Class Questions and Answers

Unit 1 – Chapter 1: British North America
Read pages H4 – H14 and answer the following questions.
1) Define Census.
2) In 1861 what were the main three cultural groups that made up BNA?
3) What was the gold rush?
4) Define emigrate.
5) Explain how “The Great Migration” helped contribute to population diversity.
6) Explain how “The Underground Railroad” helped contribute to population
7) Explain who Harriet Tubman was?
What Was Life Like in British North America
8) In the 1850’s how were the roles organized? Explain in detail!
** Assignment to be handed in for marks**
After reading pages H10 – H12 about what “everyday life” is like for those living in
British North America during the 1850’s, you are required to pick a “gender”
(male/female) and write a letter home to a friend or relative in France after your
first six months in British North America. Describe what is new in your life,
perhaps part of your daily routine, and things you like and dislike.
Remember I am looking for “connections to the text and class readings and
Chapter 1 - Physical Features of British North America (Continued)
Read pages H15 – H28 and answer the following questions.
1) Look at the picture of the ship on page H15. What do you think the pros and
cons would be if you had to travel on this ship?
2) Look at the two images on page H16. In what ways does climate affect our
3) Why might have Mackenzie King said that Canada has “too much geography”. Do
you agree with him why or why not?
4) Fill in “The Political System of the Canadas in the 1850’s” below (see page H17)
The Political System of the Canadas in the 1850’s
5) Define the following terms:
6) Look at the picture at the bottom of page H17. Answer the question below the
picture in the caption.
7) Define Political Deadlock.
8) What two issues tended to cause Political Deadlock in the legislative assembly?
9) Looking at the political cartoon on page H18 answer the question below it.
Economic Features of British North America
Read pages H 23 – H 28. Think of the four regions examined in this section –
Canada East, Canada West, the Maritimes, and the West. Complete the table
below summarizing the main features of each of their economies.
Canada West
Canada East
Features of Economy
Unit 1 – Chapter 1: British North America - Answers
Read pages H4 – H14 and answer the following questions.
1) Define Census.
An official count of the population including information such as occupation,
gender, age, religion, and ethnic origin
2) In 1861 who were the main three cultural groups that made up BNA?
1) British (English, Scottish, Irish or Welsh)
2) French
3) First Nations and other origins
3) What was the gold rush?
A mass movement of people to an area (the West) where gold had been
discovered. People felt they could get RICH fast!
4) Define emigrate.
To leave one’s country to settle elsewhere (Example: Move from France to
5) Explain how “The Great Migration” helped contribute to population diversity.
“The Great Migration” helped contribute to population diversity because a mass
migration of people from Europe (Britain, Scotland, Germany, Netherlands,
Ireland, etc.,) moved to BNA due to the fact of poverty and food shortages
in their “home” country. They moved hoping for a “better” life.
6) Explain how “The Underground Railroad” helped contribute to population
Slavery was illegal in BNA, therefore over 30, 000 American slaves escaped
to Canada West and Nova Scotia. The secret network that helped runaway
slaves was called the “Underground Railraod”
7) Explain who Harriet Tubman was?
Harriet Tubman was born as a slave in Maryland in the U.S.A. She escaped
to Canada and became involved in the Underground Railroad, helping other
slaves escape to freedom.
What Was Life Like in British North America
8) In the 1850’s how were the roles organized? Explain in detail!
 All roles were organized by GENDER
 Women – were responsible for all domestic work
 Men – were responsible for all outside chores
** Assignment to be handed in for marks**
After reading pages H10 – H12 about what “everyday life” is like for those living in
British North America during the 1850’s, you are required to pick a “gender”
(male/female) and write a letter home to a friend or relative in France after your
first six months in British North America. Describe what is new in your life,
perhaps part of your daily routine, and things you like and dislike.
Remember I am looking for “connections to the text and class readings and
Chapter 1 - Physical Features of British North America (Continued)
Read pages H15 – H28 and answer the following questions.
1) Look at the picture of the ship on page H15. What do you think the pros and
cons would be if you had to travel on this ship?
Could be faster than other methods if no roads or railway were available
Would be the only way to cross the ocean before air travel
Might have cabins for sleeping
Unstable for those prone to seasickness
2) Look at the two images on page H16. In what ways does climate affect our
 Determines what type of an economy we can develop in a region
 Determines how we construct our homes
 Determines how we get around
 Determines what plants and animals live near us
3) Why might have Mackenzie King said that Canada has “too much geography”. Do
you agree with him why or why not?
He meant that Canada is a vast land. It has large mountains and great bodies
of water that have added to the difficulties of travel. While King’s
observation is important, most Canadians take pride in the vastness of the
second-largest nation in the world.
4) Fill in “The Political System of the Canadas in the 1850’s” below (see page H17)
The Political System of the Canadas in the 1850’s
5) Define the following terms:
The monarch of the country
Appoints the members of the legislative council and executive
A person who makes or changes laws
Part of the government that decides what bills will be
introduced into the legislature
Proposed law
Members of the highest class of society
Preferring what is safe and familiar rather than wanting change
and risk
6) Look at the picture at the bottom of page H17. Answer the question below the
picture in the caption.
What groups of Canada’s population are not represented here?
Aboriginal people
The poor
7) Define Political Deadlock.
A Situation where progress cannot be made because the parties involved do
not agree.
8) What two issues tended to cause Political Deadlock in the legislative assembly?
1) Transportation – politicians from Canada West wanted to expand
transportation facilities to increase trade and wealth; they were willing to
spend government money to do so. Politicians from Canada East did not want
to change their existing way of life; they felt that better links with Canada
West would threaten their identity, and they resisted attempts to spend tax
money on transportation improvements.
2) Representation – Canada West supported “representation by population”,
while Canada East wanted to retain equal representation.
9) Looking at the political cartoon on page H18 answer the question below it.
How might you illustrate compromise?
 One holds back to let the other across
 The two work together to build a wider bridge
Economic Features of British North America
Read pages H 23 – H 28. Think of the four regions examined in this section –
Canada East, Canada West, the Maritimes, and the West. Complete the table
below summarizing the main features of each of their economies.
Canada East
Canada West
Features of Economy
 Industry began around Montreal, 1840’s
 Children as young as six worked in factories
 Steam-powered factories by 1850’s
 Montreal was the most industrialized city in North America
 It was especially known for food, footwear, and textile
 Industrialization started in the 1870’s
 Largest industry was textile manufacturing
 Metal factories followed
 Eventually became centre of Canada’s manufacturing
 Based on shipbuilding
 Many workers were skilled
 Later adapted to steam power
 Farming and logging were important in rural areas
 Spread-out population meant there was little
 Thinly populated and little industrialization until 1880’s
 First Nations and HBC employees depended on the fur
 B.C based on forestry and shipping – did not need factories