Contents Install Oracle Client ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Connect to the database .............................................................................................................................. 3 Prepare SQL Loader files ............................................................................................................................ 10 Run SQL Loader .......................................................................................................................................... 14 TIPS ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Install Oracle Client 1. Download and install Oracle client. Go to NOTE: When the installer asks, select an Administrator installation Connect to the database 1. Create a tnsames.ora file and drop it in the location below C:\app\product\\client\network\admin 2. Input the new database service in the file NOTE: In this example, I am interested in adding a connection called TESTDEV 3. Click on Net Configuration Manager 4. Select Local Net service Name Configuration 5. Click Add 6. Type the fully qualified global database name 7. Select TCP 8. Enter the database servername. Also, enter the port that database uses 9. Click on Perform a test 10. Click Next. If test does not work, click on the change login button and try another user 11. You may use the default Service Name. Click next 12. Click Next 13. Click Next. You are complete 14. When you use sqlplus just add the servicename after the username Prepare SQL Loader files 1. Create a folder called SQLLOADER 2. Create a sub folder in SQLLOADER called TEST C:\ SQLLOADER\TEST 3. Using any text editor, create the following blank files: NOTE: I am naming the files based on the data I am loading. Each file has a purpose. File Name Purpose PeopleData.log Log file for SQL Loader. Displays success or failed details PeopleData.DAT File containing the data. Extension and name may vary from client to client PeopleData.CTL Field mapping file for SQL Loader PeopleData.bad File with records that could not load PeopleData.bat Windows batch file to run sql loader commands. For Linux/Unix, use 4. Open the .CTL file Input the following in the .CTL file. Ignore the numbers on the left hand side. --NOTE: This .CTL file is loading all data as a string (default for SQL Loader). Therefore, datatypes --are not defined after the column names. --Examples of some datatypes: --DECIMAL EXTERNAL, CHAR, DATE, INTEGER EXTERNAL, CHAR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. LOAD DATA INFILE 'PeopleData.DAT' BADFILE 'PeopleData.bad' APPEND INTO TABLE S_MYTABLE FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|" TRAILING NULLCOLS ( RECORD_ID SEQUENCE, COLUMN FILLER, --Used for enclosed field delimited EX: |Sally|Smith| -- FILLER normally not used if it is sent like this: Sally|Smith LANIdTX, --LAN ID FirstNameTX, --FIRSTNAME LastNameTX, --LASTNAME EmailTX, --EMAIL WorkPhoneTX, --PHONE NUMBER --ExtTX, REMOVED --PHONE EXTENSION TitleTX, --TITLE SecurityGroupTX, --SECURITY GROUP RequestTypeTX --REQUEST TYPE ) Explanation of each line Line 1 - key words used for file Line 2 - INFILE is a keyword. Immediately after, you need to put the data file name Line 3 - BADFILE is a keyword. Immediately after, you need to put the bad file name Line 4 - APPEND INTO TABLE are keywords. Immediately after, add the name of the table Line 5 - FIELDS TERMINATED BY are keywords. Inside the "" is your delimiter for the file. In Other delimted options are: o o o o o , :: | \t x’09’ Used for CSV files Used for double colon Pipe tab delimited another method for tab delimited. Example: FIELDS TERMINATED BY x’09’ Line 5 (Optional) If your data is wrapped in quotes and you do NOT want to load the quotes with it, use the keywords OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY ‘”’. This will ignore double quotes wrapped around my data Example: FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘|’ OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED ‘”’ TRAILING NULLCOLS Line 6 - open paren. Line 7 - RECORD_ID is a name of the column in a table. SEQUENCE is a keyword in SQL Loader. This is a counter that starts at 1 and increments with each record Line 8 - FILLER is a keyword. It is used to fill in a column that is not being used. Not mandatory. It was needed for this case Lines 9- Define the columns that will be in the data file. The default datatype setting is VARCHAR2 Line 18- close paren. 5. Open the .BAT file Input the following in the .CTL file. Ignore the numbers on the left hand side. This sample is for a windows operating system 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. echo Go to SQL Loader Directory c: cd C:\SQLLOADER\TEST echo Call SQL LOADER SQLLDR USERID= DBSchemaName/DBSchemaNamePassword CONTROL=PeopleData.CTL DATA=PeopleData.DAT LOG=PeopleData.log ERRORS=50000 SKIP=1 exit Explanation of each line: Line 1 - echo command. Nothing special Line 2 - go to the C drive Line 3 - change directories to where the SQL Loader files are located Line 4 - echo command. Nothing special Line 5 - SQLLDR is a keyword to start up SQL LOADER. USERID = the username/password of the database schema CONTROL = the name of the CTL file DATA = the name of the data file it will read LOG = the name of the log file ERRORS = the value of how many errors you allow to display SKIP = the line number of the data file to skip. This is used when a datafile has a header with column names. You do not care to load the column names on line 1. So, you perform a SKIP = 1. Line 6 – exit Run SQL Loader 1. To run SQL Loader, just execute the batch file created above. TIPS 1. Review the .log file for success or failure of the data load 2. If records failed, review the .BAD file to determine which records failed out of the data file 3. If you a column is passed over as blank, you may use the following keywords to assure a value of NULL is placed in that column. Example: LANIDTX NULLIF LANIDTX = BLANKS 4. To remove whitespace before loading data into a table, use the following keywords in the column LANIDTX TERMINATED BY WHITESPACE 5. For more examples, go to this website