Causes of the Civil War 1850-1861 Daniel Webster Compromise of 1850 Components: California admitted free Popular sovereignty in New Mexico Tougher fugitive slave law Abolition of slave trade in DC Compromise stirs debate Clay, Calhoun, and Webster Calhoun: “If you (North) will not yield, let the states agree to separate and part in peace. If you are unwilling, we should part in peace.” Webster on secession: “Heaven forbid! Where is the flag of the republic to remain? Where is the eagle still to tower?” Futures… Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 “to provide for the appointment of federal commissioners with authority to issue warrants, summon posses, and compel citizens under pain or fine or imprisonment to assist in the capture of fugitives. Commissioners who decided an accused person was a fugitive slave received $10...$5 if they decided otherwise. Uncle Tom’s Cabin Published in 1852 by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Told the story of Uncle Tom, a kind slave who is physically and emotionally terrorized by sadistic overseer Simon Legree. His death and the story shock Northern readers. Election of 1852 Franklin Pierce (Democrat-New Hampshire) Winfield Scott (Whig-Virginia) Why was each selected? 2/3 caucus rule Election Results The Sad Legacy of Franklin Pierce One of America’s worst…usually 39-40 on most rankings. Sad tragedy prior to inauguration Sad story of wife Jane Appleton Pierce Strong leadership needed…not provided Transcontinental Railroad Franklin Pierces initiative… Gadsen Purchase designed to add remaining continental territory as to build a southern route from coast to coast. Gadsden Purchase Kansas-Nebraska Act To support a railroad, the remaining territories need to be “organized into statehood” for the purpose of having the railroad. The “Terminus” Stephen A. Douglas emerges to prominence… Principal of the act: If South is to accept the Northern railroad route, they must get something…what do they get? Popular Sovereignty in Kansas/Nebraska Kansas-Nebraska Act Slavery in Kansas/Nebraska? Douglas thought the idea absurd, it was geographically impossible for slavery to exist there? So his thought, we need a railroad, so who cares if they want to have slaves in a northern climate…it will die out? Result: wrong. This became a fury! The race is on… Populate Kansas as quickly as possible with free soilers and pro slavery forces. Congressional quotes! “There are 1,1000 coming over from Platte, Co. to vote and if that ain’t enough we can send 5,000-enough to kill every #$%# abolitionist in the territory.” Quotes: “Come on Gentleman of the slave states, since there is no escaping your challenge,, I accept it on behalf of freedom. We will engage in competition for the virgin soil of Kansas, and God give victory of the side which is stronger in numbers as it is in right”. Charles Sumner Impacts of Kansas/Nebraska Act The reopening of the slavery question in the territories with almost immediate tragic results in “Bleeding Kansas” The president's hope for reelection dashed The complete realignment of the major political parties The Democrats lost influence in the North and were to become the regional proslavery party of the South The Whig Party, which had opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, died in the South and was weakened in the North A new Republican Party emerged as an immediate political force, drawing in anti-Nebraska Whigs and Democrats. Bleeding Kansas Bleeding Kansas Defined The Raid on Lawrence, Kansas. In May 1856, a band of Border Ruffians crossed the border from Missouri and attacked the free-soil community of Lawrence, looting and burning a number of buildings. Only one person was killed (one of the Ruffians), but the door to violence had been breached. The Pottawatomie Creek Massacre. A few days later, in retaliation for the Lawrence raid, abolitionist forces under the zealot John Brown attacked a small proslavery settlement on Pottawatomie Creek. On Brown’s orders, five men were executed with a scythe. John Brown John Brown The most shocking event? Charles Sumner is beaten to within an inch of his life for slandering a relative of Preston Brooks and his pro slavery views. Problem…the beating occurred in the US Senate! Sumner-Brooks Dred Scott Scott was transported from slave Missouri, to Wisconsin, sued for his freedom as he entered into free territory he must be free. Language of the decision Roger Taney the Chief Justice: “Negros had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever profit could be made by it." all men are created equal," Taney reasoned that "it is too clear for dispute, that the enslaved African race were not intended to be included, and formed no part of the people who framed and adopted this declaration. . . ." Formation of the Republican Party In 1854 a group of discontented Northern Whigs who were opposed to slavery met at this building in Ripon, Wisconsin to found the Republican Party. The party was unified in their opposition to the extension of slavery and to the misguided KansasNebraska Act The Republican caucus initially competed with the “Know-Nothing” party for influence. Both were opposed to Slavery, but the KN’s insistence on anti-Irish and antiimmigrant views limited their appeal. Impact of Dred Scott North outraged Slavery rendered possible everywhere, Mo. Compromise and Great compromise abolished. Slaves now have constitutional protection thanks to a vile 7-2 decision led by Southerner Roger B. Taney Dred Scott was labeled “property”. Election of James Buchannan Northern “doughface”. Northern (Penn) man able to move in Southern political circles… Worst president in American History…by far. LeCompton Constitution A proslavery constitution that…was arrived at illegally. When passed by the proslavery forces illegally it was backed by President Buchannan! Even southern senators insisted on a more democratic process. Result: the fraudulent constitution was defeated by a 6-1 margin by a full body of Congress! Buchannan shamed and humiliated. He chose to do next to nothing for the next few years, opening the door for the civil war! Excerpts “The legislature shall have no power to pass laws for the emancipation of slaves without the consent of the owners” “Free negroes shall not be permitted to live in or travel in this State under any circumstances.” Lincoln-Douglas Debates Senate seat in Illinois, young representative and lawyer Abraham Lincoln v. Stephen A. Douglas. Lincoln-Douglas Debates Debate #2 at Freeport. Freeport Doctrine: responding to Lincoln’s attacks on his being pro-slavery. Douglass stated that slavery could legally be barred from the territories if the territorial legislatures simply refused to enact the type of police regulations necessary to make slavery work. Without a legal framework and enforcement officials, slavery would be excluded. John Brown and Harpers Ferry Importance of the event? Impact of John Brown Led to the creation of the Southern militia system— precursor to the confederate army. Created the belief that Northern Abolitionists would kill for their cause. Execution divided the country Election of 1860 Election of 1860 “I will say then that, I am not nor have ever been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white race”. Lincoln’s views on race Why was Lincoln such a hated figure in South? Lincoln Denied to deal with Slavery. Denied rights of South to secede. Promised to protect union and federal institutions. Words were conciliatory. Secession South Carolina – Dec. 20, 1860 Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas – Feb. 1, 1861 “Confederate States of America” President Jefferson Davis Secession Order of secession South Carolina (December 21, 1860), Mississippi (January 9, 1861), Florida (January 10, 1861), Alabama (January 11, 1861), Georgia (January 19, 1861), Louisiana (January 26, 1861), and Texas (February 1, 1861). The Confederacy Border States? Lost Preserved Tennessee Maryland Virginia Delaware North Carolina Kentucky Arkansas Missouri Challenges Missouri-Border Ruffians Maryland-suspension of Habeas Corpus Delaware-only 2% slave Kentucky-”losing Kentucky is like losing the whole game” Abraham Lincoln. Antebellum Review: 1848-1860 What are the primary causes of the Civil War? What were the key events during the Antebellum that fostered the coming of war? What could have been done during the Antebellum to stop the war? Some have argued that the civil war had been coming since 1776…would you agree? Theatres of War 1861-1865 Tale of the Tape Northern Advantages Industry Executive Leadership Naval superiority Ability to supply armaments. Number of fighting men European relations Stability of political system Southern Advantages Caliber of fighting men Military leadership Defensive war “King Cotton Diplomacy” Don’t have to win the war? Fort Sumter Fort Sumter Lincoln made two promises at his innauguration that are vital… He would be “friends of the South” and not invade or pursue unprovoked military action. He had a duty to protect Federal property. Bull Run (Manassas) Federals named things after geographic features, rivers, etc…Confederates after civic sites like railroads or cities (Manassas Junction Railroad) All myths about the war dispelled This is not the Mexican American War Lincoln’s initial call for 75,000 men seems feeble. Issues a new call for 500,000 men. The war will be unlike any that we have seen. It appears clear as Irving McDowell is routed by Pierre Gustave Toutant (PGT) Beauregard that the confederates will have a distinct advantage in military leadership. Manassas Casualties were light for a civil war battle, 2000 confederates, 1600 union. Southerners lauded it as “one of the decisive battles of the world”. McDowell replaced with young bravado George McClellan who despised Lincoln and will contest his leadership in the election of 1864. Lessons of Manassas: Finance Congress passed an income tax. 3% over incomes of $800. Taxed states Took out loans amounting to $140,000,000 during that first year. Sold bonds Issued a national currency called “Greenbacks”. Lessons of Manassas: Politics Republicans in factions Democrats in factions Emergence of Radical Republicans-Charles Sumner. Uncompromising view of slaves and their future. Benjamin Wade’s view on slavery…? Peace democrats-Copperheads. “Same Constitution, Same Country, Same Slavery”. Lincoln and Dissent Lincoln didn’t care for dissent. Suspended Habeas Corpus, imprisoned 13,000. Rights of the imprisoned Ex Parte Merryman: failing to give a trial to accused…Court ruled in favor of accused. Ex Parte Milligan: declared military couts illegal in areas where regular courts were functioning…didn’t matter. Clement Vallandingham Congressman banished to Confederacy for his views…fled to Canada. “A Rich Man’s War and a Poor Man’s Fight” Confederacy Exemptions for slave owners (20 or more) Tax in Kind Southern currency: 2 cents on the dollar by 1865, hard on the poor. Union Conscription could be combated by buyin a sub for $300. Income tax Failed greenback currency Shiloh Consequences Union coming off big wins at Fort Henry and Fort Donnellson. Grant’s men surprised at Shiloh Church. Staggering #’s. Death toll (13,000) in 2 days exceeded the combined total of the American Revolution, War of 1812, French and Indian War, and Mexican American War. May 1862: Union Offensive On to Richmond Peninsula Campaign May, 1862. McClellan moves, hammered by Johnston and then Lee. Lee/McClellan contrast. Battle of Seven Days: 30,000 lost. McClellan replaced with John Pope. McClellan’s Peninsula Campaign Instead of advancing through northern Virginia, where he was sure huge rebel armies lurked, the Union commander proposed instead to ship his 121,500-man Army of the Potomac to the tip of the York-James Peninsula by sea, then fight his way west to Richmond. The Peninsular Campaign began in March 1862 more than seven months after McClellan took command. Lincoln and Emancipation Believed in “gradual emancipation” Had spoken of this “type” of plan as far back as 1849. Offered south “compensated emancipation” Emancipation: Summer of 1862 Lincoln’s unwavering goal: “my paramount objective is to save the Union. It is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and I if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it” July 1862 Correspondence with Horace Greeley Contradiction From the “London Times” “Where he has no power Mr. Lincoln will set the negroes free, where he retains power he will consider them as slaves.” (referencing the border states.) Emancipation Proclamation Changed focus of Secretary of State: war from restoration of union to slavery. Many found it ironic that it only dealt with slaves in lands outside of union control? William Seward: "We show our symapthy with slavery by emancipating slaves where we cannot reach them and holding them in bondage where we can set them free." Antietam Bloodiest Day in US History McClellan’s big break. 23,000 casualties McClellan’s failure proves costly. Emergence of Ambrose Burnside. “An act of justice” Confiscation Act. Slaves were being confiscated by the union army. July 1862 all “rebel slaveholders slaves were forever free of their servitude” A bold national statement was needed. Lincoln viewed it a military, political, and emotional necessity. Promised after Antietam Legal? 1/1/1863 Emancipation takes effect Democrats roared in anger Republicans were anything but united. Fredericksburg One of the worst union defeats. An attack on a Confederate stronghold. Several day totals: 13,000 Union, 5,000 Confederate. US Grant emerges Failure from Galena, Illinois. He had the aggressiveness that Lincoln craved, he matched Lee in that regard. Victories at Fort Donnellson and on the Tennessee River drove the confederates out of Kentucky. His perseverance at Shiloh secured a Northern victory and facilitated a slow Southern defeat in the West. Union Blockade Severing Southern commerce was key for the Union. King Cotton. “Shut the confederacy out from the world, deprived it of supplies weakened its military and naval strength”. Union victories and their contempt for slavery dashed any hope of intervention on behalf of the Confederacy. 1863-1865 5/1863: Chancellorsville 6/1864: Cold Harbor 7/1863: Gettysburg 9/1864: Fall of Atlanta 7/4/1863: Vicksburg 12/1864: Fall of 9/1863: Chickamauga Savannah 4/2 1864: Fall of Richmond 4/9: Appomattox Surrender 5/1864: Battle of the Wilderness 5/1864: Spotsylvania Court House US Grant History Ideas of warfare Chancellorsville Despite doubling Confederate forces in Chancellorsville Virginia, the recently appointed Joseph Hooker is outwitted by Lee’s genius. A devastating Union defeat, a huge victory for Lee. Key loss: Stonewall Jackson (friendly fire) The Twin Disasters Vicksburg and Gettysburg were the turning points of the Civil War. Southern forces endured cataclysmic defeats in both the North and the South, the tide had turned. They occurred one day from each other and signaled the end of the war. Vicksburg Impregnable stronghold that was sieged with a brilliant move by Grant. The civil war’s most brutal reminder of Grant’s total war philosophy. Vicksburg conclusions Lee refused the call of the Eastern armies to save western Vicksburg. He felt an invasion of the North to be more important and that eventually the weather would hamper Grant’s efforts. Grant and the Union controlled the Mississippi, the confederacy had been cut in two. Emergence of US Grant No British involvement Gettysburg Lee’s miscalculation Chancellorsville gets to his head. Invades North. Meade intercepts the force at Gettysburg, where Northern forces occupied the high ground atop the field at Little Round Top. Cemetery Ridge Lee ordered George Pickett and his men to charge the union forces, fortified atop big and little round tops. The result 28,000 casualties. The hopeless maneuver cost Lee 1/3 of his battle hardened force. Last offensive in the North for Lee. Chickamauga and Chattanooga Grant’s reputation grows Rescues victory from the jaws of defeat at Chattanooga and deals a devastating blow to the confederacy as the victory paved the way for Georgia and Sherman’s march to the sea. Grant v. Lee Total War v. Strategic War Astonishing casualty totals at: Wilderness Spotsylvania Court House Cold Harbor The Overland Campaign Wilderness Lee negated Grant’s numbers in the trees. 18000 casualties. Usually considered a draw, set the stage for other bloodshed in Spotsylvania County Virginia. Spotsylvania Court House Grant moving to Richmond, Lee moves to stop him. 120,000-60,000. Lee inflicts staggering death tolls, but Grant’s total war is taking its toll on the smaller armies. Cold Harbor Overland Campain Grant’s Union Army of the Potomac’s quest to get to Richmond. Staggering Union defeat that left even Grant bewildered at a 3-1 death toll ratio. He indicated: "I have always regretted that the last assault at Cold Harbor was ever made. I might say the same thing of the assault of the 22d of May, 1863, at Vicksburg. At Cold Harbor no advantage whatever was gained to compensate for the heavy loss we sustained." Sherman’s March to the Sea Grant’s apocalyptic march to Richmond distracted Confederate forces and after union Victories at Chattanooga and Vicksburg, Sherman had a clear path to the sea.. Battle of Kennesaw Mountain paved the way. Goal—”make Georgia howl”. Impact on election of 1864 Kennesaw Mountain Sherman embraces Lee’s concept of Total War. Atlanta left in ruin. Only Savannah spared. The March to the Sea Scorched Earth, Theft, Destruction, ruined Railroad transportation. Appomattox Court House Differing opinions April 7th, 1865 HEADQUARTERS, ARMIES LIEUTENANT-GENERAL U. S. GRANT, Commanding Armies of the U. S. GENERAL: I have received your note of this date. Though not entertaining the opinion you express of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia, I reciprocate your desire to avoid useless effusion of blood, and therefore, before considering your proposition, ask the terms you will offer on condition of its surrender. R.E. LEE, OF THE U. S. 5 P. m., April 7th, 1865 GENERAL R. E. LEE, Commanding C. S. A.: The results of the last week must convince you of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia in this struggle. I feel that it is so, and regard it as my duty to shift from myself the responsibility of any further effusion of blood by asking of you the surrender of that portion of the Confederate States army known as the Army of Northern Virginia. Generous Terms Lee was surprised to learn that Grant allowed the men to return home immediately and plant a crop, using their horses to do so. The Election of 1864 Republican and Democrats divided. Issues ranging from war handling, to emancipation, to finances, to character. Copperheads Amazing it occurred at all? Assassination of Lincoln Details Impact Toll