Chapter 18 of Business Dynamics The Manufacturing Supply Chain This chapter adapts the stock management structure of the previous chapter to represent the supply chain in manufacturing firms The stock management structure… Is broken up into An order fulfillment structure A production starts structure A demand forecasting component Acquisition Lag AL Supply Line SL Order Rate OR Average Lifetime L Stock S Loss Rate Acquisition Rate AR Expected Acquisition Lag EAL Adjustment for Supply Line ASL Indicated Orders IO Desired Supply Line SL* Supply Line Adjustment time SLAT Desired Stock S* Adjustment for Stock AS Stock Adjustment Time SAT Desired Acquisition Rate DAR Expected Loss Rate EL Overview Production Model Work in Process Inventory Production Start Rate Inventory Production Rate Shipment Rate B B B Stockout Inventory Control WIP Control Order Fulfillment Customer Order Rate Production Scheduling demand Forecasting Inventory Coverage Production Start Rate Work in Process Inventory Inventory Production Rate Shipment Rate Manufacturing Cycle Time Desired Production Start Rate Adjustment for WIP Maximum Shipment Rate Order Fulfillment Ratio Desired Shipment Rate Desired WIP WIP Adjustment Time Inventory Adjustment Time Adjustment for Inventory Table for Order Fulfillment Minimum Order Processinig Time Desired Production Desired Inventory Expected Order Rate Desired Inventory Coverage Safety Stock Coverage Customer Order Rate Key management decisions are made by Order Fulfillment Production Scheduling Three Balancing Loops Stockout loop regulates shipments as inventory varies Inventory and WIP Control Loops adjust production starts to move the levels of inventory and WIP toward their desired levels In this initial model there are… No capacity constraints (from either labor or capital) No stocks of materials Production Structure Production Start Rate Work in Process Inventory Inventory Production Rate Production Manufacturing Cycle Time Production Rate = DELAY3(Production Start Rate, Manufacturing Cycle time) Terms Manufacturing Cycle Time—the average transit time for all items aggregated together in the model Manufacturing delay is being modeled as a fourth-order material (flow) delay Inventory Coverage An Order Fulfillment Structure Inventory Shipment Rate Maximum Shipment Rate Order Fulfillment Ratio entory ment Time Table for Order Fulfillment Minimum Order Processinig Time Desired Inventory Coverage Safety Stock Coverage Desired Shipment Rate Customer Order Rate Table for Order Fulfillment From Fig. 18-3 Desired Shipment Rate = Customer Order Rate Order Fulfillment Ratio = Table for Order Fulfillment(Maximum Shipment Rate/Desired Shipment Rate) Minimum Order Processing Time = 6 Is a constant Maximum Shipment Rate = Inventory/Minimum Order Processinig Time Safety Stock coverage = 6 Is a constant Time to Average Order Rate = 6 Is a constant Desired Inventory coverage = Minimum Order Processing Time = 6 Is a constant Desired Inventory = whatever Adjustment for Inventory = Difference between desired inventory and actual inventory, all divided by the Inventory Adjustment Time Inventory Adjustment Time = 6 Is a constant Production Start Rate A production starts structure Work in Process Inventory Production Rate Manufacturing Cycle Time Desired Production Start Rate Adjustment for WIP Desired WIP WIP Adjustment Time Inventory Adjustment Time Adjustment for Inventory Desired Production Desired Inventory Expected Order Rate Manufacturing Cycle time = 6 Is a constant Desired WIP = Manufacturing Cycle Time * Desired Production This is an implementation of Little’s Law WIP Adjustment Time = 6 Is a constant Adjustment for WIP = Guess: f(Desired WIP, WIP Adjustment time, Work in Process Inventory) Desired Production = MAX(0, Expected Order Rate + Adjustment for Inventory) Desired Production Start Rate = Adjustment for WIP + Desired Production Production Start Rate = MAX(0, Desired Production Start Rate) A demand forecasting component This structure simply smoothes the customer order rate, much like exponential smoothing would do to provide a realistic model of the forecasting process used in many firms The demand forecasting structure Expected Order Rate Change in Exp Orders Customer Order Rate Time to Average Order Rate What is the equation for Change in Exp Orders? Typical constants Minimum order processing time = 2 wks Safety Stock Coverage = 2 wks Manufacturing Cycle Time = 8 wks Inventory Adjustment Time = 8 wks WIP Adjustment Time = 2 wks Initial Stocks for Equilibrium Initial Inventory = Desired Inventory\ Initial WIP = Desired WIP Initial Expected Order Rate = Customer Order Rate These are all the initial conditions needed to create an initial equilibrium Behavior—Inventory Inventory vs. Desired Inventory 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (Week) 35 40 45 Inventory : run2 Desired Inventory : run2 Inventory drops below desired inventory 50 Behavior—The Rates The Rates 15,000 13,250 11,500 9,750 8,000 0 5 10 Customer Order Rate : run2 Production Rate : run2 Shipment Rate : run2 Production Start Rate : run2 15 20 25 30 Time (Week) 35 40 45 50 What the rate BOT charts tell us Amplification of the customer order rates by the production starts rate is unavoidable This is what causes the bull whip effect in supply chains, especially when suppliers are linked to the manufacturer by JIT Kanban or signaling systems There is a phase lag between receipt of the order and its fulfillment There is no significant oscillation What about backlogs? Boeing, like not other manufacturer, carries backlogs stretching out years. Boeing is a make to order manufacturer Consideration of backlogs modifies the order fulfillment structure Delivery Delay + - Backlog Order Fulfillment Rate + Order Rate + Target Delivery Delay B Desired Shipment Rate Order Fulfillment - + ventory Shipment Rate B + The backlog structure Backlog equations What is the equation for backlog? The equation for delivery delay is formulated from one of the most important principles in Operations Management—Little’s Law: Delivery delay = backlog/order fulfillment rate Desired Shipment Rate = Backlog/Target Delivery Delay More Backlog Equations Order fulfillment rate = shipment rate These are, however, totally different entities Shipment rate is a physical flow Order fulfillment rate is an information accounting that reduces the amount of backlog within the computer’s database Materials Inventory - Materials Inventory Coverage <Material Usage Rate> Material Delivery Rate + + - <Shipment Rate> <Materials Inventory> Materials Inventory Material Usage Rate + Maximum Material Usage Rate - Materials Control + Adjustment for Material Inventory + Material Inventory Adjustment Time + + Feasible Production Starts from Materials Production Start Rate B Materials Stockout B + + B Desired Material Delivery Rate + Material Usage Ratio + WIP Control + Minimum Material Inventory Coverage Desired Material Inventory Coverage Material Usage per Unit Table for Material Usage + Material Safety Stock Coverage + Desired Material Inventory + + Desired Material Usage Rate + + + Desired Production Start Rate + The final single supplier model - Materials Inventory Coverage + - Inventory Coverage Delivery Delay + - + Backlog <Material Usage Rate> <Shipment Rate> <Materials Inventory> <Inventory> - Material Delivery Rate + Materials Inventory + B Materials Control Desired Material Delivery Rate + + + Maximum Material Usage Rate Adjustment for Material Inventory + - Material Inventory Adjustment Time Feasible Production Starts from Materials Production Start Rate Material Usage + Ratio WIP Control + Minimum Material Inventory Coverage Desired Material Inventory Coverage Material Usage per Unit Table for Material Usage + Production Rate - Adjustment + for WIP - WIP Adjustment Time Material Safety Stock Coverage Shipment Rate B Manufacturing Cycle Time Order Fulfillment + Inventory B Materials Stockout B + Material Usage Rate + + + B Desired Shipment Rate + Work in Process Inventory Order Fulfillment Rate Order Rate Target Delivery Delay + B Inventory Control + Stockout + Maximum Shipment Rate Inventory Adjustment Time Order Fulfillment Ratio + - + Desired WIP Adjustment + from Inventory Table for Order Fulfillment Minimum Order Processing Time + Desired + Inventory + + + + Safety Stock Coverage Desired Inventory Coverage + + Desired Material Inventory Desired Material Usage Rate + + + Desired Production Start Rate + Desired Production + + <Desired Shipment Rate> Expected Order Rate Change in Exp Orders + - Time to Average <