Last time… Fields, forces, work, and potential + + Electric forces and work Potential energy stored in electric field Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 1 Work, KE, and potential energy When particle is not isolated, Wexternal K U Work done on system Change in kinetic energy Change in electric potential energy Works for constant electric field if U qE r Only electric potential energy difference point is chosen Sometimes a reference E.g. U r 0 at r (0,0,0) Then U r qE r for uniform electric field Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 2 Electric potential V Electric potential difference V is the electric potential energy / unit charge = U/q For uniform electric field, U r qE r V r E r q q This is only valid for a uniform electric field Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 3 Check for uniform E-field Push particle against E-field, or across E-field Which requires work? + Increasing electric potential in this direction Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Constant electric potential in this direction + Decreasing electric potential in this direction 4 Quick Quiz Two points in space A and B have electric potential VA=20 volts and VB=100 volts. How much work does it take to move a +100µC charge from A to B? A. +2 mJ B. -20 mJ C. +8 mJ D. +100 mJ E. -100 mJ Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 5 Potential from electric field dV E d V Vo d d E d V Vo E d V=Vo V Vo E d dV largest in direction of E-field. dV smallest (zero) perpendicular to E-field Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 6 Electric potential: general U F Coulomb ds qE ds q E ds Electric potential energy difference U proportional to charge q that work is done on U /q V Electric potential difference E ds Depends only on charges that create E-fields Electric field usually created by some charge distribution. V(r) is electric potential of that charge distribution V has units of Joules / Coulomb = Volts Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 7 Electric potential of point charge kQ Electric field from point charge Q is E 2 rˆ r What is the electric potential difference? V end r final E ds start k Define V r 0 Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Q k dx 2 rinitial r r final Q Q Q k k r rinitial rinital rfinal Then Q V r k for point charge r 8 Equipotential lines Lines of constant potential In 3D, surfaces of constant potential Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 9 Topographic map Each lines is constant elevation Same as constant gravitational potential gh (energy = mgh) Height interval between lines constant Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 10 Electric field from potential Said before that dW Fext ds FCoulomb ds dV E ds Spell out the vectors: for This works dV E x dx E y dy E z dz dV dV dV Ex , Ey , Ez dx dy dz Usually written Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 dV dV dV E V , , dx dy dz Physics 208 Lecture 10 11 Quick Quiz Suppose the electric potential is constant everywhere. What is the electric field? A) Positive B) Negative C) Increasing D) Decreasing E) Zero Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 12 Electric Potential - Uniform Field dV E ds VB VA B B B E ds Exˆ ds A Edx E A B A dx E x B xA A B A Constant E-field corresponds to linearly decreasing (in direction of E) potential Here V depends only on x, not on y x Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 13 Check of basic cases Previous quick quiz: uniform potential corresponds to zero electric field E V constant 0 Linear potential corresponds to constant electric field E V Ex Ex, Ex, Ex Exˆ y z x Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 14 Potential and charge Have shown that a conductor has an electric potential, and that potential depends on its charge For a charged conducting sphere: + + + + + + + + + + + Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Q k V R V k Q R R Electric potential proportional to total charge Physics 208 Lecture 10 15 Quick Quiz Consider this conducting object. When it has total charge Qo, its electric potential is Vo. When it has charge 2Qo, its electric potential A. is Vo B. is 2Vo C. is 4Vo D. depends on shape Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 16 Capacitance Electric potential of any conducting object proportional to its total charge. 1 V Q C C = capacitance Large capacitance: need lots of charge to change potential Small capacitance: small charge can change potential. Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 17 Capacitors Where did the charge come from? Usually transferred from another conducting object, leaving opposite charge behind A capacitor consists of two conductors Conductors generically called ‘plates’ Charge transferred between plates Plates carry equal and opposite charges Potential difference between plates proportional to charge transferred Q Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 18 Definition of Capacitance Same as for single conductor 1 V Q C but V = potential difference between plates Q = charge transferred between plates SI unit of capacitance is farad (F) = 1 Coulomb / Volt This is a very large unit: typically use mF = 10-6 F, nF = 10-9 F, pF = 10-12 F Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 19 How was charge transferred? Battery has fixed electric potential difference across its terminals Conducting plates connected to battery terminals by conducting wires. Vplates = Vbattery across plates Electrons move V from negative battery terminal to -Q plate from +Q plate to positive battery terminal This charge motion requires work The battery supplies the work Q CV Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 20 Work done to charge a capacitor Requires work to transfer charge dq from one plate: q dW Vdq dq C Total work = sum of incremental work Q W 0 q Q2 dq C 2C Work done stored as potential energy in capacitor Q2 1 1 2 U QV CV 2C 2 2 Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 21 Example: Parallel plate capacitor +Q Charge Q moved from right outer conductor to left conductor -Q inner Charge only on inner surfaces Plate surfaces are charge sheets, each producing E-field E left E right /2o /2o /o Uniform field between plates d Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 22 Quick Quiz Electric field between plates of infinite parallel-plate capacitor has a constant value /o. What is the field outside of the plates? A. /o B. /2o C. - /2o D. /4o E. 0 Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 23 What is potential difference? Potential difference = V+-V= - (work to move charge q from + plate to plate) / q qEd/q d V Ed d /o Q o A d V V V Q o A Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Q Physics 208 Lecture 10 E d - -Q 24 What is the capacitance? d V V V Q o A V Q /C C o A d -Q This is a geometrical factor +Q Energy stored in parallel-plate capacitor 1 1 o A 1 2 2 U CV Ed Ado E 2 2 2 d Energy density Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 2 1 U /Ad o E 2 2 Physics 208 Lecture 10 d 25 Human capacitors Cell membrane: 100 µm ‘Empty space’ separating charged fluids (conductors) ~ 7 - 8 nm thick In combination w/fluids, acts as parallel-plate capacitor Extracellular fluid Plasma membrane Cytoplasm Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 26 Modeling a cell membrane A- K+ Extracellular fluid + + + + + + 7-8 nm V~0.1 V Plasma membrane - - - - - - Cytoplasm Na+ Cl- Ionic charge at surfaces of conducting fluids Capacitance: o A d Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Charges are +/- ions instead of electrons Charge motion is through cell membrane (ion channels) rather than through wire Otherwise, acts as a capacitor ~0.1 V ‘resting’ potential 100 µm sphere ~ 3x10-4 cm2 surface area 8.85 10 12 F /m4 50 10 m 6 8 109 m Physics 208 Lecture 10 2 3.5 1011 F 35 pF ~0.1µF/cm2 27 Cell membrane depolarization K+ A- Cell membrane can reverse potential by opening ion channels. Potential change ~ 0.12 V Extracellular fluid - + - + - + - + - + + 7-8 nm Ions flow through ion channels V~0.1 V V~-0.02 V Plasma membrane Channel spacing ~ 10xmembrane thickness (~ 100 channels / µm2 ) + - + - + - + - + - + Cytoplasm How many ions flow through each channel? Na+ Cl- Charge xfer required Q=CV=(35 pF)(0.12V) =(35x10-12 C/V)(0.12V) = 4.2x10-12 Coulombs 1.6x10-19 C/ion -> 2.6x107 ions flow (100 channels/µm2)x4(50 µm)2=3.14x106 ion channels Ion flow / channel =(2.6x107 ions) / 3.14x106 channels ~ 7 ions/channel Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 28 Cell membrane as dielectric K+ A- Extracellular fluid + + + + + + 7-8 nm Plasma membrane Membrane is not really empty It has molecules inside that respond to electric field. The molecules in the membrane can be polarized - - - - - Cytoplasm Na+ Cl- Dielectric: insulating materials can respond to an electric field by generating an opposing field. Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 29 Effect of E-field on insulators If the molecules of the dielectric are non-polar molecules, the electric field produces some charge separation This produces an induced dipole moment + E=0 Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 + E Physics 208 Lecture 10 30 Dielectrics in a capacitor An external field can polarize the dielectric The induced electric field is opposite to the original field The total field and the potential are lower than w/o dielectric E = E0/ kand V = V0/ k The capacitance increases C = k C0 Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 Eind E0 31 Cell membrane as dielectric K+ A- Extracellular fluid + + + + + + 7-8 nm Plasma membrane - - - - - - Without dielectric, we found 7 ions/channel were needed to depolarize the membrane. Suppose lipid bilayer has dielectric constant of 10. How may ions / channel needed? Cytoplasm Na+ A. 70 Cl- B. 7 C. 0.7 C increases by factor of 10 10 times as much charged needed to reach potential Tues. Oct. 6, 2009 Physics 208 Lecture 10 32