Name: __________________________ Origins of the Cold War 2012-13 Source booklet Keyword Glossary Keyword 1|Page Definition Exam Technique Guidance: How should we answer a 4 mark question? Okay, so this should be the easiest type of question on our exam. A nice, simple 4 mark question. All the examiner wants is facts. No opinions, no inferences, nothing but accurate descriptions. All we need to include is just four simple, relevant facts for the A grade... or three for the B... two for C...etc. Simples! Sample Question: By 1955 two rival alliances existed. Describe the membership and aims of NATO and the Warsaw Pact. (4 marks) Considerations: What are the keywords in this question? How can we start to answer this question? How many sentences would you need to write to obtain 4 marks? Quick Tips: If you are stuck for an opening statement you can always use the short description above the question Sample Answer: NATO and the Warsaw Pacts were both military alliances - members of each alliance would defend and work together with each other against the opposing alliance. NATO included Western Powers like Britain, France and the USA who were determined to contain and block communism in every way possible. The Warsaw Pact included the USSR and its communist allies in East Europe, the states of East Europe (the Soviet sphere of influence) were seen as a ‘buffer’ against attack on the USSR. Both alliances bombarded each other with propaganda, blocked each other’s moves, helped other countries fight against their opponents and often criticised/argued in the UN. But officially, these were defence alliances in case they were attacked. Level 3: 4 marks. This answer covers both NATO and the Warsaw Pact so is eligible for full marks. It comfortably achieves this by describing the nature of the alliances, their aims and giving examples of the members of NATO. 2|Page Exam Technique Guidance: How should we answer a 6 mark question? This question is meant to show the examiner whether or not you understand the content and purpose of a source and use your own knowledge to decide whether the source is accurate. The question will always be worded along the lines of ‘Source A is one interpretation of........’ Students should think about discuss other interpretations in your answer as well. Sample Question: SOURCE A suggests a reason why their Truman Doctrine was issued in March 1947. Do you agree that this was the main reason for the Truman Doctrine? Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source as well as using its content and your own knowledge. (6 marks) ‘I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisted attempted conquest by armed minorities or outside pressures. I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way.’ President Truman, explains his Doctrine, 1947 Considerations: Who made the source? When was it made? Does it show opinions from the time or does it include hindsight? What is the purpose of the source? Is it to entertain, make fun, educate, express an opinion? Quick Tips: In order to make the most out of your answer, write two paragraphs; Paragraph 1 should talk about Content, Nature, Origin and Purpose of the source (linking back to reliability), Paragraph 2 should state whether you agree of disagree with the source and provide own knowledge to support your claim. Sample Answer: What would you grade this out of 6? The content of this is Truman explaining his Doctrine. Truman is stating that he believes that it is the responsibility of the United States to protect free people who are resisted attempted conquest by armed minorities or outside pressures. He also states that he believes that the USA must help free people to work out their own destinies. Truman is arguably referring to the Soviet Union who were expanding their power in Eastern Europe. This source is part of the Truman Doctrine in 1947 and its purpose is arguably to send a message to Stalin that the United States will protect smaller countries from the USSR. I partially agree with the content of this source as the United States believed in selfdetermination and thought countries should have the right to rule themselves and this was the main theme behind the Truman Doctrine. However, Truman was an ardent anti-communism who adopted an iron fist approach to Stalin and therefore wanted to stop the spread of Communism. The conflict between them had emerged after the end of the Second World War as capitalism west disapproved of Stalin’s expansion east. However, as the source is from Truman is therefore a biased, one sided interpretation of events and only presents the positive aspects of the Truman Doctrine. 3|Page Exam Technique Guidance: How should we answer a 10 mark question? This question really gives you the opportunity to show off your own knowledge. In order to get the highest possible marks make sure you follow the suggested formatting below. Sample Question: Which of these was more important as a reason for the development of the Cold War in the years 1945 to 1955: Soviet Expansion into Europe The formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact You must refer to BOTH reasons when explaining your answer. (10 marks) Formatting Considerations: Paragraph 1: describe the first event in detail. Explain how it links to the question (Example: in this case why may it be important in the development of the Cold War) Paragraph 2: describe the second event in detail. Explain how it links to the question (Example: in this case why may it be important in the development of the Cold War) Paragraph 3: Conclude. Create a judgment to answer the question (Example: Overall … was a more important reason for the development of the Cold War because…) Quick Tips: always use part of the question in your answer. This not only shows the examiner that you are focused on the task but helps to create strong links to the topic. Always save your final judgement until the final paragraph. This shows that you have considered all the evidence and created a balanced judgement after considering all the evidence first. STUDENTS CANNOT SCORE MORE THAN 5 IF THEY ONLY DISCUSS ONE BULLET POINT STUDENTS CANNOT SCORE MORE THAN 7 IF THEY HAVE NOT MADE A JUDGEMENT IF BOTH BULLET POINTS ARE DISCUSSED BUT THE LEVEL OF DETAIL IS POOR PITCH AROUND 5/10. Useful websites: 4|Page Task 1: Please answer question a) and b) on a loose-leaf piece of paper. You should use the EXAM TECHNIQUES in this booklet in order to guide you. a) The Yalta Conference was held before the end of the war and was attended by Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. Describe the decisions made at Yalta. (4 marks) b) Which event caused more tension between the superpowers: Yalta Potsdam You must refer to both in your answer. (10 marks) HELPFUL HINTS: 4 mark question: use subject specific vocabulary to show your understanding of the topic. Use you KEYWORD task at the beginning of the booklet to help this. 6 mark question: To what extent do you agree/disagree with the source? THIS MUST BE IDENTIFIED before you can make a judgement. 5|Page Task 2: Please answer question c) and d) on a loose-leaf piece of paper. You should use the EXAM TECHNIQUES to guide you. c) The Potsdam Conference was held after the defeat of Germany, but while the war against Japan was still going on. Describe why tensions between the Big 3 had emerged by the Potsdam Conference. (4 marks) d) Source B gives one interpretation of Marshall Aid. Do you agree with the view presented in this source? Explain your answer by referring to the content and purpose of the source as well as using your own knowledge. 6|Page Task 3: Please answer question a) and b) on a loose-leaf piece of paper. Helpful Hint: Ensure you use specific examples of events/evidence to support your 6 mark question judgement. e) Churchill warned Truman as early as May of 1945 about the dangers of the Soviet Union and repeated this concern in his famous ‘Iron Curtain’ speech. Describe what was meant by the term ‘Iron Curtain.’ f) Source A gives one interpretation of the division of Europe after the Second World War. Do you agree with the view presented in this source? Explain your answer by referring to the content and purpose of the source as well as using your own knowledge. (6 marks) 7|Page Task 4: Please answer question g) and h) on a loose-leaf piece of paper. Helpful Hint: Ensure your work is well supported. Include subject specific vocabulary to show the examiner your knowledge is well grounded. g) h) By June of 1948 all routes into West Berlin had been closed by Stalin. Explain why Stalin blockaded Berlin in 1948. (4 marks) Source C gives one interpretation the Berlin Blockade. Do you agree with the view presented in this source? Explain your answer by referring to the content and purpose of the source as well as using your own knowledge. (6 marks) This cartoon of 14 July 1948 by EH Shepard for the British magazine Punch shows Stalin watching as storks fly coal and food into Berlin 8|Page Task 5: Assigned Dec 7th Due: Dec 11. Please answer question i) and j). Remember to have your answer reflect the appropriate length and structure of each question type. i) NATO was signed in April of 1948. Explain why NATO and the Warsaw Pact were formed. (4 marks) j) Which event made developed the Cold War further between 1949-55? Soviet Expansion NATO and the Warsaw Pact You must refer to both in your answer. (10 marks) Task 6: Please answer question k) and l). k) Source A gives one interpretation of Soviet expansion into Eastern Europe. Do you agree with the view presented in this source? Explain your answer by referring to the content and purpose of the source as well as using your own knowledge. (6 marks) Source A Mr Churchill now takes the stand of the warmongers and he is not alone. He has friends not only in Britain, but in the United States…As a result of the German invasion, the Soviet Union’s loss of life has been several times greater than that of Britain and the USA put together. And so what can be surprising about the fact that the Soviet Union, anxious for its future safety, is trying to see to it that governments loyal to the Soviet Union should exist in the countries through which the Germans made their invasion? How can anyone who has not taken leave of his senses describe these peaceful hopes of the Soviet Union as expansionist? Stalin’s response to Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech, 1946. 9|Page l) Which event increased tensions between the superpowers the most: Berlin Blockade The Korean War You must refer to both in your answer (10 marks) Task 7: STRETCH AND CHALLENGE (OPTIONAL) m) Which factor increased tensions between the USSR and USA the most? Soviet Expansion in Eastern Europe Marshall Aid You must refer to both in your answer (10 marks) 10 | P a g e Reflection: Self-Assessment: a) How confident are you feeling about your content knowledge of this topic? (5 being high, 0 being low) 0 1 2 3 4 5 b) How confident are you feeling about your knowledge of exam style techniques? (5 being high, 0 being low) Have you made progress from Semester 2? 0 1 2 3 4 c) Identify one area for improvement. This will be your target for next term so please make sure it is a SMART target. Thank you for all your hard work! It will pay off during your exams. 11 | P a g e 5