OneVoice 2012 Annual Report


OneVoice Corporation

a 501(c)3 - Not-for-Profit


The Annual Report


OneVoice Corporation © 2013

Table of Contents

Message from Robbie……..………………………………………………

Mission & Vision…………………………………………………………..

2012 Board of Directors……………………………………………………


2012 Annual Fundraising Activity…………………………………………

2012 OneVoice Project Mission….………………………………………..

2013 Project Plans…………………………………………………………..

Message from the Founder

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Page 3

Page 4

Page 5-6

Page 7-9

Page 10

Page 11-15

Page 16-18



Dear Friends,

With one full year under our belts, 2012 saw OneVoice expand in both scope and size. Our team served in 4 countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and the U.S.), we expanded our programming beyond music to include visual arts as well, and we saw our annual budget nearly double.

Most importantly, our impact—your impact—was felt deeply and directly by 13 young hearts in East Africa. Thanks to the efforts of our donors and supporters, our partnership with Take Heart Association, and, of course, the creativity of kids all over the world, thirteen children born with congenital heart defects received the life-saving surgery they so desperately needed. This is the OneVoice mission at its zenith—kids creating from the heart

to affect change in the world.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have helped OneVoice take flight in these first two years.

Already, through the children we serve, we are making the world a more just, peaceful, and compassionate place to live. Thank you for the trust you continue to place in us. The coming year we will be focusing on project expansion to India, as well as setting the organizational foundation for the next few years.

I am so excited to be doing this service. I find the investment in the hearts and creativity of our children to be the most important work in the world. Thank you for joining us.

May you be well in all ways,

Robbie Schaefer

Founder, President and Executive Director


OneVoice Corporation © 2013

Uniting children worldwide through music and creative expression


Empowering children to build a just, peaceful, and wonder-filled world


We seek to cultivate and illuminate the creative sparkle of every child, no matter where they live. We do this by:

 fostering global sister-school relationships based upon musical sharing

 promoting the resulting collaboration to a worldwide audience

 engaging in education and outreach programs to advance the broader community

2012 Board of Directors

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Robbie Schaefer, Founder & President

Robbie has been a professional musician for over 20 years, touring and recording with the folk-rock band Eddie

From Ohio, as well as on his own. He has lived in India, Switzerland, and Virginia, which explains his love for chai tea, chocolate, and tri-cornered hats. He is currently the Music Director for Kids Place Live, the children’s programming channel on Sirius XM Radio. He is the father to three boys, and cultivates an abiding love for olives, tall trees, and small people. During Board meetings Robbie is prone to using phrases such as, “that being said”, or,

“dynamic initiative”, or, “shifting paradigm”, because he thinks they make him sound more Presidential. The rest of us smile and nod politely.

Lori DiGuardi, Vice President

Lori holds a BS in Computer Science, summa cum laude (we won’t make a snarky comment on the BS thing because that would be childish of us). In 1994 she switched careers from IT consulting with Fortune 500 companies to the biggest job of her life: becoming a mother. Today she is mother to two teenagers: Carolynne, a senior in high school, and Patrick a sophomore. She is also known as mother to hundreds of children in Uganda. Since 1999, Lori has raised awareness and funds, fostered friendships and goodwill, and facilitated multi-cultural sharing and communication, as International Director of Brain Tree Primary School in Uganda. Other things Lori loves:

Argentine tango (duh), public speaking, and looking excellent in her fashion-forward glasses. Oh, and did we mention she has a BS in Computer Science? Ha ha! Get it? BS! Well, well, it seems childishness got the best of us once again.

Sameer Patel, Treasurer

Sameer grew up in Western, NY in a small town called Lewiston, bordering Ontario, Canada. His parents were born in East Africa– mom in Tanzania and dad in Uganda. They met on the boat to college in India and fell in love, eventually eloped and married in London before moving to Canada and then, the US. The union resulted in a half Muslim, half Hindu, subtly African, modestly Indian, but mostly American kid. We think of him as the modern day South Asian Clark Griswold, with a tiny bit more style. Sameer sang with The Georgetown Chimes

(Georgetown’s historic all male a cappella group), taught English in Tanzania, been a banker, a real estate developer, and a professional wrestler (ok, we’re not sure about the wrestling thing, but he does look like he’s been working out recently). Currently, Sameer runs the Bristow Montessori School in Bristow, VA, which he founded in

2009. On the education front, he received his BA with Honors from Georgetown University, and an MBA in

Corporate Strategy from the Smith School at The University of Maryland, College Park… blah, blah, blah. He lives with his wonderful wife of 11 years, Zeena, and 2 inspiring boys (Rumi is 6 and Rayn is 3) plus one more boy on the way! His life’s pursuits are to find the perfect coffee bean and roast, to try every tea strain on the planet, to listen to the music of everyday life, and to try and do “a little freaking good in this world”. That’s his tale, and he’s sticking to it. So are we.

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Alicia Todd, Secretary

Alicia is a Clinical Psychologist in Falls Church, VA, which means that as you read this, she knows why you are reading it. She has been involved in fund-raising for the John Dau Foundation as well as Madre, a non-profit with a mission “to advance women’s human rights by meeting immediate needs and building lasting solutions for communities in crisis.” Specifically, Alicia became involved with a Madre project which enables Afghan women who are threatened with violence to escape to safety. Alicia is also Irish, which means she cried during the movie version of Eat, Pray, Love (and not for the same reason as the rest of us–geez that movie was awful). While we don’t know this to be fact, now that it’s in print, it might as well be.

Sarah Craven, Board Member

Sarah serves as Chief of the Washington Office for the U.N. Population Fund and has worked for years as a consultant, advocate, and Board member for Kakenya Ntaiya who founded and runs the Kakenya Center for

Excellence in Kenya. Like most people who are unbelievably busy, Sarah seems to always somehow create time for meaningful things. We are so grateful she’s decided OneVoice is one of those things. Oh, and the word on the mean streets of Bethesda, MD is that she listens to Kids Place Live even when her kids aren’t actually in the car.

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Direct Public Support

Individual/Business Contributions

TOTAL Direct Public Support

(LaLa Love/Take Heart pass-through support)



Advertising Expenses

Automobile Expenses

Bank Service Charges

Computer and Internet Expense

Credit card Expense

Finance Charge

Total Credit Card Expense

Donation Appreciation

Facilities and Equipment

Rent, Parking, Utilities

Total Facilities and Equipment

Health-Medical And Dental

Licenses and Permits

Mission and Travel


Total Mission Travel

Office Supplies


Total Operations

Mission Activities

Membership dues and Subscriptions

Airfare and Accommodations

Visa /Immunizations

Lala Love/Take Heart Contribution

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Postage, Mailing Service

Printing and Copying

Professional Services

Stage Equipment Rental


Telephone, Telecommunications


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Current Assets


Virginia Commerce Checking

TOTAL Checking

TOTAL Current Assets




Current Liabilities

Credit Card

TOTAL Liabilities

Capital One Spark Business

TOTAL Credit Cards

TOTAL Current Liabilities


Unrestricted Net Assets

Net Income

TOTAL Equity


OneVoice Corporation © 2013















2012 Annual Fundraising Activity


In 2012, our second full year, we set a fundraising goal of $47,000, the majority of which would be spent on our projects in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda. We exceeded our goal, raising nearly $76,000, all of which came through

OneVoice events, individual donations, and our 2 nd annual LaLa Love fundraising campaign.

Our major fundraising events in 2012:

3/9/2012 Concert and Benefit with Whole Foods, Vienna, VA $4,000

2/11/2012 Private House Concert, Cabin John, MD. $2,500

4/14/2012 Private Concert/Fundraiser, Taneytown, MD. $2,000

6/16/2012 For Mercy Benefit Concert, Vienna, VA $1,500

9/16/2012 Birthday Party, Bethesda, MD $2,000

10/5-6/2012 School Presentation and Private Fundraiser, Santa Barbara, CA $3200

Dec. 2012 LaLa Love Campaign on Sirius XM Radio $33,877

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2012 OneVoice Project Mission

Project: Take Heart time.

In June, 2012, the OneVoice team traveled to Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and the U.S. with painting supplies in tow.

Our goal? To help kids at four different schools in four different countries paint their own hearts in order to heal the physical hearts of others.

Earlier that year, we joined forces with Take Heart, a Nairobi-based organization providing surgeries to East African kids born with congenital heart defects. Many of these children live in rural areas and have no access to medical care, much less the life-saving surgery they need.

Between May and September, OneVoice collected heart paintings from over 150 children at the Kakenya Center for

Excellence (Enoosaen, Kenya), Shepherds Secondary School (Arusha, Tanzania), Brain Tree Primary School

(Kyanja, Uganda), and Sylvia Rosenauer Elementary (Jackson, NJ), as well some painted by Take Heart kids awaiting surgery in Nairobi.

Upon our return to the U.S., we embarked on LaLa Love—our annual fundraising campaign on Sirius XM Radio.

We posted pictures of these powerful hearts on, and invited kids all over North America to respond with their own heart paintings and to ask their friends, families, and communities to donate money on their behalf.

Our goal was to raise $25,000, which would have provided for 10 heart surgeries. But LaLa Love—and kids around the world—exceeded all expectations:

275 heart entries from 37 states and $33,877 later, we had raised enough to heal the hearts of 13 kids, proving once again that if we give children the tools and the opportunity to do something great in the world, they will astonish us every

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Painting Hearts

Painting Smiles

Healing Hearts

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Eddy sharing his six-string with students in Tanzania.

The OV Gang of Love (Front L-R): Eddy Marshall, Justin Ide, Kakenya Ntaiya (Founder of Kakenya Center for

Excellence), Robbie Schaefer, Sarah Vogel, David Reynolds, (Back L-R) James Muskoya (of Kenya Connect),

Johnson (Asst. Driver), John Exaudi (guide), Kuna Hamad, Jolene Hemeon

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Kids being kids - getting energy out before sitting to paint hearts in Kyanja, Uganda

Raw material for heart making at Sylvia Rosenauer School in Jackson, New Jersey

OneVoice Corporation © 2013


Upon returning to the U.S., we edited the content we had captured so that we could share it with a wider audience.

Kuna, the wizard of digital artistry, captured the Take Heart project in a video, and LaLaLove was reborn.

LaLaLove: a collaboration between OneVoice, Take Heart, and Sirius XM Satellite Radio’s Kids Place Live.

LaLaLove: a kid-powered movement that would heal the hearts of children who otherwise would not have the means to get the surgery they need - out of the painting and creativity of children. LaLaLove: again… just what the

Universe ordered.

The campaign ran from October to December of 2012 and was essentially a painting contest sponsored and facilitated by, and Kids Place Live, the children’s programming channel on Sirius XM Radio. was built and played host to not only the video we had captured during the Take Heart mission, but to the paintings from hundreds of kids and kid-powered organizations from around the world. In artistic terms, it was a global paint-and-response. Schools, Awesome kids, Brownie troops, Cub Scout troops, and church choirs from California to Texas to Michigan to New Jersey to Florida to Africa and beyond painted their hearts out (pun intended) and raised nearly $34,000—enough, believe it or not, to give 13 children heart life-saving surgeries.

To see Kuna’s Video, click below and prepare to be moved…

Take Heart Video

OneVoice Corporation © 2013

2013 Project Plans

As we enter into our third year, OneVoice is expanding in exciting ways. We have added new Board members, a part-time intern, and a slew of volunteers. Our fundraising strategy is focused. Our vision is clear. Our project scope is defined.

2013: OneVoice goes to India

In 2013, we plan to spring board off the eastern edge of sub-Saharan Africa, slingshot over the Arabian Sea and land in India.


In March, 2013, OneVoice will travel to the American Embassy School (AES) in New Delhi, India, where we will collect eight to ten students and head northwest to Rajasthan for a musical exchange program.

Over the course of one week, the AES and Rajasthani musicians (a mix of adults and students) will share stories and create friendships, appoint cultural ambassadors, and weave together musical collaboration. The week will culminate with a joint concert in a courtyard in Barmer, Rajasthan.

Upon their return to New Delhi, Robbie and the OneVoice crew will assist the AES kids to compose, perform, and record an original song that will reflect and encompass their collective experience in Rajasthan.

The Board saw that it was important to deepen our relationships with East Africa and the U.S. while expanding to communities in other parts of the world as well.

Imagine. This will be the first time, OneVoice will be able to facilitate its mission in person with a group of kids.

These students from India will be inspired through music making, sharing and ultimately realizing that we are so similar despite our seemingly vast differences, and that we they will see beyond local communities to affect change on a more global platform as they grow to become adult citizens of the world.

OneVoice. OneSong.

We are all connected.

Power to the (little) people

OneVoice Corporation © 2013

Colored cups filled with morning sustenance – Tanzania, East Africa

Budget for Planned Missions & Related Expenditures

2012 Total Budget: $47,625

East Africa: $24,225

Cuba: $9,200

U.S.: $8,300

Promotional Services and Materials: $2,500

Accounting and Legal Services: $3,000

Website management: $400

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Planned Fundraising Goals and Events

We have set a 2013 fundraising goal of ~$50,000, which would almost double our total gifts from 2011. Here are events currently planned, and the funds, or expected funds to be raised from each:

1/27 Robbie Schaefer Concert. Funds Raised: $800

2/4 Private House Concert, Palo Alto, CA. Funds Raised: $1,200


2/11 Private House Concert, Cabin John, MD. Funds Raised: $2,500

3/9 Private House Concert, Vienna, VA $1,000

3/30 Greenwood Elementary School Assembly/Fundraiser, Winchester, VA. $1,000

4/14 Private Concert/Fundraiser, Taneytown, MD. $1,500

4/18 Whole Foods 5% Day, Vienna, VA: $5,000

May Robbie for Rent: Silent Auction: $5,000-$12,000

6/16 For Mercy Reunion Concert, Vienna, VA: $3,000

9/14 Eddie From Ohio Fundraising Concert, The Hamilton, Washington, DC. $15,000

Total expected funds to be raised from fundraising events: $41,000-$45,000

Total expected funds raised from online and individual donations: $5,000


Thank You.

Thank you for reading about our story so far. We have put our spring board in place, and with the help of generous donations, we look forward to continuing our mission to spread the joy of music and inspiring children to build connections with each other in simple, universal ways through the power of




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