PROTEIN SYNTHESIS • The formation of new proteins using the code carried on DNA Gene is Selected • A gene is a section of DNA coding for a particular polypeptide or protein. • When a protein is required by the cell or the organism as a whole, the gene for that protein is activated. Gene Introns and Exons Intron Exon Intron Exon Intron Exon Intron Exon • DNA is made up of coding sequences called exons and non coding sequences called introns. Transcription • An enzyme RNA Polymerase unwinds the section of DNA carrying the desired gene. • Only one strand of the DNA (the template) is recognised. • RNA Polymerase then binds to a promoter site and begins to form an RNA copy of the template strand (called messenger RNA (mRNA)). Naming the Strands DNA • The DNA strand is unwound exposing the bases that carry the genetic code. • An mRNA copy of the top coding strand is made by base pairing with the bottom template strand. Coding strand Primary RNA Template strand Messenger RNA • Free nucleotides match up with the coded sequence of DNA. • When bases pair, Uracil is present in RNA instead of Thymine. • A single stranded primary transcript that is complementary to the template strand is formed. • DNA template TAC GCC AAA TCC • mRNA codons AUG CGG UUU AGG Removal of Introns • The primary transcript contains a copy of both introns and exons. • Introns are removed and exons are spliced (joined) to form mature mRNA. Movement of mRNA • The completed single strand of mRNA migrates out of the nucleus through pores in the nuclear membrane. • mRNA binds to ribosomes. • The mRNA is divided into triplets of bases called codons. • Different codons carry the code for a particular amino acid (AA) • Other codons carry start and stop codes. Important Codon Facts • AUG is the start codon on all viable mRNA molecules. It also codes for the amino acid Methionine. • UAA, UAG, UGA are stop codes. • Many codons are degenerate – more than one codon codes for an AA. • The code is universal. The same codes work in all organisms. • 43 different combinations give 64 different codons. Amino Acid Codons Transfer RNA • Transfer RNA (tRNA) is a carrier molecule which picks up amino acids from the cytoplasm and carries them to the mRNA / ribosome complex. AA Methionine U A C anticodon Translation • A triplet of bases on the tRNA called an anticodon matches with the mRNA codon. • tRNA carrying its AA binds to the codon • The ribosome moves along the mRNA activating new codons. • AA’s are joined by peptide bonds to form long polypeptide chains. Ribosome Action • The ribosome acts as catalyst holding all the components together while bonds are formed. AA1 AA2 U A C G C C A U G C G G U U U A G G C C C U A G Peptide Bond Formation • As the ribosome moves relative to the mRNA, amino acids are added until a stop signal is reached. AA1 AA2 AA3 AA4 AA5 stop A U C A U G C G G U U U A G G C C C U A G Translation speed • Rapid protein formation can be achieved when the mRNA is attached to more than one ribosome. Electron Microscope View • mRNA (purple) binds to a ribosome. • Beads of AA’s (yellow) are joined to form a polypeptide. Questions • What name is given to a section of DNA coding for a polypeptide? • The coding sequences of DNA are known as what? • Name the enzyme responsible for unwinding the DNA helix. • How does the enzyme recognize the start of a message? • Which DNA strand is used in the base pairing process? • What name is given to the RNA strand first formed, that contains introns and exons? • In RNA, which base binds with Adenine? • What is the codon for the start of an mRNA? • What are the three stop codons? • What does the term “codons are degenerate” mean? • Why is the codon a three base sequence? • What does the term, “the genetic code is universal” mean? • What name is given to the process of forming mRNA? • What is the full name for tRNA? • What is the role of tRNA? • mRNA has a codon, tRNA has an? • What holds amino acids together in a polypeptide? • What is the role of the ribosomes? • How do the ribosomes operate that allows long amino acid chains to form? • What name is given to the process of converting an mRNA code into an amino acid sequence? • Describe one way in which the rate of translation can be increased?