Error Analysis - People Server at UNCW



National Research Council


 “students need to be efficient and accurate in performing basic computation with whole numbers” (p. 121)

 students must learn to “use an algorithm for computation with multi-digit numbers because it is an important part of developing mathematical proficiency”


Assess these skills?

 Curriculum-Based Measurement

 Developed more than 25 years ago (Stan Deno)

 Reliable & valid way of assessing student progress in the basic skill areas

 CBM-Probes ~ narrow-band tests ~ are simple to administer and score & sensitive to improvement & time efficient

 Science-based research (Marston, 1989; Thurber &

Shinn, 2002) ~ having students write answers to grade-level computational problems for 2-4 min. is a reliable and valid outcome measure for typically achieving and those with severe problems (all fact probes are 2 minutes)


 Correct digits

 Older students (grades 5 & beyond) – in answer or answer & critical processes but grades 1-4 answer only

 Standardized directions

 “We’re going to take a 2 (or 4) -minute math test. I want you to write your answers to these math problems. Some are ___ and some are _____. Look at each one carefully before you write the answer.

When I say begin, write your answer to the first problem (point) and work across the page (show).

Then go to the next row. Keep doing this until I say stop. Try to work each problem. If you really don’t know how to do it, put an x through it and go to the next problem.” At the end of 2 minutes say, “Stop.”

 Testing ~ not teaching

 No skipping (“try to work each problem”)

Scoring Guidelines

 Correct digits

 Each correct digit is underlined and counted

 Incomplete problem ~ count correct digits

 Xed out ~ count correct digits

 Poor legibility & difficult to determine the number ~ count incorrect

 Reversed but obvious ~ (3) count correct


 AIMSweb ~

 Intervention Central ~


 Computer

 By hand

State Measures

 hives/instructional_resources/index.php

Error Analysis

Diagnosing Errors

• Step 1: Analyze errors and make a hypothesis about the cause of the errors

• Step 2: Interview student to determine cause of the error (if not obvious)

• Step 3: Reteach

• Step 4: Test

Error Types

• Fact Error

• Component Skill Error

• Strategy Error

Fact Error

• Basic facts ~ 100 addition and multiplication facts formed by adding or multiplying any 2 single-digit numbers and their subtraction and division counterparts

• Student follows the correct sequence of steps for solving the problem but misses the problem because of a basic fact error

Fact Error Remediation

• Does the student miss a certain fact consistently?

– If so, the remediation must involve practice on that fact

• Does the student miss a fact inconsistently?

– Increase incentives for accurate work (so students do not rush through work and make careless errors)

Component Skill Error

• Previously taught skills that are integrated as steps in a problem-solving strategy

• Lower grade ~ counting or symbol identification error

• Later grades ~ wider range

Component Skill Error


• Is the error occurring consistently?

– If no, don’t remedy

– If yes, reteach the particular component skill for AT LEAST 2 consecutive days.

Once the student can perform that skill with mastery, reintroduce examples of the problem type that was originally missed.

Strategy Error

• Student does not know the sequence of steps to solve the problem type

Strategy Error Remediation

• Reteach the strategy ~

– Using a highly structured presentation
