Standardized Test Preparation (Practice)

Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice
Short Response
Extended Response
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following statements about prokaryotic
chromosomes is true?
A. Prokaryotes have at least two chromosomes.
B. Prokaryotic chromosomes consist of a circular
DNA molecule.
C. Prokaryotic chromosomes include histone and
nonhistone proteins.
D. Prokaryotic chromosomes are made of DNA
wrapped tightly around histone proteins.
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice, continued
1. Which of the following statements about prokaryotic
chromosomes is true?
A. Prokaryotes have at least two chromosomes.
B. Prokaryotic chromosomes consist of a circular
DNA molecule.
C. Prokaryotic chromosomes include histone and
nonhistone proteins.
D. Prokaryotic chromosomes are made of DNA
wrapped tightly around histone proteins.
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice, continued
2. Crossing-over occurs during which process?
F. mitosis
G. meiosis I
H. meiosis II
J. interphase
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice, continued
2. Crossing-over occurs during which process?
F. mitosis
G. meiosis I
H. meiosis II
J. interphase
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice, continued
The graph below shows
the relative mass of DNA and
chromosome number
for a cell undergoing mitosis.
Use the graph to answer
the questions that follow.
3. In which phase of mitosis do
chromatids separate and
become individual
A. prophase
B. metaphase
C. anaphase
D. telophase/cytokinesis
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice, continued
The graph below shows
the relative mass of DNA and
chromosome number
for a cell undergoing mitosis.
Use the graph to answer
the questions that follow.
3. In which phase of mitosis do
chromatids separate and
become individual
A. prophase
B. metaphase
C. anaphase
D. telophase/cytokinesis
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice, continued
The graph below shows
the relative mass of DNA and
chromosome number
for a cell undergoing mitosis.
Use the graph to answer
the questions that follow.
4. What process occurs that leads
to the decrease in the cell’s DNA
F. prophase
G. metaphase
H. anaphase
J. telophase/cytokinesis
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice, continued
The graph below shows
the relative mass of DNA and
chromosome number
for a cell undergoing mitosis.
Use the graph to answer
the questions that follow.
4. What process occurs that leads
to the decrease in the cell’s DNA
F. prophase
G. metaphase
H. anaphase
J. telophase/cytokinesis
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice, continued
5. prokaryote : binary fission :: eukaryote :
A. mitosis
B. cytokinesis
C. crossing-over
D. genetic recombination
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice, continued
5. prokaryote : binary fission :: eukaryote :
A. mitosis
B. cytokinesis
C. crossing-over
D. genetic recombination
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice, continued
The diagram below
shows a model of cell
division. Use the diagram to
answer the question that
6. Which type of cell division is shown
in the diagram?
F. mitosis
G. meiosis
H. binary fission
J. sexual reproduction
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Multiple Choice, continued
The diagram below
shows a model of cell
division. Use the diagram to
answer the question that
6. Which type of cell division is shown
in the diagram?
F. mitosis
G. meiosis
H. binary fission
J. sexual reproduction
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Short Response
Human cells are either diploid or haploid. All human
cells with 46 chromosomes are diploid.
Would a human cell with any 23 chromosomes be
haploid? Explain your answer.
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Short Response, continued
Human cells are either diploid or haploid. All human
cells with 46 chromosomes are diploid.
Would a human cell with any 23 chromosomes be
haploid? Explain your answer.
No, a haploid cell has one complete set of
chromosomes, which in the case of humans is 23.
Randomly having 23 chromosomes would not be
considered haploid.
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Extended Response
For a cell to function efficiently, its surface area must
exceed that of its volume.
Part A Explain how cell division maintains the
relationship between surface area and volume.
Part B How does a stable ratio between surface
area and volume help maintain proper cell
Chapter 8
Standardized Test Prep
Extended Response, continued
Part A The smaller the cell, the greater is the ratio of
surface area to volume. Cell division makes one
larger cell into two smaller cells.
Part B By having a stable ratio between surface area
and volume, cells are able to maintain homeostasis
by taking in and getting rid of substances efficiently
through osmosis and diffusion.