
Staff Immigration and Right to Work:

Refresher and Introduction to New Processes

Staff Immigration Team

July 2014



Team 1

Staff Immigration Team

Immigration - Sponsored Migrants

Right to Work – updated policy and refresher of process





Staff Immigration Team (SIT)

James Baker – Staff Immigration Team Leader (starts 18 August 2014)


Natalie Goldsmith – Staff Immigration Officer

Tel: (2)89912 / email

Tim Currie – Staff Immigration Officer

Tel: (2)89909 / email






What’s new?

• Central data holding for T2 and T5 migrants

– Process for existing migrants – starts today

– Process for new recruits – starts 1 August

– Revised and new forms

• CORE Right to Work screen going live 1 August

(departments only)

• New guidance on absence

• Definition of responsibilities

• Department/college key contact

• Right to Work – revised policy and Home Office updates




Look out for this symbol!


Sponsored Migrants



What is a Sponsored Migrant?

Non-EEA national who requires sponsorship from an employer/host to obtain a work visa.

Tier 2:

• Fill a vacancy – advertised to meet RLMT requirements/ named researcher on a grant

• Hold University/college contract of employment

• Paid via University/college payroll

Tier 5:

• Supernumerary researcher/ lecturer/ external examiner

• Employed overseas by a research institute or HEI. Takes part in research/teaching that is additional to normal staffing requirements (i.e. they are not filling a post)

• Funding to meet NMW (usually funded by overseas employer/external grant but may be funded by department/college)

• Intend to return to overseas post

• Visa max. two years





Tier 2 and Tier 5 Process for New

Recruits - Overview

Stage 1:


Stage 2:

Arrival in UK

Stage 3:

During & end of spon.

Tier 2 process

Vacancy and


Interview and selection

Tier 5 process

Tier 5 opportunity identified

Tier 5 opportunity confirmed

COS application

Visa application

Arrival in the UK

Process is the same from this point

COS application

Visa application

Arrival in the UK





During and end of sponsorship

During and end of sponsorship

Stage 1: Recruitment

Vacancy and


Interview and selection

COS application

Visa application

Arrival in the UK

During and end of sponsorship

1. Advertise post to meet Resident Labour Market Test (all academic and research posts)

2. Shortlist and interview – select a candidate

3. If candidate will need a Tier 2 visa collect following data:

• Data Protection Consent Form (colleges – all T2/5. Departments – T5 only)

• Job Description for post

• Copy of Advert - RLMT proof of advertising (details coming up)

• Applications of shortlisted candidates (edited pdf from CORE) in one document

• Recruitment Decision Summary Grid (details coming up)

• Current passport and UK visa (if applicable)

• Qualification and accreditation certificates

• Allowance valuation (if applicable)

• Various other docs depending on circumstances (see CoS form)

4. Fill out Application for CoS and attach copies of the above data (details coming up)

5. CoS is assigned – visa application made and granted

6. Pre-employment administration – as for all employees

NB – Apply for COS around 3 months before start date & in-country visa applications at least

6 weeks before expiry of visa.


Seven things which must be included in an advert:

• Job title (must match contract and COS, and be consistent across all adverts)

• Main duties and responsibilities

• Location of the job

• Salary range/package, and the terms on offer (e.g. guaranteed allowances, fixed term conditions etc.)

• Skills and experience needed

• Qualification required

• Closing date for applications

NB – Include a link to the Further Particulars in all adverts.

• Adverts to be placed for min. 28 days in two acceptable places (Universal Jobmatch for non-academic/research posts)

• Max. 12 months between date of advertising and COS issue date (academic/research) and max. 6 months for all other posts

• Print ‘live’ advert on date of posting


Recruitment Decision Summary


Shortlisted candidate name


Summary of selection panel’s reason for decision by reference to selection criteria




N Very few publications and in unrelated area. Limited experience in cell/tissue culture.









Limited experience in cell/tissue culture. Approx. 8 months from completing PhD.

High level of experience In cell/tissue culture. Excellent evidence of contribution of ideas for new projects. Excellent publication record.

High level of experience In cell/tissue culture. Good evidence of contribution of ideas for new projects but less so than selected candidate. Excellent publication record.

• Must be completed for T2 applications

• Comments must make reference to selection criteria

• Academic and research posts – best person may be selected

• All other posts – EEA national must be selected if they meet selection criteria

(even if a migrant worker better meets the criteria).

• Departments and colleges responsible for quality of information provided

• Keep recruitment documents (including interview notes)


Recruitment: COS Application Form

No changes to application details

Attach documents required

Signature no longer required; the form contains a declaration instead

Send to Angela/Laxmi as usual





Vacancy and


Stage 2: Arrival in the UK

Interview and selection

COS application

Visa application

Arrival in the UK

During and end of sponsorship

1. If migrant does not arrive on start date given on CoS, notify SIT immediately using

Changes/Leaver Form

2. Conduct RTW check before migrant commences work

3. Departments fill out Right to Work screen in CORE – for both Tier 2 and 5 even if not employees

4. Fill out Arrival Form (see form in pack) and send to SIT within five working days of start date with:

• Contact details (even if temporary)

• Contract copy

• RTW copy

• NI number (can follow if not available on arrival)

5. Communicate with migrant about reporting contact details, absence and non UK travel





Vacancy and


Interview and selection

COS application

Visa application

Arrival in the UK

During and end of sponsorship


Use the Changes/Leaver Form to inform SIT within 5 working days of:

• Change in start date on CoS/ did not arrive on start date

• Change in job details (e.g. job title/ duties/ salary/ hours/ work location)

• Change in residential address/contact details (these must always be up to date)

• Unauthorised absence (of more than ten consecutive working days)

• Authorised unpaid leave of up to one month in twelve months (Jan-Dec)

• Change in salary due to leave (maternity, paternity, adoption, sick)

• Left early (e.g. finished early/ resigned/ funding withdrawn/ dismissed)

• Change in immigration status (e.g. granted ILR/ other visa/ other nationality)

• Left as expected in line with visa


SIT is required to record/report above changes to the Home Office


Update CORE with above changes (departments only)


Record annual leave and sick absence according to policy for staff group – keep in dept/college


Repeat RTW check before visa is due to expire (unless migrant will leave in line with visa)


Send repeat RTW check with new visa for T2 and T5 sponsored migrants to SIT

NB: Applies to Tier 2 and Tier 5


Normal work related travel – does not need to be recorded or reported

Unauthorised absence – when a T2/5 migrant does not arrive for an expected work contact (e.g. to give a lecture)

– If a migrant does not show for work when expected – contact them immediately!

– If absence is explained (e.g. sick, family emergency) – not classed as unauthorised

– Record unauthorised absence and report unauthorised absences of more than ten consecutive working days to SIT (Changes/Leaver Form)

Contact details vital – must be able to contact migrant in reasonable time

– If migrant is travelling to out of contact area they must notify admin

Annual leave and sick absence – record according to staff group – and keep in department/college (Tier

2 and 5)

Communicate with migrants – about this policy

NB For Indefinite Leave to Remain Applications - migrant must record all out of UK travel for their application





Data Security and Data Protection

• Password protect documents using 7Zip (put all docs in one folder and password protect the folder) and mark emails as confidential – use password provided

• Colleges - written permission from all Tier 2 and Tier 5 migrants for university to process their data using Data Protection Consent Form

• Departments - written permission from all Tier 5 migrants for university to process their data using Data Protection Consent Form

• Please complete and provide declaration for any existing and new migrants



Team 15

• New process for all new recruitment from 1 August using Data

Checklist for T2/T5 New Recruits

• New forms will be on website from 1 August

• We will email to remind you that new process is starting

• Keep absence record (e.g. annual leave, sick) and interview notes in department/college

• Email application and data for new recruits to Angela/Laxmi






Applies to anybody issued with/with a COS application pending, before 1



Use Data Checklist for Existing T2/T5 Migrants (see website) - send data by 15 Sep


Scan documents


Name each file using the naming conventions in the checklist


Put files in one folder and password protect folder using 7Zip and the password provided


Email to

(data for existing migrants only - any new applications go to Angela/Laxmi)

NB: All recruitment info (applications, notes from final interviews, reasons for refusal) and absence records will remain in departments – do not destroy!


New recruits:

• New process to start from 1 August

• Data to be sent to SIT at three stages – use checklist:

– Recruitment (using COS Application form)

– On arrival in the UK (using On Arrival Form)

– During/end of employment (using Changes Form)

• Electronic copies only (password protect folder) – hard copies kept in personnel files

• Keep absence record (e.g. annual leave, sick) and interview notes in department/college

Existing migrants:

• Scan and send all data by 15 Sep – use checklist – starts today

• Data security – password protect folder

• Electronic copies only – hard copies kept in personnel files

• Keep absence record (e.g. annual leave, sick) and all recruitment data (applications, interview notes etc) in department/college – no need to complete Recruitment Summary Decision Grid

Migrants who have left:

• Data to remain in departments/colleges – do not destroy!





Key Contact in Departments and Colleges

• Departments – normally Departmental Administrator

• Colleges – normally member of governing body or delegated by a member of a governing body

• SIT will be writing to each Key Contact

Role of Key Contact

• Responsible for immigration and right to work compliance in each department and college (keeping our sponsor license)

• Key contact point between department/college and SIT for non-routine matters

• Contact point for audit and monitoring





Legal Advice Referral Service

• Requests from departments and colleges only (not a direct advice line for migrants)

– where a request is received from a migrant directly, we will contact department/ college

• All requests must go through SIT – departments do not take external legal advice independently

• Departments and colleges will be charged on a case by case basis – as agreed in advance with SIT

Examples of external advice:

• Advice about which route is best in a complex case

• Non-sponsored work visas such as Tier 1, ILR, EEA family permits, spouse, dependant, UK ancestry

• Appeals/ breach of conditions

• Visitor visas such as business, academic, Permitted Paid Engagements





Responsibilities for Immigration


Maintain the University’s Highly Trusted Sponsor Status with the Home Office

Assurance to the Audit and Scrutiny Committee

Departments and Colleges Staff Immigration Team (SIT)

• Recruit migrant and apply for CoS

• Provide required data to SIT before arrival, on arrival and changes while here

• Keep absence records for Tier2/5

• Key contact

• Fill in Immigration screen in CORE

• Communicate with migrants


• Manage academic contracts and files

• Supply necessary immigration data to departments/SIT

• Inform department/SIT of changes

• Issue CoS

• Record all data required by HO

• Report changes to HO

• Provide advice, training and guidance

• Communicate with migrants

• Refer non T2/5 advice to LS as required

Sponsored Migrants

• Record absence and non UK travel

• Notify dept. / college of change of personal or job details


Any Questions?







• A Home Office process to establish that each employee/casual worker has the right to work in the UK

• Must be completed before any work commences

• Only documents listed by the Home Office (List A and List B) are acceptable proof of right to work

List A documents:

• Provide permanent proof of right to work – no repeat checks required during employment

• Most commonly British/EEA passport and indefinite leave to remain visa holders

List B documents:

• Provide time limited right to work – a repeat check must be done for ALL List B’s before the document expires (unless the employee will leave on/before expiry of visa)

• Most commonly work visa/ Biometric Residence Permit holders

• Typical examples – Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 4/student, Tier 5, dependant visa





Who MUST HAVE a Right to Work check:

• Employees paid through payroll

• Casual staff paid through payroll

• Anybody else who gets a payslip

• All Tier 5 migrants

Who SHOULD have an immigration status check:

• Anybody to whom you have issued a letter to facilitate an Academic, PPE (Permitted Paid Engagement) visitor visa application/entry

• Anybody to whom you have issued a letter to facilitate Business Visitors visa application/entry (unless coming for very short visit, i.e. to attend a one-day conference)

• Anybody doing Work Experience

Check visa and passport, copy, sign, date and retain for duration of visit – similar to RTW checks process

Who does not need a right to work check:

• Self employed (HMRC rules)

• Agency (done by Agency)

• Temporary Staffing Service (done by TSS)





Obtain RTW document

Check RTW document

Copy and retain RTW document

Update CORE

(depts only)

Repeat RTW check

(List B’s only)

Use new RTW checklist

1. Obtain document:

• Only documents from List A (permanent proof of RTW) or List B (limited proof of RTW) acceptable

• Original document and see the holder in person

• Multiple appointments/engagements (List A) - a new Right to Work check should be completed if new job is in a different department/college (except colleges out-tutor spreadsheet for recording RTW)

• Multiple appointments/engagements (List B) - a new Right to Work check should be completed for each new job/piece of work


Right to Work Process

Obtain RTW document

Check RTW document

Copy and retain RTW document

Update CORE

(depts only)

Repeat RTW check

(List B’s only)

2. Check right to work:

• Document appears genuine

• Photographs and DOB consistent

• Visa in date and permits work in question

• Check any difference in name

• Employed student visa holders – note restrictions on hours (ask student to complete declaration) and keep record of term and vacation dates

NB: T4 Doctorate Extension Scheme visas – no restriction on hours

3. Copy and retain:

• Copy all pages (except passports)

• Passports - copy pages with photo, expiry date, nationality, DOB, signature, visa, biometric details (front cover no longer required)

• Sign and date copy and retain for two years after employment ends

• Send copy of Tier 2 and Tier 5 RTW docs to SIT

• Keep an up to date list of ALL List B document holders and expiry dates


Right to Work Process

Obtain RTW document

Check RTW document

Copy and retain RTW document

Update CORE

(depts only)

Repeat RTW check

(List B’s only)

4. Update CORE (departments only):

• New screen

• Completion is mandatory for all new employees, Tier 5’s and casual workers

• To be completed for existing List B staff and Tier 5’s if not already completed – this will be audited.

• Complete screen for casuals if not already completed

• See CORE Quick Reference Guide





Right to Work Process

Obtain RTW document

5. Repeat check for ALL List B’s:

Check RTW document

Copy and retain RTW document

Update CORE

(depts only)

Repeat RTW check

(List B’s only)

What is a repeat check?

• A check to determine whether the employee/casual worker is able to continue to work beyond the expiry date of their existing visa – must be completed before existing visa expires

• If you want to extend contract beyond expiry date of existing visa, you must make sure that the employee/casual worker has a new visa/ has applied for a new visa before their existing visa expires

• Not required if contract will not be extended beyond expiry of existing visa

• Repeat checks apply to ALL List B’s (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 4, Tier 5, dependant visas etc.)

• Annual repeat checks no longer required

• Put system in place to ensure repeat checks are made before visa expires

• Must keep and maintain an up to date list of ALL List B’s and the expiry date of their visa/ RTW document (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 4, Tier 5, dependant visas etc.)

• Send copy of Tier 2 and Tier 5 RTW docs to SIT

• Update CORE with new details – departments only


Right to Work Process

Obtain RTW document

Check RTW document

Copy and retain RTW document

Update CORE

(depts only)

Repeat RTW check

(List B’s only)

5. Repeat check for ALL List B’s (continued):

If extending contract beyond expiry of existing visa:

1. Approx. 3 months before expiry of existing visa check that migrant plans to extend their visa (either through SIT if Tier 2/5, or independently for any other route).

2. On/ before expiry of existing visa, complete RTW check on the new visa (if available) following steps 1-4

If on expiry date of existing visa the new visa is not yet received from Home Office:

1. Seek and retain proof that application was made (e.g. HO acknowledgement letter, proof of postage –

SIT will forward HO acknowledgement letter for Tier 2/5). Permission to work extended for 28 days while awaiting new visa.

2. On/ before 21 st day after original visa expired, complete RTW check on the new visa (if available) following steps 1-4

If by 21 st day after expiry date of existing visa the new visa is still not yet received from Home Office:

1. Contact Employers Checking Service to confirm application received and RTW can continue - contact no later than 21 days as it takes up to five days for the Home Office to respond

2. Positive verification from Home Office valid for six months.

3. Complete RTW check using new visa once received and within the six months time frame


CORE Right to Work Screen

Going live 1 August 2014

Date record opened (i.e. date RTW check completed)

Leave blank for List A – record remains open

Date record closed. Leave blank for List B until date of repeat RTW check – enter date before date of repeat check. This ‘closes’ record.

List A / List B / started pre-1997

If List A – select document

If List B – select document

Should match ‘Date From’ field

Person who checked and copied original documents

Only required if List B

Use for further info. i.e. currently applying ILR.


New CORE Right to Work Screen





Closed categories

Responsibilities for Right to Work


Maintain the University’s Highly Trusted Sponsor Status with the Home Office

Assurance to the Audit and Scrutiny Committee

Departments and Colleges Staff Immigration Team (SIT)

• Carry out RTW Checks and file

• Forward RTW checks for Tier 2/5s to SIT

• Maintain list of List B’s and expiry dates

• Key responsible contact

• Enter RTW data into CORE, inc. existing

List B’s (depts only)

• Provide guidance and training on RTW

Record RTW checks for Tier 2/5s provided by depts/colleges

Provide audit systems


• Ensure RTW check requirements fulfilled

• Enter RTW check info on CORE if




• Cooperate with departments and

33 colleges when conducting initial and repeat checks

• Understand consequences of noncompliance

Any Further Questions?





Sponsored migrants

• New recruits - use new central data process and forms from 1 August

• Existing Tier 2/5 migrants – central data process starts today. Send data to SIT by 15 Sep (starting with those who commenced employment from 10 Dec 2013)

• Departments - enter new and existing Tier 2/5 migrants into CORE by 1 Oct

• Report changes to Staff Immigration Team promptly- Changes/Leaver form

• Apply for COS around three months before start date and visa extensions no later than six weeks before visa expiry.

Right to work

• Keep an up to date list of ALL List B’s and expiry dates

• Departments - record right to work for all in CORE including casuals

• Departments - put all existing List B’s (including casuals and Tier 5’s into CORE)

Do not hesitate to contact us!

