Mr. Hilbert Mr. Pezino U.S. History Collab – 6th period October 12

Mr. Hilbert
Mr. Pezino
U.S. History Collab – 6th period
October 12, 2012
Quote of the Day: “There have been injuries and deaths in boxing, but none of them
 There was a “super quiz” on capitols.
 The class reviewed the reading guide with Mr. Hilbert.
 This was to answer any questions and prepare the students for the quiz on Tuesday.
 To further the review, the class played deal or no deal.
 The class took notes to see their knowledge of the review, they played Deal or no Deal. The
questions and answers are listed below:
1. When companies that sell products in competing markets merge, that is known as:
Horizontal integration
2. The tycoon who headed Standard Oil was:
John D. Rockefeller
3. The rags to riches Scottish immigrant who ran US Steel was:
Andrew Carnegie
4. The principle of survival of the fittest applies to human society and business is known as:
Social Darwinism
5. The law that made the disruption of trade by trust was known as the:
Sherman Anti-trust Act
6. Samuel Gompers headed a union known as:
American Federation of Labor - AFL
7. What did union leaders say was the main weapon of laborers?
8. What is the name of the process that purifies the carbon in steel to make it stronger?
Bessemer process
9. Who invented the telegraph?
Samuel Morse
10. Who invented the light bulb?
Thomas Edison
11. Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
12. Who invented the typewriter?
Christopher Sholes
13. The socialist union leader that led many strikes was:
Eugene Debs
14. The major figure in the labor movement who was concerned with women’s rights:
Mary Harris Jones aka Mother Jones
15. Social Darwinism was used to justify this hand off type of government regulation:
Laissez-faire economics
16. What area of the United States did not experience the industrial boom of the late 1800s?
The South
17.When a business dominates an industry and there is little completion that company has a
18. Name of the many complaints that union members had:
Long hours, injuries, child labor, sweatshops, low wages
19. Name a historical person form the test that is described as a “robber baron”
Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller
20. What is term for when representatives from a union negotiate better working condition for
the entire union membership?
Collective Bargaining
 There was a lecture on Immigrants and Urbanization: American becomes a melting pot
in the late 19th and early 20th century
o Millions of immigrants entered the US in the late 19th and early 20th century
o Known as birds of passage intended to say only temporarily to earn money and then
return to their homeland.
o 20 million Europeans and all were looking for economic opportunity
o 200,000 Chinese arrived on the West Coast for the gold rush, and others went to work
on railroads, farmed or as domestic servants
o An anti-Chinese immigration act by Congress curtailed immigration after 1882.
 The lecture will continue on Tuesday.
 Complete the Reading Guide for pages 241-249 in the textbook. Be prepared for a quiz on