Gothic Short Story Unit Test Review 2013

Gothic Short Story Unit Test
-Literary Devices
-Short Story History
-Characteristics of a Short
-4 Components of S. S
-point of view
-characteristics of modern
short fiction
-History of Gothic
Traditional European
-Typical Elements of
-Southern American
-Horror Note
-any notes made on The
Woman in Black
-examples from
presentations and
Free Fruit for Young
This Year’s Class Photo
The Guest
A Rose For Emily
William Faulkner
The Veldt
The Yellow Wallpaper
Ray Bradbury
Charlotte Perkins
Flannery O’Connor
A Good Man is Hard to
The Lottery
Bio Info
Nathan Englander
Dan Simmons
Albert Camus
Shirley Jackson
The Monkey’s Paw
W.W. Jacobs
The Tell Tale Heart
Edgar Allen Poe
Format =
1. Matching - Knowledge
2. Movie Question T, C, A
Paragraph/Essay Question T, C, A
T=10 marks
‘In gothic writing, women are presented as either innocent victims or sinister predators
or are significantly absent.’ Consider the place of women in gothic writing in the light
of this comment. Consider this view in relation to the stories studied. You must discuss
at least 4 texts
‘The chief impression a Gothic text leaves us with is the loneliness of the protagonist.’
Consider this view in relation to the stories studied. You must discuss at least 4 texts
‘Characters in gothic writing are haunted by their past mistakes and often have to face
terrible consequences. Consider this view in relation to the stories studied. You must
discuss at least 4 texts
In the following essay excerpt, MacAndrew examines Gothic conventions in use for
over two hundred years, finding that "writers chose the Gothic tale as a vehicle for
ideas about psychological evil." Consider this view in relation to the stories studied. You
must discuss at least 4 texts
Effective gothic literature goes beyond the cliches of dark castles and flickering candles
and actually reveals something about humanity. Consider this view in relation to the
stories studied. You must discuss at least 4 texts
How far do you agree with the assertion that the Gothic is ‘a male genre which either
excludes women or presents the ‘Many central characters in Gothic texts are outsiders
who feel divorced from their society.’ Consider this view in relation to the stories
studied. You must discuss at least 4 texts