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Movement Gets the Mind
How is it that something as basic as movement could
impact learning?
 “The answer is quite simple. Movement acts as a
generator to the brain and the brain is involved in all
learning. An area of the brain called the cerebellum
plays an intricate role in learning. The cerebellum
makes up only 10% of the brain, but accounts for up
to half of the neurons in the entire brain. This fact
reveals the complexity and importance of this
magnificent structure.”
 Coordinates the timing of both thoughts and
Signals to the brain where the body is in time and
The cerebellum also works in tandem with other
areas of the brain to maintain baseline postural
Academics of all sorts
Stimulate the cerebellum = Increased readiness
Benefits of Physical Education
 546 schools in Ontario, Canada were tested for six
years to see if physical education had any relation to
academic grades.
They were allowed 5 more hours per week (time taken from
academic subjects).
This group of students had an increase in academics
 Allows early development of everyday skills.
(children ages 4-6)
Why Do We Need to “move” in The Class?
 Less and less physical education classes being
 When P.E. is not available in A.M.
Classroom movement is needed to prompt the brain
 Ability to sit still
 Keep things fun/different
 Be flexible
 Know your students
 To much of a routine can be bad sometimes
 Add things to create a “fun” environment when students seem
to need it.
Ways to Include Movement in the Classroom and
stimulate the cerebellum
 Letters with bodies
 Counting jumping jacks
 Balance with counting
 Stretches (Mrs. Karen Moody, Verona Elementary)
 Arm Rolls (Mrs. Bowen, Verona Elementary)
 Exercise balls
 Stress balls
 Use body to measure things
 Ball toss games for review of material
 Brain drink
“Classroom teachers should have kids move for the
same reason that P.E. teachers have the kids count.”
(Teaching with the Brain in Mind Pg. 66)
“Educators have noted fewer behavioral problems
when children have opportunity to move in the
classroom.” (
Work Ethic and Readiness in Morning P.E.
 Less talkative
 Receives directions
 Attentiveness
 “I think P.E. helps the students to follow directions
in the classroom better. The physical release allows
the students to focus on the cognitive tasks at hand.”
(Mrs. Bowen, Verona Elementary)
In the Classroom after P.E.
 “AM physical education days is always helpful with
the classroom routine. Students are more settled on
days after we have P.E.” Mrs. Moody
 Better Listeners (Mrs. Bowen, Verona Elementary)
 Settle in quicker (Mrs. Bowen, Verona Elementary)
Classrooms at Work
 “The cerebellum takes up just one-tenth of the brain
by volume, but it contains nearly half of all its
neurons.” (The Brain in Mind Pg. 61)
 Exercise improves classroom behavior and
academics. (The Brain in Mind Pg. 63)
 8% of elementary schools have P.E. everyday.
 20% of schools are cutting recesses
Positive, Active, Clear, Energetic
 Readiness learning activity
 Before school, after recess, and after lunch
 Brain buttons
 Cross Crawls
 Hook Ups
Smart Moves. Why Learning is Not All in Your Head
Other Brain Gyms
 The energy yawn
 Relaxes the face to work we work more efficiently
 The Thinking Cap
 Hearing and memory
Bowen, Shawna. Personal interview. 10 Nov. 2011.
Fritz, Jeremy. "Using Movement to Enhance Classroom Learning." Web. 8 Nov. 2011.
Jensen, Eric. Teaching with the Brain in Mind. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development, 2005. Print.
Hannaford, Carla, and Candace B. Pert. Smart Moves Why Learning Is Not All in Your
Head. Salt Lake City: Great River, 2005. Print.
Moody, Karen. Personal interview. 02 Nov. 2011.
Spergan, Kathy. "Physical Education in America's Public School." University of Michigan. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.