Sexual Harassment
Learning Topics
 Understand what sexual harassment means
 Learn the different zones
 Supervisor’s responsibility
 What will happen in an incident
 Possible outcomes
The Navy must be composed of an integrated group of men
and women who work together to accomplish the mission
There is no place in your professional or personal lifestyle
for sexual harassment
The key to preventing sexual harassment is education. We
need to learn to recognize, resolve, and eliminate sexual
 In 2011, males filed over 1,850 sexual harassment
charges with the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission. This accounted for 16% of all charges filed
 Same sex harassment charges are growing fast in
numbers filed
 With statistics like these, you must arm yourself with the
information necessary to prevent, recognize and
eliminate sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that
consists of three criteria. The behavior:
 occurs in or have an impact on the work environment
 is unwelcome
 is sexual in nature
Navy’s Policy
 Sexual harassment in the Department of the Navy, for
both military and civilian personnel, is prohibited
Zones of Sexual Harassment
 Zones of sexual harassment are based on the “reasonable person
 These zones are used to classify behavior in relation to sexual
 Red
 Yellow
 Green
Green Zone
 Touching which could not reasonably be perceived in a sexual way
 Shaking hands
 Friendly pat on the shoulder
 Counseling on military appearance
 Social interaction
 Showing concern or encouragement
 A polite compliment
 Friendly conversation
Yellow Zone
 Violating personal “space” or initiating suggestive touching
 Whistling
 Making lewd or sexually suggestive comments
 Asking questions about personal life
 Posting posters/calendars, making jokes, using foul language.
 Leering, staring
 Making repeated requests for dates, writing unwanted letters or poems
 Making personal physical adjustments that may be interpreted as
inappropriate sexual gestures
Red Zone
 Giving or getting employment rewards in return for sexual favors
 Making threats if sexual favors are not provided
 Using status to request dates
 Showing sexually explicit pictures or remarks, writing obscene letters or
 The most severe form of sexual harassment constitutes criminal conduct
 Leadership is the key to eliminating sexual harassment
 Seniors will:
 Set the example, treating all with dignity and respect
 Not ignore or condone sexual harassment
 Take action to ensure a recipient of sexual harassment is subsequently
not the victim of reprisal or retaliation
 Shall be investigated and resolved at the lowest possible level
 Looked into promptly and with sensitivity
 Confidentiality will be maintained to the highest extent possible
Possible Outcomes
 Personnel found guilty of sexual harassment may receive one
or more of the following:
 Counseling
 Negative entries into evaluations
 Punishment under UCMJ, Article 92
 Separation from the Navy
 Sexual harassment is prohibited
 Zones of Sexual Harassment
 Red
 Yellow
 Green
 Who is Responsible?
 Incidents will be handled with care
 Outcome
Negative entries into evaluations
Punishment under UCMJ, Article 92
Separation from the Navy
 Navy Knowledge Online