English 2B Honors- Weekly Lesson Plans (February 14) Monday the 1.d Apply aspect of Paul’s reasoning model through specific examples Tuesday the 6.b Apply knowledge of 19th century literary movements in text analysis Wednesday the 2.a Develop skills of argumentation (thesis statement) formulation by providing evidence and data Thursday the 4.b Uses higher-level questioning skills as an approach to understanding texts Friday the 4.b Uses higher-level questioning skills as an approach to understanding texts Content Objective I will apply aspects of Paul’s Reasoning Model through specific textual examples by explaining and providing examples for each of the eight elements of reasoning I will apply knowledge of 19th century literary movements by writing a paragraph justifying textual selections that demonstrate attributes of realism I will develop skills of argumentation by providing evidence and data by writing a short essay and finding 2 quotes to support my thesis I will use higher-level thinking questions as an approach to understand by writing 10 higher-level thinking questions in preparation for a Socratic Seminar Summary of Content Addressed Key Vocabulary Warm-Up/Journal Paul’s Reasoning Model Realism Morality Questioning I will use higher-level thinking questions as an approach to understand by discussing higher-level thinking questions and writing a self-evaluation and summary of the questions discussed Socratic Seminar DGP: Parts of Speech DGP: Clauses and Sentence Type Teacher will explain the importance of being able to respond to a prompt using text without guidance in prepapration fro CSAP prompts Explicit feedback and rewrite opportunities will be provided for this assignment in order to help prepare students for CSAP N/A DGP: Punctuation and Capitalization Teacher will model how to write higherlevel thinking questions for students and review the overall theme of the semester DGP: Quiz “I Do” DGP: Sentence Parts and Phrases Teacher will review Power Point about realism GLET(s) “We Do” Teacher will explain each section of Paul’s Reasoning Model Students will work together to provide examples of the first four section on Paul’s Reasoning Model Students will answer interactive lecture questions and work together to provide first 2-3 examples from Huck Finn Students will review what they have read and begin thinking about the themes, characters, genre, author’s purpose, etc… Teacher reviews norms and expectations of a Socratic Seminar. Teacher reviews the rubric before the seminar begins. Teacher will assess students during the Socratic Seminar. Students write notes during the Socratic Seminar. Students participate in the Socratic Seminar using their higher-level “You Do” Students will independently complete Paul’s Reasoning Model Teacher will provide small group for struggling readers Paul’s Reasoning Model Paul’s Reasoning Model Huck Finn Differentiation (Accelerated and/or struggling learners) Closure Assessment Resources Students will independently find remaining examples and finish graphic organizer Teacher will provide small group instruction for struggling students Realism Graphic Organizer Huck Finn Realism Realism Notes Realism Power Point Small group Share completed model thinking questions and responding to questions of their peers. Students practice proper conversational skills in their small group setting. Students write a selfreflection. Students will write 10 higher-level thinking questions Students will independently construct an extended constructed response by responding to the following prompt and providing at least three pieces of textual evidence: Write an essay demonstrating that Jim is morally superior to white men in the novel. ECR Questions Rubric Huck Finn Higher-level question guide Socratic Seminar Rubric Small group Revision Small group Share examples CSAP tips