DNA Replication


DNA Replication

How do the structures of nucleic acids relate to their functions of information storage and protein synthesis?

DNA Replication

 Structure of DNA serves as template for replication

 DNA strands separate

 Each strand serves as a template to determine the order of nucleotides for a new strand

 Nucleotides connect to form the sugarphosphate backbone

Models of Replication

 Semi-conservative model- each of two daughter strands will have one old strand and one new strand

Models of Replication

 Conservative Model- parent model emerges from replication intact

Models of Replication

 Dispersive Model- Each strand of both daughter molecules contains a mixture of old and new parts

Proteins and Enzymes involved in


 Origins of replication

 Replication begins at these sites with a specific sequence of nucleotides

 Proteins recognize this sequence and attach to DNA

 DNA replication proceeds in both directions by forming a replication fork

Proteins and Enzymes involved in


 Elongating a new DNA strand

 DNA polymerase (enzyme) catalyzes elongation by adding complementary bases to the template

 DNA strands are antiparallel; backbones run in opposite directions on opposing sides

DNA replication only proceeds from the 3’ end to the 5’ end

DNA is synthesized 5’ to 3’

Proteins and Enzymes involved in


 Elongating a new DNA strand…cont.

 The strand that is synthesized toward the replication fork is the leading strand

 The strand that is synthesized away from the replication fork is the lagging strand

Lagging strand works “backwards” assembling sections of DNA called Okazaki fragments

 These fragments are joined together by DNA ligase

Proteins and Enzymes involved in


Proteins and Enzymes involved in


 Priming DNA synthesis

 Primers (short stretches of RNA and enzyme primase) must begin synthesis

 RNA nucleotides are later replaced with DNA nucleotides by DNA polymerase

 Other proteins

 Helicase untwists the double helix at the replication fork

 Single-strand binding proteins hold DNA strands apart

Proofreading Replication

 DNA polymerase proofreads each nucleotide as it is added

 Mismatch repair occurs when DNA polymerase misses an incorrectly paired nucleotide; special enzymes are used to fix this

Proofreading Replication

 Nucleotide excision repair

 Nuclease cuts out the damaged nucleotides and they are replaced by DNA polymerase and ligase

Replication of DNA ends

 5’ ends are usually not completed

 This could be a problem because repeated rounds of replication would produce shorter and shorter DNA molecules

 Prokaryotes have circular DNA strands to solve this problem

 Eukaryotes have telomeres (multiple repetitions of a nucleotide sequence that do not code for a gene)

Enzyme telomerase lengthens telomere sequence after multiple replications have shortened the telomere sequence
