Name Date Block Units X & XI: Memory & Intelligence You will be given separately copies of the Power Point for Unit IX: Memory (except for the portions covered in class) & Unit X: Intelligence You can use your outlines, your notes, & the Power Point copies for this assignment. Answer the below questions as completely as possible The majority of the questions are asking you to give a definition and an example. However, some of them are just simply answering the question This will be due the day of the test; it will not be accepted late. For this assignment, you can work individually or with others. When I ask for an example, use a different example than what I gave in the notes Memory Term Definition Example Retrospective memory Prospective memory Part Three parts of memory: Definition Example Part Two types of encoding Definition Example 1) 2) 3) 1) 2) Term Definition Spacing effect Serial position effect How we process information: Example Method Definition Example 1) 2) 3) Method How we mentally organize information for encoding: Definition Example 1) 2) Part Three stage processing model of memory Definition Two types 1) Example 2) Example 3) Other name for “Three Stage Processing Model of Memory” Name Definition Two type of LTM Part of Brain Name Definition Part of Brain Example 1) Type 1 2) Type 2 Example of Type 1 Term Recall Recognition Context effects State-dependent memory Mood-congruent Encoding failure Storage decay Retrieval failure Interference/nega tive transfer Example of Type 2 Definition Example Proactive interference Retroactive interference Imagination effects Source amnesia/source misattribution Answer the below questions as completely as possible What are two theories as to why we forget? When someone is suffering from depression, when asked about how they remember high school, how might they remember it? When they’re being successfully treated, how might they remember it? What is the term for this? You dream about being stuck in an elevator. Years later, you tell the story as if it actually happened. What is the term for this? A person is asked to remember who she went to homecoming with her freshman year. She can’t remember, but guesses based on who she had a crush on at the time, who was also the person she went with her sophomore year. From then on she remembers that she went to homecoming with the same person freshman and sophomore year, even though that is not the case. What is the term for this? In a well-known experiment, people recall differently depending on which verb was used. The person remembers the car as going faster when the word “smashed” was used as opposed to the word “hit.” What is the term for that? Term Intelligence & Testing Definition Example Reification What is the difference between IQ vs. EQ In Spearman’s TwoFactor Theory of Intelligence, what is S and G? What is the difference between the two? What is the difference between single and multiple intelligence What did Thurstone try to set out to prove? What did he prove instead? What is the major criticism of Howard Gardner and his Theory of Multiple Intelligence? What is a major criticism of over emotional intelligence? This person believed that intelligence is more than being book smart, that there could be a “managerial” intelligence. People who could problem solve very well, use people to their best abilities, etc. He looked at the fact that many successful people either dropped out of college or did not do well in college, such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Donald Trump. Name the person and his theory. This person looked at how adaptable people are; are they good at dealing with new situations or do they need predictability and routines. He looked at why some people who did well in high school didn’t necessarily do well in college. Name the person and his theory. It is important that a guidance counselor or a teacher have this type of intelligence, because they are working with people all day. Definition Example of each Aptitude vs. Achievement Part Three principles of test construction Definition Example 1) 2) 3) Identify as specifically as possible which principle of test construction is being described Giving 1st block 60 minutes to take the test and 3rd Your ruler is only 11” long, not 12”. You have measured 100 objects block 55 minutes to take the test does not use this: with it Foot size as a way to measure intelligence You take the Unit IX test, but only 1 – 99 (odd). The next day you take the Unit IX test, but 2 – 100 (even). Both scores should show what? If they do, the test is said to show what? A person who scores high on the SAT’s should do well in college. This shows what? On one question on the AP Psych test, 99% of the people got that question wrong, which would indicate that the question was too difficult. A measure of intelligence based on head size is likely to have a low level of this: But a high level of this: