POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 1 Topic 2.2: Material Properties Preface Material properties are an important piece of information that engineers rely on when selecting the best material for a design solution. For instance in the 1988 Challenger space shuttle disaster, an oring seal failed, causing the death of seven astronauts. A misunderstanding about the limits of a material led to this accident. Engineers often deal with the design of useful products that require materials with certain characteristics or properties. Complexity is increased when we consider that new materials are constantly being developed, and their application in new products drives economic growth. Engineers, therefore, must know how to make sense of the multitude of different materials available. When existing materials don’t provide the desired properties, engineers create new materials called synthetics. Synthetic materials allow engineers to be extremely innovative when designing solutions to society’s needs. Sometimes the focus isn’t on the creation of a new material, but on the creation of advanced recycling technology. Nike is one of several corporations assisting engineers with innovative recycling technology. For instance, Nike has worked with engineers to develop a method of recycling athletic shoes. The recycled shoes are ground up and used for the production of basketball courts, tracks, playgrounds, etc. This lesson is designed to provide students with an opportunity to investigate the basic categories and properties of materials. Students will discover how products are made and how they are recycled once they are no longer useful. http://minerals.usgs.gov/plan/2006-2010/goal4.html Concepts Materials are the substances in which all things are made. Materials are composed of elements and area categorized by physical and chemical properties. Materials consist on pure elements, compounds and mixtures and are typically classified as metallic, ceramic, organic, polymeric, and composite. Material properties including recyclability and cost are important considerations for engineers when choosing appropriate materials for a design. Material selection is based upon mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, and chemical properties. Raw materials undergo various manufacturing processes in the production of consumer goods. Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 2 Performance Objectives It is expected that students will: Investigate specific material properties related to a common household product. Conduct investigative non-destructive material property tests on selected common household product including testing for continuity, ferrous metal, hardness, and flexure. Calculate weight, volume, mass, density, and surface area of selected common household product Identify the manufacturing processes used to create the selected common household product. Identify the recycling codes. Promote recycle using current media trends. Assessment Explanation Students will explain the difference between the basic properties of materials, magnetic, mechanical, and physical. such as electrical, Interpretation Students will write journal entries reflecting on their learning and experiences. An example writing prompt: What is something you learned today about material properties, material categories, manufacturing processes, or recycling that you did not understand or know before? Application Students will apply their knowledge of materials, material processes, and recycling in the critique of a product that they use everyday, such as a cell phone or MP3 player. Perspective At the conclusion of the lesson, students will reflect on what they would have done differently if the recycling project were to be repeated. Self-knowledge Students will reflect on their work by recording their thoughts and ideas in journals. They may use self-assessments as a basis for improvement. Ideas and questions students may pose and answer in their journals are: Today the hardest concept for me to understand was . . . When I work in a group, I find that . . . When I work by myself, I find that . . . What did I accomplish today? Now that I have completed this task, what is next? Essential Questions How does an engineer predict the performance and safety for a selected material? What are the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing synthetic materials designed by engineers? What ethical issues pertain to engineers designing synthetic materials? What did you learn about the significance of selecting materials for product design? How can an existing product be changed to incorporate different processes to make it less expensive and provide better performance? How does an engineer decide which manufacturing process to use for a given material? How do the recycling codes and symbols differ from state to state? Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 3 Lesson 2.2.1: Materials Purpose Engineers often deal with the design of useful products that require materials with certain characteristics or properties. Complexity is increased when we consider that new materials are constantly being developed, and their application in new products drives economic growth. Engineers, therefore, must know how to make sense of the multitude of different materials available. When existing materials don’t provide the desired properties, engineers create new materials called synthetics. Synthetic materials allow engineers to be extremely innovative when designing solutions to society’s needs. Procedure During this activity, you and your classmates will use internet resources and the power point presentation entitled Introduction_To_Materials.ppt to outline responses to the following prompts: What are the basic classifications of elements on the periodic table and how do those classifications reflect variations in properties that are important to engineers? How are elements combined to create compounds and mixtures and what are the various means in which compounds and mixtures can be separated back into elements? Identify the five classifications of materials typically used by engineers. Distinguish between them in the context of mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical properties and indicate at least two typical uses for each. Below is an image of the periodic table. Identify the location of at least five elements that are commonly used by engineers, name them, and indicate their classifications. How do those classifications reflect variations in properties that are important to engineers? http://beyondalldoubt.schools.officelive.com/Chapter12.aspx Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 4 How are elements combined to create compounds and mixtures and what are the various means in which compounds and mixtures can be separated back into elements? Identify the five classifications of materials typically used by engineers that are listed in the aforementioned powerpoint. Distinguish between them in the context of mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical properties and indicate at least two typical uses for each. http://www-materials.eng.cam.ac.uk/mpsite/physics/introduction/default.html Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Page 5 Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 6 Lesson 2.2.2: Manufacturing Processes Purpose As illustrated in the pie chart to the right, manufacturing costs are the most significant portion of the total cost to bring a product to market. Accordingly, engineers must be well versed the various processes utilized to turn their designs into devices that meet the needs of their customers. Procedure During this activity, you and your classmates will use internet resources and the power point presentation entitled IntroductionManufacturingProcesses.ppt to outline responses to the following prompts: Background Definitions What are the five types of manufacturing systems and what niche do they each fill? Identify the five basic manufacturing processes and provide examples of their most common uses for different classifications of materials Background Definitions: Define each of the following terms Product Creation Cycle – Manufacturing Process – Lean Manufacturing – Engineers in Manufacturing: Manufacturing Engineer – Industrial Engineer – Materials Engineer – Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 7 What are the five types of manufacturing systems and what niche do they each fill? Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 8 Identify the five basic manufacturing processes and provide examples of their most common uses for different classifications of materials Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 9 Lesson 2.2.3: Recycling Purpose As engineers design and create devices that safely realize desired outcomes, the effective use of our natural resources is critical. Without it, it would be impossible to establish sustainable practices. This is true both in the context of the consumption of our natural resources and the unintended consequences of releasing man-made toxins in to the environment. This activity focuses on the use of resources component of this important problem. Procedure During this activity, you and your classmates will use internet resources and the power point presentation entitled IntroductionManufacturingProcesses.ppt to outline responses to the following prompts: Background Definitions What are the five types of manufacturing systems and what niche do they each fill? Identify the five basic manufacturing processes and provide examples of their most common uses for different classifications of materials Recyclable Materials: Identify the five classifications of materials that are most commonly recycled and, for each classification, provide at least one example an object you have used that incorporates recycled materials Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 10 Recycling Symbols: Study the recycling symbols below and list at least one example of their use that you have personally witnessed. http://www.easyvectors.com/browse/signs-symbols/recycling-symbols-free-vector http://maggiemcgeegoesgreen.blogspot.com/2010/03/recycle-by-number-plastic-recycling.html Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 11 Life Cycle of Materials: The following information was taken directly from the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s website. Respond to the prompts at the end of the article after reading it and other resources pertaining to the Product Life Cycle. http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/wycd/waste/lifecycle.html The image above illustrates the four main stages of product life-cycles, all of which provide opportunities for GHG emissions and/or offsets. These stages are: raw material acquisition, manufacturing, recycling, and waste management. Raw Material Acquisition. All products use inputs of raw materials, such as metal ore, petroleum, trees, etc. Extracting and transporting these materials entails the combustion of fossil fuels for energy, which results in emissions of carbon dioxide. These fossil fuels must be extracted themselves, which requires additional energy use. Manufacture. The processes that transform raw materials into products require the combustion of fossil fuels for energy. Again, energy use produces GHG emissions both directly from the combustion of fossil fuels (mainly in the form of carbon dioxide) and from the upstream energy used to obtain and transport those fossil fuels. In addition, some manufacturing processes release other GHGs, although the type and amount of these emissions are specific to the manufacturing processes for each material. Recycling. Once a product has been used, it can be recycled into new products. While manufacturing products from recycled inputs still requires energy, fewer raw materials are necessary. GHG emissions are therefore offset by the avoided fossil fuel use for raw material acquisition. In addition, for products Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 12 that require wood or paper inputs, recycling reduces the need to cut down trees, increasing carbon sequestration in forests. Waste Management. If a product is not recycled at the end of its useful life, it goes through one of three waste management options: composting, combustion, and landfilling. All three use energy for transporting and managing the waste, but they produce additional GHGs to varying degrees. Composting – an option for organic materials such as food scraps and yard waste – releases some non-biogenic carbon dioxide associated with transporting and turning the compost. However, some of the carbon contained in organic materials is returned and stored in the soil and therefore not released into the atmosphere. Combustion releases both carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide (a GHG that is 310 times more potent that carbon dioxide). However, some of the energy released during combustion can be harnessed and used to power other processes, which results in offset GHG emissions from avoided fossil fuel use. Landfilling, the most common waste management practice, results in the release of methane from the anaerobic decomposition of organic materials. Methane is 21 times more potent a GHG than carbon dioxide. However, landfill methane is also a source of energy, and some landfills capture and use it for energy. In addition, many materials in landfills do not decompose fully, and the carbon that remains is sequestered in the landfill and not released into the atmosphere. Prompts: What does the abreviation GHG stand for? How does recycling effect the economy of the United States? Identify a significant aspect of the product life cycle that contributes significantly to waste, but is not directly referred to in the article. Also identify any associated sinks and emission offsets. Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 13 Lesson 2.2.4: Case Study Purpose Students will perform simple material tests and calculations on product components to gain a better understanding into why engineers select specific materials for different applications. Students will identify the manufacturing processes that apply to the selected parts and create associated Product Development Lifecycles. Introduction What is your favorite brand of tennis shoe? Maybe you prefer casual shoes over tennis shoes. No matter the shoe, the primary design focus is the same – what materials should engineers consider when designing the shoe? After all, the shoe must meet your performance expectations and must be durable enough for everyday demand. While materials possess similarities to one other, their differences are equally important as engineers search for the correct material to create a product. When selecting materials, engineers must ask the following questions. Will extreme conditions affect the material? Will these conditions cause the material to fail, and if not, how safely will the material carry the load? How will the material behave if its temperature is drastically changed? Will the material remain as strong as it was prior to being formed? Will the material corrode when exposed to extreme conditions? When engineers can’t find a material that provides the desired traits, they invent new materials by combining several existing materials. Material selection for products requires engineers to consider material properties against anticipated use. Engineers must sometimes find an alternative material for a part in their design for many reasons, including environmental issues, cost issues, or safety issues. For example, during World War II, each B-17 Super Fortress Bomber was built with approximately 1000 pounds of rubber. Scientists were tasked with finding or developing a suitable rubber alternative in order to lighten the aircraft’s load. Procedure Part 1 - Product Selection and Overall Analysis: Brainstorm a list of five common products that could be found in a typical backpack and consist of at least two parts. Record your list of products below: Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 14 Identify a product from your brainstorming to analyze: Illustrate and describe the overall product. Include detailed information relating to function, operating environment, cost, manufacturing origin, and product life cycle. Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 15 Part 2 - Product Components: Sketch and describe all product components. Include detailed information relating to component interaction and function within the product, materials, and manufacturing methods Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 16 Part 3 – Component Investigation: Identify two components for further investigation and complete the following tests: Component #1 ______________________________ Test Continuity Test: Ferrous Metal Test Hardness: Weight: Volume: Description Results Use a multimeter with a built-in continuity tester or a simple circuit consisting of a power source and light to check for the component’s ability to conduct electricity. Pass a magnet over the component. Use a nail to attempt to scratch the surface of the component. Use a digital scale to weigh the component. Mass: Submerge the component in a container with a predetermined measurable amount of water (graduated cylinder, beaker, etc.). If the component is buoyant, use a paperclip to keep the object submerged during testing. Measure the increased volume of the water due to the component being submerged in the container. Mass = weight / gravitational acceleration Density: Density = mass / volume Hand Flexure Test: Use only your hands and attempt to bend the component. Does the component permanently deform? Component #2 ______________________________ Test Continuity Test: Ferrous Metal Test Hardness: Weight: Volume: Description Results Use a multimeter with a built-in continuity tester or a simple circuit consisting of a power source and light to check for the component’s ability to conduct electricity. Pass a magnet over the component. Use a nail to attempt to scratch the surface of the component. Use a digital scale to weigh the component. Mass: Submerge the component in a container with a predetermined measurable amount of water (graduated cylinder, beaker, etc.). If the component is buoyant, use a paperclip to keep the object submerged during testing. Measure the increased volume of the water due to the component being submerged in the container. Mass = weight / gravitational acceleration Density: Density = mass / volume Hand Flexure Test: Use only your hands and attempt to bend the component. Does the component permanently deform? Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 17 Part 4 – Further Component Investigation of Component#2: Use a measuring device to create a detailed 3-D drawing (isometric or oblique) of component#2, including appropriate dimensions and annotations. Using these measurements, calculate the surface area and volume of component#2. Based upon your observations up to this point, hypothesize the material that component#2 is made of. Then estimate its density using available resources. Estimate the mass using your volume and density estimates. Compare these results to your measurements in the table on the previous page. Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 18 Part 5 – Product Life Cycle and Sustainability: Identify any recycled materials used in your product: Identify materials within your product that could be recycled: Comment regarding the sustainability of your product: Identify a more sustainable option to satisfy the same need that your product satisfies: Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 19 Lesson 2.2 Key Term Crossword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 www.CrosswordWeaver.com Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: POE@BHS-Unit 2: Materials and Structures, Topic 2.2 Material Properties Page 20 ACROSS DOWN 2 The process of creating an object by adding small pieces or layers together to make a final product. 4 Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule. 6 Machining a surface to size with a fine feed produced in a lathe, milling machine, or grinder. 7 A process that changes the size and shape of a material by a combination of force and a shaped form. 9 Of or relating to the manufacture of any product (as earthenware, porcelain, or brick) made essentially from a nonmetallic mineral (as clay) by firing at a high temperature. 12 Crude or processed material that can be converted by manufacture, processing, or combination into a new and useful product; something with a potential for improvement, development, or elaboration. 14 A systemized body of laws; a set of principles, as of ethics. 16 Processes that remove material to change the size, shape, or surface of a part. There are two groups of separating processes: machining and shearing. 17 Returning to an original condition. The extraction and recovery of valuable materials from scrap or other discarded materials. 18 Properties other than mechanical properties that pertain to the physics of a material and can usually be measured without the application of force. 19 The elements, constituents, or substances of which something is composed or can be made; matter that has qualities which give it individuality and by which it may be categorized. 1 A tool for systematically ranking alternatives according to a set of criteria. 3 Those properties of a material that reveal the elastic and inelastic reaction when force is applied, or that involve the relationship between stress and strain; for example, the modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, and fatigue limit. 5 Stages a product goes through from concept and use to eventual withdrawal from the marketplace. 8 Anything for which a person is legally bound or responsible. 10 Solid material which is composed of two or more substances having different physical characteristics and in which each substance retains its identity while contributing desirable properties to the whole; especially, a structural material made of plastic within which a fibrous material (as silicon carbide) is embedded. 11 Any of various opaque, fusible, ductile, and typically lustrous substances that are good conductors of electricity and heat. 13 To make into a product suitable for use; to make from raw materials by hand or by machinery; to produce according to an organized plan and with division of labor. 15 Produced by the combining of parts or elements to form a whole, rather than of natural origin; not real, artificial. Name: Date Completed: Initials: Preliminary Grade: Final Grade: Grader Initials: