MyoBuddy Self-Care Recovery and Mobility

MyoBuddy Self-Care Recovery
and Mobility 123-4 Protocol
Rob Ferguson, NSCA-CSCS,CPT
Mary Biancalana, MS, CMTPT, LMT
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Next Level of Recovery
 Not
just rest, light stretching, proper diet
and water
 Comprehensive
self care protocol for Post
Work out
 Purpose:
to be sure muscles have returned
to full resting length
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We will be answering some key
questions today:
How can we use techniques of self applied compression,
stretch or stretch/contract and Range of movement
techniques to more quickly recover from exercise and to
reduce and eliminate myofascial dysfunction?
Can recognizing and eliminating muscular restriction by
doing self applied percussion, friction or trigger point
pressure release improve future sports and exercise
Can self-care techniques be applied to aid in performance
and reduce potential for injury/ activation in the muscles?
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A new way to look at post-workout
recovery or pre-workout mobility
Decrease stress and increase mobility using electric
percussive massager, foam rollers and compression balls
You will maximize the benefits by integrating the
percussive massager into your self-care sessions.
Now- Percussive Massage/Roll or compress /Stretch /
Functional Movements / Percussive Massage Again!
It’s, way easier, twice as effective and feels 10x better!
Cut your muscle recovery time in half
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Faster and more effective recovery
This fitness and training recovery class combines new
applications with older techniques.
This 4 step protocol is taught in 5 segments / 1 lecture, 4
active workshop, with immediate effects.
Proven techniques in therapeutic settings.
The addition of the percussive massager increases
mobility while decreasing recovery time, and it feels
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What is Self Care
Self-Myofascial Release – “Poor man’s Massage”
Technique that has been used for years by therapist’s
Technique that causes mechanisms in the tissue to restore
the mobility between the sliding surfaces (Muscles and
The release results in increased blood flow
Better movement / decreased pain
Work muscles more thoroughly on lifting days
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What is the self care protocol?
#1 Warm the Muscles and fascia
#2 Compress & Massage
#3 Stretch the Tissue
#4 Full dynamic range of motion
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The protocol explained:
#1 Use a percussive massager on medium / high
speed to warm the fascia and dilate the blood
vessels in a very short amount of time
#2 Compress tissue using balls, foam rollers, selfcare tools
#3 Stretch the tissue using active or gravity
assisted forces
#4 Use functional movements to fully recover
muscle cells and fascia
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Yes, we can eliminate fascial restrictions caused
by trigger points and recover faster!
Copyright Mary Biancalana, 2013
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Trigger Points can cause pain,
weakness, restriction, loss of ROM
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Myofascial dysfunction
 Myo=Muscle
 Fascia=
all connective tissue
Trigger points in the latissimus dorsi (used
in pull ups) can refer pain into the side of
torso, into shoulder, and down the entire
Self-care can help to keep us and our clients
free of trigger point problems
How will he have the movies embedded?
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The new thinking on FASCIA
Fascial structures form a network that surrounds and
perforates the whole body and all the organs, and is
organized in many different ways into pockets and
chambers and connects everything with everything else.
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Self applied compression helps
fascia and muscles because:
It acts upon the second largest organ in the human body; the fascia
“Fascia is a sheath or any number of dissectible masses of connective tissue that
forms beneath the skin to attach, enclose and separate muscles and other internal
Release is through compression a low load of force with long duration is dragged
across the layers of soft tissue.
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Self-care for Recovery and Wellness
on days you are resting a body area
Warm up the area
Trigger Point Myofascial Release
Stretch or Stretch and Contract
Full dynamic motion
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Self-care for Recovery and Wellness
on days you are resting a body area
Healthy fascia is critical for optimal muscle function
Fascia acts to distribute force created by muscular effort. Our muscles do not
act alone, so, having a healthy fascial system is critical to healthy muscle
Applied intervention to the layers of the skin has effects deeper into layers
of all connective tissue.
Dr Jean Claude Guimberteau showed on film how he can pull on the dermis at
outer-most layer, and directional force is transmitted to all deeper layers of
fascia and muscle below. Strolling Under the Skin,
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What is the MyoBuddy and what does it do:
The MyoBuddy is an orbital percussive massager.
The next level of Exercise Preparation and post-exercise Recovery.
New research shows Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) probably
comes from fascial nociception NOT from chemicals in the muscles!
So, applied intervention from the MyoBuddy that keeps the fascial
system healthy, will reduce DOMS .
Fascia is a sensory organ that regulates speed and force…so rhythmic
movement is important.
Ahhh factor
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Percussive massage is innovative
Creates gentle heating in the area
Temperature Effects on Fascia, Dr. Werner Klingler
Chapter 7.18 pages 420 -424
“Temperature increase in fascia leads to reduced stiffness
and more rapid elongation of the tissue, which in part can
be attributed to a higher extensibility of collagen
(Lehmann et al. 1970, Bass et al. 2007, Huang et al. 2009)
In other words, there is a heat-induced fascial relaxation.
“Inversely, passive cooling leads to an increase in stiffness
(Muraoka et al. 2005)
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Percussive massage is innovative
It incorporates percussion, vibration as well as friction
Make many changes to the first layers, and then to the much deeper layers of
our fascial system.
Re-educate and re-set peripheral sensory organs.
Desensitize the central component of this dysfunctional sensory loop
Portable and lightweight
Even and consistent force
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Science and Safety
Provides stimuli of the proprioceptive system
There are nerves in our fascia and these influence our brain.
Through our applied interventions of massage or pressure.
This in turn will create and allow stronger integration of the fascial / muscle
Accelerates the repair of soft tissue by providing circulation
Exercise and recovery implications
“To be healthy, our tissues need to be between over loaded and under loaded,
in a gentle state of healthy light tension due to response of strengthening and
coordinated movement.
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Science and Safety
Tissue to relaxation is critical to the sarcomeres.
Speeding up the time it takes to return to fully relaxed state.
Some athletes, never fully recover.
Increases blood flow, allowing for tissue repair
Dr Siegfried Mense, “In research he also found efferent fibers around blood
vessels…probably acting as vasoconstrictors. …so fascia can also create pain
by vaso constricting and causing local or broad ischemia in surrounding
Ischemia; reduction in local blood and extra cellular circulation
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Science and Safety
For people who have chronic unnecessary tension, the tissue dysfunction
increases exponentially and leads to reduction in strength and pain.
Relaxes connective tissue and fascia
“Epimyseal fascia (as in the quad muscles) helps to ensure excellent motor
coordination. Unhealthy fascia can reduce the function of the surrounding
muscles. Dr Carla Stecco
Deep fascia assists in proprioception “
When spasm, stiffness or restriction are present , will assist in normalizing
dysfunctional muscle fibers
Minimal effect needed by the part of the operator
Be cautious of loose clothing and long hair
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So, what does this new global tissue concept
mean for the personal trainer and exerciser?
Applying compressive force to soft tissues can and will
stimulate the fascial network.
Self-care is scientifically important and validated!
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Let’s get to it. Hands-on part
We will treat 4 Body Segments today
 #1 Hips / Glueals
 #2 Quads/Hamstrigs, posterior calf
 #3 QL / Abs
 #4 Lower - Mid Back / Lats
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YouTube Link
Self care of Las and lower back
Self care
Self care protocol for Abs
Self care of gluteals
Funny outtakes from treatment of lats
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Precautions for all self care:
 Tuck
all clothing into waist band of pants
 Long
hair must be put into a bun on head
 Be
careful do not apply on any open
wounds or irritated skin or swollen areas
 Best
to be applied over clothing
 Don't
use any electronic device near water
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The protocol explained:
#1 use a percussive massager on medium or high speed to
warm the fascia and dilate the blood vessels in a very
short amount of time
#2 compress tissue using balls, foam rollers, self-care
tools (0ffers spot-specific trigger point pressure relief)
#3 stretch the tissue using active or gravity assisted forces
to fully lengthen contracted sarcomeres or trigger point
#4 use functional movements to fully recover muscle cells
and fascia
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Area #1 Hips/ Gluteals
Gluteus Max, Medius, Minimus, TFL
Warm up: Use MyoBuddy Percussive Massager for Warming
Glutes/Piriformis, TFL . Flat (Medium Speed) for warming
Or use actual dynamic movement in all planes: Standing leg
swing, flexion/extension, adduction/abduction (out to side)
add internal or external rotation of femur
Compression: Foam roller or 5” Fitball for Trigger Point
Pressure Release Compression on the gluteals
Stretch: pigeon pose (this is primarily a piriformis stretch due
to hip flexion and adduction)
Range of Functional Movement: (Standing single leg cross
behind and tap same side arm touching the floor)
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Area #2 Legs Hamstrings,
Warm Up: Use MyoBuddy Percussive Massager for Warming
Hams, Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Flat (high Speed) for warming
Donkey kicks and straight leg raise, also bounce on tippy toes
for gastroc/soleus
Compression: Foam Roller (can be done moving or static held
trigger point pressure release)
Dynamic. Stretching (modified Waiter’s bow putting weight
into the toes to activate the superficial back line) (Per Thomas
Meyers, anatomy trains) Calves, Hams, Gluetals
Functional Movement Kickers with leg curl, both into hip
flexion as well as hip extension
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Area #3 Quadratus lumborum and abdominals,
(Rectus abdominis and obliques)
Warm Up: Use MyoBuddy Percussive Massager for
Warming Abdominal Obliques, QL, Rectus Abs Flat
(high Speed) for warming
Compression: 5” Fitball Compressions
Dynamic Stretching: (Reach up and over using
runners lunge)
Functional Movement: Quadruped series
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Area #4 Lower - Mid Back / Lats
Warm Up: Use MyoBuddy Percussive Massager for
Warming Lats, Illiocosatlis Thoracis and Longissimus as
well as Multifidi and thoraco /lumbar aponeurosis.
Compression: Use Backnobber while supine to press on
spinal erectors and thoraco/lumbar fascia
Dynamic Stretching: (Reach up and over while standing.
Add torso rotation. and humeral adduction to contract the
lats. and erectors.
Functional Movement: Angry cat / swayback horse/
Thread the Needle on all fours
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In Conclusion…
Restriction in the Fascial System has a huge impact on muscle function
All people are susceptible to myofascial dysfunction, fascial restriction
and these in turn impair our ability to move freely and strongly.
Practitioner or self -provided treatment techniques including the
MYoBuddy percussive massage device and foam rollers are critical to
healthy soft tissue and for eliminating fascial restrictions.
There is a whole 3-dimensional network of interconnected fascial
A complete and interdependent dynamic relationship exists within the
facial/ muscular matrix and these modalities helps to support health in
this system.
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MyoBuddy Self-Care Recovery and
With a partner
With the assistance of a
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According to the Consensus committee on fascia Nomenclature, Sept 2015
Schleip, Findley, Chaitow, Huijing. Fascia, The Tensional Network of the
Human Body. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, 2012 ISBN# 978-0-7020-3425-1
Other resource; Jean-Claude Guimberteau, Architecture of Human Living
Fascia. Handspring Publishing, Edinburugh, 2015.
Dr Jean Claude Guimberteau; Strolling Under the Skin
Biancalana, 2012 MYOfascial integration
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