CHAPTER 13 The New Deal Franklin Delano Roosevelt BACKGROUND: •Wealthy NY family, but taught that he had an obligation to help less fortunate •Educated @ Harvard & Columbia •Marries distant cousin, Eleanor Roosevelt •Had been: NY State Senator, Gov of NY •Stricken with polio at age 39 *Eleanor Roosevelt *Will become one of our most noted First Ladies, working particularly on human rights IDEAS FOR ACTION >Believed the government should aid people in need (*vs the prevailing idea of that time of “rugged individualism”) >Believed the government’s actions during WWI could be applied to fighting the depression “Brain Trust” *FDR’S CABINET OF ADVISORS Conditions FDR faced upon taking office… HOMELESS, SOUP KITCHENS, BREAD LINES, ETC. Desperation and hopelessness… “HOOVERVILLES” – shanty towns on outskirts of cities, in city parks, etc. A “FLOP” HOUSE APPLE PEDDLERS “Buy an apple a day and eat the Depression away” QUOTES FROM FDR’S FIRST INAUGURAL ADDRESS: “THE ONLY THING WE NEED FEAR IS FEAR ITSELF” “THE NATION ASKS FOR ACTION AND ACTION NOW” F.D.R. CALLED FOR “BOLD EXPERIMENTATION” FDR’S GOALS: 1. RELIEF TO UNEMPLOYED ASAP! 2. HELP ECONOMY RECOVER 3. CORRECT WHAT HAD CAUSED CRISIS (REFORM) The First Hundred Days *F.D.R. PUSHES 15 MAJOR PIECES OF LEGISLATION THROUGH CONGRESS TO COMBAT THE DEPRESSION *Every President since FDR has had his Presidency evaluated after its first hundred days… Bank Holiday Banks were closed nationwide to stop panicked withdrawals *Finances of banks were then examined and: ~ Financially sound banks allowed to reopen ~ Essentially sound banks reopened with help from gov’t ~ Fiscally insolvent banks liquidated (like the Bank of Boulder) Fireside Chats *Informal radio addresses to promote his programs to the American people “… your money will be safer in a reopened bank than under your mattress…” C.C.C. *ENLISTED SINGLE MEN 18 – 25 YRS OLD TO WORK IN FORESTRY CAMPS *GOV’T PAID ROOM, BOARD, AND A SALARY, ALLOWING WORKERS TO SEND MONEY TO THEIR FAMILIES CCC Camps *EX. FORT MISSOULA IN MT Federal Emergency Relief Act *GOV’T AGENCY THAT GAVE MONEY TO STATE AND LOCAL WELFARE AGENCIES, WHICH THEN DISTRIBUTED IT TO THE UNEMPLOYED **GAVE OUT $5 MILLION IN FIRST 2 HOURS OF OPERATION Civil Works Administration *PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY THAT EMPLOYED MILLIONS CONSTRUCTING ROADS, AIRPORTS, ATHLETIC FIELDS, ETC. **Ends in 1934 after spending over $200 Million A month and putting over 4 million people to work AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT (A.A.A.) AGENCY THAT PAID FARMERS TO NOT PLANT (as many) CROPS AND TO NOT RAISE (as many) LIVESTOCK IN AN EFFORT TO REDUCE SUPPLY AND RAISE PRICES * 5 MILLION PIGLETS & MILLIONS OF ACRES OF COTTON DESTROYED IN EARLY 1933 TO REDUCE SURPLUS… NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY ACT ~ Gave workers right to unionize ~ Created N.R.A. National Recovery Administration N.R.A. ENFORCED CODES OVER WORKING CONDITIONS, PRODUCTION, AND PRICES FOR MANY INDUSTRIES *Symbol – Blue eagle *Slogan – “We Do Our Part” ** Codes resented & ignored by some and proved difficult to enforce INITIAL SUPPORT FOR THE N.R.A. IS WIDESPREAD P.W.A. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION PUT PEOPLE TO WORK BUILDING BRIDGES, DAMS, PORTS, SCHOOLS, NAVAL SHIPS, ETC. Ex. FORT PECK DAM IN MONTANA *Over $4 Billion spent…) T.V.A. Tennessee Valley Authority BUILDS SERIES OF DAMS IN TENN. VALLEY AREA TRANSFORMS ENTIRE REGION THROUGH GOV’T SPONSORED CONSTRUCTION, CONSERVATION, AND SOCIAL PLANNING CRITICIZED BY MANY FOR: ~ UNFAIR COMPETITION WHEN FED GOV’T SOLD POWER FROM DAMS CREATED ~ FED GOV’T BEING INVOLVED WHERE IT SHOULD BE A STATE & LOCAL MATTER TRUTH-IN-SECURITIES ACT AN EFFORT TO END IRRESPONSIBLE SPECULATION IN THE STOCK MARKET BY REQUIRING PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION F.D.I.C. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation TO RESTORE PEOPLES’ CONFIDENCE IN BANKS THE GOV’T INSURED SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AGAINST BANK FAILURES WITH THIS GOVERNMENT AGENCY FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION (FCA) PROVIDED LOW INTEREST LOANS TO PREVENT FORECLOSURES *HELPED AS MANY AS 300 FARMERS A DAY… **Homeowners Loan Corporation did the same for as many as 1,000 families a day… First Hundred Days ends when Congress recesses *Hopes are high that the legislation passed will impact Depression in a positive way F.D.R.’S CRITICS Huey Long -“The Kingfish” *This influential Louisiana Senator starts out as a FDR supporter but becomes a critic and rival… His “Share our Wealth” program – would have taxed income over $1 million at 100% and redistributed the money to the poor *His fate – assassinated in 1935 by a political rival in Louisiana Charles Coughlin The “Radio Priest” Talked about an international conspiracy of bankers Also known for anti-Semitic (anti-Jewish) remarks and an anti-communist stand His positions eventually force the Catholic Church to censure– or silence him. Dr. Francis E. Townsend Promoted a pension program for seniors - $200 a month for everyone over 60 years old He claims this would: >Open up jobs for younger people >Stimulate economy with the spending of this pension money *Though his program isn’t put into effect, the idea of a gov’t pension for the elderly is realized with the later creation of - The Supreme Court Struck down a number of New Deal programs as unconstitutional Exs. A.A.A. & N.R.A. *Fiscal conservatives were also opposed to FDR’s prolific spending – deficit spending in particular The Second New Deal As unemployment continued, FDR & Congress launch the “2nd Hundred Days” (Summer 1935) – another period of relief and reform legislation W.P.A. Works Progress Administration >Yet another publics works program, funded by Congress with $4.8 billion >hospitals, schools, parks, playgrounds, and airports all built by W.P.A. projects Harry Hopkins, Head of WPA The W.P.A. also provided for: Federal Theater Project Employed actors, writers, etc. to put on plays Federal Art Project Hired artists to paint murals, posters, etc. *Some of these public works programs were criticized as “make work” that unnecessarily swelled the Federal deficit N.Y.A. – National Youth Administration provided part time jobs to keep young people in both high school and college 1935 Wagner Act Law passed that: ~ guaranteed right of labor to organize or form unions ~ established the National Labor Relations Board Social Security Sec of Labor appointee Francis Perkins refused to take that position until FDR listened to her ideas on Social Security Provides for: 1. National pension for elderly 2. State run unemployment insurance program 3. Support for handicapped and dependant children Francis Perkins Some criticisms of Social Security included: >Didn’t go far enough/cover enough people >Would ruin people’s self-reliance & make them reliant upon the government >Many saw it as a step toward Socialism *SS security issue for the future – too many (Baby Boomer)recipients and not enough workers paying into the fund!