GA/BS (_______) (XIX-O/15) Secretariat for Administration and Finance (SAF) Budgetary Statement United States of America Budgetary Statement by the Delegation of United States of America General Statement: The United States strongly believes that the consolidation of a real and well-structured wealth distribution in every member state is needed to achieve a real democracy for our people. For this reasons, the delegation of USA, Requests to the Budgetary and Financial Committee to invest and reallocate a percent of the budget, in order to create The Office of the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. The measures will certainly contribute and continue to improve OAS programs, thus, this delegation calls upon Member States to adapt similar programs to fulfill the necessities of addressing disparities in the hemisphere. Topic B: Addressing the Issues of a Growing Elderly and Retired Population Ensure the protection and safety of the elderly and persons with disabilities while improving monitoring and data collection on the impact of conflict on these groups; properly train peacekeeping forces to identify and address the needs of the elderly persons and Retired Population; ensure humanitarian responses cater specifically to the needs of these groups. The delegation of USA, is a strong and fine believer of the principles in which the OAS beliefs in, therefore it compromise with the biggest amount of budgetary cooperation among all the members. Furthermore, the US delegation does not seeks to invest in the matters of Addressing the Issues of a Growing Elderly and Retired Population, more than what has already been allocated in past years and have served effectively to the matter; such Página 1 de 4 as the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons, which is a document derived from the activities made by the Working Group on Protection of the Human Rights of Older People. Committee: Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (ESID) Topic One: Eradication of Poverty within the Context of Sustainable Development Underlines the importance of providing operations with logistical support and all resources necessary to accomplish the use of technology so it evolves into the lessons learnt and the best practices that leads into the best practices of sustainable contexts which can eradicate poverty. The use of technologies, leads to preserve and impulse sustainable development in poverty matters. Without the needs of increasing budgetary in this sense, still the delegation recognize the importance of early warning networks in the eradication of poverty as a diplomacy strategy, ergo deeps dialogues, and therefore let the role new technologies play an important role without the necessity of reallocating budget. Therefore, invest in the matter should focus on sophisticated technologies, that will promote programs, such as, clean energy which has decentralized the resource and open to other ways to obtain it from local harvest wind, water and sun. Topic Two: Sharing and Allocation of Water Resources Disputes over water resources have contributed to several conflicts in the past and may catalyze others in the near future” (OAS, 1996), -what have lead- making water resources a priority in the Hemispherical agenda. The delegation, promotes the identification of challenges via dialogue. Página 2 de 4 C. Committee: Secretariat for Multidimensional Security (SMS) Topic One: Hemispheric Standards on Surveillance and Information Gathering Developing strategies to prevent non-state actors be involved in conflicts and detect the different means they use to finance their actions against the stability of States. Therefore, the use of Technical assistance and training given in cyber‐security and permanent cooperation mechanisms among OAS member states promoted for security and protection planning in large‐scale events and reaffirm the cooperative efforts needed for developing the various programs among our Hemisphere and reach the goal of this agenda is one of this year priority’s investments programs. Topic Two: Updating the Rio Treaty to Meet New Hemispheric Security Challenges Stimulating the economic growth in our countries is crucial. The investment on this matter should be directed on opening panels and debates all along the year, in order to maintain open dialogue, because United States believes that this treaty provides the Hemisphere with the necessary collective security mechanisms that can respond to traditional, state-centered and transnational threats. Committee: Secretariat for Political Affairs (SPA) Topic One: Protection of Political Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Stresses the importance of taking into account the views of other actors, such as United Nations system organizations, humanitarian and human rights professionals and organizations on the ground. Currently the United States of America supports the OAS programs with regards to guarantee the rights of people in this situation. This delegation specially supports and will stand out the Commission and Court made by the American Commission on Human Rights, in which they have addressed the protection of refugees and asylum-seekers in range of contexts and served to develop the human rights norms. Página 3 de 4 Topic Two: Establishing Hemispheric Standards for Prisoners Rights and Prison Conditions Acknowledges that the member states of OAS undertake, by nature of their membership to the Organization to respect and protect the human rights of persons who have been deprived of freedom. Página 4 de 4