Assessment Table Keansburg School District Art Department Course of study - ART 3 Quarterly Target Assessment Assessment Assessment Objectives Elements and Principles of Design Pre – Testing Test students current Knowledge of content through: Formative Design Advanced Art projects in which students: Summative Test Students comprehension of content through: Quiz Readings Questionnaire Survey Film review Website review Study guides Word keys Crossword puzzles Word searches Investigations Explorations Video Emphasize the combining of Design Elements and Principles to create Composition (ongoing throughout course) Art Projects Analysis Quiz Test Rubrics Journals Instruction manual Critique Videos Power-points Art exhibit/display Process Portfolio Significance of Learning Goal(s): Have an advanced understanding in design theories, elements and principles. As such, students are now challenged to develop advanced compositions synthesizing variations of design into original diverse compositional applications displaying a fluent understanding of all related design criteria. Create original design compositions, which employ advanced utilizations of balanced space and shape incorporating pattern, texture emphasis and line. Study, understand and apply various cultural design forms emulating specific techniques and traditional imagery native to specific beliefs, methodologies and practices characteristic of these societies. Create and design advanced works of Art implementing innovative applications of Positive and Negative design within both contemporary and historical venues. Complete 2 and 3 dimensional textural studies in both implied and tactile media. Create and design original avenues for implementing compositions incorporating alphanumeric symbols. Work in 2 and 3 dimensional media exploring and utilizing mastered design techniques, which employ advanced elements and principles of design in original compositions and project goals. Establish an individual direction and focus enabling you to formulate an aesthetic philosophy of design and how it is integrated into your own original Art. Tonal Drawing and Perspective Significance of Learning Goal(s): Comprehending a more advanced level of observation will enable students to implement a variety of unique drawing techniques which, they have accumulated over their studies within the Art program and engage them within creative and original drawing platforms, formulating a sense of aesthetics and developing a philosophical foundation in creative judgments. Test students current knowledge of content through: Quiz Readings Questionnaire Survey Film review Website review Study guides Word keys Crossword puzzles Word searches Investigations Explorations Video Design Advanced Art projects in which students: Test Students comprehension of content through: Art Projects Analysis Quiz Test Rubrics Journals Instruction manual Discern the characteristics Critique of gesture and quick Videos contour drawing through Power-points advanced studies Art exhibit/display interpreting figure and Process Portfolio still life models. Execute advanced contour and blind contour drawing exercises that start to build hand eye coordination. Identify specific differences between positive and negative space within advanced compositions based on observational contour drawing (ongoing throughout course). Identify how to create art; balancing both the subject matter and its surrounding negative area in ways that enhance and illustrate specific drawing objectives (ongoing throughout course) Understand and execute various scales of tonal Value Complete an advanced detailed drawing utilizing a gridding application Execute illustrations in both interior and exterior linear Perspective utilizing multiple vanishing points and light sources. Color theory and Application Significance of Learning Goal(s): Students learn of advanced color relationships through historic and cultural studies in art applying such into more complex and advanced color theory and painting project objectives. Test students current knowledge of content through: Design Advanced Art projects in which students: Test Students comprehension of content through: Quiz Readings Questionnaire Survey Film review Website review Study guides Word keys Crossword puzzles Word searches Investigations Explorations Video Identify color relationships through the creation of a color chart and color theory exercises establishing the understanding and implementation of tone, value, tints, shades and harmonies. Art Projects Analysis Quiz Test Rubrics Journals Instruction manual Critique Videos Power-points Art exhibit/display Process Portfolio Understand how advanced tone and tints of colors exhibit different artistic approaches ex. Mixing complimentary colors, black, white etc. (ongoing throughout Color Theory unit). Incorporating multiple applications of advanced color intensity in relation to color mixing and color placement (ongoing throughout Color Theory unit). Introduce color theories and families in relation to other colors to increase pictorial potential (ongoing throughout Color Theory unit). Determine how chromatic, monochromatic, analogous and/or complementary painting compositions affect the product and composition of your Art. Cumulative Projects Significance of Learning Goal(s): Students will synthesize all previously learned art skills. Develop and evaluate a portfolio of work representative of your personal growth and goals as an Artist applying both formative and summative assessment. Test students current knowledge of content through: Implement the elements and principles of design in ways that exhibit a higher level of comprehension and application. Execute advanced drawing compositions, which integrate advanced tonal drawing skills coupled with a comprehensive use of complex Linear Perspective in order to create dimensional compositions. Implement advanced color relationships through historic and cultural studies in art applying such into more complex and advanced color theory and painting project objectives. Synthesize all previously learned art skills and related methodologies to determine which appropriately relate in the execution of advanced project objectives. Execute Advanced Art projects: Advanced Value Drawings illustrating: Reflected light High Contrast Implied Textures Variable Lighting Portraiture Figure Studies Landscapes Still Life Color Pencil Grid Drawings Pastels Large Scale Original Watercolors: Landscapes Nature Studies Figure Studies Architecture Machines Advanced Acrylic Paintings: Realism Surrealism Pop Art Figure Studies A Portrait Landscapes An Multi Point Perspective: Architectural Design Composition Interior Design Composition Three Dimensional Sculpture/Assemblage Test Students comprehension of content through: Art Projects Analysis Quiz Test Rubrics Journals Instruction manual Critique Videos Power-points Art exhibit/display Product Portfolio (Digital Portfolio)