoreline, elevation, etc.
Abstract/Administrative geography
 Country, state/province, municipal, parcel/property
boundaries, census tracts, etc.
Why bring historic maps into GIS?
• Feature Extraction
1898 USGS topographic
map of Portland, Maine
Why bring historic maps into GIS?
• Feature Extraction
1898 USGS topographic
map of Portland, Maine
Built area extracted
(vectorized) in red.
Perhaps trace roads,
railroads, shoreline,
contours, etc.
Note edge.
Why bring historic maps into GIS?
• Resource/Research Management Tool
– More and more researchers using spreadsheets to manage their
research to collect information about places and source material
– Think of GIS as sort of a spatial spreadsheet or database, which
can be used to join that information to spatial representations
Why bring historic maps into GIS?
• Analysis
– Simple
• Finding inns that are located within 5 miles of towns
with a population over 10,000 in southern France around
– More complex
• Archaeological predictive modeling
• Spatial analysis techniques to model fire density or
disease patterns
Why bring historic maps into GIS?
• Analysis
Interpolated fire
density of
Why bring historic maps into GIS?
• Graphic presentations or visualization
– Make maps, charts, graphs, etc.
– Very powerful and useful
– See David Rumsey Example
Historic Map as a GIS Data Source
• Historic maps are made for communicating, not for
serving as a basemap/source data for a modern GIS.
• Positional accuracy: features often moved slightly for
clarity (i.e., clustered places, roads along rivers, etc.)
• Scale distortion
• Edge-matching
• Insets
• Paper streets
• 1890 map vs. 1990 map
Data Conversion/Development Process
• Convert maps to digital form
• Georeference the digital maps: assign them
meaningful spatial coordinates
• Feature extraction and data modeling ($$)
– Generally around 80% of project cost
– Heavy overhead before one gets results, which
is one of reasons why so many GIS fail.
Convert Printed Map to Digital Image
• Digital Image (Raster) is composed of a grid of pixels
1898 U.S. railroad map
Convert Printed Map to Digital Image
• Large-format scanner
– Expensive
– Scarce
• Overhead digital photography
• Be careful using photocopies
– Distortion along edges
Convert Printed Map to Digital Image
• Resolution can be expressed as the number of
pixels per inch (PPI)
• Different from spatial resolution of remotely
sensed imagery, which is a measure of the smallest
object that can be resolved by the sensor or the
dimension on the ground represented by each
pixel (i.e., 30 meters)
Convert Printed Map to Digital Image
Resolution (Cont.)
• Generally between 150 - 600 ppi, average 200 - 300 ppi
• Determine resolution that captures the smallest significant
• Use consistent resolution if working with a map series
• Capture uncompressed as TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
• Consider using image compression for working file
• If map is in grayscale, capture it in grayscale color model
– reduce file size
• If map repository, consider capturing very high quality for
archiving & resampling to lower resolution for GIS work
Georeference the Digital Image/Map
• Georeferencing converts a digital image
(raster dataset) from a nonreal-world
coordinate system (image space) to a realworld coordinate system such as latitude
and longitude.
• Makes it “line up” with other GIS data.
• Allows the digital map image to be viewed
with other GIS data.
• Need to know
locations of at least 3
recognizable features
• Use more than 3
• Locations used to
create control points
• Spread out throughout
the map
1898 U.S. railroad map
• Need to know
locations of at least 3
recognizable features
• Use more than 3
• Locations used to
create control points
• Spread out throughout
the map
• Link real-world
coordinates to the
control points
• Links used to
transform the map
image to real-world
Georeferencing: Transformation
• Transformation adjusts the digital map to
make it fit in this real-world coordinate
• Affine Transformation - most common
Shift (Translation)
Affine Transformation: Scale
• Changes the image scale by expanding or reducing
Affine Transformation: Skew
Affine Transformation: Rotation
• Rotates x and y axes so that the image is correctly oriented
Affine Transformation: Shift (Translation)
• X and Y origin are shifted
Georeferencing: Transformation Complete
1898 railroad map with modern vector shoreline overlaid
• Software creates associated files that contain the
coordinate information (i.e., .tfw)
• Digital map can then integrated with other GIS data
Root Mean Square (RMS) error
• Root Mean Square (RMS) error
– Describes the deviation between the control points in
the output image and the values calculated by the
– A measure of the accuracy of the control points
– In general, lower number the better, with 0 being
– Record RMS error
– Save control points
Georeferencing Techniques for
Historic Maps
• Use existing coordinates or tics
• Link features on map to features within GIS
datasets that have known real-world
• Global Positioning System (GPS)
Use Existing Coordinates or Tics to Reference
the Map in Real-World Coordinates
Over 134 types of
features: towns,
municipal boundaries,
road types, railways,
hydrology, rice fields,
pasture land, post
offices, churches,
castles, inns, etc.
Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Topographic Series,
Scale: 1:75,000; Date: 1874-1912
Use Existing Coordinates or Tics to Reference
the Map in Real-World Coordinates
Topographic map misaligned with modern GIS municipal
boundaries (red)
Use Existing Coordinates or Tics to Reference
the Map in Real-World Coordinates
• Step 1: map research
– Map projection: polyhedric projection (antiquated)
– Coordinate system: Bessel 1841 spheroid
• Spheroid: estimated shape of the earth as a sphere
– Prime meridian: Ferro
– Metadata is often located on the topographic map itself
• However, not in this case
– Significant role for the historian
Use Existing Coordinates or Tics to Reference
the Map in Real-World Coordinates
• Step 2: Create a point layer
– From geographic
coordinates of the 4
– Based on the historic
coordinate system
(Bessel 1841) and
prime meridian (Ferro)
Use Existing Coordinates or Tics to Reference
the Map in Real-World Coordinates
• Step 3: Project points into the historic map projection
– Polyhedric antiquated
– Used a polyconic
Use Existing Coordinates or Tics to Reference
the Map in Real-World Coordinates
• Step 4: Link tic marks on the map to the projected
corner points.
Use Existing Coordinates or Tics to Reference
the Map in Real-World Coordinates
• Step 5: Transform the map
Georeferenced topo
with modern GIS
municipal boundaries
and rivers overlaid
Use Existing Coordinates or Tics to Reference
the Map in Real-World Coordinates
Close up: modern municipal boundaries (gemeinden) overlaid on topo
• Disparate
datasets never
match up
• Off by around
300-400 feet
• Detail on map:
churches, road
types, pastures,
Issue: study area falls on edge of a topo sheet
Area Obscured by Overlap
Mosaic: Match Adjoining Map Sheets
Image processing
– Adobe
– ArcGIS
Time consuming
Other Useful Maps with Coordinate Systems
• Topographic series
USGS 1890s – 1950s: 1:62500
England & Wales: 1805-1874, 1:63,360
German Karte des Deutschen Reiches: 1862-1907; 1:100,000
China Ministry of National Defense Land Survey: 1901-1947;
– Survey of India: 1866-1910; 1:253,440.
Nautical charts
– Shorelines, soundings, etc.
• World and regional maps
– Historic places, national and provincial boundaries, transportation
networks, etc.
• Globes
Georeferencing Techniques for
Historic Maps
• Use existing coordinates or tics
• Link features on map to features within GIS
datasets that have known real-world
• Global Positioning System (GPS)
Feature Linking
Use control points to link features on the map to features within
a GIS dataset that have known real-world coordinates
2001 MassGIS Digital Orthophoto
1797 Street Map of Boston
Feature Linking Steps
• Acquire GIS reference dataset to link the map to
– Should be of equal or slightly better scale
• Map research
– Map projection, coordinate system/datum
– Identify additional map sources for reference
• Establish reference points to use as links
– Cultural features such as street intersections, bridges, buildings,
landmarks, monuments, etc.
– Try to avoid using natural features such as shoreline, rivers, lakes,
etc. because they fluctuate greatly
– Check dates of features on the map used as links
• Project GIS data to match the projection of the map
Feature Linking Steps (Cont.)
• If georeferencing multiple maps, start with the most current map and
work backwards in time
– Provides more features to link to
Feature Linking Steps (Cont.)
• Add at least 3 control points spread out throughout the map
• Transform the map
2001 MassGIS Digital Orthophoto
1797 Street Map of Boston
City-Wide Maps: Boston
• Useful for tracing the
historical development of:
– Streets
– Districts & wards
– Shoreline
– Town boundaries
– Monuments
– Churches
– Schools
– Significant buildings
1797 - 2001 shoreline change
City-Wide Maps: Cambridge Full View
1865 street map of the City of Cambridge, MA
City-Wide Maps: Cambridge Detail
Detail of 1865 street map of the City of Cambridge, MA
City-Wide Maps
• Georeferenced 1865 map of
• GIS reference data
– City of Cambrige GIS street
centerline (shown in red)
Integrate Additional GIS Data with Georeferenced Map
Georeferenced 1865 map of Cambridge overlaid with 3D buildings
Integrate Additional GIS Data with Georeferenced Map
Georeferenced 1865 map of Cambridge overlaid with 3D buildings
and modern shoreline of the Charles River
Urban/Fire Insurance Atlases
• Publishers: Bromley, Beers, Hopkins, Sanborn,
Ordnance Survey (OS)
• Begin around mid 19th century, early 1800s for
• Scale of 1:5000 or better
• Wealth of information
– Property: boundaries, owners, addresses
– Building: footprints, composition, heights, stories, use,
roof types
– Other info: streets, fire hydrants, etc.
Urban/Fire Insurance Atlases Detail
Detail of 1867 Boston Sanborn
Urban/Fire Insurance Atlases Full View
• Issues
– Bound
editions make
– Insets
– Mosaicing or
Ungeoreferenced 1867 Boston Sanborn
Urban/Fire Insurance Atlases
Georeferenced Mosaic Full View
Georeferenced 1867 Boston Sanborn with inset mosaiced
Urban/Fire Insurance Atlases
Georeferenced Mosaic Detail
Georeferenced 1867 Boston Sanborn with inset mosaiced
Urban/Fire Insurance Atlases
Integration of Modern and Historical Data
Georeferenced 1867 Boston Sanborn with
modern buildings overlaid in red
Reconstructing the New Orleans Yellow
Fever Epidemic of 1878
Andrew Curtis & John Anderson, LSU
• Example of using historic urban atlases and
city-wide maps
• Textual descriptions
• Automated data conversion
• Historical geocoding of death residences
• Spatial Analysis
Other Useful Types of Maps
• Census Maps
– Most common
– Enormous amount
of vectorization
– Scarce
Minor Civil Divisions, NY, 1930.
Other Useful Types of Maps
• Aerial Photography
– Vertical photography from mid
1930s to present; developed
during WWII
– Great for context
– Distortion/displacement: scale,
relief, and tilt
– Use building footprints not
rooftops, street intersections,
etc. for control points
Boston 1952 USDA aerial photo over 2001
MassGIS color orthophoto
Other Useful Types of Maps
• Map to Map Georeferencing
– Compare one map to another
– Don’t need real-world coordinates
Map of Paris, 1832
Map of Paris, 1865
Georeferencing Techniques for
Historic Maps
• Use existing coordinates or tics
• Link features on map to features within GIS
datasets that have known real-world
• Global Positioning System (GPS)
Global Positioning System (GPS)
A system of satellites & receiving devices used to
compute positions on the Earth
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Collect ground control points for significant features on the
map: building corners, street intersections, monuments, site
remains, etc.
1815 map of early 16th century waterworks in
Global Positioning System (GPS)
• Useful for georeferencing when one does
not have any reference data or coordinates
on the map
• Primarily used for city-scale or larger scale
maps, not for maps of very large regions
Georeferencing Techniques and
Historic Maps for GIS
• Use existing coordinates or tics
• Link features on map to features within GIS
datasets that have known real-world
• Global Positioning System (GPS)
Rubber Sheeting
• Expression is used many different ways
Rubber Sheeting
• “The process of transforming an image
from one x,y coordinate system to another”
– ArcInfo manual
– Includes linear (Affine) transformations
Rubber Sheeting
• Higher order
– 2nd order or higher
(nonlinear) that
transform through
– Need minimum of 6
control points
– Maps of large areas
and unknown
– Aerial photography
Rubber Sheeting
• Piecewise Transformation
– Uses different transformations in different parts of the
– Used when map is badly warped and data matching is
– Used for edge-matching
– Generally use a full transformation first
– How does one record this in the metadata?
– Sometimes easier with vector data
Rubber Sheeting - What to Do?
Start with a first-order (Affine) transformation
Research projection of your map
Find good control points
Understand there is a fuzziness of inaccuracy in all
maps and GIS data.
• Then move on to higher order transformations and
then piecewise transformations
Getting Started
Source Materials
• Historic & contemporary maps
Map & government document libraries
Special collections
Government agencies
Commercial vendors
• GIS data
Government agencies
Commercial vendors
Getting Started
• Image processing software
– Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements
• GIS software
– ArcView, ArcGIS, IDRISI, AutoCAD, etc.
• Advanced spatial image processing software
– ArcInfo Grid, Spatial Analyst, ERDAS Imagine, etc.
• Advanced wavelet image compression software
– If want to disseminate georeferenced maps
– ECW, MrSID, JPEG2000
Getting Started
• Computer with minimum 512 megs RAM
• For large processing 1-2 gigs of RAM
• Access large format scanner or overhead digital
Getting Started
• GIS skills
– Usually takes about 1 to 2 weeks to get up to speed
Do you need to bring your
historic map into a GIS?
• Maybe NOT
– Making a map of an historical period.
– Using the map as reference to encode preexisting GIS data.
– Digitizing tablet
• to extract/trace features.
General Future of Bringing Historic Maps into GIS
• History of cartography community needs more research
concerning technical aspects (i.e., map projections and
coordinate systems), mentioned by David Woodward at ICHC
• GIS community needs to develop more historic projections,
coordinate systems, and transformations.
• Development of geo-historical datasets that can be widely used
– must include metadata
• Accuracy assessment
• Outreach concerning the use and significance of historical
materials for GIS
Future of Bringing Historic Maps into GIS at the
Harvard Map Collection
• Harvard Library Digital Initiative
– Georeferencing and disseminating maps online through the
Harvard Geospatial Library (HGL) as JPEG2000
– Civil War collection
– Early Africa
– Chinese topos
– Historic USGS topos
• Experimenting with automated raster to vector data
• Conducting workshops and developing instructional
materials concerning GIS and the humanities/social
Useful Internet Sites
• The Harvard Map Collection
• Harvard Geospatial Library
• David Rumsey Map Collection
• The Boston Atlas
Comments and Questions?