Pre-proposal form 2014 Pre-proposal for Project (2-5 years) Light, Cognition, Behaviour and Health National Initiative Brain & Cognition ZonMw Please refer to the guidelines when completing this form Registration form (basic details filled out in Iris fact sheet) 1. Project title Please provide a concise title for the application. 2. Summary Please provide a brief summary of the application (no more than 250 words) and mention six words that characterise your proposal. 3. Principal applicant NWO applies the rule of a single principal applicant. This is the person primarily responsible for the research programme. He or she will bear both the substantive and the financial responsibility for the research. Please provide your name and the telephone number, e-mail address and postal address you can be contacted at during the assessment process. 4. Co-applicants You can list co-applicants under this point. These need to be representatives of the external parties acting as partners in the research project. In addition, co-applicants can also be from academia. Other consortium participants, both researchers and private and public partners, may be listed under question 9 ‘Composition of the research team and the participating partners’. Outline of Research proposal 5. Institutional setting Please indicate in which Dutch (academic) setting the research will primarily be carried out. You can suffice by stating the name of the relevant research school, research institution or chair group. 6. Period of funding Please indicate the planned start date of the research and the total duration of the project and (at least 2 years and no more than 5 years). Funded projects must start as soon as possible, in any case not later than 6 months after the date of grant award. 7. Composition of the research team and the participating partners Please indicate the composition of the consortium and the research team in enclosed tabular form: a) the principal applicant; b) the co-applicant(s) from academia and private and public sector; c) the scientific and non-scientific staff who will carry out the research; if the names are not yet known, you can suffice by mentioning their positions. Note: a principal and/or co-applicant cannot be the person carrying out the research. Note: also indicate the persons whose contribution is intended as in kind matching. d) any other researchers who, given their specific expertise, will play a role in the research, such as adviser or supervisor. Indicate, for all persons involved (if known): their name, affiliation (university, institution, company, organisation, etc.) and their role in the project. Consortium Principal applicant Co-applicants from academia 1 2 Name & title Affiliation Co-applicants from private or public sector 1. 2 Other consortium 1 Expertise Role in project Pre-proposal form 2014 Pre-proposal for Project (2-5 years) Light, Cognition, Behaviour and Health National Initiative Brain & Cognition Please refer to the guidelines when completing this form partners: 1. 2. Scientific staff 1. 2. Non-scientific staff 1. 2. 8. Description of the proposed research Please provide a clear and concrete description of the proposed research along items a, b and c. a) Scientific description Provide a description along the lines of: 1. Scientific content and theoretical framework; 2. The problem, the solution and the approach; 3. Existing infrastructure; 4. Collaborations and position of the team (national and international). b) Economic and/or societal value, utilisation potential Provide a description alone the lines of: 1. Economic and/or societal value of the research; 2. Applicability of the intended results; 3. Experience within the team with application-oriented research; 4. Usefulness and necessity of participation by all consortium partners (public and private parties) Word count: please indicate the number of words you have used for question 8. The maximum number of words is 2,000 (if you wish to add literature references these will be excluded from this count, fond size 9 is allowed for literature references) 9. Brief curriculum vitae of the principal applicant and the co-applicant(s) Please provide, on no more than 1 page, a brief curriculum vitae of the principal applicant and of the coapplicant(s). It is expressly not the intention that you provide an exhaustive curriculum vitae; it should be confined to matters that are relevant to the assessment of this application. 10. Research Budget Please provide a description of the personnel and material resources required for the entire duration of the total project. It’s important to take good note of ‘What can be applied for’ (Call paragraph 3.2). Please describe the three sources of funding you envisage: 1) the NWO grant applied for, 2) the cash contributions and 3) the in kind contributions. For all three the following holds: only costs and contributions related directly and exclusively to the research proposal can be can be part of the project budget. Please submit the application to NWO in electronic form (PDF format is required!) using the Iris system, which can be accessed via the NWO website ( For any technical questions regarding submission, please contact the Iris helpdesk ( 2 ZonMw