When a Measurement Procedure yields consistent scores when the phenomenon being measured is not changing.
Degree to which scores are free of
“measurement error”
Consistency of measurement
The extent to which measures indicate what they are intended to measure.
The match between the conceptual definition and the operational definition.
Necessary but not sufficient
Reliability is a prerequisite for measurement validity
• One needs reliability, but it’s not enough
Measuring height with reliable bathroom scale
• Measuring “aggression” with observer agreement by observing a kid hitting a Bobo doll
• 1. Stability Reliability
• 2. Equivalence Reliability
Testing phenomenon at two different times;
The degree to which the two measurements of “Sam Ting,” using same measure, are related to one another
Only works if phenomenon is unchanging
Administering same questionnaire at 2 different times
Re-examining client before deciding on intervention strategy.
• Running “trial” twice (e.. g. errors in tennis serving)
Notes on Stability Reliability
• When ratings are by an observer rather than the subjects themselves, this is called
Intraobserver Reliability or Intrarater
• Answers about the past are less reliable when they are very specific, because the questions may exceed the subjects’ capacity to remember accurately.
Inter-item (split ½)
Parallel forms
[Different types of measures]
Interobserver Agreement
-Is every observer scoring the same ?
1. Inter-item Reliability
(Internal consistency) : The association of answers to a set of questions designed to measure the same concept.
Note on Inter-item Validity
• The stronger the association among individual items and the more items included, the higher the reliability of an index
• Cronbach’s alpha is a statistic commonly used to measure inter-item reliability
• Cronbach’s alpha is based on the average of all the possible correlations of all the split 1/2s of a set of questions on a questionnaire
2. Parallel forms of Reliability
• Split ½ (inter-item)
Different types of measures
Interobserver Reliability
Is everyone measuring the same thing ?
Different measures – same time
Correspondence between measures made by different observers.
Note for Stat Students Only
The text inadvertently describes a 3 rd type of reliability that we’re not concerned with in this class: ‘goodness of fit’ about a slope line. It’s sometimes referred to as random measurement error.
Save this for Grad School =)
Note on Reliability
For Statistics people, the following quote refers to ‘ goodness of fit
’ around a slope line due to measurement error .
Secondary Definition of Reliability from a previous slide
“…or that the measured scores changes in direct correspondence to actual changes in the phenomenon”
1 . Content Validity
Face Validity
Sampling Validity (content validity)
2. Empirical Validity
Concurrent Validity
Predictive Validity
3 . Construct Validity
• confidence gained from careful inspection of a concept to see if it’s appropriate “on its face;”
In our [collective] intersubjective, informed judgment, have we measured what we want to measure?
(N.B. use of good judgment)
Example of Face Validity
• Rosenberg’s self esteem scale questions:
Content validity
• Also called “sampling validity”
• establishes that the measure covers the full range of the concept’s meaning, i.e., covers all dimensions of a concept
N.B depends on “good “ judgment
Example of content validity
Earlier SES scale in class
Authoritarian personality questions from
Walizer & Wienir
Actually I think face and content validity are probably Sam Ting
Establishes that the results from one measure match those obtained with a more direct or already validated measure of the same phenomenon (the “criterion”)
Concurrent Validity
Validity exists when a measure yields scores that are closely related to scores on a criterion measured at the same time
Does the new instrument correlate highly with an old measure of the same concept that we assume (judge) to be valid? ( use of
“good” judgment
Example of concurrent validity
• Aronson’s doodle measure of achievement motivation.
Act vs. SAT
Predictive Validity
Exits when a measure is validated by predicting scores on a criterion measured in the future
Are future events which we judge to be a result of the concept we’re measuring anticipated [predicted] by the scores we’re attempting to validate
• Use of “good” judgment
Examples of Predictive Validity
• Bronson screening test for “at risk” parenting followed up by interviewing and observing family members and school staff later
Sat / ACT scores and later college
“performance” (grades)
• Grades are “judged” to be measured validly
What’s a Construct?
• Multidimensional concept
Fuzzy concept / hard to define
Ego strength
– Love
• Concept build out of other concepts
– Force=mass * acceleration
* Ya better know these!!!!!
Consider This:
If a construct is hard to conceptualize doesn’t it make sense that it’ll be more difficult to operationalize and validate?
Construct validity
: established by showing that a measure is
(1) related to a variety of other measures as specified in a theory, used when no clear criterion exists for validation purposes (2) that the operationalization has a set of interrelated items and (3) that the operationalization has not included separate concepts
Construct validity
Check the intercorrelation of items used to measure construct judged to be valid
Use theory to predict a relationship and use a judged to be valid measure of the other variable then check for relationship
• Demonstrate that your measure isn’t related to judged to be valid measures of un related concepts
Convergent Validity
Convergent validity : achieved when one measure of a concept is associated with different types of measures in the same concept (this relies on the same type of logic as measurement triangulation)
Measures intercorrelated
Example of questions that
Questions for Companionate…intimacy
We get along well
We communicate
We like the same stuff
Our chemistry is good
We support each other
Discriminant Validity
Discriminant validity : scores on the measure to be validated are compared to scores on measures of different but related concepts and discriminant validity is achieved if the measure to be validated is
NOT strongly associated with the measures of different concepts
Measure not related to un related concepts
Questions for Passion
I think my partner is HOT
My partner turns me on
• When I’m with my partner I just feel the electricity
Using theory
Measure of constructs predicts what theory says it should
Companionate rel longevity satisfaction