Course Syllabus Feel the Music 5 Primary Education

Course Syllabus
Feel the Music
Primary Education
Level 5
Unit 1. The Origin of Music and the Middle Ages
To learn, identify and define the origin of music and how it developed until the
Middle Ages.
read and extract specific information.
answer questions on a text correctly and coherently.
identify and define the origin of music.
identify the different kinds of music that emerged in the Middle Ages.
follow instructions and learn a medieval dance.
revise and name the musical signs and their corresponding rest signs.
identify and define the concept of anacrusis correctly.
distinguish between melody, harmony and rhythm.
practise and play the notes Re/D, Sol/G, La/A, Si/B, Do’/C’ and Re’/D’.
follow a simple music score and play the recorder correctly.
memorize and sing a song correctly.
recognize the importance of traditional music and songs.
identify and name the people who influenced music in the Middle Ages.
identify and name the instruments played in the Middle Ages.
identify and explain the unit content correctly and coherently.
show interest in learning about the history of music.
Medieval music: Ballad and Salterello
Medieval dance music.
The notes Re/D, Mi/E, Sol/G, La/A, Si/B, Do’/C’ and Re/D
Count Olinos’ Romance
Profane music: Canon and Madrigal
Religious music: Gregorian Chant, Conductus, Motet and Polyphonic Mass
Interpretation and Creation
The musical signs semibreve, half (minim), crotchet, quaver, semiquaver and
their rests
The anacrusis
Melody, harmony and rhythm
Recorder: Re/D, Mi/E, Sol/G, La/A, Si/B, Do’/C’ and Re/D
The Count Olinos’ Romance
Unit song: Hey, Diddle, Diddle
Basic Competences
Cultural and Artistic Competences
-To define the origin of music correctly and coherently.
-To identify and define the importance of music in the Middle Ages.
Linguistic Competences
-To read and extract specific information from written and oral texts.
-To ask and answer questions on a text correctly.
-To memorize and sing a song correctly.
-To sing with the correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Social and citizenship Competences
-To promote and use the appropriate social norms in personal relationships and
group activities.
Information and Digital Competences
-To develop and use techniques to extract specific information from a written or
oral text by observing the information depicted in the illustrations or listening to a
CD recording.
Mathematical Competences
-To use mathematical reasoning to understand the stave, the position of the notes
and the equivalents between the musical signs and their rests.
Learning How to Learn
-To identify one’s own possibilities and shortcomings in music and communicating
in the English language and develop autonomous strategies to improve them.
Evaluation Criteria
*Reads and extracts specific information.
*Answers questions on a text correctly and coherently.
*Identifies and defines the origin of music.
*Identifies the different kinds of music that emerged in the Middle Ages.
*Follows instructions and learns a medieval dance.
*Revises and names the musical signs and their corresponding rest signs.
*Identifies and defines the concept of anacrusis correctly.
*Distinguishes between melody, harmony and rhythm.
*Practises and plays the notes Re/D, Sol/G, La/A, Si/B, Do’/C’ and Re’/D’.
*Follows a simple music score and plays the recorder correctly.
*Memorizes and sings a song correctly.
*Recognizes the importance of traditional music and songs.
*Identifies and names the people who influenced music in the Middle Ages.
*Identifies and names the instruments played in the Middle Ages.
*Identifies and explains the unit content correctly and coherently.
*Shows interest in learning about the history of music.
Unit 2. The Renaissance Period
To learn, identify and define the characteristics of music and dance in the
Renaissance period.
*To read and extract specific information.
*To answer questions on a text correctly and coherently.
*To identify the characteristics of music in the Renaissance Period.
*To follow instructions and learn a new dance.
*To define the musical scale correctly.
*To describe how we use additional or ledger lines correctly and coherently.
*To follow a simple music score and practise playing the scales.
*To define the flute in the Renaissance Period.
*To play a traditional Christmas carol.
*To memorize and sing a song correctly.
*To revise and use breathing techniques correctly.
*To show interest in learning about the people who influenced music in the
Renaissance Period.
*To identify and name the instruments played in the Renaissance Period.
*To identify and explain the unit content correctly and coherently.
*To show interest in learning about the history of music.
The Renaissance: profane and religious music.
Spanish Pavanne, the Galliard
Dance music from around the world.
The musical scale
Traditional Christmas Carol
Profane music: Canon and Madrigal
Religious music: Mass, Motet
Interpretation and Creation
The treble clef, time signatures, repetition dots, bar and double bar lines on the
The musical scale
Additional or ledger lines
Reading musical scores.
The recorder: Mi/E, Fa/F, Sol/G, La/A, Si/B, Do’/C’
Traditional Christmas carol
Unit song: Dancing at the Castle
Basic Competences
Linguistic Competences
-To read and extract specific information from written and oral texts.
-To ask and answer questions on a text correctly.
-To memorize and sing a song correctly.
-To sing with the correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Information and Digital Competences
-To develop and use techniques to extract specific information from a written or
oral text by observing the information depicted in the illustrations or listening to a
CD recording.
Social and citizenship Competences
-To promote and use the appropriate social norms in personal relationships, dances
and group activities.
Cultural and Artistic Competences
-To appreciate the importance of music and dancing as a cultural patrimony and as
an important source for learning and enjoyment.
-To define the importance of the Renaissance Period correctly and coherently.
-To identify and define the importance of profane and religious music in the
Renaissance Period.
Autonomous learning competencies
-To develop and use reading and listening skills.
Evaluation Criteria
*Reads and extracts specific information.
*Answers questions on a text correctly and coherently.
*Identifies the characteristics of music in the Renaissance Period.
*Follows instructions and learns a new dance.
*Defines the musical scale correctly.
*Describes how we use additional or ledger lines correctly and coherently.
*Follows a simple music score and practises playing the scales.
*Defines the flute in the Renaissance Period.
*Plays a traditional Christmas carol.
*Memorizes and sings a song correctly.
*Revises and uses breathing techniques correctly.
*Shows interest in learning about the people who influenced music in the
Renaissance Period.
*Identifies and names the instruments played in the Renaissance Period.
*Identifies and explains the unit content correctly and coherently.
*Shows interest in learning about the history of music.
Unit 3. The Baroque Period
-To learn and appreciate the Baroque period and define its different styles of music
and dances.
*To read and extract specific information.
*To answer questions on a text correctly and coherently.
*To identify the Baroque Period in history.
*To follow instructions and learn to dance the minuet.
*To identify and define the dot, the tie and the pause or fermata.
*To follow a simple music score and practise a rhythm taking into account the dot,
the ties and pauses.
*To listen and identify the timbre of different instruments.
*To define the flute in the Baroque Period.
*To play a minuet on the recorder.
*To memorize and sing a song correctly.
*To show interest in learning about the people who influenced music in the Baroque
*To identify and name the instruments played in the Baroque Period.
*To identify and explain the unit content correctly and coherently.
*To show interest in learning about the history of music.
Baroque music: Minuet and Giga
Dance music in the Baroque period
The notes Do/C, re/D, Mi/E, Fa/F, Sol/G, La/A, Si/B, Do’/C’
Fugue, Theme with variations, Suite, Tocata and Sonata, Concert and Concerto
Interpretation and Creation
The dot, tie and pause or fermata
The recorder: the notes Do/C, re/D, Mi/E, Fa/F, Sol/G, La/A, Si/B, Do’/C’
Reading a music score.
The Minuet
Unit song: On This Autumn Day
Basic Competences
Cultural and Artistic Competences
-To define the importance of the Baroque Period correctly and coherently.
-To identify and define the changes in profane and religious music in the Baroque
Social and citizenship Competences
-To promote and use the appropriate social norms in personal relationships and
group activities.
Linguistic Competences
-To build on and use the language acquired in reading and singing activities as a
means of expressing thoughts, feelings, ideas and opinions.
-To read and extract specific information.
-To ask and answer questions on a text correctly.
Mathematical Competences
-Ability to use mathematical reasoning to understand the stave, the position of the
notes, tempo, rhythms, etc.
Knowledge and Interaction with the Physical World
-To appreciate the importance of the movement and expressive possibilities of
one’s own body in the surrounding environment.
Autonomous learning competences
- To use the recreational aspect of music and language learning to consolidate
vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.
Evaluation Criteria
*Reads and extracts specific information.
*Answers questions on a text correctly and coherently.
*Identifies the Baroque Period in history.
*Follows instructions and learns to dance the minuet.
*Identifies and defines the dot, the tie and the pause or fermata.
*Follows a simple music score and practises a rhythm taking into account the dot,
the ties and pauses.
*Listens and identifies the timbre of different instruments.
*Defines the flute in the Baroque Period.
*Plays a minuet on the recorder.
*Memorizes and sings a song correctly.
*Shows interest in learning about the people who influenced music in the Baroque
*To identify and name the instruments played in the Baroque period.
*Identifies and explains the unit content correctly and coherently.
*Shows interest in learning about the history of music.
Unit 4. The Classical Period
To appreciate, identify and define the characteristics of music and dance in the
Classical period.
*To read and extract specific information.
*To answer questions on a text correctly and coherently.
*To identify the Classical Period in history.
*To follow instructions and learn to dance free movements.
*To define the recorder in the Classical Period.
*To identify and define the interval on a music score.
*To identify the tones and semitones on a music score.
*To follow a simple music score and play a traditional melody.
*To memorize and sing a song correctly.
*To show interest in learning about the people who influenced music in the
Classical Period.
*To identify and name the instruments played in the Classical Period.
*To identify and explain the unit content correctly and coherently.
*To show interest in learning about the history of music.
Dance music in the Classical period
Free movements: Symphony No. 40 by Mozart
The notes Do/C, Re/D, Mi/E, Fa/F, Sol/G and La/A
Classical music: Sonata, Symphony, Rondo (Round)
Interpretation and Creation
The interval
Ascending and descending scales
The C Major or diatonic scale
The recorder: the notes Do/C, Re/D, Mi/E, Fa/F, Sol/G and La/A
Reading a music score
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Unit song: One Sunny, Sunday Morning
Basic Competences
Cultural and Artistic Competences
-To define the importance of the Classical Period correctly and coherently.
-To identify and define the evolution in music in the Classical Period.
Knowledge and Interaction with the Physical World
-To appreciate the importance of the movement and expressive possibilities of
one’s own body and adapt them to the surrounding environment.
Mathematical Competences
-To use mathematical reasoning to understand the stave, the position of the notes
and the equivalents between the musical signs and their rests.
Linguistic Competences
-To build on and use the language acquired in reading and singing activities as a
means to improving one’s own communication competences.
-To read and extract specific information from a written and oral text.
-To ask and answer questions on a text correctly.
Autonomy and personal initiative
To take responsibility for his/her own work, to evaluate his/her own progress in the
music and language learning process, identify mistakes and correct them.
Social and citizenship competences
-To respect the physical and intellectual differences amongst classmates and help
those with less capacity than themselves.
- To acknowledge and use the appropriate social norms when participating in group
Cultural and Artistic Competences
-To appreciate the importance of musical and artistic manifestations throughout
history as an important source for learning and enjoyment.
Autonomous learning competences
-To use autonomous learning strategies to organize the concepts presented and
complete the activities proposed.
Evaluation Criteria
*Reads and extracts specific information.
*Answers questions on a text correctly and coherently.
*Identifies the Classical Period in history.
*Follows instructions and learns to dance free movements.
*Identifies and defines the interval on a music score.
*Identifies the tones and semitones on a music score.
*Defines the flute in the Classical Period.
*Follows a simple music score and plays a traditional melody.
*Memorizes and sings a song correctly.
*Shows interest in learning about the people who influenced music in the Classical
*Identifies and names the instruments played in the Classical period.
*Identifies and explains the unit content correctly and coherently.
*Shows interest in learning about the history of music.
Unit 5. The Romantic Period I
-To appreciate, identify and define the characteristics of music and dance in the
Romantic period I.
*To read and extract specific information.
*To answer questions on a text correctly and coherently.
*To identify the Romantic Period in history.
-To enjoy listening to Classical music.
*To follow instructions and learn a regional dance.
*To identify and define the accidentals and how they are used.
*To identify and define the dynamic marks or performance directions on a music
*To play a passage on the recorder taking into account the dynamic marks.
*To define the flute in the Romantic Period.
*To follow a simple music score and play Ode to Joy.
*To memorize and sing a song correctly.
-To appreciate the importance of singing as an important source of vocabulary in
the language learning process.
*To show interest in learning about the people who influenced music in the
Romantic Period.
*To identify and name the instruments played in the Romantic period.
*To identify and explain the unit content correctly and coherently.
*To show interest in learning about the history of music.
Contra dance and laendler
Regional dances
The notes Re/D, Sol/G, La/A, Si/B, Do’/C’ and Re/D’
Ode to Joy
Music from the Romantic Period: Sonata, Bagatelles, Lied, symphonies and
Interpretation and Creation
Accidentals: sharp
Dynamics or performance directions
The recorder: Re/D, Sol/G, La/A, Si/B, Do’/C’ and Re/D’
Ode to Joy
Unit song: Tell Me The way to London Town
Basic Competences
Linguistic Competences
-To build on and use the language acquired in reading and singing activities as a
means to improving one’s own communicative competences.
-To read and extract specific information from a written and oral text.
-To ask and answer questions on a text correctly.
-To understand and carry out a choreography for a new dance.
Knowledge and Interaction with the Physical World
-To appreciate the importance of the movement and expressive possibilities of
one’s own body in the surrounding environment.
Cultural and Artistic Competences
-To appreciate the importance of musical and artistic manifestations in the
country’s cultural patrimony and as an important source for learning and
-To define the importance of the Romantic Period correctly and coherently.
Mathematical Competences
-To use mathematical reasoning to understand the stave, the position of the notes
and the equivalents between the musical signs and their rests.
Learning How to Learn Competences
-To identify one’s own possibilities and shortcomings in communicating in music
and in the English language and develop autonomous strategies to improve them.
Social and citizenship competences
-To promote and use the appropriate social norms in personal relationships and
group activities.
Autonomous learning competencies
-To use the recreational aspect of music and language learning to consolidate
vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.
Evaluation Criteria
*Reads and extracts specific information.
*Answers questions on a text correctly and coherently.
*Identifies the Romantic Period in history and enjoys listening to music.
*Follows instructions and learns a regional dance.
*Identifies and defines the accidentals and how they are used.
*Identifies and defines the dynamic marks or performance directions on a music
*Plays a passage on the recorder taking into account the dynamic marks.
*Defines the flute in the Romantic Period.
*Follows a simple music score and plays Ode to Joy.
*Memorizes and sings a song correctly.
*Shows interest in learning about the people who influenced music in the Romantic
*Identifies and names the instruments played in the Romantic period.
*Identifies and explains the unit content correctly and coherently.
*Shows interest in learning about the history of music.
Unit 6. The Romantic Period II
To appreciate, identify and define the characteristics of music and dance in the
Romantic period II.
*To read and extract specific information.
*To answer questions on a text correctly and coherently.
*To identify the second half of the Romantic Period in history.
*To follow instructions and learn a choreography.
*To identify and define tempo and movement.
*To identify and define the signs for changes in dynamic levels.
*To define the flute in the second half of the Romantic Period.
*To follow a simple music score and play Moon River.
*To memorize and sing a song correctly.
*To show interest in learning about the people who influenced music in the
Romantic Period.
*To identify and name the instruments played in the Romantic period II.
*To identify and explain the unit content correctly and coherently.
*To show interest in learning about the history of music.
Dance music from the Romantic period II
Choreography: Hungarian dances
The notes Do/C, Re/D, Mi/E, Fa/F, Sol/G, La/A, Si/B, Do’/C’ and Re’/D’
Moon River
Music from the Romantic Period: Symphony, Concert, Symphonic poem,
Overture, Lied, Sonata
Interpretation and Creation
Changes in dynamic levels: crescendo y diminuendo
Recorder. Do/C, Re/D, Mi/E, Fa/F, Sol/G, La/A, Si/B, Do’/C’ and Re’/D’
Moon River
Unit song: Dance with Me
Basic Competences
Linguistic Competences
-To use the language acquired in the music and language learning process as a
means to improving one’s own communicative competences.
Mathematical Competences
-Ability to use mathematical reasoning to understand the position of the notes
the equivalents between the musical signs.
Social and citizenship competences
-To acknowledge and use the appropriate social norms when participating in group
Autonomous learning competencies
-To use the recreational aspect of music and language learning to consolidate
vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.
Learning How to Learn Competences
-To identify one’s own possibilities and shortcomings in communicating in music
and in the English language and develop autonomous strategies to improve them.
Cultural and Artistic Competences
-To appreciate the importance of music as a cultural patrimony and as an
important source for learning, enjoyment and expressing one’s own feelings in a
creative manner.
-To define the importance of the Romantic Period correctly and coherently.
Autonomy and Personal Initiative
-To maintain a responsible attitude and perseverance in one’s own work as a means
to achieving self-esteem and self criticism.
Evaluation Criteria
*Reads and extracts specific information.
*Answers questions on a text correctly and coherently.
*Identifies the second half of the Romantic Period in history.
*Follows instructions and learns a choreography.
*Identifies and defines tempo and movement.
*Identifies and defines the signs for changes in dynamic levels.
*Defines the flute in the second half of the Romantic Period.
*Follows a simple music score and plays Moon River.
*Memorizes and sings a song correctly.
*Shows interest in learning about the people who influenced music in the Romantic
*Identifies and names the instruments played in the Romantic Period II.
*Identifies and explains the unit content correctly and coherently.
*Shows interest in learning about the history of music.